Read Tiger Time Page 6

  Before Ty could call Raja, his cell started ringing from the side of the couch. “Raja?” Ty answered his phone.

  “About that...I was just about to call you. There has been a change in plans. I can't explain on the phone, but it’s safer if we come back to Alaska. I’ll explain everything when we get in.” Ty still had his arm wrapped around Tabitha’s back, holding her close.

  “We’ll wait for Felix and catch a flight out of Cincinnati, Ohio tomorrow night. Just to be safe, since we are flying home, I don't want to go back in to Pittsburgh. Will you arrange for us to have three tickets waiting at the airport?”

  There was a short pause. “I will deal with him when I get home. Confine him to the one of the cells until I return. Thanks. We’ll see you tomorrow night at the airport.” With that, Ty hung up. “Everything is taken care of. However, I’m starving. You?”

  “Surprisingly, yes.”

  “Raja says there's a nearby town where we can get something to eat. There has to be some stores there where we can pick you up a few things you might need over the next few days. We can get everything else in Alaska. Want to go? Or do you want me to have Felix pick us up some dinner?”

  “Let’s go. We should take the book with us. I don't want to leave it here, just in case.” Tabitha went to grab her purse from the nightstand, and Ty placed the book back in his bag to put in the trunk.

  Chapter Ten

  “Dinner was delicious. Thank you.”

  Ty pointed the car toward the strip mall they’d passed on their way into town. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “I can’t remember the last time something tasted so enchanting. I haven’t been hungry the last few weeks, and when I ate, nothing has tasted right.”

  “I remember that part of the change. It was one of the worst things for me.”

  “But the raspberry cheesecake with chocolate sauce drizzled over the top...” She let out a moan as she remembered the taste in her mouth.

  “I enjoyed watching you eat that. You savored every bite like it might be your last.” He slid the car into a parking spot and turned off the engine.


  “Raja said it should have everything we need.” He grabbed the handle of door. “Come on.”

  When Ty grabbed a buggy, she gave him a questioning look. “You’re going to need at least a few outfits to get you through until we’re settled in Alaska. We also need a suitcase, unless you wish to carry everything in your arms.”

  “I don’t need much.”

  “I can see you’re worried about money again. Don’t be.”

  I’ve always worried about money. Living paycheck-to-paycheck does that to a person. I want to make the money from Betty last until I find another job. I don’t want to rely on the clan or the money my father left.

  “Are you sure you can't read minds?”

  “I think if I had that gift, I would know. You’re just easy to read sometimes. Like I told you before, there is no need to worry about it. Everything your father had went to the pack, and now it’s yours. Even if you didn't go through the change, there is a bank account set up in your name from him. You have everything you need. Your father's investments did very well, but why wouldn't they since he could see into the future? Let’s get what you need. I would like to have you to myself for a little while longer if we can make it back before Felix gets there.”

  She looked at the vast selection of clothes in dismay. No wonder I hate shopping. There is just too much to choose from. For a moment, she almost wished she was back in her apartment.

  “You better get warm things. Alaska isn’t the wet cold you’re used to, but it’s still downright cold.”

  She grabbed a couple of sweaters and turtlenecks that she favored in the winter before moving over to the jeans.

  “Tabby, just a suggestion, because I have heard women like to know what to dress for when packing. The clan knows their Queen will be arriving tomorrow, and they’re planning a party for the next night. You might want something dressy to wear. I saw a beautiful dress around this display that you might like.” He disappeared around the display, leaving her no choice but to follow.

  “Why are they having a party so soon? Why not later, once I’m settled?”

  “We should be thankful it’s the next night and not tomorrow after we arrive. The clan is full of excitement to meet you. They just want to welcome their Queen home in style. This is our way. Raja explained the time difference and what has happened, moving the celebration to the next night. When we arrive home, you’ll still have to come with me to greet our guards and high staff.”

  Ty held up the dress he’d mentioned. It was beautiful, a white sweetheart-cut dress, form-fitting to the waist, then billowing out to be free-flowing. It had a red and black belt design at the hips. As he turned it around, she realized it was backless. “What do you think?”

  “It’s beautiful. But isn’t it a bit much?”

  “Not for the welcome home party. Trust me, you need something like this.” He tossed it in the buggy. “What else do you need?”

  Crap, I going to need to get bras and underwear. It’s crazy to be self-conscious about it when he just saw me naked. I guess it is either buy them or go without. I can’t go without a bra.

  She crossed the aisle to the intimate section to grab what she needed, while silently praying Ty wouldn’t follow her. She grabbed the first few matching bra and panties sets she saw that weren’t something a Grandma would wear. If someone is going to see me naked, I want to look great.

  “You would look great in this.” Ty held up a sexy, black, baby doll negligee with pink lace trim.

  I always wanted someone who I was in sync with, someone who could finish my thoughts. Ty seems to be just that.

  She could feel her cheeks heat with embarrassment. “You can't be serious?”

  “Come on, babe, let’s get it. I want to see you in it.”

  Alice always wore fancy lingerie, even when she slept alone, but I have never been one to wear that stuff.

  “I don't know, Ty.”

  “Tabby, you’ll look great in it I promise. Once you try it on, if you don't like it, you don't have to wear it. But give it a try for me, okay?”


  Knowing she wasn’t likely to wear the negligee often, she also tossed in a pair of red and black plaid pajama bottoms and a black tank top.

  “Now you need a duffel bag or some type of suitcase for this. You know I always hated shopping before, but you’re adorable when you’re shopping,” he said, leaning over the buggy to kiss her.

  Maybe wearing lingerie isn’t such a bad idea after all.

  As they loaded the car with their purchases, she came to the realization she had more than enough stuff to last her a week. Ty insisted she get everything she would need, reminding her of the party. She’d ended up buying more makeup and hair products than she even owned in her apartment. Not a wearer of much makeup, she hadn’t known what to buy. Ty’s solution was to buy one of anything that caught her eye.

  “Now maybe we can go back to the cabin. I have a few ideas about how we can spend the time before Felix gets in,” Ty said as he pushed the trunk lid closed.

  I wish we could meet Felix tomorrow. I want Ty all to myself.

  * * *

  They arrived back at the cabin to find another car already in the driveway.

  “Shit!” Ty hit the steering wheel to emphasize he wasn't too happy Felix was there. “Do you think we could send him into town for something or to a hotel room?”

  She placed her hand on his leg, rubbing small circles. “I'm sure there is a lot of together time in our future. Remember what the book said? I must meet the members of the clan.”

  She heard Ty leave out a soft purr as she continued massaging his thigh. “I know. But I wanted you all to myself. Am I selfish?”

  “From what I hear, no. Even so, it's all right, because I want you all to myself too.”

  Ty pulled to a stop behind
the car as they watched Felix step out of his vehicle.

  “Ty...” Tabitha said, nodding to the gold aura around Felix.

  “I see it, but remember they can't, so don't act strangely. We can't let anyone know about any of this yet. You have to decide for yourself if Felix should be one we choose. After you get to know him, we’ll discuss how I feel about him and what I know about it. You need to make your own judgments about him first.” Ty opened his door and was around to her side before she could grab the handle on her own.

  “Thank you.” She stepped out of the car as Felix joined them.

  Felix dropped to his knees in front of them and reached for Tabitha’s hand. “My Queen, welcome home. The name is Felix, and I am at your service now and always.”

  What? He makes it sound as if I’m the Queen of England. She shot Ty a quick glance for help.

  “Felix, we didn’t expect you to arrive this soon. I have yet to go over this with her. I’ll have to walk her through it.” Without missing a beat, Ty gained control of the situation, and the awkwardness fell away. “Tabitha, he’s offering you his neck. When greeting a lesser shifter, you’re supposed to bend and sniff his neck. This is an act to let the Alpha know the lesser shifter is subservient to you.”

  Feeling a little odd over the whole situation, Tabitha bent and sniffed Felix's neck. When she was close enough to breathe in his scent, she smelled dried leaves, pine trees and damp ground. It was strong enough to almost convince her she was there. A rush of pleasure coursed through her body. There was no longer pain and soreness in every joint.

  Tabitha felt Ty’s hand on her arm as if he were grounding her.

  “Tabitha, you smell the clan. Everyone from our clan will smell the same. Other clans will have other smells. If you mean Felix no harm, then you kiss his neck. If you find him a threat and wish him harm, then you would bite his neck, at least until you drew blood, depending on the situation and the punishment you see fit.”

  She had no reason to harm the tiger shifter, and he was one of the chosen ones the book mentioned. She leaned in, allowing her lips to touch his neck, and placed a soft kiss there.

  “You have now accepted Felix as subservient to you. This is how the pack greets the elders when they have been away for a while or they are coming for judgment over a crime. Felix, you may rise and sweep the cabin and grounds. Tabby, once he checks the cabin, go in. There is no use in you standing in the cold. I’ll bring in the bags and then start a fire.

  Ty grab the last bag from the trunk as Felix came around the side of the house.

  “All’s clear.”

  Ty nodded as Felix reached up to close the trunk. “Thank you for coming so quickly. I’m sorry to tear you away from your family.”

  “It’s fine. I’m glad I was close. We need to do everything we can to protect our Queen from Pierce. She is your mate, the Queen of the Alaska Tigers. I will protect her with my life.” Felix paused a second, as if he wasn’t sure if he wanted to ask, “You believe the legends, don’t you? She’s the one who will unite all tigers, isn’t she? If you believe that, you must believe if she dies, our line dies also.”

  Ty decided to confide in the man who had been a trusted guard for years. “I don't just believe. I know. The last meeting I had with her father, he told me it was true. That's why it was so important I watch over her and help her with the transition. If she dies before she can bring another tiger into this world, all tigers will cease to exist.”

  Felix looked at the cabin with sadness in his eyes. “Does she know?”

  “I told her that's what everyone believes, but no, I haven’t told her I know. She has enough pressure on her right now. I don't want the change to be any more stressful for her. She will make it; her father said as much in his letter to her. You knew her father, so you know about his gift.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The men already had a nice fire going, and it was beginning to warm up the cabin, when Tabitha carried a tray with three cups of hot cocoa over to the couch. She’d always had a soft spot for cocoa on a cold night, especially when it was snowing.

  She had the impression the men had known each other for years and were old friends. First impressions tell a lot about a person, and she liked Felix.

  “Felix, if you don't mind me asking, what were you doing that you were so close when Ty called?” She snuggled against Ty’s warm body and felt him go tense. A look of fear crossed Felix’s face.

  “I didn’t think to tell her. Tabby, leave it be,” Ty said.

  She understood whatever it was, Felix didn’t want to talk about it, but she needed to know before she could make a decision about him as one of their chosen team members or not. She would have to talk to Ty about this when they were alone. But for now, she didn’t want to put Felix on the spot. After all, they’d just met. “I'm sorry—it’s personal. Just forget it.”

  “No, you have every reason to know. It’s just not something I like to talk about.” Felix set his mug on the coffee table.

  “I understand. There is a lot from my past I keep private. So just forget I asked and tell me about the adventure you and Ty took. I love hearing things about him,” she said with a smile.

  “My Queen, I shall tell you...” Felix paused a moment as if trying to gather his courage. “I have a twin brother, Henry. Growing up, the whole family thought we would both shift. Both of us had all the symptoms: the fever, body aches and pains, stomach cramps, everything. The time came to shift. I shifted. My brother’s body wanted to shift; he could feel the tiger clawing at the inside of his body, but the shift wouldn't happen. We tried taking him in to doctors of our kind, but no one could find a reason for it. The agony was just too much for him. He went through a number of treatments to try to bring the tiger out. Nothing worked. He let the tiger take him over. The vibrant twin I grew up with is no longer there. He is, for all purposes, insane. He tries to fight anyone that gets close and has to be heavily drugged. Even though he is not in tiger form, he is still deadly. He has the strength and speed of a tiger. The Ohio clan has a doctor who works with mentally ill patients. He has been looking after my brother for some time. My brother isn’t allowed to live among the clan and be treated by the clan's doctor. I tried to bring him among our clan, but we don’t have the necessary means to take care of him. I try to get back and visit him as much as I can. Most times, he doesn't know who I am, but he is the only family I have left.”

  Felix spit it out as if it was a bad drink, and he was trying to get it off his chest. Tabitha could see the pain in him at having to say it aloud, but she was relieved to know. Leaning forward, she took his large hand in hers.

  “Felix, I’m sorry. I didn't mean to cause you any discomfort. This must be difficult for you. After my change, please take as much time as you need to be with your brother. I’m sorry we interrupted your visit with him.”

  “My Queen, you are most generous. Thank you.”

  Mentally she placed Felix on the short list of guards to choose from. He has the compassion and commitment that’s needed. Instead of being with his brother, enjoying his vacation, he rushed to our call. Tonight he proved himself to me.

  Chapter Twelve

  “With three hours ahead of us, I think you should answer any questions I have. I don’t want any more speed bumps like last night,” Tabitha said as Ty pulled out on the main road. Felix was following them to Columbus, Ohio in his rental car, and then they would continue to the Cincinnati airport together. There, they would catch their red-eye flight to Fairbanks.

  “Sounds fair enough.”

  I have a feeling he will later regret this decision.

  “Let’s start with easy questions. What's your favorite color?”

  “Deep red. Especially the red in the sun as it’s setting.”

  “Do you have any siblings?”

  “No. I don't believe I do. Like you, I was a foster child. My mother, who was a tiger shifter, was killed by a were-hunter shortly after I was born.”

sp; She understood how the foster system worked and personally didn’t have a good experience with it. “Did you have a foster family, or were you in a group foster home?”

  “Until the age of nine, I was in a group home. I was a problem child, always acting out. My caseworker couldn't find a home to place me in. No one wanted to deal with a problem child. Shortly after my ninth birthday, I got fed up with the system and took off. When your father found me, I had been living on the streets for three weeks. He got me a place to stay among the other tigers and helped me through my change. After my change, he got me a job with one of the other tigers who owned a little market, and there was an apartment above the store that I could live in. He had an elderly lady who used to be a high school English teacher tutor me twice a week so I could graduate. Without that, I never would have finished school. I couldn’t attend regular classes because I still had problems controlling my shifts. It’s why most shifter children attend special schools or are homeschooled.”

  “Will I be dangerous once I shift?”

  He laid his hand over hers resting on his leg and gave a little squeeze. “No, love, you won't be dangerous. You’ll be fine. When you first go through the shift, you’re likely to shift to animal without meaning to when you’re upset. Your emotions play a huge part in shifting. When you’re young and go through it, your body is still changing.”

  “I don't want to change and get stuck like that for hours.” She heard her own fear in her voice.

  “Tabby, you’re Queen of the Tigers; you’ll be able to change at will. If you shift because of emotions, once you calm down, you’ll be able to shift back. I promise I’ll teach you everything you need to know. Don't worry.” Ty brought her hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on it. “You’ll be fine.”

  There is something comforting about having someone believe in you so much. When he says it will be fine, I believe him, and my doubts fall away.

  A smile formed on her face as she realized for the first time she had someone who cared about her and would always be there for her. “You always make me feel better. Thank you.”

  The time flew by as Tabitha continued to question Ty. No matter what the question was, Ty kept his end of the deal and answered. With some questions, she really put him on the spot.