Read Till Death Do Us Part Page 49

  Chapter 22

  That night, after Jason was gone, they moved me to the Faulkner house. I kind of felt like it signified some sort of small victory. I doubted they would move me closer to human civilization if they didn't think I was getting better. I didn't feel better, but there was no question Jason's emotional wringing out affected me. I knew he loved me, of that there was no doubt, and I loved him, but for him to bare his soul to me like that, with my family present—I didn't deserve that kind of love not even without the monster. He knew I would have killed him if I could have, but he just stood there and left our fate in my hands. He was incredible—so brave and sweet. I adored him. If I could just get past the monster.

  When the light of another day flickered through the windows, Elizabeth appeared for her shift. "How do you feel?"

  "I don't know, exactly. The thirst is still strong, but what Jason did last night—I don't know, it was so sweet."

  "Brave, reckless, insane—I've never seen a man display his emotions—expose himself like that. He truly loves you."

  "I know, and I love him."

  "You are fighting so hard and I am so proud of you. What Jason did, it also moved me. It reminded me of how much I love you, and trust you." She set the glass of mixed blood she was holding on the table next to me. "Promise me you won't runaway—that you want to remain a part of our family—your family, that our ways are your ways."

  "I want to be here with all of you, like you."

  Benjamin, Tink and Nathan approached as Elizabeth used her fingernail to slice through my plastic cocoon. The thick pieces peeled away. She reached down and handed me the glass. I drank it slowly, letting the blood linger in my throat.

  "How do you feel?" Benjamin said.

  "May I?" I nodded toward the mirror to my left.

  Benjamin stepped aside.

  I moved slowly so I would not alarm anyone and then looked into the mirror. My hair was shorter, but had almost grown back out to it's full length. I looked deeper into my eyes. There was only a hint of crimson at the outer ring of my irises, around the pupils, honey gold. Despite their color, I felt something was missing. I turned to my family.

  "I want to hunt." I said.

  Tink and Nathan exchanged a concerned glance.

  "I don't know," Elizabeth said, "I don't see the point so soon."

  "We cannot contain her in the forest." Nathan said.

  "That assumes we would need too." Benjamin interjected.

  "If we went to a remote area, far away from humans," I offered, "it would be safer—just in case."

  "Why hunt, dear?" Elizabeth said. "Your eyes are rich in color, your need to feed should be well within your ability to maintain control."

  "My thirst—while still strong—is within my control for now, but even so, I need to know I can surrender to my natural instincts and then regain control. Drinking blood from a glass isn't going to tell me that."

  "Then you're not sure." Nathan said.

  "I think she can do it." Hayley added.

  "It's not a vote." I said. "I want to see Jason next time—like this, free, free to touch him, to hold him, to kiss him. I have to know I won't hurt him."

  "That I'm not so sure about." Hayley said. "He's even difficult for me to resist."

  "I agree." Benjamin said. He stepped to my side and put his arm around me. "It is wiser to take this more cautiously, for you and young Jason's safety."

  That hurt, the part about me still being dangerous to 'Jason's safety', but Benjamin was right, I could lash out in an instant and he would be gone. I couldn't exist without him. I slumped forward, pressing my hand against the mirror. "You're right."

  Benjamin pulled me away from the wall and held me close, closer than he ever had. It was not like him to outwardly show such affection, particularly around others. "Perhaps after a hunt we will be better able to ascertain your present state."

  "Really, you trust me?"

  "Always." Benjamin turned to the others. "Anyone wish to change clothes?"

  Elizabeth raced upstairs.

  Benjamin turned me to face him. "Izzy, the hunt must be conducted within strict guidelines for us to be able to tell how well you are coping. You cannot vary from my instructions. Do you understand?"

  "What do you want me to do?"

  "We will make a circle around you and hunt as one. We will do our very best to give you the opportunity to make the kill, but you must remain within the circle at all times. Do I make myself clear?"

  "Yes, Dad."

  "You understand that if we lose you in the woods, the likelihood of successfully completing the transition on your own is doubtful?"

  "Yes. I don't want that."

  "Ah, but a part of you does, the part you wish to test. You must control the beast."

  "I will."

  Elizabeth returned and we headed out the back. Hayley suggested we go south, I assumed from her previous hunt with Tink. As long as we kept to the ridge, the area was unpopulated all the way to the Potomac River at Harpers Ferry. If we had no luck, we could cross the valley near the river and return on the western ridge.

  Being free to run—to hunt was invigorating, but I was aware of the eyes scrutinizing my every move. We traveled fast, maybe too fast to actually hunt, and arrived at the river having only seen one scrawny doe.

  "Maybe we'll have better luck on the other ridge," Tink said as we crossed the valley.

  Once on the other side, we moved north along the shadowed side of the ridge. We'd gone about a mile when I caught the scent of a predator, perhaps the mate of Hayley and Tink's previous kill. I looked toward Benjamin for approval. The tightness in his eyes showed concern, but he nodded.

  In a short time, we reached a steep, rocky area. The scent was stronger now. We moved down lower on the ridge to avoid the prevailing wind that would alert the animal to our approach. The rugged terrain made it difficult to keep together—the control circle around me became loose, less defined.

  My senses were at their peak, sight, hearing, smell clicking in perfect unison when I spotted her for just a second before she disappeared behind a jagged ledge. I veered up the ravine and my family changed direction with me. As we closed within jumping distance of the ledge, Tink and Hayley peeled off to opposite sides, opening the circle, giving me the opportunity to make the kill. The three of us leapt simultaneously, the others, not far behind.

  The cat turned immediately, baring her teeth, ready to fight.

  "Stop!" I yelled.

  Tink and Hayley closed on her flanks, but held their distance. The cat snarled as the muted thuds of the rest of my family landed behind us. I took a step toward her and she swung a huge paw at me.

  "Go ahead." Hayley said, she's all yours."

  I sniffed the air, the cat's heart was pounding, pushing rich, wild blood through her body with each beat—my blood for the taking. I licked my lips and felt my throat burn with anticipation. I stepped back.

  "No." I glanced around at the disbelieving faces of my family.

  "No way." Hayley said.

  "Please, just back away."

  We retreated to the edge of the ledge. The big cat remained frozen—alert, but behind her two cubs poked their noses out from their den. My thirst, while still strong, subsided.

  "Can we go, now?" I asked.

  "Yes." Benjamin said and without further discussion, we headed home. We crossed the valley while we were still in an unpopulated area and arrived home a short time later.

  "What happened?" Elizabeth questioned as we entered the parlor.

  "I didn't need to take her life just to see if I could control myself."

  The glances they exchanged were filled with grave reservations.


  "You broke off right at the moment of greatest satisfaction." Hayley said.

  "It doesn't satisfy me to kill not even out of necessity."

  Elizabeth seemed to suddenly be aware of the lengthening shadows. "You should go and change, Jason will be here shortly

  The mere mention of his name spread warmth through me. "Yes." I raced upstairs to my room only to pull up short in the doorway. On my mirror Jason had written in Warrior-blue paint—one of those shoe polish roller things, 'I love you', and in the corner, his name across a heart. He must have done it before, when he met Tink, before coming to Melanie's. I walked slowly to my mirror and gently traced his name with my finger. "I love you." I whispered. My bliss was interrupted when I heard a car turn off the main road. I quickly changed into jeans, and although rather tattered, Jason's favorite band tee shirt. I went without shoes. I made quick work of applying my eye makeup and hurried back down to the parlor. To my chagrin, Tink and Nathan were holding rolls of the commercial grade plastic wrap that I had been confined in. I looked to Benjamin.

  "What you did on the hunt earlier was nothing short of miraculous. I almost pounced on the creature myself, but young Jason is another matter." he said.

  "I can do this Dad, I know I can. Sure, maybe not the kissing part, maybe not even the embracing part, but we can hold hands—proper, like it's supposed to be—like you want us to be."

  "You realize what is at stake if you fail?" Elizabeth said.

  I glowered at her incredulously.

  "I've grown fond of the boy." She smiled.

  I looked at Melanie and Hayley. "Would you sit next to me on the sofa? Elizabeth will want to greet Jason at the door—prepare him." I winked at Elizabeth.

  "We will stand on either side." Tink said, motioning to Nathan.

  A car door closed out front.

  I scanned their faces. "Don't let anything happen to him—no matter what you have to do, understand?"

  They nodded, but we all knew there was only so much they could do—only so much they could anticipate.

  "Places everyone." Melanie said as Jason started up the front steps.

  Melanie, Hayley and I sat on the sofa—me in the middle of course—and locked arms. Tink and Nathan took positions standing at our flanks as Benjamin and Elizabeth strolled to the entrance of the parlor. They paused to straighten their clothing. There was a knock at the door. They both looked back and then proceeded toward the door.

  "Oh," came Jason's surprised voice, "I was expecting Tink. Is she okay? Has something happened?"

  "Izzy's well." Benjamin said.

  "But?" Jason probed.

  "There have been some changes." Benjamin replied.

  "That's good, right?"

  "It is very good," Elizabeth said, "so far."

  "Oh." He sounded dejected.

  "I know how much you want to see her," Elizabeth continued, "but you may still be beyond her control."

  I tried to get up, but Melanie and Hayley held me down. Tink and Nathan moved closer.

  "She's trying to talk him out of coming in." I complained.

  "Be patient." Melanie whispered.

  At the door, Elizabeth continued. "Izzy is inside, and free to move about."

  Jason's heartbeat quickened.

  "Do you understand what that means?"

  "Good grief, woman," Benjamin interrupted, "of course he understands."

  I could imagine Elizabeth's reaction, but she continued, seemingly unphased. "She is with the girls on the sofa in the parlor. Tink and Nathan are close at hand. Even so, there is no—"

  "I want to see her!" Jason exclaimed without hesitation.

  "Very well, this way." Elizabeth said.

  Above the sound of their footsteps Benjamin whispered. "Go slow, give her time, we have sworn to keep you safe, but—"

  "I understand." Jason replied. His heart was pounding wildly as Elizabeth appeared in the entranceway of the parlor.

  "You have a visitor, dear." she announced, stepping to the side, a smile filling her face.

  Benjamin stepped into the entranceway and Jason appeared between them. Jason's face was glowing.

  "Good day Miss Faulkner." Jason bowed. "You look lovely this afternoon."

  My family was used to Jason's sense of humor and took no offense at his quaint, formality although Hayley looked a little confused.

  "Slowly." Elizabeth whispered and then, louder. "Would you care for a glass of sweet tea?"

  "Yes, ma'am, that's very gracious of you." Except for when he bowed, Jason and I had not taken our eyes off one another.

  Benjamin escorted Jason to the loveseat near the windows, as far from me as possible. Elizabeth returned from the kitchen with a glass of sweet tea.

  "Thank you." Jason said, standing to accept the glass from her. A bead of sweat formed above his brow. He was so nervous. He took a slow drink of tea and then addressed Elizabeth. "I believe this is your best yet."

  Elizabeth smiled and stepped back with Benjamin.

  Jason's gaze returned to me as he slowly sat down. "I'll have to take you to see them one day—the band." he clarified.

  "I'd like that."

  We continued to talk for an hour—small talk, the kinds of things you can talk about when your parents are in the room. I was doing better than I had hoped. The warmth that I felt when I was with Jason had completely masked my thirst, but we were still a room apart.

  Jason seemed to read my mind and turned to Benjamin. "Would you object if we moved my seat closer?"

  Again there was a quick exchange of glances between the members of my family.

  Benjamin stepped behind the loveseat and addressed me. "Tell me when we are close enough." He began to slowly push the loveseat, and Jason, toward me. He stopped when he'd gone halfway.

  "Closer." I said.

  Jason's face was beaming—I know mine was. Again, Benjamin stopped after just a foot or so.

  "Closer." Jason said.

  I saw Melanie's smile out of the corner of my eye. Jason was within three feet of me now.

  "That's close enough." Hayley said. "Sorry, but I'm still new at this, and well—"

  "Isn't he breath taking?" I said.

  "Not the sense I was thinking of."

  Jason started to lean forward, but Benjamin reached down and grasped his shoulder. "Could we hold hands?" Jason said, looking up at him.

  "Your safety would be beyond our control. It is much too dangerous, for both of you."

  Jason turned back to me. "Or the perfect solution."

  "Please, Dad. I won't hurt him, I'm sure of it." I wasn't one hundred percent sure, but I felt like maybe Jason was right. If we could touch each other I would know—know for sure if I was completely back in control. Unfortunately, that brief moment of doubt—though I had not meant it as such—triggered my thirst for human blood—Jason's blood. "Back away." I muttered, focusing my thoughts on my internal struggle.

  Benjamin instantly pulled Jason and the loveseat back across the room. At the same time, Tink and Nathan stepped between Jason and I. Elizabeth knelt in front of me.

  "Concentrate, Izzy." she said. "Concentrate on how much you love him—how much he loves you."

  No one moved for what felt like an eternity. Finally, I opened my eyes. "I'm okay now."

  Elizabeth looked up at Tink and Nathan and they stepped to either side. I could see Jason beyond her. He looked worried, not afraid.

  "Are you alright?" he whispered, I think to prevent his breath from reaching me.

  "I'm sorry—it hurts me to keep doing this to you."

  "It's okay. I realize I don't completely understand what you're going through, but I know how you feel, it's how I feel too." He took another shallow breath. "We're close, I can feel it. I can't wait to hold you in my arms again." He glanced up at Benjamin for a second and then slowly stood, returning his gaze to me. "I'll see you tomorrow."

  "Thanks for understanding. I love you."

  "I love you."

  "Come after practice, Jason."

  "You're more important."

  "We are more important—" I corrected, "I know that, but I won't stand between you and your future, you've worked too hard for it. Besides, I still want to be dating the school heart throb when I come back."
r />   "Oh you will be, you will be, trust me. As for me, I'll be the envy of every guy in school." He winked. "I love you. Oh, and you are my future. Goodnight."

  "Goodnight." I blew him a kiss.