Read Timeless Trilogy, Book One: Fate Page 14

       “I suppose the similarities could be a coincidence, but odds are it is the real Damien. The timing is right and you fit the profile, such as it is. If it is him, the last thing we should do is to let our guard down. This one is pure evil.”

       Kris shivered involuntary. Jerry had made her point. The excitement over Roni’s project had dulled but it was not forgotten. Kris returned to her paperwork and tried to put Jerry’s warning from her mind.


       The phone rang a few hours later, Kris felt affection flow through her as she saw Nick’s name on the screen. “Hi handsome,” she greeted him with a smile in her voice.

        “Hi yourself, beautiful. Are you ladies planning on leaving anytime soon? Dylan and I are starving.” Nick loved planning his evenings with Kris, and he really didn’t mind spending time with Dylan and Jerry, but he couldn’t wait until all this was over and he could get Kris alone.

       “We’re on our way,” she laughed, “Are you cooking or are we picking up takeout?”

       “I’m cooking, in more ways than one.” Kris could almost see him waggle his eyebrows. “Be safe, but hurry home. I miss you.” He finished softly.

       “You too, see you soon.”


   That night, Kris woke in a cold sweat for the first time in days. The dream was back, with a vengeance. The movie was so clear that she could almost feel the heat from the flames. She did feel the rush of air as whoever was chasing her reached out to grab her. He missed. Just barely. The first light of early dawn peered beneath the curtains, telling Kris that she may as well get up. It was several minutes before she regained control of her breathing and calmed down enough to stand.


       Damien watched as Kris awoke in obvious distress. “You must be dreaming of me, my Beauty,” he whispered to his monitor. The thought pleased him immensely.



        Kris had enough work to keep her crazy during the day, but her mind kept finding its way back to the dream and how it related to her situation. Obviously, whoever was chasing her was Damien. But why did she see everyone that she loved burning in front of her? It made sense that Nick was now part of the pyre, as unpleasant as it was, especially after her vision of his capture, ostensibly by her stalker. Roni and Cassie were the only other people in the movie that were still alive, were they in danger too? And what role did her parents and grandparents play in this; they were all deceased.

       The flash of clarity came from out of the blue. The incessant movie raised the fear quotient in the dream to the highest possible level. Her subconscious was telling her to take this situation with Damien more seriously than anything that came before in her life. Everyone she loved was on the screen; past, present and future. Nick’s role was not due to the danger factor, but to offer hope for the future. Maybe.

       Kris took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Jerry was quietly watching from across the room, but she didn’t disturb Kris’s apparent soul searching.

       If the dream was offering her hope, she would take it. She understood enough about precognitive visions to know that nothing was set in stone, but she would take strength from the hope that was offered, even if it was a sliver.


       Jerry passed on the card game that evening and went back to her hotel shortly after dinner; she couldn’t put off filing reports on a few previous cases any longer.  She left Kris, Nick and Dylan on Kris’s porch, enjoying the colors cast over the water and the sand by the setting sun. Kris and Nick were cuddled on the swing, while Dylan stretched out on the deck chair. The mood was relaxed and pleasant, but Dylan and Nick were both on partial alert.

       The sound of Dylan’s phone ringing broke the comfortable silence. Within a minute of answering Nate’s call, Dylan jumped straight up. The casual atmosphere now crackled with tension. Kris and Nick both froze while he finished the call.

       “What is it?” Nick asked as soon as Dylan disconnected. He recognized the piercing hardness in Dylan’s eyes and the stiffness of his stance. Nothing Dylan heard was good.

       Holding a finger to his lips, Dylan began searching the porch. He felt along every beam, then pulled a small penlight from his pocket. After searching every surface, he pulled a chair up close to them both and gestured for Nick to sit back down. He had been standing guard in front of Kris as Dylan searched, watching the cop’s every move.

       Quietly, Dylan began texting Kris. He first told them not to react to what they were about to read. He went on to explain that the FBI had found hidden cameras in every room of Damien’s last victim’s home. Dylan explained that he believed that the porch was safe, but he was going home to retrieve a special scanner. He told them to act normally until he returned, but to stay on the porch. Slowly, he removed his gun from the holster and passed it unobtrusively to Nick.

       Nick and Kris nodded and watched quietly as Dylan left. Holding hands they stared at each other for the ten minutes it took him to return.

       A short time later, Dylan had scanned the entire house, room by room, with a device small enough to fit in his palm. He found the cameras in Kris’s bedroom and the living room, but he left them as they were. Dylan could tell by the scanner that the cameras were visual only. At least Damien had not been privy to their conversations. He was sure that detail would be little comfort to Kris.

     Kris and Nick were both on edge when Dylan went back out onto the porch.

       “You’ve got two, one in your bedroom and one in the living room.” He watched as the color drained from Kris’s face. “The one in the bedroom is positioned to get most of the room; the one in the living room probably also gets a corner of the kitchen and part of this porch. Nick and Kris both instinctively looked up to the ceiling in the living room.

       “Don’t worry, you’re both out of range, but he can probably see my back.” Dylan continued. The cameras are video only, so he can’t hear us.”

       “Why didn’t you take them down?” Nick asked harshly. He could feel Kris trembling and knew what she was thinking.

       “That might not be our best move. Since he obviously knows I’m staying here, he must know that we are on to him. Not him exactly, but a stalker. We should try to use the cameras to our advantage.”

       “Are you saying that we’re just going to let him watch me?” Kris’s voice rose an octave from the beginning to the end of her question. She had been thinking back to what he may have seen; her changing clothes, sleeping, private moments between her and Nick. Mortification flushed her face and a shiver ran up her spine. Then the anger began to set in. “No way. I will not let him just watch me.” She was adamant.

       Nick was equally outraged. “How could you suggest that she subject herself to his viewing pleasure? Are you crazy?”

       “Wait, just hear me out. I can only imagine how violated you feel, and I’m sorry. I can absolutely take down those cameras right now, if you want. But think about it. We know how he’s watching; we can control what he sees.”

       The fact that he had been inside her home to install the cameras hit Kris between the eyes, just as Dylan finished his plea. “He’s been inside my house. He’s been here.” She was staring at Dylan like he just landed from the moon. “How did he get in? When?”

       There’s no way to tell, at least not yet.” More gently, he continued, “He could have been watching you for months or a few weeks. Have you always been diligent about setting the alarm? Did you ever leave your door unlocked? It only takes a few minutes to stick the cameras on the wall; he could have been in and out in less than 15 minutes.”

        As Kris was trying to get her head around the invasion of her privacy, Nick continued to question Dylan. “How do you propose to catch him by letting him watch her, watch us?”

       “Bear with me, the
thought is still in process.” Dylan ran his hand through his hair and considered their options. “As long as he thinks I’m here overnight, he probably won’t make a move. Maybe that’s why he’s stopped calling Kris these past few days; he wants us to think he’s moved on. Maybe we should let him believe that.”

       “Maybe he has moved on,” Kris said hopefully.

       “Not likely. But if he thinks Kris is no longer protected, he can get back to business.”

       “What’s the range on the cameras?” Nick asked abruptly.

       “They’re wireless. If he’s sending the images to a website, he could access it anywhere. If not, he has to be within one hundred yards to get a decent signal.

       “Website? Do you mean other people are watching me too?” The hits just kept on coming and Kris was reeling.

       “That’s highly unlikely. This guy is a loner, if he’s using a website, it’s probably for his eyes only.”

       “Can you trace the signal, find him?” Nick asked.

       “Tech is my next call; as long as the signal is active, they may be able to trace it.”

       “What do you mean, ‘may be able to’, you’re the freaking FBI.” Nick’s patience was ending.

       “It depends on how he routed the signal. Let me get tech on the phone, and we’ll see.”  Dylan made the call while Nick and Kris waited anxiously.

       “I’m so sorry this is happening to you,” Nick whispered softly in Kris’s ear.

       “I know. I’m sorry it’s happening to you too, but I’m selfish enough to be grateful that you’re here.”

       “That’s not selfish. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Nick held her tight, trying to share his warmth. Despite the warm, April air, he could feel the chill bumps on her skin.

       Kris closed her eyes and sank into Nick. This could not be happening. Why had her life taken such a complicated turn?

       Nick felt Kris stiffen in his arms. Looking down at her, he saw the glazed, unfocused expression in her eyes and knew that she was having another vision.


       Rain covered the windshield faster than the wipers could take it away. The road ahead was pitch black; the only illumination came from the headlights as they pierced the darkness in twin beams, spotlighting the falling sheet of water. Fear and urgency permeated the car as it sped along the dark, wet highway. The squawk of the radio broke the rhythm of the wipers; “Dylan, come in, Dylan, where are you?”


       She came to with a gasp and immediately turned to face Dylan. “I saw you, or rather I was you, I think. You were driving in pouring rain, on a dark, two lane road. You were speeding and nearly consumed with fear, but not for yourself.”

       “What made you think it was me?” Dylan asked.

       “Someone on the radio called to you, I think it was Jerry. She asked where you were.”

       “If you didn’t see me, then it just as easily could have been you or Nick or someone else driving my car. The two-way radio is built in.”

       “Why would we be driving your car?” Nick asked.

       “I don’t know, I’m just trying to nail down the facts. What do you mean you were me? Could you have been you?”

       “No, it wasn’t me. I need to focus.” Kris extricated herself from Nick and went to stand at the edge of the porch. She went through the vision second by second, looking for any other clues. “The eyes, “ she stated as she twirled around to face Dylan. “The eyes looked in the rear-view mirror when the radio went off. I was you. I mean, it was you in the vision. I’m positive.”

       “Assuming that the vision had something to do with this case, the rain provides another clue. Check the weather.” Dylan looked over at Nick, who immediately pulled out his phone. Satisfied, Dylan turned back to Kris.

       “Could you see any road markers or recognize any landmarks? Was the road straight or curved, asphalt, concrete, gravel or dirt?”

       Kris closed her eyes to concentrate. “Asphalt, with double yellow lines down the center. Straight. No discernable trees, but the rain is really coming down and it’s almost completely dark.”

       “You said I was speeding and frightened. How do you know?”

       “I can feel the speed and the sense of fear is palpable inside the car.”

       “If I’m not afraid for myself, what am I afraid of?”

       “I don’t know, the sense of fear is just there. And it’s almost overwhelming.”

       “Heavy rain projected tomorrow through Friday.” Nick reported. “Strong thunderstorms likely.”

       “Did you see any lightening, or hear thunder?” Dylan asked.

       “Kris closed her eyes. “No to both, the only lights came from your headlights.”

       “So it’s a rural area or it’s so late at night that no one is around. That’s lets out Charleston. People are driving around over there, no matter what time of the night it is. Plus you didn’t see any buildings. Right?”

       “No, no buildings, just the road and the rain.” Kris shivered. Nick went to her then, wrapping his arms around her. They were both facing Dylan. “You still haven’t told us your plan for leaving the cameras.”

       “That’s because I’m still working it out. I’d at least like to leave them in place tonight, discuss our options with Nate and Jerry. Tech also needs time to get the trace.” He looked at Kris. “Can you handle that?”

      “Apparently, I don’t have a choice. How much of me can he see in the dark?”

       “Not much, but enough.” Dylan saw the look of disgust on Nick’s face and the look of abject fear on Kris’s. “Why don’t you just sleep in the guest room? Maybe it will stir him up if he can’t see you. By tomorrow, I’ll have a plan that we can all live with.”

       A feeling of instant relief washed over Kris. She let out a long breath that she didn’t even know she was holding. “Yes, thanks. I’ll do that. I really don’t think I could sleep a wink, knowing he was watching me.”

       “I get that, not sure that I could either.” Dylan’s phone rang.

       “What d’ya got?” He barked. It only took a second for the scowl to land on his face.

       “Keep  on it, thanks.” He hung up. “The cameras are definitely feeding to a website, but the son of a bitch routed the signal to hell and back. Between the dummy servers and the routing nightmare, it could take days to trace it back to his location, if at all. Sorry, I know that’s not what you wanted to hear.”

       Kris was silent for a long moment, while Nick swore at Dylan. “It’s not his fault, you know it’s not,” she told him softly. “I’ve had just about all I can take for one day, I’m going to bed.” She reached up and gave Nick a quick kiss good night. “Good night.” She was gone before either man could stop her, not that they would have.

       Dylan faced Nick, who looked like he wanted to kill something or someone. “I understand how you feel. I would feel the same way. You have to know that I’m doing everything I can to keep her safe. We could whisk her away, but who’s to say he wouldn’t go after her? Or wait on her to come back? Kris’s best chance to come out the other side of this is to face it head on.”

       Nick’s voice was deceptively calm. “If you let anything happen to her, you’ll answer to me. I don’t care how many badges you’re wearing.” He left the porch, heading for home.


       The insistent trilling of the phone dragged Kris from the beginning of her nightmare. She checked the caller ID before she answered. ‘Restricted.’

       “Damn,” she sat up and screamed for Dylan before answering. She could hear him running up the stairs.

       “I told you to stop calling me.” She hissed tersely at the caller. Dylan heard her spea
k and entered the room quietly. She put the phone on speaker.

       “Did you miss me?” The voice was soft, almost a caress.

       “Like a bad rash. What’s wrong with you? Can’t you find a woman who would actually welcome your calls?”

       The question surprised Damien; this one was feisty. He liked that.

       “Ah, Beauty, aren’t you enjoying our courtship?” He chuckled softly. “You’ll soon discover that there’s absolutely nothing wrong with me. I’m almost ready for you.”

       Kris knew she had to keep him talking. “As I believe that we’ve met once on the beach—how is Archie, by the way—I admit that you are reasonably attractive, well-dressed and articulate. But your methods of so-called courtship have a lot to be desired.”

       Damien smiled. “You remember me, how delightful. I’m afraid that Archie is no longer with me, but it was kind of you to ask.” He knew that she was trying to trace the call, he enjoyed letting her think it was possible. The burner phone was a special order that routed calls around the world. After chasing the links, the call would seemingly originate from Prague.

       “What did you do to him?” Her skin was crawling, but she kept him talking.

       “Nothing nefarious, I assure you. I’m sure that he’s happily annoying someone else.” Damien paused, “It disappoints me that you are not enjoying our courtship. I thought the roses were a nice touch.”

       “I hate roses.”

       “A pity; and they were so lovely. The color reminded me of blood.”

       Kris had no response, but she held on. Damien continued.

       “I’m preparing a surprise for you, one that we can share. Until we meet again, dream of me, my Beauty. And know that I’m always thinking of you.” Damien disconnected.

       Kris threw the phone on the bed, nearly hitting a mildly interested Pegasus. She shivered from head to toe. If her grandmother were here, she would tell her that someone just walked over her grave. The thought made her shiver again.