Read To Challenge a Warrior: An Alien Rogue Romance (Starflight Academy Graduates Book 1) Page 4

  Chapter Three

  Hannah blinked into the bright lights of The Odyssey’s transporter room. God, she loved such instant travel. She could get used to this.

  She smirked, shifting the strap of her duffel bag. “Thanks for getting me here in one piece, fellas.”

  Striding forward, her foot went off the edge of the transporter pad. She barely had time to gasp as she went falling forward.

  Instantly, strong arms were around her. Holding her gently but firmly. Her head rested against the broad, hard chest of a man. She inhaled sharply. Spicy but earthy. Something inside her warmed.

  Then her every sense went on high alert.

  What the hell? When was the last time you reacted like that to a man?

  She knew instantly who it was. Liam.

  She shoved at his chest, forcing him to release her. Springing back, the back of her knees hit the transporter pad, and she fell on her ass. Smooth, Hannah. Smooth.


  “Are you all right?” A second Keltair stepped in front of Liam, holding out his hand.

  She took the proffered hand slowly, allowing him to help her up.

  His silver gaze ran over her. “You don’t appear hurt.”

  Clearing her throat, she tried to smooth the fabric on her tight, black shirt. “I’m not. In fact, maybe I meant to do that. To make an entrance.”

  The Keltair grinned. “Well, you certainly did that.”

  Liam placed a hand on the other male’s shoulder, drawing him away. And then they were face-to-face again. Time stood still as her eyes traveled every inch of him. He looked better than ever. The material of his deep green uniform stretched over shoulders that were even broader than the ones in his dreams. And, if possible, his arms were bigger, bulging with muscle.

  Oh, hell. You’re in big trouble, Hannah.

  “What are you doing here, Liam?”

  His gaze clung to hers. “What do you think I’m doing here? I’m the commander of The Odyssey.”

  Shock struck her like a face full of cold water. She swallowed around the lump in her throat. “Well, it looks like I’m your new lieutenant.”

  Her words were met with absolute silence. She tried to read his expression, but Liam’s face was impassive.

  What is he thinking? Is he happy to see me? Or angry?

  He has no reason to be angry. He’s the one who didn’t call you back, Hannah, remember?

  “I gather you two know each other?” The other Keltair said, peeking around curiously from behind Liam.

  Pull it together, Hannah. Is this the first impression you want to give your new crew?

  She strode around Liam to face the other Keltair. “I’m Hannah Stowe.”

  His eyes widened. “I’m Hunter Magnus.”

  Grinning, she winked. “Hannah and Hunter. I like it. And what do you do here, Hunter? ”

  The massive Keltair blushed. “I—uh—head of security—ma’am. I mean, Lieutenant.”

  She smiled wider. “Security is my favorite department. I know I’ll sleep better knowing you’ll be protecting me.”

  Liam had rounded on them and watched the exchange through narrowed eyes. “Did you say Stowe?”

  Trying her best to look innocent, she nodded. “Yes, Commander.”

  “As in Fleet Admiral Stowe? The commander of the entire Earth fleet?”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  The muscles in his jaw twitched. “I think we have some things to discuss.”

  A short man with black hair with green tips suddenly stepped around the transport console, coming between them. “I’m Opter, Lieutenant, and if you want someone to show you around, I’d be more than happ—“

  “I’ll take care of that,” Liam cut in, his voice laced with malice. “Back to your post.”

  Hannah opened her mouth to reply, but Liam silenced her with a look.

  “If you do your job right, you won’t have time to waste. Follow me.” He strode out the door, leaving the three of them gaping after him. Hunter recovered first, then Hannah. She tried to keep her composure as she followed him, nodding at each crew member as she passed. Every guy seemed to do a double take. Hopefully that means I’m looking good today. Although Liam’s reaction seems to suggest the opposite.

  Liam didn’t slow until he reached the elevator at the end of the hall. He waited impatiently for it to arrive, and a minute later, the three of them were standing, awkwardly silent, in the elevator.

  Hunter cleared his throat.

  “So.” She turned to Liam. “I imagine there’ll be lots to do before our first mission.”

  Liam didn’t reply, pointedly ignoring them.

  Hunter glanced at Liam, then answered. “Uh. Yes. Especially when it comes to handling all of the important guests.”

  “Hannah will be perfect at that.” His voice was acerbic. “She can charm the best of them.” His dark eyes flashed with anger as he stared at the closed doors.

  Ass. “Actually,” Hannah said, her voice dripping with sweetness, “as the daughter of the fleet admiral, I likely know most of the people on this ship. I’ll do fine with being a liaison between them and my commanders.”

  When neither man responded, she continued, “I was actually the commander of my last vessel, so I can help with a number of other things. Including managing the crew and—“

  “That is my responsibility.” The elevator doors opened, and for the first time, Liam turned those angry eyes back to her. “You will do exactly as you are told and nothing more.”

  Every muscle in her body tensed. You think so, big boy? Well, you’re going to find out pretty damned quickly how wrong you are.

  “Of course, Commander. But remember, my job is to make your job easier.”

  His lips drew into a thin line. “Your job is whatever I say it is, Lieutenant Commander. Hunter, you are dismissed. Lieutenant, you’re with me.”

  Hunter gave a cough that sounded suspiciously like a laugh. “Should we at least show her to her quarters and allow her to put her stuff down?”

  Liam rounded on him. “Everything I told you about females—ignore it. This one is in a completely different category.” He plucked her bag off her shoulders and shoved it at the Hunter’s chest. “Drop this off in her room.”

  Hunter nodded and looked to Hannah. “It’ll be on the second floor, room two.”

  She nodded. “Thanks.”

  “Come on,” Liam barked. “We don’t have all day.”

  As she followed him down the hall, every complicated emotion she felt for him hit her at once. It was suddenly hard to breathe. This was the man who had broken her heart. The man who she hadn’t been able to let go of the past two years. Not only that, he was in charge. How in the hell was she going to work with him? For him?

  Do what you do best. Pretend. Pretend this isn’t the man of your dreams. Lock the hurt inside and use that energy as fuel to do this job. Because, from what it sounds like, you’ll have to fight every step of the way or become the damned Keltair’s secretary.

  Her eyes narrowed in anger and hurt, even as the treacherous part of her gazed at his firm ass.

  If he sees an ounce of your feelings, of your weakness, you’ve lost. And you’ve worked too hard to let one man get in your way.

  She clenched her fists, preparing for the fight of her life.