Read Tiger Time Page 7

  “Last night I noticed you have a scar from your ribcage to your belly button. What is that from?”

  Unconsciously, Ty moved his hand away from hers and rubbed the scar as if it hurt. “Before we left Pittsburgh, some men from Pierce’s gang found our location and attacked. I believe they were trying to scare us into leaving Pierce alone. There were only a few there when the attack happened, and I was protecting Tora, Raja's sister, who was pregnant at the time. Pierce attacked with a large dagger while I was fighting off one of his gang members, and he got me there.”

  “And Tora…”

  “Tora survived. Her daughter is a little over a year old.”

  “Have you ever killed someone?”

  Ty took his eyes off the road for a second to look at her. “Yes, but only either to protect myself or someone else. It’s not something I take lightly or wish to do, but it is my job as Alpha. I must determine the punishments for tigers that disobey the rules. I, or someone I dictate it to, must hunt down and kill any rogue tigers from our clan. This is something we will have to do once you take over as Queen of all Tigers also. I have never hurt or killed someone who didn't deserve it. Are you okay with this?”

  “I understand this is something that happens. But as long as you’re not killing innocents, that's fine. We’re tigers. I accept that. Which means things are different for us than normal people.”

  This should bother me, shouldn’t it? But it doesn’t. I understand this has to happen. Eye for an eye kind of thing, I guess. Funny until now I didn’t realize I supported the death penalty. Will Mike get the death penalty for murdering Alice? I hope so.

  “I’m still amazed you have taken all of this so well. Your father would have been pleased.”

  The rest of the trip to Columbus passed quickly. Tabitha was able to find out a lot about the clan. At only thirty-seven members, not including Raja, Ty or herself, it was like a large family . . . and it was now hers.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It was just before nine o’clock in the evening when they arrived at the clan’s complex ten miles outside of North Pole, Alaska. Ty resided in a wing in the main compound, allowing him to be available but still have some privacy.

  Tabitha took in her new home while Ty dismissed Felix by explaining they were tired from the long journey and time change. But there were things they would need to discuss with Raja before they could turn in.

  Once the guards exited, leaving Raja, Ty and Tabitha alone in Ty's quarters, Raja dropped to his knee. “My Queen, it is a pleasure to serve you. I’m so glad you’re among us again. You have been missed.”

  Tabitha remembered Ty telling her they would greet her like this since she had been away for a while. This time, as she bent to kiss Raja’s neck, she expected the forest smell.

  Raja rose, turning to leave.

  “Raja, there is much to discuss,” Ty said.

  “Yes, My King. I assumed you would like to be alone.” He stopped halfway to the door.

  “That’s true, but we must deal with the business first. There will be plenty of time after. Tabby, it’s up to you if you wish to lie down or join us. I know you must be tired, and you didn't sleep long on the plane.” Ty came to stand next to her, draping his arm across her shoulders, drawing her into his body.

  “No. I’ll stay. If I’m to be Queen, then I must deal with this business as well.”

  He laid a kiss on her cheek before leading her toward the kitchen table. “Come, Raja tell us about Hunter.”

  “As you know, Hunter isn’t a new shifter and knows the rules. My understanding is he was arguing with his girlfriend. Instead of controlling his anger, he shifted in front of her. She was unaware she was dating a shifter, and most likely for good reason, because she freaked out. When she ran, he chased her.” Raja paused, looking from Ty to Tabitha before continuing. “She was killed.”

  “Witnesses?” Ty asked


  “Hunter has been confined to the compound since we spoke?”

  “Yes. He has been confined in one of our cells below. He is very agitated.”

  “Tomorrow afternoon we will have a clan meeting to announce his punishment. He’ll be unable to change for six months and will have no contact with humans for an additional five years. I’ll place the collar around his neck at the meeting,” Ty said.

  “I’ll inform the members of the meeting. Tomorrow night is also Tabitha's welcome home party unless you wish us to move it to another night.”

  Tabitha didn't wait for Ty to answer. “No, that's fine, Raja. I’m sure the clan meeting can be held earlier in the day. I look forward to meeting everyone. I have never had a party thrown for me. It's an honor.”

  Raja nodded. “I know you have had a long trip and must be tired. If that’s all, I’ll leave you to rest.”

  “Raja, there is more we need to discuss.” Ty went to retrieve his duffle bag from the entryway where they’d left their stuff when they had arrived. Returning, he handed the book to Tabitha. “Tabitha's father asked me to protect this book and hand it over to Tabitha when we were sure she was going to go through the change. The legends you have heard about her line are true. She’s the last of the first line of tigers. If she is killed before she can continue the line, the tiger shifters will die with her.”

  Raja looked stunned. “I thought those were all legends.”

  “Even after her father told me, that's what I thought too, until I saw the book come alive in her hands.” Ty nodded toward her.

  Her eyes widened. Heir? “You didn’t mention the legend said I must have an heir or the tiger shifters will die. Why?”

  “I felt you had enough on your plate. Getting you home was our top priority.”

  Tabitha leaned forward, setting the book on the table, before touching the lock. As her fingers came in contact with the metal, it sprang open and flipped right to where the book started writing for them last time. The words that had come alive for them were still there. If she was in Raja’s position, she would have wanted proof. She turned the book toward him, allowing him to read it for himself.

  “Let’s say for just one moment that I believe all of this, and it’s not some joke. Why are you showing it to me?” Raja looked from one to the other, a dubious expression on his face, as though he’d just read that aliens existed.

  “We’re showing you this because we need you on board. If you can't be of help, then we need to know now. There’s a lot that will have to change if I’m going to unite the tiger shifters. I need to make sure I have a strong group of supporters and people who want the same thing,” Tabitha said, realizing she wanted Raja on her side.

  “I'm sorry, my Queen. This is all just a shock. What can I do to help?”

  “Nothing at the moment. I need to get to know the members of the clan. I need to know who is part of the chosen tigers, then I can make my choices. Once I have gotten to know them better, hopefully in the next week or so, we can sit down and discuss them. I want to know Ty’s and your opinions on these people, since you have known them longer than I have. However, the final decision will be mine and Ty's. We just needed you to know.”

  “I understand, my Queen. Thank you for including me in this. Is that all, then?”

  “That will be all for tonight. We need to get some rest. We’ll discuss this again soon.” Ty rose from the table.

  “Okay. Welcome home again.” Raja bowed before he left.

  When the door was closed behind Raja, Ty grabbed the book from the coffee table and said, “Tabby, let’s go to bed.” His tone made it clear sleep was the last thing on his mind.

  He didn’t need to ask her twice.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The sun had been spilling through the curtains for hours, but Tabitha and Ty were still in bed, enjoying their time together. Tabitha’s head rested in the crook of Ty’s shoulder while he rubbed his hand up and down her arm in lazy circles.

  At the bedroom door, there was a gentle knock.

Come in,” Ty said, not bothering to get up. There were locks on the door to his compound, but he never bothered to lock them. The only ones who would dare enter the area were the guards.

  “I’m sorry to disturb you, but the meeting is arranged for noon.” Raja carried a tray full of food.

  “Thank you, Raja. Please leave us to eat and get ready. Arrive back here promptly at eleven forty-five.” Ty sat up in bed and took the tray from Raja.

  With a nod, Raja was gone.

  The food had Tabitha’s mouth watering. Waffles were one of her favorite foods.

  “We have some of the best chefs here. You’d be hard-pressed to find anything as good as they make. Dig in.” Ty laid the tray on her legs.

  The first bite had her forgetting how to breathe. The waffles melted in her mouth, and the syrup was sweet yet bold and full of maple flavor. Gaining control of herself, she remembered what she wanted to ask Ty before being sidetracked by the aroma. “Why did you ask Raja to join us before the clan meeting?”

  “It’s normal procedure. It gives us a few moments to make sure everything is in order. Also when we enter the clan meeting, having the three of us together will give us a stronger presence.”

  * * *

  Tabitha was just slipping on the emerald green sweater she’d picked up on their shopping spree when she heard Raja’s voice. Ty had already discussed the meeting with her, and he was just going over the same things with Raja. Knowing there was no reason to rush, she did a double-check of her makeup.

  There is no reason to be so nervous. These people want me here, or they wouldn’t be going through so much to make me feel at home. Ty wouldn’t have come across the country if I didn’t belong here. The pep talk was doing nothing to calm her knotted stomach. Biting the bullet, she joined the men, hoping she could keep her nerves a secret.

  “Tabby, we need…”

  Ty’s words stopped as she strolled into the living room. “Sorry.”

  “You’re fine. They can’t start without us. I just wanted to get a move on.” He placed her hand in his. “Tabby, there is nothing to worry about. They’re happy to have you home, but you won't have time to mingle with them now. We need to take care of business, and the clan can get back to preparing for tonight's festivities. If you want to be nervous about something, be nervous about the party. With everyone demanding the Queen’s attention, you might end up with a jealous mate.” He laughed before kissing her.

  * * *

  The conference room was a large, open room with a slightly higher platform that dominated the area. It was nothing like she’d expected. In the conference rooms she had been in before, there was normally a large table with chairs surrounding it. I guess when you have forty members, it would be hard to find a table large enough.

  In front of the platform, the chairs were set up in two rows of five with a walkway between them. The members were already there chatting amongst themselves when Tabitha, Ty and Raja entered.

  Already on the platform was a man, looking worse for wear, wearing only jeans and heavy iron chains on his wrists and ankles. Two guards stood on either side of him. She assumed it was Hunter.

  Tabitha’s stomach went from knots to doing flip-flops as Ty, still holding her hand, led them toward the microphone. “The first order of business is to introduce you to your Queen. After too many years, Tabitha has returned home as my mate.”

  Everyone dropped to their knees. “Welcome home, Queen Tabitha,” the audience chorused.

  Ty stepped back, allowing Tabitha to access the microphone. “Thank you, I’m pleased to be among you. I look forward to speaking to as many of you as I can tonight. Those I don't get to tonight, I promise you will have your turn. I want to get to know each and every one of you.”

  “Now we have other business to attend to.” Ty turned toward the guards. “Please bring Hunter forward and have him take his place.”

  The guards brought the prisoner in front of Ty and Tabitha, and Hunter kneeled in front of them. “Hunter, you have been charged with changing in front of a human and murder. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”

  Hunter looked at them with such hatred in his eyes, causing Tabitha to suck in a harsh breath. “I don't know what happened. I think she drugged me. I never would have done this otherwise. I…”

  Before he could continue, Ty brought up his hand, silencing the man before them. “Raja thought you might say something like that. There were alcohol and drug tests done on you after your capture. They were clean. You were not drugged. You just let your emotions take hold of you, and this is not the first time. Therefore, as punishment for this crime, you will be unable to change for the next six months, and you will be confined to the cell downstairs until the collar is removed. After that, you will have no contact with humans or leave the compound for five years.” Ty gave a nod to Raja.

  In an instant, everything changed. Raja stepped forward with the collar. Hunter, knowing his fate, didn’t want to go down without a fight. He went after Ty, attacking in human form, because with the chains, he couldn’t shift. Ty pushed Tabitha out of arm’s reach, toward the guards.

  One guard moved in front of her to keep her out of the way as the other one took her arm, trying to drag her away from the scene. She wanted to help Ty, but she couldn’t shift yet.

  “I won’t leave him!” she told the guards, watching as Ty and Raja became tigers, leaving their clothes torn to shreds.

  “My Queen, there is nothing you can do. You need to be somewhere safe.” Felix came from the crowd to her rescue.

  She shook her head no, and Felix didn’t fight her. He stood in front of her, ready to protect his Queen if the fight shifted their way.

  Tabitha felt helpless as the action unfolded before her. Claws ripped through flesh, sending blood splattering across the stage. Hunter was powerless to fight off two shifted tigers. Ty had Raja helping him, but her heart was in her throat. As they took Hunter to the ground, he went after Ty’s neck, leaving him no choice but to take a fatal bite from Hunter's neck.

  Hunter stopped moving, and they changed back. Ty quickly scanned the room until he found Tabitha next to Felix. His shoulders relaxed, clearly relieved when he found her standing with Felix.

  Ty turned to the clan. “Don't make Hunter's mistake. I have never put up with this kind of behavior, and I will not start now. That is showing no respect for your Queen. Now we will retire to our quarters, and we’ll see you tonight at the party.”

  Neither man seemed bothered by their nudity as they crossed the room toward Tabitha.

  Coming to stand in front of her, Ty wrapped his arms around her, pulling her against him. “Are you all right?” he whispered.

  She nodded, not trusting her voice. She held on to him as though he were the last life raft in a turbulent sea.

  “I would like to see you in my quarters in twenty minutes,” he said to Felix before he excused the man.

  As they headed toward their quarters, Raja followed behind, waiting until they were away from the other members before speaking, “If it’s all right with you, I would like to shower and put on some clothes.”

  “That's fine. I have Felix coming in twenty minutes. I would like you there before he arrives, if possible.” Raja nodded, and Tabitha followed Ty down a side hall.

  As the door closed, Ty wrapped his arms around her again, squeezing her so tightly she could barely breathe. “Ty…”

  “I'm sorry, Tabby. I just needed to feel you in my arms.” He lessened his grip slightly. “These new feelings that come with having a mate are all new to me. I wanted to make sure you were safe, but I had to take care of Hunter before he hurt someone else. My emotions were torn, but I had to do what was right for us and the clan. You didn't get hurt, did you?”

  “No, Ty. I'm fine. Felix and the other guards tried to get me out of there, but I didn't want to leave you.”

  “Next time, promise me when there is danger, you’ll let the guards defend you or get you out of there. Don't be h

  “I was in no danger. You and Raja had Hunter under control.”

  Ty took a step back from her, allowing her to see his face and the grave expression upon it. “I’m serious. Things could have gotten out of control today. You’re the Queen of all Tigers and the only true bloodline left. You need to be protected.”

  “I might still be human, but I’m not helpless. I know when to get out of the way. Stop worrying about me so much.”

  Ty refused to back down. “You don't know how vulnerable you are to the clan, and to me. You are irreplaceable. You don’t understand what lengths people like Pierce will go to, to kill you.”

  “I do understand. I know if I’m killed, the tiger shifters will die. Trust me, that scares me. I have never been responsible for something so big. I might not have gone through the change yet, but I’m not just a normal human either. Come on, you need a shower before they arrive.”

  “Won't you join me?” Ty kissed her neck.

  “Oh, what the heck.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Raja sat on a chair speaking to someone on the phone when they entered. Cutting off whoever was on the other end, he said, “I’ll call you back.”

  He stood, slipping the cell phone in his pocket. “I apologize. There was a problem with Hunter's sister.”

  Ty lowered himself to the chair and brought her with him. “Are you needed to deal with her?”

  “Thomas is taking care of it. She’s distraught over what happened to her brother and is in a state of grief. They were very close. After he was arrested, she confided in me that Hunter had changed. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but there was something different about him. They were growing apart. She asked me to help her brother. I explained to her it would be up to you what happened and most likely, he would get the help he needed. She thinks I betrayed her.”

  “I expected her to be upset, but Hunter left us no choice. You don't attack your Alpha and get away with it. The punishment for attacking your Alpha and losing is death. There is no way around that.”

  Raja nodded. “Everyone knows this, and if she were thinking clearly, she would understand, but grief does strange things to people. I had the doctor give her something to calm her. She needs to rest. I’ll speak with her soon, but this is not why we’re here.”