Read Till Death Do Us Part Page 20

  Chapter 9

  I pulled into Tink's new garage not really knowing what to expect. I could sense everyone was in the main house—including our visitor, and although the atmosphere seemed a little tense, the conversation sounded casual enough. Melanie met me at the top of the front steps.

  "Is everything okay?" I asked.

  "Fine, but you need to be prepared."

  "For what?"

  "Tink's smitten."

  "Tink? Are you serious?"

  "Don't say anything, but you'll see it—Elizabeth did."

  "Okay, mums the word." I followed Melanie into the house and then into the parlor. The woman standing next to Tink with her back to me hesitated. Her thick, black hair was wild and disheveled, her clothes a strange mix of fabrics and eras. "Hayley?" I said as she turned.


  "Izzy." I corrected.

  "Right, sorry."

  I looked closely at her eyes. They were more honey colored than the last time I saw her, but there was still a hint of crimson near the fringe of the iris. "You look good."

  "Sorry I just dropped by unannounced, but you said—"

  "No need for apologies." Tink interrupted.

  I glanced at Melanie and smiled. I turned back to Hayley. "So, change of scenery?"

  "Something like that. After you and Jason left, I kind of realized I'd been alone for a longtime and well, you did invite me."

  "Sure, it's fine, I just didn't think—"

  "Perhaps you would like to freshen up?" Tink said. I think he noticed Hayley pulling at her hair uncomfortably. "Right this way." He bowed, waving his arm toward the stairs. "We have indoor plumbing."

  Hayley followed Tink up the stairs. "Get her one of Elizabeth's dresses," Melanie yelled up after them.

  "I think the green would do quite nicely." Elizabeth added.

  The bathroom door closed and then Tink's footsteps went down the hall toward Elizabeth and Benjamin's room.

  "Seriously?" I looked around at my families smiling faces. Even Benjamin and Nathan were smiling although more subdued.

  Tink came down the stairs to join us. "What? Wouldn't be proper." he added.

  Elizabeth nodded her approval of his manners. We talked about the game for awhile. I filled them in on the exciting conclusion and how Jason had won the game. They were sorry they'd missed it. After the shower stopped, Hayley went across the hall to my room.

  "I put her things in your room. I hope that was okay?" Tink said.

  "Very gentlemanly." I replied. "I bet she doesn't wear the dress."

  "Ten dollars." Tink said, slapping a crisp ten dollar bill on the table.

  "Okay." I pulled out the two fives I had left from my money for the game.

  The steps creaked as Hayley started down. A bare foot, then the frills of Elizabeth's green southern belle dress. Tink snatched the money off the table and raced to meet her at the bottom of the steps. He was beaming—he had it bad. I just hoped his feelings were mutual.

  Hayley was radiant. The green dress accentuated her black hair that now, clean and brushed, cascaded down her back in beautiful waves. She stumbled into Tink's arms from the bottom step.

  "Sorry, I'm not used to dresses," she whispered to Tink.

  He gently set her back on her feet.

  "Beautiful." Elizabeth said, raising her chin with approval.

  "Thank you."

  Tink offered Hayley his arm and she wove her arm around his and then he escorted her into the parlor.

  "You clean up nice," I said, "I bet Alexander wouldn't recognize you."

  "Izzy!" Elizabeth gawked.

  "It's okay," Hayley said with a wink, "a mutual acquaintance."

  "Tell us more about your travels." Tink suggested.

  I'd heard some of Hayley's story before and noticed she left out the part about Alexander, but I also remembered she had said Alexander was just fun. I hoped Tink wasn't just fun. I looked over at Melanie and discretely mouthed, 'you are so right'.

  We'd been talking for more than an hour when there was suddenly tires on the gravel driveway out front. We all froze, including Hayley. It was Jason. Apparently he didn't totally get my hint. He knocked, and then opened the door.

  "A human?" Hayley whispered.

  "Anyone home? It's me." Jason stepped into the foyer.

  "Jason!" Hayley screeched and bolted toward the door.

  I launched myself into her path. The pillar between the foyer and parlor splintered as we crashed into it. Tink, Nathan and Benjamin raced toward us. I rolled off of her, putting myself between Hayley and Jason. He was so startled, he fell. I grabbed him up off the floor and pressed him behind me. When I looked back, Benjaim and Nathan were holding the upper timber from falling and Tink was knelt down at Hayley's side.

  "I'm so sorry," Hayley said as Tink pulled her to her feet. "I didn't mean to startle everyone, it's just I recognized him—who doesn't love Jason?"

  "No harm." Tink said.

  "Except to the house," Nathan complained. "We're going to need to replace the timber."

  "There's an extra one in the garage." Tink turned to Hayley. "Will you excuse me for a moment?"

  "Of course."

  Tink raced out of the house and returned with the large slab of wood over his shoulder. He made quick work of chopping it down to size. While Nathan and Benjaim heaved upward, Tink pressed the beam into position. Nathan and Benjamin let the ceiling down onto the new beam.

  "That should do for now." Benjamin said.

  Jason slipped his hand into mine and stepped out from behind me. "Hey, Hayley. Some entrance, huh?"

  We all laughed.

  I relaxed and Jason nudged me forward. "I'm sorry, Hayley. I guess I over reacted."

  "Ya think?" Jason joked.

  "It's okay, you were just protecting him." She looked down at her dress. "I'm sorry, but I've torn your beautiful dress, Elizabeth."

  "I'm quite handy with a needle and thread." Tink said before Elizabeth could respond. "Perhaps after I darn your dress, we could go for a drive."

  "A drive?" Hayley questioned.

  "Yes, it's a nice evening for a drive. I have a pickup if that would suit you."

  "A little cramped don't you think, perhaps a stroll."

  "A stroll it is then." Tink offered her his arm again and they waltzed across the room and then out the back door.

  Melanie ran her hand up Nathan's back. "It is a nice evening, a stroll sounds nice."

  Nathan turned toward Benjaim and Elizabeth. "Sir, ma'am." He nodded to Jason and I as he and Melanie walked out onto the front porch and down the steps, arm in arm.

  When I looked back, Elizabeth was looking up into Benjamin's eyes. I'd never seen her display such longing. "A stroll does sound nice." she cooed. She gave me a 'don't even think about it' glare as Benjamin walked her past us and then down the front steps and off into the woods.

  "Sorry," Jason said. "I didn't mean to breakup the party.

  "You didn't breakup the party." I hinted.

  He looked perplexed.



  I pulled his lips down to mine and kissed him. "What were you thinking coming here?"

  "I kind of figured out who you were talking about and well, Hayley sounded pretty cool when you described her."

  "Did you forget the part about her not exactly observing our feeding habits?"

  "Yeah, I guess I did."

  "Well, lucky for you she seems to have been favoring our way for some time."

  "Nah, she'd never have gotten past you." He kissed me, a hot searing kiss. "I'd forgotten just how sexy you can be."

  "Oh really?" I swept him up into my arms and carried him into the parlor and then tossed him onto the sofa. I was on top of him before he bounced, hovering over him on all fours, my breath washing down over his throat.

  He reached his head upward and kissed me. I pressed down against his lips—too hard, but not hard enough to break his skin. I returned his kiss with all
the passion I felt. I eased down and slowly, dragged my tongue up his throat to his chin.

  "Uh, Izzy?"

  I pressed my lips against his jugular.

  "Now? You want to change me now?"

  I jerked back up and started laughing. "Are you kidding? Coach would kill me!"

  Jason started laughing too. We fell off the sofa onto the floor. He was hovering over me now. He stopped laughing. His panting breath scorched my neck and upper chest. He leaned down and kissed me. I was totally on fire—in a good way, but under control—well mostly. He exhaled during our kiss, forcing his intense fire deep into my lungs. That wasn't fair.

  I rolled us over and then sat up next to him. "How about a fire?"

  He pushed up on his elbows. "As long as I live, I will never get used to that switch of yours." He leaned over and kissed my arm. "And maybe some chess?"

  "You know where the chess set is?" I asked.

  "Same place as before?"


  "Okay, ready, set, go."

  The fire was blazing—the one in the fireplace—and I was on the sofa with a coffee table in front of me, by the time Jason got back with the chess set.

  "Yeah, no fair." He sulked over and sat down next to me.

  "How about I set up the pieces?"


  "Done, you go first."

  I let him win the first game, but he knew it, although he didn't say anything. During the second game, our conversation moved to football.

  "I'm so sorry for what almost happened at tonight's game." I said.

  "You don't mean the near, loss do you?"

  "Of course, it was all my fault, I didn't mean to be such a distraction. I thought you would love it if my parents came to see you play and then Hayley, I'm so sorry."

  "Check." He moved his rook. "Okay, first off, I thought it was awesome your parents—heck your whole family thought enough of me to come to the game. Second, you won the game."

  "You won the game, but you got behind in the first place because of me."

  "No, again. I hurt my arm at the end of the third quarter and it stiffened up—that's what happened, it wasn't your fault."

  "But you threw that final pass a mile."

  "Yeah, not sure where that came from."

  "Is your arm okay?"

  "Trainer said it was probably just a strain—said rest and ice."

  I scooted closer. "I think we can take care of that." I slid my hand up under his shirt to his shoulder. "Here?"

  He folded into me. "Perfect." We rested our heads on one another's shoulders.

  I don't know how long we were like that—I could have stayed forever, but there was a discreet noise at the front door.

  "I think we have company." I whispered.

  Jason pushed out his lower lip, but slid back a little.


  "We're in here, Tink." I replied.

  I was surprised when Tink stepped around the corner alone, but he smiled and pulled Hayley up next to him. Her dress was ruffled and she had a few little, strands of straw in her hair.

  "What are you all doing?" Tink said.

  "Nothing, how about you two?"

  Hayley grinned and slid back behind Tink.

  "Elizabeth wanted me to remind you about the time." Tink said.

  Hayley poked her head out from behind him and winked.

  "Right," Jason said, getting up from the sofa. "I don't want to take advantage of their generosity." He turned to me and offered his hand. "Shall we?"

  Tink and Hayley followed us down to Jason's Rover.

  "How's the shoulder?" I asked as Jason slipped in behind the wheel.

  "Better, thanks."

  It came on so quickly, Tink and I couldn't hide our shock. Hayley tensed instantaneously.

  "What?" Jason said, picking up on the sudden change.

  I grabbed Jason out of the Rover and we headed for the house. Elizabeth, Benjamin, Melanie and Nathan caught up to us when we were halfway up the porch stairs.

  "Ladies, inside the house," Benjamin ordered, "Tink, Nathan, you're with me."

  "But—" They were gone before Hayley could finish.

  "Come, quickly." Elizabeth ordered.

  Hayley hesitated, but followed us inside. "What's going on?" she asked.

  Melanie and Elizabeth looked at me, as if I should be the one to explain.

  "There's a vampire after them," Jason said. "A really bad dude. He had a zombie army last time, but we totally destroyed them. I think we were all kind of hoping he wouldn't come back."

  Hayley looked at us. "He's serious?"

  "Yep," I said, sliding in next to Jason and patting his back, "we pretty much destroyed this guys entire army of zombie's."

  "But he's back?"

  "Kind of looks that way." I confirmed.

  "So now what?" Hayley said.

  "We keep watch and wait for the men to return with news." Elizabeth said.

  Hayley glanced toward the door. "I should go help, I'm a good tracker."

  "Not that good." I said. "Remember, you walked right past me when I hid in the tree."

  She looked toward the door again.

  "Don't fret, dear, they were soldiers, they work extremely well together. Tolliver will be safe."

  "So what do we do?" she said.

  "We will take positions where we can survey the grounds around he house." Elizabeth replied.

  "Jason and I have my room." I said. "We can see the slope up to the ridge from there."

  Elizabeth frowned obviously not approving of Jason being in my room. "Melanie, why don't you take the room you and Nathan use when you stay with us. Hayley, would you please take the guest room, and I will observe from our room."

  "Come on, Hayley," I said, "I'll show you."

  "Wait a minute," Jason said, "what about my mom and Cathy?"

  "I'm sure the men will check on their safety," Elizabeth said, "you needn't worry."

  Elizabeth and Benjamin's room filled one end of the second floor in the new floor plan. She would have a good view of the mountain side toward the south-west from there. My room was still right at the top of the stairs on the backside of the house. Melanie's room was on the opposite end of the house from Elizabeth's and the guest room was on the front of the house over the foyer. We fanned out to our separate rooms at the top of the stairs. It was quiet outside, no sign or scent of our intruder.

  Jason flopped down on my bed filling the quiet with the sound of squeaky springs. He looked up at me with a devilish grin. "I bet your mom heard that."

  "I did," Elizabeth said from the doorway.

  Jason's face turned crimson. "I'm sorry, I was just kidding."

  She scoffed at him. "Do you have a portable calling device?"

  "Your cell phone." I clarified.

  "Oh yeah, sure." Jason pulled his phone out of his back, jean pocket.

  "You need to call your mother and tell her you will be staying with us for the night." Elizabeth said.

  "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a minute. I don't think that's such a good idea." I said.

  "You would let the poor woman worry?"

  "No, you're right, we need to call her, it's just we need a good—really good explanation, especially because she already thinks the worse. I know, I'll call her, tell her Jason took some medicine for his arm and he's to drowsy to drive. I'll give Jason the phone and he can talk slurred like he's half asleep and then Jason, you give the phone to mom and she'll tell her you are fine and that nothing is going to happen."

  "And it won't." Elizabeth stated.

  "Give me your phone."

  Jason punched in his home number and handed me the phone. "It's ringing."


  "No it's Izzy, Mrs. Whitaker."

  "What's wrong? Has something happened to Jason?"

  "No, no, he's fine, well sort of. Did he tell you about his shoulder?"

  "Yes, he said he injured it early in the game."

  "Well it tightened up when h
e was here, and so we iced it like the trainer said, but it was still bothering him." I looked up at Elizabeth. "My mom was a nurse, and she gave him some pain meds, and well he's kind of zonked out."

  "Can you give me directions to your house, I'll come get him."

  Jason must have seen the confusion in my eyes, and took the phone. Slurring his words, he said, "Hey, mom... no I'm fine, my arm doesn't hurt at all... no, I don't want you out this late... I know, I know, the time just got away from us. I'll be fine... yeah, yeah, separate rooms, I know. See you in the morning. Here's Elizabeth." Jason covered the mouth piece. "Just reassure her." he said to Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth took the phone and awkwardly help it to her mouth. "Good evening, Nancy, I must apologize for our oversight, the time simply got away from us... Yes, we have a guest room where he can sleep... no, no, no, it's no trouble at all, considering the circumstances it is the very least we can do..." She looked at me and silently mouthed, 'medicine?'

  "Anti-inflammatory," I said, tell her that.

  "It was an anti-inflammatory... yes, over the counter," She shrugged not knowing exactly what that meant. "Yes, I will send him straight home in the morning, and Nancy, you don't have to worry, Izzy will behave herself..." she chortled, "Yes, and Jason too, I'll see to it. Again, please forgive me... Goodnight."

  "We're good?" Jason said.

  Elizabeth nodded. "But—"

  "No," I said, "you are not separating us. Besides, what are you going to do, put him in the room with Hayley?"

  Elizabeth took a determined step forward.

  "Hey, hey," Jason said, "Let's not fight over the human." He turned to Elizabeth. "You can trust us, honest, we won't disobey your rules, they're our rules too."

  Her expression softened. "Very well, but no, I repeat no physical contact. Do I make myself clear?"

  "Yes, ma'am." Jason replied.

  I nodded.

  "Izzy." she drew out my name.

  "Okay, fine, but if anything happens I'm going to protect him."

  "We are in agreement then." She turned and went back to her room.

  "Wow," Jason said, "your mom can be pretty intense."

  "She can hear everything we say, everyone can hear everything we say." I said.

  "That's right." Melanie called out so Jason could hear her.

  "Me too." Hayley chimed in.

  Jason gave me a devilish grin and bounced on the bed to make the springs squeak again. When I glowered at him, he settled into a rhythmic bounce.

  "Not funny." I said.

  "Yes it is." Hayley replied.

  Jason just grinned, but stopped.

  The night drug on with no sign of our intruder, or the men. Melanie explained to Hayley about the stalker and how we figured out who he was, and our last confrontation with his legions. Hayley didn't say a lot, but she had to be wondering what she'd gotten herself into.

  Despite the tension, Jason fell asleep on my bed in the wee hours of the morning. His soft rhythmic breathing had a calming affect. I looked over at him, cuddled so peacefully under my blanket. Despite our agreement, I sat down on the edge of the bed and slid my hand up to his shoulder. He stirred momentarily and mumbled, "I love you," but drifted back to sleep.

  I thought back to the nights I'd spent in his house, in his room trying to learn to cope with his scent, but it was more than that—even then—I knew there was going to be so much more to us than just predator and prey. I shivered at the memory of that night I almost gave into my primal instinct. "I'm here for you my love," I whispered. I sat with him until the eastern sky beyond the ridge out my window began to lighten.

  "We had an agreement."

  I looked up—Elizabeth was standing in my doorway.

  "I've not broken our agreement." I said.

  Elizabeth glided up to the side of the bed and stared down at Jason. "You spoke of him as 'your love'."

  "I thought you knew that. I've made no secret of how I feel about him."

  "No, I suppose you haven't, but I never really pictured it I suppose, until now. You make a stunning couple and the passion that you hold for one another is beautiful, enough to sustain one for eternity."

  "You've never spoken to me about our relationship so openly."

  "One can only deny the truth for so long. Do you still hold to the belief that you will never change him?"

  "I do, but I intend to stand by him, protect him and love him for as long as he will let me."

  "What does he think of growing old—have you even talked about that?" She lay her hand on my shoulder.

  "He thinks he will be the envy of everyman on earth—the guy with the hot young wife."


  "I didn't mean it like that—it was figurative."

  Elizabeth sank down on the corner of my bed, near Jason's head and looked down at him and then back to me. "You know how I feel about life, and what we are, and I respect your feelings in that regard, but—" She reached for me, touching my chest above my heart. "You have such longings for one another. Never, in all my years have I seen such magnetism, such desire."

  I slid my hand down from his shoulder until I was holding his hand. "Yet I'm little more than an icepack." I sighed. "I know, that's not true and I should be happy with what we have, but you're right, I do long for him so."

  "Uh, ladies?" Jason mumbled.

  Elizabeth rebounded all the way to the doorway and I sprang to my feet.

  "Jason, are you awake?" I gawked.

  "Sorry, I didn't mean to listen in—I thought it was a dream."

  I glanced toward the door, but Elizabeth was already gone. I could only imagine her embarrassment. I wasn't embarrassed—he knew how I felt about him—but I was shocked he would listen in like that especially around Elizabeth. "You should be ashamed of yourself." I slapped his arm.

  Jason pushed up on one elbow. "Honest, I thought I was dreaming—it was a great dream too." He reached for my hand but I stepped back. "Don't be that way. You know she's right—we both know it. The longer this goes on, the greater chance it will end badly. You've felt it—I know I have—the uncontrollable passion between us. It will happen one day, I know it. What I don't know is whether I will survive it." He sat up and I let him take my hand this time. "Wouldn't it be better to change me in a controlled setting—I would survive that—and I know what you've said about the agony of the change, but I would go through anything for you—for us."

  "No, Jason. What you ask can never happen—I won't let it—ever. If you can't accept that, then we should end this right here and now."

  "No, I could never walk away from you." He brought my hand to his lips and softly kissed the back, then rolled it over and kissed my palm. "You've said it yourself, we don't know what lies ahead, so I will just hold on to the dream that we will be together." He smiled up at me. "So, you long for me—nice."