Read Times Hearts Page 6

Saturday December 9th 1865

  My dearest friend Bess,

  I have met him he stood looking at me under his brow then looked around as I spoke with him and then back to me. His expression seemed to change I cannot say what it was about but I do know one thing I heard from Elaine who happened to be in his line of sight. She conversed with me that when I turned around to walk away, that his eyes were set upon me all the while I made my way back across the room.

  He took one more glance of me and then disappeared amongst the guests. The day after the ball I received a letter a letter from him saying that she wished to meet with me again and that the meeting will take place with my mama present.

  Bess, I do not know what to do! Please come to Bath. If not tomorrow then the day after, but please come I am in need I am in need of your companionship and foresight. Oh please do come affectionately


  Tuesday December 26th 1865 Friars Hill Somerset

  I have now begun a personal diary with which to write upon as was given to me by my dearest friend Bess and which I will cherish with all of my heart. Thus I will keep here what is in my heart, what I have heard and other personal notes. To begin this..

  He met me yesterday with my Mama! We walked for a few yards in the garden; he turned and took my hand, looked directly into my eyes, and said he had never known such gentleness, such kindness. From the moment he laid eyes upon me he was well aware of the eyes upon us both. He asked did I not notice the room had almost silenced, and that people turned their heads in our direction, and how the dancing slowed down as people regarded us.

  He told me that I was different. He said he had heard of me through certain circles and that it was only a matter of time we would meet.

  I am more than taken aback by his sudden interest in me. I would have imagined this most likely with Miss Georgette Steele. I had heard tell she had set her sights upon him, yet he disregarded her and her attentions to him.

  I do not know what to do in this matter... I shall think on it.

  Tuesday 9th January1866 near Highgate London

  Over the last few days, I have come to realise that all is not as it seems. I am too confused and too puzzled to understand completely Lord Rochford and his motives behind his attentions to me. I have heard it that Miss Steele is apparently coming to London in the next day or so and is meeting with the Duke of Denfordshire, Lord Rochford along with other notable guests at the Spring Ball.

  It has been made known to me Miss Georgette Steele is Lord Rochfords cousin! Who would have believed!? It seems that in their family tradition, he was to marry his cousin, but because of her past entanglements, it was deemed that this should be passed over, a break with tradition and that any family connections with the Denfordshires would in fact be denied rigorously.

  It is clear now that he had indeed did care for me and has grown fond of me as I him, yet my heart is elsewhere...I try too not think of him with such memories I have.

  Monday 15th January 1866 near London

  My Dearest Bess,

  I wish to congratulate you on your engagement to Mr Candon Esq... I am only sorry that I cannot be there as Mama is taking me to HighFields where I am to meet with the Duke of Denfordshire and be introduced to the Countess Merdings before the Spring Ball, which is only a week away! I am both nervous and excited. I am only saddened that you shall not be there as my companion and to ease my condition.

  My arm for the day will be Lord Rochford, he is to attend me accordingly, which his papa has already agreed upon. We are to enter through the majestic arch in the lilac room and our position will be at the midpoint of the procession into the ball room before Princes and Princess.’ I am so disconcerted that something may go array during the procession but I will be of good mind and good cheer and hope it will proceed as expected.

  I do hope this finds you well as I am myself.

