Read Till Death Do Us Part Page 21

  Chapter 10

  We were all downstairs by morning, pacing—even Jason. He should have left for home as Elizabeth had promised, but we still didn't have any answers and I wouldn't let him go until I knew it was safe.

  Jason pressed the home button on his cell phone. "Hey, Mom. Izzy's mom is making breakfast, is it okay if I stay and eat—after all they did for me last night I'd feel really bad ducking out on them... Okay, cool. How about we do lunch?... Yeah sure, that sounds great. See you in a little while." He pressed the end button. "That will buy me some time."

  Elizabeth had remained on the far side of the room since Jason and I came down, but Melanie and Hayley taunted us with kissing faces every time they made eye contact with either one of us. I suspected it had more to do with easing the tension than teasing.

  "They're back." Elizabeth said, moving quickly to the kitchen door. She led the men into the parlor where the rest of us were waiting. Tink and Nathan went immediately to Hayley and Melanie. We all turned toward Benjamin.

  "We were able to confirm, with reasonable certainty, that last night's intruder was in fact the one who has been stalking us, the historian. His actions indicate it was most likely a scouting mission. Apparently he is still uncertain as to our numbers. With the same conviction, we all agree that he is no longer within fifty miles of our present location. His movements were precise, measured and seemingly well thought out with the exception of the quarry north of town."

  "What's there?" Hayley asked.

  "It's where we destroyed his zombie army." Jason replied. He looked to Benjamin. "So what's next?"

  "Although a difficult decision, we agree that it is in all of our best interests if we leave the area." He looked at Hayley. "I will leave it up to you and Tolliver to decide whether you wish to join us. Clearly, this is not your fight."

  "And me?" Jason said.

  "Once we are gone, you and your mother will be safe. He has no quarrel with you."

  "No!" I challenged. "We've been through this before, I won't leave Jason. I say we stand and fight."

  "This is not for you to decide." Elizabeth said.

  "Fine." I stepped forward into the center of the room. "I say we stand and fight—it started here, it ends here."

  Jason stepped forward. "I agree, bring it—we can take this guy."

  No one else moved. Tink and Hayley exchanged glances.

  Tink stepped forward with Hayley by his side. "With apologies, sir. We agree—stand and fight."

  It was apparent that Nathan would not disobey his former commanding officer and that Melanie would abide by his decision, although I was equally sure she would rather stand and fight. We were deadlocked.

  Elizabeth's hand slipped from Benjamin's and she slowly eased forward. "Forgive me my husband, I do not wish to dishonor you, but I will not have my family torn apart." She looked at Jason and I. "Our feelings for one another are too strong to merely walk away. And while I agree with your assessment of the situation and the danger that it represents to the members of this family, new and old—our kind and human alike—I agree we should stand and fight to put an end to this nightmare." She turned slowly looking at each one of us. "I could not bear to lose one of you—not one, but this must end." She stopped at Benjaim and then stepped into his arms. "We fight."

  Benjamin took the upheaval in stride, but I knew it had to be hard for him, he'd always made the command decision.


  "Yes sir."

  "You should return home. Keep watch over your mother. Be vigilant, we do not know our adversaries' plans at this time."

  Jason's shoulders dropped as he felt he was being left out again.

  "Izzy," Benjamin continued. You need to purchase a portable communication device—"

  "A cell phone, Dad."

  "Yes, a cell phone so that you can be in constant contact with Jason. Can this be accomplished quickly?"

  "Sure," Jason said, "we can get one of those burner phones."

  "The rest of us will pair up and maintain a scouting regimen of the local area. One note though, it is hunting season and the woods are crawling with hunters so you must be very careful not to be seen. Last, but not least, you must maintain a heightened feeding regimen, to maintain maximum strength. We do not know when we will be called into action, or what that action will require." Benjamin looked around the room at each one of us. "Are we clear?"

  "Yes," quietly echoed around the room.

  "Very well, you are dismissed."

  I looked back as Jason and I walked out through the doorway. Elizabeth was kissing Benjamin. The other's were already gone, having departed in logical pairings. And so the ordeal began, again.

  * * *

  "Hello." I said, answering my cell phone.

  "Where are you?" Jason asked.

  "I'm at the creek, you don't need to call, just come to the window, I can hear you just fine."

  "But I can't hear you." Jason said.

  "Didn't you say this thing has limited minutes?"

  "I love you." he replied.

  "I love you. I'll call you if anything changes. Now go to sleep, I'll see you at school." I hit the end button.