Read Timeless Trilogy, Book One: Fate Page 15

       Dylan was on his phone, hoping to get results of the trace. “Damnation.” He growled as he hung up. “He’s using a throw-away that’s programmed to Prague. No way to trace him with that.” He saw that Kris was shivering, and took her hand. “We’ll get him, Kris. I know it’s frustrating and frightening, but we’ll get him.”

       “He’s very confident.”

       “So am I. He doesn’t know we’re onto the cameras, that’s a plus. I spoke with Nate, we’re going to set a trap.”

       “And I’m the bait?”

       “No. We’ll switch you with an agent. She’ll look enough like you to fool him through a video feed, especially if she never turns her face to a camera. You will be safely across the island with Jerry. There’s a few more details to work out, but we’ll start tomorrow night. According to the forecast, that’s when the rain will start.”

       “I’d rather stay with Cassie, is that possible? Jerry can come too.”

       “Let me work on it; we’ll talk more tomorrow. Try to get a few more hours sleep.”

       Kris glanced at the clock and winced, 1:15. “Sure, why not?” She tried not to sound sarcastic.

       Pegasus waddled over to cuddle against Kris as she lay back down. “I know boy, everything is all messed up. But we’ll be fine.” After a second, she added, “I hope.”


       “Don’t even pack a bag; just get ready for your day as usual.”

       Kris physically cringed at Dylan’s words. They reminded her of the times she paraded around her bedroom, wearing little to nothing as she was getting ready for whatever. He was watching the entire time. “What about Peg?”

       “Peg needs to stay. He’s part of the cover. Agent Stark, your double, will take care of Peg. He’ll be fine.”

       They were having coffee on the porch after a series of early morning phone calls, or in Dylan’s case, all night phone calls. He continued, “Everything’s all set, Stark will leave your office tonight in your car. She’s bringing double sets of clothing for at least three days. You and she need to coordinate what you’re wearing each day. You should leave the office during the day; run an errand, go to lunch, anything where he can see you. It will help sell the switch.”

       “How should I explain her to people in the office?”

       “You won’t have to. Be the last person out and the first person in every day, and no one will notice. You and Jerry will be entering and exiting the delivery entrance on the backside of the building. Jerry’s picking up an SUV with tinted windows today, so you will not be visible.”

       “Will there still be an agent outside of Cassie’s house?” Cassie was surprised when Kris woke her this morning, asking to move in for a few days, complete with bodyguard. She told Cassie enough to let her know that she may be putting herself in danger by inviting Kris in, but Cassie didn’t care. She was relieved that Kris was moving out of her house, and hopefully away from the stalker. Kris dreaded filling her in on everything, but she would tonight, face to face.

       “Yes, but it’s highly unlikely that anything will happen there. As far as Damien is concerned, you are still here, but you’re no longer protected.”

       “Where will you be?”

       “I’ll be here, outside somewhere watching. We’ll have an agent on the beach, one at the end of your street and one on Nick’s porch. Combined with the cameras I installed outside the house earlier, we’ve got the bases covered.”

       “I wouldn’t count on the cameras; rain seriously impairs visibility, especially at night. Talk about a nightmare, try to shoot a scene under those conditions and you can screw the budget with one setup.”

       “The cameras are only a backup. Everyone will be wired, so we’ll hear everything in the house and outside the house.”

       “Sounds like you thought of everything.” Her phone buzzed, indicating a text. “Nick’s on his way over; says he’s coming around the deck, not to shoot.” She grinned.

       “Funny guy.”

       “I do my best. Morning.” Nick smiled as he came into view.

       “Morning.” Kris stood and gave him a quick kiss. “I hear you’re part of the trap.”

       “On the condition that I stay out of the way.” Nick scowled at Dylan. “I still say another pair of eyes would help.”

       “Do the words ‘civilian’ and ‘serial killer’ mean anything to you? It’s enough that you’re lending us your deck as a watch post. I don’t want to have to worry about you too, so just…”

       “I know, I know, stay out of the way. I read you loud and clear.” Turning to Kris, he asked, “So Cassie’s cool with you staying there?”

       “Yes, but she doesn’t know the whole story yet.”

       “That won’t matter to her, just like it doesn’t matter to me. We both love you.” He said it so matter-of-factly, that it took Kris a minute to catch up.

       He said he loved me, she thought. But not in an ‘I love you’ way, more of a casual, friendly way. At least that was something.

       “I know.” She simply replied. Standing, she continued, “I have to get ready for work. I don’t suppose I’ll see either of you for a few days, at least.” She turned to Dylan, “You, take care of yourself. And you,” she went to Nick and gave him a hug. “Stay out of the way. I kind of like having you as a neighbor.” She smiled into his eyes.

       “Yeah? Well I kind of like having you right next door, too. Why don’t we have lunch today?” Nick wasn’t about to miss seeing her every day.

       “I can do that. I’ll call you.” After another quick kiss, she left the men to the porch.


       She tried to keep her back to the camera, after showering and getting dressed in the bathroom with the door closed. Sure, that was not her usual behavior, but she wasn’t about to put on a peep show for the pervert. She’d had the foresight to bring her purse upstairs with her; luckily it was large enough to hold the gun case she was slipping out of her dresser drawer. She was taking a chance, but it was her life, after all. Not that she didn’t trust Jerry to keep her and Cassie safe, she just felt better with her own protection. Besides, Dylan and Jerry would probably never know she had it with her. From the camera angle, neither would Damien.

       Taking her purse to the bathroom, she grabbed her travel bag of cosmetics and toiletries, also managing to fit it inside the bag. If he was watching, he would just have to wonder what she was up to.

       Pegasus was stretched out across the bed, watching her covert maneuvers from nearly closed eyes. She went over and scratched his head, then reached down and picked him up for a monster hug. He tolerated it, even snuggled in and started to purr.

       “I’m gonna miss you boy,” she whispered. Be good for Stark. She’ll feed you and I’ll bet she’ll even let you sleep with her. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” She put the fat cat back on the bed, picked up her bag and left her home.


  Chapter Fifteen


       “How did you find this place?” Nick asked as they settled into their table on the back deck of the hole-in-the-wall café. Jerry had generously offered to give the couple some privacy; she was dining alone at an indoor table, one that offered a perfect view of Kris.

       “Cassie found it, actually. You know how she never meets a stranger? She was buying fresh shrimp, right off the boat apparently, and the fisherman told her about this place. Locals try to keep it a secret; otherwise the tourists would take over. Best shrimp and grits in Charleston.” She grinned at him, “Now that you’re a local, I can share the secret with you.”

       “Thanks, I think.” He smiled back. “I’ve lived in the South most of my life and that’s one dish I’ve never tried. I guess I may as well start with the best.” Af
ter placing their order, Nick took her hand across the table.

       “I’ve missed you.”

       Even though they had seen each other every day, she knew what he meant. They hadn’t been truly alone, except for their walks along the beach. They weren’t truly alone now, not with every table around them filled. “I’ve missed you, too.”

       “Can I come to Cassie’s tonight? I’ll bring pizza, or Chinese or whatever it is that you ladies like. Or I could cook something. We’ve eaten a lot of takeout lately.” He rubbed his thumb lazily across her palm.

       Kris felt the familiar tingle race over her body from his touch. She tried to ignore it. “Seriously? You’re willing to cook for three women, in a strange kitchen?”

       “Of course, why does that seem odd to you? I’d really like to see Cassie again, too.  Even under these circumstances.”

       “You’re on. I’m sure she’d love to see you, too.” Kris made a mental note to call Cassie and let her know about Nick and dinner. “We should be there around seven. We have to wait until everyone else goes home before we can leave the office. I’ll text you when we’re on the way.” She hesitated for a moment. “I wonder just how much Agent Stark will look like me,” she mused.

       Nick gazed into her vibrant green eyes shaped like almonds, high cheekbones, perky little nose and full, red lips, surrounded by a tornado of rich caramel curls. “Dylan says they’re having a wig made, there’s no one else with hair like yours.” He loved her hair, remembered playing with it for hours as they lounged about in her room at school. “Other than that, her height and build are similar. Her face could never match yours, but she’ll keep her head down or facing away from the cameras. Sounds like it can work, at least for a video feed.”

       “I just want this whole thing to be over.” She tried not to whine, but the experience was taking its toll.

       “I know, Krissy, me too.” By unspoken mutual agreement, they dropped the subject as their meal arrived.




       “And then Roni said, ‘but officer, the sign said ‘No standing on the grass’. As you can plainly see, we are having a picnic. Want some chicken?’” Cassie had Roni down to a T, Kris thought as she, Nick and Jerry all laughed at the story. Cassie continued, “The poor man never stood a chance, once Roni batted those long eyelashes and gave him her sweetest smile. He ended up joining us for lunch.”

       “I have to meet this woman.” Jerry laughed. “It takes guts to blatantly challenge a D.C. cop patrolling a national landmark, and then twist him around her finger.”

       “Roni doesn’t even have to work at it. Her sincerity is part of her charm. She really didn’t believe that having a picnic on the grounds of Mount Vernon was a problem.” Cassie shook her head. “I was just along for the ride.”

       “Roni is definitely one of a kind.” Nick told Jerry. “I look forward to seeing her again, too. More wine?” he asked as he picked up the bottle.

       “Why not?” Kris and Cassie said in unison, and then smiled at each other.

       “None for me,” Jerry chimed in. “I’m technically still on duty.” She smiled at Nick. “Dinner was great, thanks. Any more like you at home?”

       Nick laughed as he refilled the glasses. “’Fraid not, but thanks for asking.”

       “Hey, nothing ventured, and all that.”

       “Nick is one of a kind, too.” Kris told her. “You should taste his lasagna.”

       “Stop, you’re making me blush.” Nick batted his eyes at Kris while patting his heart.

       “You picked up some serious skills in the past ten years.” Cassie told him. “As I recall, your specialty used to be Ramen noodles and takeout burgers. I’m impressed.”

       “It was a pleasure to cook in that kitchen. Nice job with the remodel. The whole house is pretty spectacular.”

       “Thanks, I like it. Even if it is kind of big for one person.” Cassie looked into her wine. “I like to think that it won’t always seem so empty.”

       “Well, it’s not empty now. I really appreciate your hospitality. This is at least a hundred times better than any hotel we could be hold up in. Traveling so much with the job, I rarely get to spend evenings like the ones we’ve had lately. This feels more like a vacation than an assignment.” Jerry smiled at Cassie. They two women had hit it off immediately, but Kris knew that they would. Cassie was such a warm person, everyone felt welcome in her home.

        “I think that’s my cue to leave.” Nick said as he stood. “I’m taking some leftovers to Dylan, but everything else is in the fridge. Manicotti is better the second day, so enjoy.” He leaned down to give Cassie a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for letting me invade your space. I’m sure we’ll see each other soon.”

       “My kitchen is always open to you, Master Chef Nicholas.” Cassie quipped. “Seriously, come back anytime.”

       Kris stood, “I’ll walk you out.”

       “Just to the porch, okay?” Jerry advised. Kris nodded. No matter how much fun they had or how they all got along, they were here because of a madman. Kris couldn’t forget that, no matter how she tried.

       Nick took her in his arms as soon as they reached the porch. He felt her tense up at Jerry’s warning. “Maybe they’ll get him tonight. This could all be over in the morning.”

       “From your lips,” she whispered as she reached up to touch them with her own.

       The kiss started off sweet and tender, but Nick quickly deepened it into a smoldering blaze. He dropped the leftover bag and pulled her to him, nearly crushing her in his arms. Kris didn’t mind. Swept in the onslaught of Nick’s desire, and matching it with her own, she molded herself to him.

       Fireworks were going off in Nick’s head; his body ached to get closer to her. This kiss was different from the others they had shared this time around. Desperation combined with urgency combined with overwhelming passion. Kris didn’t want it to stop; fireworks exploded in her head,too.

       He broke the kiss first but held onto her, gently stroking her hair. “We’re giving the neighbors quite a show,” he chuckled softly.

       “I don’t care.” She replied, her face buried in his chest.

       Nick saw Jerry, hovering in the hallway, trying to give them privacy. He sighed, then stepped back slightly from Kris, but kept his arms loosely around her. “Lunch tomorrow?” he asked as he gazed into her eyes, still hazy with desire. It was all he could do not to say to hell with it, pick her up in his arms and carry her into one of those perfectly styled bedrooms upstairs.

       “Yes. I’ll call you from work tomorrow.” She read the regret in his eyes at leaving her. Knowing that he felt that way made it easier to let him go.

       “Sweet dreams, Krissy.” He whispered softly as he kissed her forehead and turned to leave, grabbing Dylan’s leftovers on the way.

       “Sweet dreams, Nick.” She watched him get to his car and drive down the street. The humidity was still high, but the breeze from the bay made its way to Cassie’s porch. Her home was only two blocks from The Battery, Charleston’s infamous battleground turned park on the water. She turned to go inside and met Jerry, standing at the door.

       “I’d say Nick’s skills are not limited to the kitchen,” she grinned as Kris blushed. “Sorry, I tried to be discreet, but I had to follow you. Duty and all that, you know.” She winked. “I thought I would have to find a fire extinguisher, or a water hose, just to keep the house from bursting into flames.”

       Kris shivered as Jerry’s words reminded her of the dream. She shook it off. “The man’s definitely got skills.” She said as she passed her in the foyer. “But I don’t kiss and tell.”

      “Honey, the look on your face says it all.” Jerry laughed as she lo
cked the door.

       Cassie came in from the dining room, turning off lights as she passed. “What did I miss?”

       Nothing, you didn’t miss a thing. This one’s just jealous.” Kris nodded her head towards Jerry. She gave Cassie a quick hug, “I’m going up to bed. Thanks again for letting us stay here.”

       “Would you stop? You know that this is your house whenever you need it.” Cassie and Jerry followed Kris up the curved staircase, though it was wide enough to fit all three women side by side.

        Stopping at the door to Kris’s room, Jerry reminded her “I’m right next door, just call out if you need me. I’m a very light sleeper.”

       “Okay, good night.” Kris watched as Cassie walked to the master bedroom at the end of the long hallway. She hoped she wouldn’t wake either of them. Breathing a sigh of relief at knowing she was not being watched, Kris unpacked the few outfits that Agent Stark had brought her. The lady had good taste, she thought as she hung two skirts and a pair of navy slacks in the closet. Coordinating silk blouses in the bright shades that Kris preferred looked comfortable. When the bag was empty, Kris moved to her oversized purse that Jerry had brought up earlier. Removing the SIG from the case, she slipped it beneath the extra pillow on the bed. I bet Cassie has one in the same place, Kris thought. She wasn’t technically lying to Jerry; the agent had never even asked if she had her gun with her.

       Placing her phone on the bedside table, she willed it not to ring. “Just one, uninterrupted night’s sleep,” she whispered. “Please.”



       Damien watched the woman who looked like Kris move through the house, turning off the lights on her way to the stairs. There was no cop present tonight, just as he had hoped. “They think they’re fooling me.” He smiled. He had noticed the differences in the woman all evening. She walked with her head down, something his Beauty never did. Her movements were almost choppy, where his Beauty was fluid and graceful. Someone else may have been fooled, but not him. Still, it never hurt to make sure. He decided to make a call.

