Read To Challenge a Warrior: An Alien Rogue Romance (Starflight Academy Graduates Book 1) Page 3

  Chapter Two

  Liam woke with his boxers wet and sticking to his cock. Again? He ran a frustrated hand through his too-long hair and sat up. He’d dreamed of Hannah, just like he did nearly every night. He wanted to forget her. But he could imagine her every time he closed his eyes, long black hair, shockingly green eyes, large, full breasts, and a tiny waist.

  He groaned. Wasn’t it enough that he came in his sleep thinking of her? Did he have to obsess about her in his waking hours, too?

  You need to bury yourself in a woman.

  He knew he should. But he just couldn’t. As much as he hated himself for it, he hadn’t lain with another woman since Hannah. He’d tried. But no matter how drunk he got, no woman was Hannah.

  Because you were reckless. You made her your mate and left after the connection was too strong. There will be no other woman but her for the remainder of your life.

  No, you left in time! The connection simply hasn’t faded entirely yet.

  Angrily, he climbed out of bed and stripped off his clothes, throwing them in one corner of his spacious room. Then, he froze, staring at the slight mess he’d made in the otherwise neat room. His gaze swept the space. He was a commander now. Second in command on the newest, most advanced starship in Earth’s fleet. He must step lightly. He must not give the captain a reason to regret giving such an opportunity to a half Keltair.

  Picking up his clothes, he opened a drawer and hit the button to have them cleaned. A messy room is hardly a reason to toss you out in disgrace. He frowned at the thought. Of course that was true, but still…he glanced from the lush bed, small seating area and even smaller kitchen that made up the large space, and finally to the office area. Everything was in its place. This was how the crew would expect a commander to keep his room.

  He took a quick shower and threw on the deep green uniform of The Odyssey’s crew. He strode out of his room, nearly crashing into Hunter.

  The other Keltair stood up straighter, shifting into an attention stance. “Commander.”

  Liam felt his lips turn up. “Head Security Officer Hunter.”

  Hunter was one of the few people aboard the ship who matched him in height. However, although he was also half human, he looked far more like a Keltair than Liam. His golden-toned skin was several shades darker than Liam’s, and his eyes were like polished silver. He kept his long, black hair tied into a warrior tail.

  The humans aboard the ship instinctively drew back from the man, even though he lacked the twin horns typical of a Keltair. And even though he’d graduated from the same Starflight Academy as Liam, he would’ve had little chance at gaining a position on a ship if not for Liam’s help. Even though the Earth academy was far more accepting of Keltairs than the Turongan academy had been.

  “I imagine we’ll have another relaxing day,” Liam said, unable to hold back the sarcasm that laced his words.

  To his surprise, the normally stoic Keltair looked as if he might smile. Almost. “Your agenda for today is lengthy. To put it mildly.”

  “So, what’s first?” Liam asked, as they headed down the hallway containing the officers’ quarters.

  “First, the transporter room.”

  Liam held back a sigh. “What important diplomat or government official do we have to suck up—I mean, greet, now.”

  Hunter did smile then, flashing his sharpened canines. “Just your new third in command.”

  A rush of relief ran over him. “Good. I hope he’s capable. We could certainly use the help.”

  And as much as he hated it, he could. Working on a couple of hours of sleep each night was manageable, but he was getting tired of painting on a smile and greeting one important person after another. Especially when, for some reason, they shrank back when he smiled at them. So many people wanted to be a part of The Odyssey’s maiden voyage, but Liam didn’t exactly excel in the art of small talk and flattery.

  He cringed just thinking about how he’d desperately tried to find a topic of conversation and had congratulated an ambassador on her pregnancy…only to discover that she was not, in fact, pregnant. That was an awkward day.

  “We’ll quickly get him up-to-date and then give him all the public relations jobs.”

  Hunter looked down at his vid screen and started typing. “She.”

  Liam raised a brow. “She what?”

  “We’ll catch her up to date. The lieutenant commander is a woman.”

  He paused, mid step. A female officer ranking this highly is almost as shocking as a Keltair ranking so highly. There are only a few females it could be.

  Hannah. His mind went to her unwillingly. No, she would never let herself be put on a ship under my command. Well, whoever it is, I imagine we’ll get along just fine.

  “Even better. I don’t need a male trying to compete with me for the greater tasks. She’ll be like a well-trained assistant. No doubt, she’ll excel in all the things necessary to keep all our important guests happy.”

  Hunter nodded. “Although you’ll need to be prepared for some female hysterics.”

  Liam held back a chuckle. Most Keltairs didn’t see females exactly as equals. Liam was considered quite progressive in that regards. But, he’d still discovered that females acted quite subservient around him since becoming a commanding officer. Most simply blushed and stared at their shoes whenever he was around. Which might be the perfect situation for my third in command.

  “They are the weaker sex, after all,” Hunter continued, bringing Liam back to the conversation.

  He held back a grin. “My friend, I think you’ll have to work on your delivery.”

  The other Keltair raised one dark brow before hitting the button on the elevator. “My delivery?”

  “You can be a bit direct. Ah… is she human?”

  Hunter looked back at his screen. “Yes, a human female.”

  “Then, heed my advice, human women can be sensitive creatures. She won’t respond well to your directness. You’ll need to work on softening your words.”

  Both Hunter’s brows rose this time. “My delivery?”

  Liam locked eyes with him. “Are you implying something?”

  “Not a thing, Commander.”

  There was a brief silence as they glared at each other. Then they both laughed.

  Okay, so neither of us are good at coddling others. But as Keltairs, they knew how to be gentle with a female. They would see what she was capable of, and lighten their workload, if only by a bit.

  The empty elevator opened, and they both stepped on. Hunter hit the button to the floor containing the transportation room.

  “We should grab a drink tonight, if you have time,” Hunter said.

  Liam liked the quiet moments they could have, not like commander and crew, but like the close friends they’d become at the academy. “If my new lieutenant is any good, I should have a bit more time for relaxing.”

  The elevator doors opened.

  They made their way down another hall. A few crew members nodded as they passed, then went right on with their business. With The Odyssey launching in just two days, no one had time to waste.

  At the transporter room, Liam stared into the eye scanner. A second later, the doors opened.

  Inside, the room was dark except for the stage where six large squares glowed. Three men sat behind a desk facing it. The men grew silent as they entered.

  “Commander.” The head of transportation said his title respectfully, but anger glinted in his eyes.

  As if I need another reminder of all those people unhappy with a Keltair as their leader.

  “Opter,” he greeted in return, keeping his voice level. “My new lieutenant should be arriving.”

  The man nodded, looking down at the control panel in front of him. “We’re preparing for her arrival now.”

  As they waited, Hunter leaned in closer and spoke under his breath. “With her here, you should have more help.”

  Liam nodded, knowing instantly his friend’s mind. “I know yo
u have a lot of other responsibilities. The woman will take over any tasks that you’ve been assisting me with that are outside of your typical job description.”

  A flicker of relief came and went across Hunter’s face. “As you wish.”

  One of the glowing squares on the stage grew brighter. A stream of shimmering particles, like tiny bits of violet glass rose from the ground until they swirled around the space above the square, disappearing into a similar square on the high ceiling above it.

  Liam took a step back, as was his habit when the contraption started up. Teleporting was a new form of transportation. One he would hold off using for as long as possible. As of now, it only worked when two ships were close to each other. But there were risks. He saw no reason not to simply hop on a transporter ship and travel to the docking bay, but perhaps he was old-school.

  The Odyssey was the most advanced ship in the fleet. He’d have to get used to using technology for basic things. Unnecessary things.

  A shape began to form in the particles. His first impression was that, although she was smaller than him, she was tall for a woman.

  Then, an instant later, the woman fully appeared on the platform.

  Black hair. Eyes the color of jade in the sun.

  He felt as if he’d been thrown to the ground.

  Hannah? His Hannah?