Read To Be Beside. Page 2

Chapter 2 – Saturday Morning October 30th 1841

  Sylvanus awoke excitedly around seven. His dreams and night thoughts had been filled with Annie and the exciting possibility of their forthcoming walk through Brighton. Since he was keen on living well and lucky enough to have money he felt that he should try to keep as fit and live as long as possible to use it up.

  Stumbling to the window he could finally see the sea properly from his bedroom window and flung up the sash window to get a deep inhalation of the air.

  The waves were small and perfectly formed crashing with a restful hush on the distant pebbles of the seashore. The only other sound was the faint clip clop of the horse’s hooves on the freshly metalled road; Brighton was at the forefront of modern road planning and streets ahead of London’s archaic system.

  He was excited to have a date. The strangest date he had ever found himself with. Even now he was not sure who arranged what but, he was excited that he might spend more time with the sweet Annie. He had never quite met anyone like her who he felt so easy and natural with. He could not wait to buy her a bonnet and not out of the tip money either. This would be a no expense spared very best Sunday bonnet.

  After staring at fully fifty or more waves he decided it was time for a wash and breakfast.

  Neither disappointed. The washing facilities in the hotel were the very latest with the latest in water closets in each room. He dressed and tied his finest bow tie and set aside his tail jacket and top hat for the promenade later.

  At breakfast there was a choice of porridge, fresh fish from the ocean, bacon and local sausages and many other delicacies fit for a king and of course it was the king who was making Brighton famous lately.

  After his hearty breakfast he bade farewell to the door boy and headed East for Queens Road where he hoped to see the beautiful Annie again.

  Sure enough as he crossed to the railings above the beach he could see her looking even more beautiful than the previous evening, no longer in her work clothes.

  She was a very special girl he could tell. One capable of holding her own in any situation.

  ‘Annie it’s you.’ He exclaimed.

  ‘Yes Sir it is, and I am pleased to see that it is you too this morning.’

  ‘I was thinking of you all night you know.’

  ‘And I you my Lord. And the help you can do for my father. Mother is coming to town today to collect some money for his medication.’

  ‘What is wrong with him?’

  ‘He has chest and breathing problems but the medicine should make him better.’

  ‘Well I am only pleased to help a little,

  Annie kissed him after checking there was nobody spying on her.

  ‘Where would you like to go?’ enquired Annie.

  ‘I am all yours beautiful lady. I would like to experience the beach and maybe the Chain Pier and of course there is the matter of your bonnet to buy.’

  ‘The bonnet can wait; first you must experience Brighton come.’

  She grabbed his arm and dragged him to the beach and continued to plough across the pebbles between the fishing boats where fishermen were repairing their nets and selling their catch, right at the waters edge.

  ‘Come on.’ She requested as she removed her shoes and hoisted her petticoat before entering the foaming waves up to her knees.

  Sylvanus soon removed his shoes and socks and joined her on the periphery of the ocean. For a moment she hugged him while she danced and kicked the water.

  ‘I think we are safe here. Remember the hotel don’t like staff fraternizing with the guests. I can’t resist fraternizing with you though Sir. I hope you don’t mind but it has been so long since I have had the company of a gentleman. There are only three bachelors in Poynings and they are all taken by my three eldest sisters. There are another 6 of us who must roam far and wide for love.’

  ‘I am quite surprised that they did not choose you over your sisters.’

  ‘I am just a simple girl Sir.’

  ‘I think not Annie, I think you are more special than any I have met before and you have a special role to play on this earth.’

  ‘I hope so Sir.’

  ‘Oh and please call me Sylvanus. Sylvanus Kent is my full name but please call me something of your liking.

  ‘Sylvanus is a bit of a mouthful how about Vaney as a pet name?’

  ‘Fine; nobody has ever called me that to my knowledge so Vaney it is.’

  Again she stood on tip toes and hugged him enough that she could plant a kiss on his waiting cheek.

  ‘Now come on I have something new to show you, the likes of which you have seldom seen.’ Said Annie

  ‘You mean the bathing machines with their big wheels.’ replied Sylvanus pointing at the large huts on wheels which could transport ladies in bathing costumes from the beach to the ocean in privacy.

  ‘No something more rare and exciting.’ replied Annie.

  Together they clambered back across the beach between the piles of fishing nets and pots to the promenade and crossed the road to the row of seaside shops.

  The pavement was filled with throngs of revellers promenading in heir fine clothes, seeing and being seen. Gentlemen in top hats and breeches and ladies in long flowing, colourful crinolines.

  ‘Here, it’s only been open a couple of months. In this shop you can get your portrait drawn by light. It is an invention of Frenchman called Daguerre and you get an image on metal plate of your likeness.

  There were several Daguerreotypes displayed in the window and beyond there were a few people sitting for their portraits in front of a large mahogany and brass camera.

  ‘I saw that lady on the train last night. Unfortunately I was in the first class so I had to move but she was there with another lady and a couple of gentlemen. That may be them all together now having their portraits created.’

  ‘It is a very costly process I understand, so they must be wealthy, but it’s amazing to think you can capture your soul on a metal plate for all to see.’

  ‘Perhaps we can have our portraits taken one day Annie. ‘

  ‘Perhaps Vaney. Now come we have more of Brighton to discover.’

  As they turned the corner Sylvanus could see the distant pier positioned out to sea.

  ‘Can you see the chain pier? It is a masterpiece of engineering and one can walk out over the ocean and enjoy a true connection with nature. Boats sometimes dock there and can take you as far as France some 20 miles south across the waves. They say a kiss at the end of the pier is worth 200 kisses on dry land.’

  ‘Come on then I shall never let it be said that I missed the chance of 200 kisses in one moment.’

  ‘Oh Vaney; you are real aren’t you? I am just worried that I will blink my eyes and you will vanish leaving me once again alone and desolate.

  ‘I assure you Annie I am totally real as is my affection for you.’

  Once again she gave Sylvanus a little hug, more than was usually permissible between a man and a woman promenading.

  As they reached the pier Sylvanus was a little scared to enter.

  ‘Are you sure it is safe?’

  ‘Yes, yes. Thousands of people a year have walked the boards and it is very safe even during storms. There are four solid piers with strong chains joined a top of them and wooden planks are slung under the great chains.’

  In moments they were soon walking out across the waves.

  ‘This is most sensational. I am not sure if I should really adore it or be petrified.’ said Sylvanus. ‘It is wonderful to see the boats from on the water and in their world, in their surroundings.’

  ‘Adore, adore. Je t’adore.’

  ‘Oh my Annie you can even speak French.’

  ‘Just a little Vaney and only when I am nearer to France but some very meaningful words for you.’

  ‘Is this normal to be falling in love so quickly? I mean I have never really been in love before and it all seems so sudden.’

  ‘You have heard of love at first sight ha
ven’t you? Well this feels like it to me.’

  ‘You are sweet Annie – so sweet.’

  Together they skipped to the very end of the pier where there were moorings for deep water boats to run pleasure cruises up and down and across the channel.

  Through the planks Sylvanus caught sight of the undulating waves and his legs turned a little to jelly. Or was it the effect of Annie?

  ‘Now remember what I said. This is worth 200 kisses.’ said Annie.

  ‘I remember and I can’t wait.’

  Their lips joined in a very long embrace as their arms coiled round each other. Sylvanus had literally never felt anything like it before. They seemed to deliciously move under their own subconscious power and they scarcely needed breath.

  Finally the clench broke and both were left helpless.

  ‘My knees have gone very weak Annie.’

  ‘Mine too Vaney.’

  ‘I am not sure that was 200 times, more like 547 times more powerful than a kiss on dry land.

  Now how about a new bonnet to celebrate?’

  ‘Don’t worry I will remember that moment for all my life.’

  ‘No! A bonnet I demand. And a bonnet you shall have – lead me to the best bonnet makers in Brighton.’

  It took some 20 minutes to walk back to the Royal Pavilion from the end of the pier.

  ‘This used to be King Georges palace by the sea. Rumour goes that he had a dream and had his architect construct his dream in reality. A dream of domes and amazing towers and he built them all here in little Brighton.’ Said Annie

  ‘Apparently there are underground passages where nocturnal visits took place.’

  ‘How magnificent. I can’t believe we are in England with this extravagant architecture. It is like a cross between the Taj Mahal and some Islamic edifice. The beautiful domes and minarets make me feel like I am in a dream too.’ replied Sylvanus.

  ‘I hear tales from the servants that work there that the inside is even more opulent with Chinese hand painted wall paper and golden dragon chandeliers. Apparently Queen Victoria is not keen on the place though. It is too public for her and Albert and their new baby.’ added Annie.

  It was just a few hundred yards more to North Road shops.

  ‘This is Madam Matilda Ganders Bonnetry and the best in Brighton so now you can help me choose my bonnet.’

  They entered the emporium and Sylvanus stood in awe.

  ‘I have to say I never imagined a milliners would be so amazing inside.’ said Sylvanus

  The shop was bright with large windows displaying beautiful frilly creations in all colours with large mirrors reflecting the light and the vast array of hats on head height poles just ready for a lady to slip on.

  It took a full 20 minutes more to be sure that she was buying the very best bonnet. Then just as her money came out, Sylvanus stepped in to the situation.

  ‘NO, NO I am paying for this.’ He said.

  ‘No I have the money.’

  ‘Yes my money and that is for your father. Here take it out of this and keep the change’

  He handed over one of his usual audacious amounts.

  Annie looked even more beautiful with her bonnet framing her pretty face which was filled with wonder and excitement as they left the Bonnetry. They headed south down a very narrow alley.

  ‘This is the area called the lanes. In fact we Sussex people more correctly call them twittens but it’s the lanes to the rest of the world. This is the original old fishing village, all houses jammed together with no room for even a cart to pass in front of them. Another part of Brighton that there is nothing like anywhere in the world.’

  ‘I love these quaint old places. Can we buy one?’ enquired Sylvanus. I adore them with their upper stories almost touching and everywhere is the smell of salt and the ocean. The fishing nets hanging and drying from the rafters with the light glinting through them, it is a magical sight.’

  ‘We can’t buy anything with my money I am afraid, Maybe you can afford one though. The prices are rising steeply since everyone is deciding to come to Brighton.’

  ‘Well it has certainly been good for me.’ said Sylvanus. ‘One could say it has changed my life. Maybe I will buy one.’

  ‘Where did you get all your money if you don’t mind me asking?’

  ‘You can ask Annie. It is a family fortune which was left to me so I have done little to earn it and all I am trying to do is redistribute it.’

  ‘Where did it come from?’

  ‘I am ashamed to say that some of it came from the old family businesses of iron smelting and slave trading which is another reason why I am keen to be rid of the stuff.’

  She fell silent.

  ‘It was all fair and square under the law of the time and also a lot of it came from the iron industry in these parts so totally lawful all of it but all the same not to my taste.’

  ‘Speaking of slavery I should be getting back to work and my Mother is coming.’

  ‘Well if it is OK with you I will continue to familiarize myself with Brighton. Will you be working this evening?’

  ‘Yes this and every evening I expect.’

  ‘Well I look forward to seeing you later in the bar then. And my regards to your mother.’

  ‘I will look forward to that and we are getting near the staff entrance anyway so I must leave you here. Thank you again Vaney.’

  ‘No! Thank you and I am just pleased to be able to share a little happiness.’

  They kissed again before she hurried off down one of the small lanes heading West leaving Sylvanus to continue his exploration of the nooks and crannies of the brick paved twittens.