Read To Be Beside. Page 3

Chapter 3 –Saturday October 30th 1841 noon.

  Annie was soon back in the building and dressed in her staff uniform on duty for midday in the bar.

  Until midday there were occasional drinks but it was mainly a coffee and tea bar.

  She had with her, her mother’s money to buy father his medicine.

  Soon after 12 O’clock her mother entered.

  ‘Hello dear.’

  ‘Hello mother, how is father today?’

  ‘Not so good but we hope the medicine will pull him through. He slept very poorly last night as it is all on his chest and he can hardly breathe.’

  ‘I have the money and some more. I will change it up into notes to make it easier and you hurry to the chemist to make him better.’

  She emptied the contents of her pockets into the till and replaced it with notes which she passed to her mother across the bar.

  ‘Now hurry to make father better and send him all my love and you too.’

  With that, her mother turned to make a swift departure from the hotel.

  By now Sylvanus had reached a tea house in the Lanes and entered. In truth it was little more than the parlour of an old cottage.

  ‘May I have a coffee please?’ He asked at the counter

  ‘Certainly Sir; I will bring it to you. Will there be anything else?’

  ‘Yes how about that nice bath bun there.’

  ‘Certainly Sir.’

  Looking around Sylvanus found that the bar was rather crowded but there was a stool available in the window next to a working man. Sylvanus headed there.

  ‘Is this place taken?’ enquired Sylvanus.

  ‘No! It be free.’ replied the local in a thick accent.

  ‘Are you a local to Brighton?’

  ‘Um Yes Sir. I am a fisher. Got a boat on the beach.’

  ‘It’s my first time here and I am already loving the place. I came down last night on the Locomotive from London.’

  ‘Ahhh, were getting plenty of your sorts down here these days. I like to see a few different sorts here and it drives the price of my catch up but there are them that ain’t so sure.’

  ‘‘Why is that?’

  ‘They say the town bain’t big enough for all sorts of queer folk who don’t understand the locality. I, on the other hand like the fact I can get a coffee or tea whenever I want now and all that other stuff. It’s driving the price of homes up sharp too. At this rate the youngsters will never afford a place and I have seven with another on the way.’

  ‘Large families are much the thing then.’

  ‘Well the boys help out on the fishing or the farming if you live outside town and girls make babies to cook and carry on so it’s as simple as that.’

  ‘Your coffee and bun Sir. Is there anything else?’

  ‘No thank you my good man. Here’s a little something for you.

  Once again a good handful of coins was forced into the waiters hands.

  ‘I met a sweet girl working in the bar last night. She said she was from Poynings.’

  ‘Ah yes Sir, from over the hills. Them sort are not to be trusted. They are only here for the money. Especially the girls.’

  ‘She seemed sweet and honest enough.’

  ‘She may seem it Sir but you should let time be a judge of that.

  Sylvanus started to sip his coffee and bit into his bun.

  ‘Wonderful food and coffee.’ he continued

  ‘Yerm, It is my Auntie Elsie’s shop. T’was her living room but now she are making hand over fist what they ever made at fishing by supplying the gentry and me with cakes.

  Life is good if you are doing well.’

  ‘Life is good dear man.’

  ‘Now I must go and repair some nets ready for the morning catch tomorrow. Oh trust I may see you on the beach ready for me landing around nine.’

  ‘I will be there.’

  ‘Good because you can take some mackerel off me and get your hotel or wherever you are staying to cook them up for your breakfast. There is nothing better than fresh fish breakfast. It sets you up for the day.’

  Sylvanus shook the old mans hand which was gnarled and impregnated with years of the sea.

  ‘My name is Sylvanus what is yours my good man?’

  ‘Henry, Henry the eighth as a consequence of being the eighth child of a Henry Goldsmith.’

  ‘Pleased to meet you Henry the Eighth and I can’t wait to try your fish.’

  Henry nodded and left.

  Sylvanus finished his refreshments and wandered out into the lanes and back to the beach all he could think of is Annie.

  As Sylvanus explored the streets, the manager of the Imperial Hotel and an assistant entered the bar and walk up to Annie at the till.

  ‘Annie may I see you in my office for a moment, Edward will cover the bar.’

  Annie followed him in silence and trepidation to his office. Perhaps something had happened to her father before her mother could reach him with the medication.

  They enter his office

  ‘Please sit down.

  Now it has been reported to me that you have been seen giving your mother money from the till. What do you say?’

  ‘No that was my money Sir. I simply changed it up from the till.’

  ‘Anyway why were you giving her money?’

  ‘My father has been very ill and needed medicine.’

  ‘So you helped yourself from the till?’

  ‘No that was my money Sir that I had been saving.’

  ‘How long has your father been ill?’

  ‘Just a fortnight Sir.’

  ‘Hardly long enough to save up enough money from your wages for medicine then?’

  ‘I had it put by Sir.’

  ‘I am afraid you know the rules Annie. No pilfering will be tolerated.’

  ‘You can check the balance Sir. There is nothing missing.’

  ‘I am afraid the rules are there for a reason and I am going to have to let you go.’

  ‘No Sir; honestly it was my money.’

  ‘Where has it come from? I do not believe you saved it from your wages.’

  ‘I cannot say Sir lest I divulge a secret.’

  ‘Then Annie you see I have little choice to let you go. Please collect your belongings and any outstanding wages from Mrs. Parker and leave immediately.’

  Annie was heartbroken. She was so near to finding her perfect man and a wonderful life but it had suddenly and cruelly been taken from her as if it was out of her reach. Sometimes fate is a hard master.

  She trudged dejectedly through the lanes hoping to bump into her Vaney but knew she would have to be at the coach station by 5 to catch the last coach north to Pycombe from where it was not too long to walk to Poynings.

  She was devastated and cried for most of the journey home and could only hope that her father could find a way to forgive her.

  Sylvanus returned to the hotel around 5 after a bracing day out in Brighton and popped his head round the corner of the bar.

  There was no sign of Annie so he continued to his room to relax and change for the evening.

  ‘He was so looking forward to seeing Annie again.

  He looked out of his bedroom window to view the sea and hoped he would see her later but for now a change of clothes and a trip to the famous Mannequin club which had to be done if nothing else for the experience.

  At 7.00 he returned to the hotel door and spoke to the doorman.

  ‘I have a booking for dinner and a show at the Mannequin club.’

  ‘Ah yes Sir. Shall I call you a cab?’


  One of the horse drawn cabs was soon at the door of the hotel and Sylvanus was aboard for the short drive to the club.

  The uneven and cobbled streets were bustling much like London but with a more exclusive, expectant air. This was a young adolescent city which felt capable of wild mood swings.

  There was a short queue of cabs at the door of the Mannequin club and one by one the passengers alighted a
nd scampered inside the club.

  Soon it was Sylvanus’ turn.

  ‘Penny halfpenny please Sir.’

  He paid the driver with his usual flourish and headed inside.

  ‘I believe I have a booking for Dinner and a show – a front row seat was requested. Sylvanus Kent is the name.’

  ‘Ah yes Mr. Kent you are on table 7 right in the middle of the stage. Enjoy your meal and the show. Follow me.’

  Sylvanus eagerly followed the waiter right to the centre of the stage where the heavy velvet curtains were still firmly closed and seated him at table 7.

  ‘Would you like a drink to start with Sir?’

  ‘Yes I will have a bottle of red wine please. Do you have soup?’

  ‘Yes Sir we have consommé.’

  ‘Good; that seems a popular soup around these parts. I would like to start with that if it’s alright. I will choose my main course when you return.’

  ‘Of course Sir.

  We have a special goose for main course if you are interested but all the other selections are on the menu.’

  Sylvanus settled into his ringside seat. The interior was much as Annie had described the Royal Pavilion with its colourful hand painted wallpaper and chandeliers. There was a heavy air of cigar and pipe smoke across the tables and a gentle hubbub of gentlemanly conversation.

  Very soon the waiter returned with a nice bottle of claret and the consommé

  ‘Thank you dear man. And for my main course I believe I would like the goose which you have suggested.’

  As Sylvanus began the starter the band struck up from somewhere half under the stage in front of him. He enjoyed the excitement as the music began to build and couldn’t help but tap his feet to the interesting and strangely sensual rhythms

  After the overture the curtain opened to a warm up act of a fire eater. She was in the person of a very beautiful girl in a tatty costume and seemed to be caressing the fire as she juggled and ate her flaming torches.

  As the main course arrived a team of dancers in tiller girl costumes started to entertain with slightly titillating and high leg licking dances but nothing which Sylvanus would want to miss any eating time for.

  He was very aware that being this close to the performers allowed every slip and rip of their costume and every hint of imperfection to be displayed but the excitement of the spectacle was driving his spirits higher every moment.

  Once again the orchestra struck up as a charming girl singer strode on stage as the orders for desert were taken.

  ‘I would like pineapple cake with custard please.’

  ‘A very good choice sire. And will you follow that with port and the cheese board Sir?’

  ‘What an excellent idea. Oh, and some more exciting dancing please.’

  ‘Don’t worry Sir this is very much the warm up section of the show I can assure you.’

  The desert arrived and was very much to Sylvanus’ taste as he had rarely eaten pineapple and he was soon onto the cheese and port finale.

  As the waiter returned to top up his port he leaned over.

  ‘The real show is about to begin.’ He whispered

  The curtain opened to display a very beautiful girl in a scanty leopard skin performing with snakes.

  Sylvanus was scared but exhilarated by the danger and the proximity of the deadly creatures and the very beautiful girl just feet from his table.

  Next the dancers returned doing a far more raunchy number and then it was interval time.

  To Sylvanus surprise at the end of the number the dancers walked out onto the tables near the stage and started dancing for each individual table.

  As the music stopped the dancers jumped down and sat at the table they were dancing on and chatted with the guests. Sylvanus took a metaphorical step back and surveyed the surreal scene from a French painting scrutinising the faces of the crowd.

  ‘Good evening Sir and I trust you are enjoying the show.’ said the girl in a thick French accent. French girls were all the rage in the post Napoleonic era.

  Her breathing was slightly deep and rapid after her exertion and some beads of sweat were evident on her soft brow. Even across the table her face and make up were perfect

  ‘I am very well; thank you and I see you are very well all over too.’

  ‘Why thank you, you are a kind gentleman indeed. Of course I am dancing for everyone this evening but I am mainly dancing for you and of course I can continue dancing for you as long as you would like me too.’

  ‘How wonderful, my own private dancer and such a beauty.’

  She kissed him on the cheek leaving him in no doubt about his possibilities.

  ‘I must go to change for the next act but remember my name is Martha I am here just for you.’

  ‘And I for you dear girl.’

  The music soon struck up again and the dancers were once again a little scantier clad and Sylvanus’ dancer Martha only seemed to be dancing for him making continual eye contact and seductive moves just above his gaze.

  Next on was a burlesque type stripper leaving a little to the imagination of the discerning crowd in her red bodice.

  As the curtains opened next an act with a scantily clad girl and crocodile on a lead was on stage.

  The beautiful girl put her head right inside its vast jaws before leading it round the edge of the stage just feet from Sylvanus’ table.

  Then the dance troupe again but this time Sylvanus personal dancer and the central girl Martha on the stage slowly and seductively disrobed whilst dancing right down to her frilly bloomers then just as they dropped the lights blacked and the curtain closed.

  Sylvanus was left in a very excited state. He decided nothing would be better than a brisk walk back to his hotel along the sea front followed by a nightcap with Annie.

  Even the seductiveness of Martha greeting him in the foyer could not deter Sylvanus from his plan although he did leave her a nice hefty tip and kiss on the hand to remember him by.