Read Till Death Do Us Part Page 50

  Chapter 23

  We hunted again before dawn. I took down a doe. Her blood was surprisingly more satisfying immediately after the kill than from a glass. Still, it wasn't what I wanted, but it would do—I hoped.

  I paced back and forth in the parlor all day, waiting for Jason. Elizabeth would stop me every once in awhile and remind me not to get worked up. It sounded easy enough, but I couldn't wait to see him. Finally, his Rover turned up the drive. I checked myself in the mirror—ahhh, it would have to do, so I headed for he door with my entourage in tow. I opened the door just as Jason got to the front steps.

  "There you are." I said.

  Jason hesitated. "Everything okay?"

  "Perfect now that you're here." I sniffed the air. "Cologne?"

  Jason walked up the steps slowly. "I thought it might help."

  "You think of everything, don't you. How was practice?"

  "Good, Coach let me take a few snaps. Still not sure if he's going to let me play, but maybe—at least part of the game."

  "That's great."

  "Oh, I forgot." He raced back to the Rover and returned with a bouquet of flowers.

  "For me?"

  "Actually, they're for you and Elizabeth. Mom sent them and told me to tell you how happy she is that you are safe."

  From behind the opened door, Elizabeth cleared her throat.

  "I'm sorry, we're being rude. Please come in." I backed away and led Jason into the parlor.

  He handed the flowers to Elizabeth and then walked over to the sofa across the room—where we'd left off last night. The rest of my family filed in behind me. Elizabeth, stopped in the entranceway to the parlor. Jason looked up. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to presume."

  One-by-one I looked into the concerned faces of my family. We all knew that the next step was beyond their ability to protect Jason, or me for that matter. They knew what would happen if I hurt him—to Jason, and ultimately to me.

  Melanie took my hand. "Be careful."

  Elizabeth extended her hand, and when I took it, kissed me on the cheek. "Tink and Nathan will be by the front door, do not hesitate to call for their assistance."

  "I will." I looked to Benjamin.

  He nodded. "Remember our guidelines and etiquette. Behave appropriately young lady."


  "Yes sir." Jason added.

  "Very well." Benjamin and the girls withdrew to another part of the house while Tink and Nathan lingered at the front door.

  Jason and I stood there alone for a moment, just staring at one another. There was a time—not so long ago—that this moment seemed impossible. "Mind if I join you?" I asked.

  Jason walked slowly toward me and extended his arm, slightly bent at the elbow. I slipped my arm in his and he led me back to the loveseat. "Okay?"

  "Yes." I said, but we remained cautious, sitting with a distance between us.

  He must have noticed my nostrils flare. "Too much?"

  "I was just looking forward to the time you don't need cologne."

  He smiled, and drew in a slow, deep breath. "I don't think I'll ever get used to being with you." He slid his hand across the cushion, but stopped halfway, palm up.

  I reached out and gently lay my palm on his. The sensation was as magnificent as I anticipated—as I remembered.

  "Welcome back." Jason said.

  I started to lean forward to kiss him, but stopped myself. "I can't tell you how much I've been longing for this moment."

  "I hope it's okay, but besides Mom, I told Cathy and Alex that you were safe." Jason explained. "I swore them to secrecy. On a scale of one to ten, where do you think you are as far as tolerating me?" I sensed he'd changed the subject to allow me more time to adjust.

  "Tolerate? That's an odd choice of words."

  "What would you use?"

  I lifted my hand from his. "I don't know, maybe desire, or longing."

  Jason blushed. "Yeah, much better, but I didn't want to go there, at least not until you were ready."

  "I've missed you so much—I'm so ready." I put my hand back in his and slowly slid it up his arm, giving his muscular forearm a little squeeze."

  "You should probably stop." Jason said as my hand neared the crease in his arm. He tensed.


  "You look good in that color." he said, obviously trying to divert the conversation again.

  "Why do you want me to stop?" I said.

  "You don't need to see that."


  "Izzy, we shouldn't be talking about blood, especially my blood—not now."

  I pushed his sleeve up past his elbow. The crease of his arm was stained with green and purple bruises. Within the bruising, needle marks. "Who did this to you?"

  "I did."

  "You drew your own blood?"

  "Not bad for an amateur. Maybe I should think about medical school."

  I shook my head. "I don't think so." I let go of his arm, and Jason pulled down his shirt sleeve to hide the injury. "I'm sorry you had to go through that." I said.

  "It was nothing."

  I slid closer and although Jason was hesitant at first, he slid closer as well. We held hands. After a few minutes, I said, "I don't know how you can stand to be around me the way I acted."

  "I love you, Izzy, everything about you, even the part of you that wants to kill me. All of you, it makes you who you are." He slowly lifted his hand and brushed back my hair. "You're so beautiful."

  I turned my face toward his hand and let him cuddle my cheek. It was his left hand—no cologne—all Jason, sweet, succulent Jason. I kissed his palm, and then his wrist, feeling his blood rush though his veins with each thunderous beat of his heart. I slipped my free hand behind his neck and twirled a strand of his hair between my fingers. I inhaled deeply, and let my breath slowly escape through my nostrils as I rested my head in the crook of his neck. His artery beat firmly against my forehead.

  "God I've missed you." Jason said.

  I lifted my head and our lips met. Jason cupped the back of my head in his hand and held my lips to his. His warmth—his fire consumed me. This was surely heaven. I broke the kiss and slid my mouth down to his neck and whispered, "I love you." My tongue traced the bulge of his artery.

  "I love you." He sighed and then added, "Forever."

  I pressed my tongue hard against his artery and felt the blood rush past, just below his skin. "You want this." I mumbled.

  "I do."

  Without actually biting, I let my razor sharp teeth nick his vein. A pulse of his blood flowed into my mouth. Heaven just got better.

  "Izzy." Came a hollow voice from somewhere in the distance and then louder, "Izzy!"

  Two more pulses of blood trickled down my throat.

  "Isabella!" An uncompromising, more masculine voice shouted. "You gave your word."

  "It's okay," Jason whispered, "she's not hurting me."

  I don't think he had any idea that I might be killing him, or if he did, he didn't care.

  "I want to be like her—like you." he continued.

  "Isabella, Izzy, this is not what you want for him." It was Benjamin's voice. He was right, I remember saying that—I would never change Jason. Two more pulses of blood trickled down my throat. I tore off a piece of my shirtsleeve, stuffed the cloth into Jason's hand, abruptly pulled back and pressed his hand against the wound. I hung my head, as the full significance of what I almost just did overwhelmed me. I stood to run.

  "Why'd you stop?" Jason said.


  "Why did you stop?"

  I looked back to the empty entrance to the parlor. "Benjamin warned me—I promised."

  "No one was here, it's just been the two of us."

  I slumped back down on the loveseat. "You wanted me to—"

  "I do. So why'd you stop?"

  "Besides your mom, I could never do that—do this to you. Can you ever forgive me?"

  "For what, trying to make us forever?"

  "Then forgive me f
or that—for not changing you."

  "I love you, Izzy. For as long as you'll have me, for as long as I live, or forever."

  "I don't deserve you." I said. "Is your neck okay?"

  "Yeah, sure, nothing a little pressure won't fix. You okay—I mean how'd you stop?"

  "I love you that much."

  "Then you're back—completely back?"

  I nodded. "Yeah—oh, and Jason, the word to describe the taste of your blood does not exist."

  My family, minus Hayley appeared in the entranceway to the parlor. They had obviously picked up on the scent of Jason's blood. Their faces registered shock.

  "I'm okay." Jason said. "A little ice might help stop the bleeding."

  "Ice." Tink disappeared, but quickly returned with an icepack. He tossed it across the room to Jason.

  "Thanks, man, appreciate it. If this is too much for you all, I can leave."

  No one moved, or replied.

  "It's okay," I said to my family, "we're fine now."

  Tink, Melanie and Nathan peeled away, retreating from the alluring scent of Jason's blood. Benjaim and Elizabeth regained their composure, but remained. Outside, a car turned into our driveway—then another.

  Jason turned and looked out the window. "Uh oh, the cops."

  "What? How?" I stuttered.

  "Sorry, I guess the word got around. So much for sworn secrecy. This is my fault." Jason said. He got up and went to the mirror on the opposite wall to check his neck. "Well, the bleeding has stopped." He turned to Benjamin. "Sir, I'm sorry for bringing the cops down on you like this, I know you value your privacy. If you'll allow me, I think I can take care of this. I'm sure all they want is to verify that Izzy is safe."

  "I would appreciate that, very much."

  "If they get nosey, just follow my lead. We'll be fine." Jason tuned to me. "Why don't you and Elizabeth sit on the sofa, just in case." He glanced at Benjamin. "I'll come get you if I have to."

  Benjamin nodded.

  "Okay, hear goes nothing." Jason opened the door and stepped out onto the front porch and then closed the door behind him. "Officers, what can I do for you?"

  "Is this the Faulkner residence?" The closest officer said.

  "Yes it is." Jason replied.

  "Jason? Jason Whitaker?" An officer from the trailing vehicle said as he and his partner's footsteps approached.

  "You know this kid?" The first officer said.

  "Sure, he's the high school quarterback."

  "Oh, sure," the first officer said, "you have States next weekend, right?"

  "I got twenty bucks on the Warrior's." The second officer said.

  "That you Officer Burns?" Jason said.

  "Sure is, kid. Funny how we keep running into each other. So what are you doing out here? Oh, wait, the Faulkner girl is your girlfriend, right?"

  "You got it." Jason said. "I'm so thankful that she's safe now."

  Elizabeth patted my arm.

  "Yeah, we kind of heard the same thing through the rumor mill." Officer Burns said.

  "Guess that's why you're here then." Jason said.

  A scratchy voice came over their radio's, asking for a unit in the area to respond to a domestic disturbance.

  "Go ahead," Officer Burns said, "we got this."

  Two car doors slammed and the closer of the two vehicles turned around and then sped down the driveway.

  "I'll tell Izzy you came by to check on her." Jason said.

  "I can appreciate your protecting her, but I'm going to have to talk to her parents—paperwork to fill out, you know."

  "Dad," I whispered. "you need gloves—to shake hands."

  Benjamin shot up the stairs. He returned wearing a pair of work gloves.

  "Has to be now?" Jason said. "They're still pretty shook up over the whole thing, you know the whole not involving the police and all."

  "Listen, kid. I'm glad she's okay, but not involving the police was the wrong way to go."

  "It wasn't their choice, they just wanted their daughter back, safe and sound."

  "I get that, but the odds are better when you let the police handle it. I guess we could come back tomorrow, but—"

  "No, let me go check and see if her Dad will come out to talk to you. I know they want to put this behind them and move on. Have a seat, I'll be right back." Jason opened the door and stepped inside. He walked to the entranceway to the parlor where Benjamin was standing. "Sorry, sir, but I know this officer—he's the one that was a the hospital when I got hurt—he's okay. I figure we better just go ahead and get this done. Hope that's okay with you."

  "Yes, your familiarity may make this easier." Benjamin made a step toward the door.

  "Wait." I said. "Listen."

  There were footsteps on the porch as Officer Burns' partner joined him.

  "Kid seems awfully nervous—like he's hiding something—or afraid."

  "Maybe." Officer Burns replied.

  "You think the kidnapper is inside?"

  "Nah, how could Jason come out to talk to us?"

  "I don't know, maybe he has a knife to the girl's throat or something—you know, 'get rid of 'em or she's dead kind of thing."

  Jason turned to us and whispered, "Izzy, act like you're crying—Elizabeth, you console her, but offer them some of your sweet tea, and Benjamin we'll get through the paperwork. Act as natural as you can, we want to ease their suspicions." He scanned our faces. Elizabeth and Benjamin looked really worried. "Okay," Jason said, "here we go."

  Jason opened the door. "Mr. Faulkner said it would be better if you came in, he doesn't want to leave his daughter."

  The two police officers followed Jason in through the entranceway to the parlor.

  "Good afternoon, Officers." Benjamin said, as he stood from his seat on the sofa next to me. I flopped over onto Elizabeth's shoulder and tried to make weeping sounds.

  "Afternoon, sir." Officer Burns said. "Please excuse our intrusion, we just want to make certain your daughter is safe—we got a report she'd been released."

  "Thank you for your concern." Elizabeth said. "Would you care for some sweet tea?"

  The corner of Jason's mouth turned up in a slight smile as Elizabeth played her role perfectly.

  "No, ma'am, but I appreciate the offer. This won't take long."

  "Please, officers," Benjamin said, "would you care to sit?"

  "Thank you." Officer Burns said as he and his partner sat on the loveseat. He opened an enclosed clipboard on his lap and took out a pen. "So you're Izzy's father?"

  "That is correct, Benjamin Faulkner. This is her mother, Elizabeth."

  Officer Burns looked down at the form on his clipboard. "Right, well then, can you tell me exactly what happened?"

  "He was waiting for me in the girls bathroom." I said.

  "Then it wasn't a random abduction?"

  "I'm not sure," I covered, "maybe 'waiting' wasn't the right word, but that's where he grabbed me."

  Elizabeth pulled me closer.

  "Well, there's no need to put you through that again, we have a good idea what happened from eye witnesses. Can you tell me what happened after you left the school grounds?"

  I hesitated, not having really thought through a plausible story. Obviously the truth was out.

  "Didn't you say you were blindfolded?" Jason said, prompting my response.

  "That's right, he put some kind of cloth bag over my head."

  Officer Burns looked at his partner, realizing that I was not going to be able to provide much detail.

  "Were there any smells, or sounds that you recognized?" Officer Burns' partner asked.

  "No, no nothing jumps out—I think he might have drugged me." I leaned my head on Elizabeth's shoulder to appear more distraught.

  "I'm sorry, I know this is difficult. Excuse my bluntness, but were you sexually assaulted?"

  "No." Elizabeth said with finality.

  I shook my head.

  "Well, we can be grateful for that." Officer Burns turned to Benjamin. "
How were you contacted?"

  "I was not." Benjamin said.

  "I woke up on the front porch." I said. "I have no idea how I got there."

  "So, no ransom or any other demands prior to your daughter's release?"

  "Not a one." Benjamin said.

  Officer Burns continued to write for a moment and then said. "If you could read this over, sir, and if its correct sign your name at the bottom." He handed his clipboard to Benjamin.

  Benjamin read the report, signed his name and then handed the clipboard back.

  Officer Burns closed the case on the clipboard. "Well, I think we have everything we need. You should all be extra aware of your surroundings for awhile, just to be safe—never a bad idea anyway." He turned to me. "I'm sorry you had to go through this, but I'm glad you're safe. You're a lucky girl, this kind of thing doesn't usually turn out so well." He looked to Elizabeth. "Excuse my bluntness, ma'am, but I would suggest you have your daughter checked over by a doctor."

  "Thank you. I was thinking the same thing." Elizabeth replied as she stood.

  The two officer's also stood. "Well, thank you for talking to us." Officer Burns looked toward Benjamin. "You were very fortunate, I'm glad no one was hurt." He stuck out his hand and they shook hands.

  "Thank you." Benjamin said as he led them to the door.

  Jason looked at me, sighed with relief and then followed Benjamin, Officer Burns and his partner out onto the porch.

  When they were out of sight, Elizabeth hugged me. "That went well."

  "I hope." I said, as Officer Burns' partner spoke. "If you don't mind my asking, isn't this the house that burned down this summer?"

  "Yes," Benjamin said, "yes it was."

  "Wasn't it ruled arson?" The officer continued.

  "I don't recall." Benjamin said, hesitantly.

  "You don't think the fire and your daughter's abduction were related in anyway, do you?"

  "You said yourself, that Izzy's abduction was probably a random act."

  "I don't believe that's what I said. We'll send a squad car by for the next few weeks—you know, keep an extra eye out. You folks have been through enough."

  There was a pause and then Officer Burns said, "You did a nice job on the reconstruction, a real piece of art, like something right out of the history books."

  "Thank you gentlemen."

  A pair of footsteps descended the steps.

  "You think the girl's okay?" the partner whispered.

  "Yeah, I think she's fine. Did you see the size of the hickey on Jason's neck?"

  "Yeah—to be young again, right?" The engine started and the police drove away.