Read To the Paris of our dreams Page 2

  - Yeah

  - Cool, so my mission here is complete

  She smiled. He kissed her.

  They stayed in silence for a moment.

  - Don't you love these light reflections in the water? - She eventually asked.

  - Yeah, it creates a really nice atmosphere here.

  - Yeah … Wow, look at the moon

  So they started looking at the moon, probably not with that many lights and forms as the guy that was near them before, but they were also smiling in an unmistakable way. They kissed some more for a while, and then the conversation got lighter, helping Marie to forget the mess that was happening inside her aunt's house. Marie ended up showing herself as a very cool and affectionate girl, with a gracious smile, and Eric was having a really good time with her. “Tom's best friend was definitely something special…”- Eric would think later on.

  Even without realizing it, they were both very much present in that moment, not wishing to be anywhere else in the world. They were finally in a place that was giving them some peace of mind.

  But only the place.





  Minutes later, Fernando found them by the side of the pool and sort of killed the magical moment, saying that Sophie hadn't got better, and that she had got out of the room and went back to the party.

  Eric noticed that even though there were many people that apparently Marie and her friends knew at that party, only the three of them were actually looking after her. To be fair though, at that point in the party no one else was in condition to look after anyone.

  Why Eric was still there?

  When they finally found Sophie again, she basically hugged Marie and tried to say a thousand things at once, which didn't make sense at all, but the essence is that she was sorry for what she had said.

  - Oh Marie...I’m so sorry for what I said before – Yeah, she'd become the depressive drunk.

  - No problem, Sophie...

  - You know I love you, right?

  Fuck, the “I love you- type” of drunk, at least now she was back in the room.

  - Yeah Sophie, I know...

  She suddenly got very very sad and looked down to the ground.

  - You know how it goes... We think its water, and it isn't... - And then she started to laugh

  - Ah... Shut the fuck up Sophie.

  - Ah...

  - I'm serious, shut up. Now you'll try to sleep, all right?

  -...Ok...It’s just cuz the room is kind if spinning and...And – She never finished the sentence. She ran to the toilet, and I'll leave the sounds up to your imagination.

  - Did she drink any water?

  Fernando nodded.

  - How many times did she puke already?

  - Like...three, before this one. I don't know how she can still do it...

  - Ok, just pray that she won't be puking anymore.

  - I’m gonna go check on her...

  - Ok.

  - I’m gonna go grab some more water – Fernando

  - Ok, try to get a chocolate or something. I think I saw some in the kitchen before.

  Fernando went to pick those things up and Eric stayed alone in the room listening to Marie and Sophie in the bathroom.

  - Hey... I saw you guys kissing.

  - Uaau, really? - Marie was very unimpressed

  - Isn`t he awesome? Isn`t all of this awesome? My friend making out with a rock star

  - Yeap, soo awesome indeed – She was being sarcastic, referring to the whole situation of them basically squatting by the toilet with one of them pucking her soul out.

  - But... What about Filipe, Marie?

  Marie didn't answer. She would feel hurt every time she heard that name. One time it was her who was crying on Sophie's lap for Filipe, and now she wouldn't let her forget him, when it was the only thing she really wanted to do: forget. The fact that Sophie and Filipe were pretty close probably didn't help the situation. Marie realized Eric was probably able to hear their conversation and so she didn't say anything more revealing or that could possibly push him away. She helped her friend go lay down in bed and as Sophie kept crying, talking and complaining. Eric gently turned off all the excess of lights in the room, and just let one side bed light on. Not that he cared, though. He definitely wasn't doing that for Sophie.

  - Hey, I'm gonna go talk to my friends downstairs, ok? I'll give you girls some time alone...

  - Sure, sure... don't worry.

  He went downstairs, and actually felt annoyed by the packed living room. It was not that late and he knew that that would go on for a good while. His friends, unbelievably, were the best behaved people in that party, in a separated room, near the gardens, playing pool and drinking by themselves with a some hot girls with whom they were 'socializing' with since after the concert.

  - Eric! You're aliive! How dare you to abandon your stupid friends to the French people? - Mike was smiling, referring to the fact that only Eric knew how to speak French in their group.

  - Hey... Yeah, sorry. I was kinda busy taking care of a drunkie teenager.

  - Oh that's sick man, you shouldn't abuse these innocent girls while they're drunk...- Liam being ironic.

  - Nah, he's still with that redhead, Hun, Eric?

  - Uau... seriously?

  - I know right...

  They laughed and “congratulated” him for the accomplishment.

  - I told you he would be faster than Mike, Jack. You owe me like two hundred bucks now.

  Eric smiled

  - Hey dude, half of it is mine. That was the deal...

  They laughed.

  - Nah, you already got that beauty, the money is mine.

  - ...Ok

  The group kept talking about Marie and insisting on trying to make Eric feel uncomfortable, and somehow it was pretty funny because all of them were 'socializing' with different girls in that present moment. I guess none of them meant anything and they were all ok with that. They ended up changing subjects several times and talking a lot of bullshit. It's not as if Eric was feeling eager to get back into the bedroom to take care of a drunkie that he actually never liked it in the first place, after all – Even if that would decrease his chances of getting laid that night.

  Marie eventually joined them there. As she walked into the room, she smiled at everyone and just put her arms around Eric, as she was saying hi to everyone else. She privately said to Eric:

  - She's out – And smiled at him. Eric nodded and gave her a quick smile. He didn't care. He got a bit happy though, when he realized that now Marie seemed to be having a better time.

  Eric and Marie got into the pool 'championship' that would take a couple of hours to finish. Someone brought more food and drinks so they didn't have to keep going inside the house, and during the whole night, Mike and Jack won by far. When they finally got fed up with that game, they actually got some instruments they had there and they started to play some music, with the band playing and the girls – and a couple of random guys – watching. After that, people clearly started to get a bit tired: people were starting to leave, the alcohol started to affect even Marie who practically didn't drink anything – But apparently was pretty weak for alcohol, and really cute being tipsy.

  It was passed three in the morning when the house started to get quiet, because even though it was 'early', they practically kicked everyone out – They had just about enough of these people; Eric had done this for Marie.

  They all helped to clean the house a bit, which wasn't easy and fast as they thought it would be, b
ecause no one was pleased with the idea of doing this at the time of night – It was definitely an exception for Marie, who everyone knew was very close to Tom, and all of Eric's bandmates held Tom in great deed too - When they were finished, the guys from the band just left with some girls to go to the hotel where they were staying and Eric decided he would stay with Marie because...Well, go figure. In any case, he felt like he would have a better time staying with Marie then going back to that hotel room by himself.

  At five, they were laying down, and Marie went to sleep in Eric's arms. And nothing more happened.

  Marie was clearly feeling bad in anticipation for her friend's hangover.

  As he was laying there, Eric had a sudden and pretty clear plan for the next day, and he really thought Marie would enjoy coming along with him:





  It’s funny how sometimes plans are made so suddenly and work out so well. Even though having that whole undeniable attraction to Paris, Eric had a need in his stomach for movement. After all, they've been in Paris for... longer than what they usually stay in a city, anyways. He could've stayed a couple of days more to enjoy Paris with Marie, but the truth is, Lucy, an old friend from London, was insisting for a while now to go meet with her. She had this party planned for her birthday, which apparently was going to be unforgettable. So just like that, changing all his plans, he fell the need to pack and just go to London have some fun, maybe just for the pleasure of being able to do it. At that point though, he actually wanted Marie to go with him, and couldn't understand why. Maybe it was for the sex – which they still hadn't done – maybe because he did like her company and the way she was connected to his life. After all, in today's society, good company is worth their weight in gold.

  Marie woke up and notice that Eric wasn't beside her anymore, so after brushing her teeth and washing her face, trying to wake up, she went to check on Sophie. She was still completely passed out, with her make up all over the sheets and pillow. Marie went back to the room to see if Eric had come back by any chance, and for a second she thought he had just left. After wandering around the house for a bit, she found him sitting beside the pool, lost in his thoughts, with his feet in the water.

  - Morning

  - ...Hey Marie

  - Did you sleep well?

  - Not really, you?

  - Kinda, yeah... Has it been long since you're awake?

  He shrugged his shoulders and then gave her a quick smile

  - Hmm.

  - So... What were you doing? - Marie asked

  - Hmm... I got hungry, then I checked a couple of things like my e-mail and stuff... then it seemed like a good idea to come and sit by the pool ten minutes ago.

  - Hmm...Cool. Well, I checked on Sophie again, she's still completely passed out.

  - Yeah, she'll be very peaceful until she wakes up.

  Marie smiled and nodded.

  - Do you want me to make you some breakfast? - Eric asked, and she actually got surprised with the offer, but was able to joke about it.

  - Full Brunch then?

  Eric smiled

  - Sure...

  Before standing up, Eric splashed Marie with water, and she tried to run away from it. They laughed and then went to the kitchen. Eric then started to prepare a real banquet. If it wasn't for the noise they were creating while having fun or perhaps because of the smell of the delicious food, Fernando and Cécile; friends that had stayed the night, wouldn't have come downstairs.

  - Morning

  - Morning...

  - Uau, that's a lot of food...

  - Yeaah...and hey, that tastes delicious, thanks Eric – Cecile grabbed a bite of something before it was ready and smiled.

  - Thanks Cécile

  During the brunch, they started talking about the party from the night before, with everything that happened between everyone. Eric had no idea who they were talking about. Apparently a lot of drama happened during the party, and Cécile and even Fernando were very excited to share it. Eric did notice however, that Marie was trying to look interested in that conversation.

  When the conversation got lighter and less about gossip, it actually became quite a funny talk, and everyone was laughing a lot. Eric and Marie were still enjoying the weird intimacy that they had acquired in the last couple of days, and as they were eating some more, talking some more, even washing the dishes and finishing the cleaning of the house, they had a lot a fun together.

  They ended up going to the side of the pool again because it was a really nice day. Marie lent her laptop to Eric so he could check his stuff online in a proper way. It was all sunny, funny and light until Sophie appeared, mute and completely pale. Probably dizzy, sore and with the sickness and suicidal feeling that the majority of us get pretty used to at some point in life. Nothing very pleasant. To make the situation worse, her hair was a complete mess, she had huge black circles under her eyes and leftover makeup smeared on her face that had survived her tears and night of sleep. She stunk of alcohol, cigarettes, pot and vomit. She slowly sat near them, with her eyes barely opened because of the sun.

  Silence reigned, with shy awkward looks being exchange between them, because no one wanted to be the first to say a word to her. So they all talked in the same second.

  - Hey, I'll go grab some sunglasses for you...

  - And I'll go get some water and aspirin...

  - Yeah, in a sec...

  So just like that Eric and Sophie were alone in the same space, and they actually didn't want to look or talk to each other, especially Eric who had no idea what to say, because from personal experience he knew there was nothing worth to hearing in this situation. But hey, she was younger.

  - You know, you should stay inside the house and try to get some more rest in the shade...

  Sophie shrugged her shoulders, completely ignoring what Eric had just said. She lighted a cigarette.

  There you go, Eric had tried some contact and had received the answer he would have given if someone had did the same to him. That was it, he tried to be nice and it didn't work. So he just focused again on the laptop and on what he was doing. He didn't remember Tom saying anything about that piece of human being, anyways. Tom actually had told him to get Marie away from some of her friends. She was probably one of them, Eric thought. She definitely should be one of them. Eric could not imagine Tom liking that girl.

  One by one, the other three came back with the things they had promised, including a bit of food, and no one was very excited to speak anymore until the hangover herself said:

  - So... what's up for today?


  - Hmm...Nothing

  - Yeah, nothing...

  - Actually, yeah, I have something to say... - Eric

  They all looked at Eric, and he just kept staring them back at them for a second. Out of nowhere he realized he barely knew these people. But that's what his life had become.

  - ?

  - Hmm...I was just wondering if you guys would like to go to London this weekend. I have a pretty nice party I have to go to that apparently is going to be awesome.

  They got surprised.

  - Do what?

  - Yeah, you know, we could have some fun, go to the movies, shop a little bit, and go to a musical or something like that. I have this friend that is having her birthday party and it'll be big...

  - Ahnn, I don't think so. My parents would kill me if I ever did something like that...

  - Oh come on, it's not a big deal at all. How old are you again?

- Nineteen...

  - Well, I'm twenty...

  - So, what’s the big deal? - Eric said

  No one answered.

  They were all very afraid of saying something, but after a second it got obvious they'd like to go.

  - We can go to London, Piccadilly Circus, walk around, and have some dinner… We have this party, then we go to the hotel and the next day we'll see what we can do. Sunday night you guys will be home... You know how British people like to party...

  - I have school Monday morning...

  - So what, it's barely Saturday yet – Eric smiled

  Marie graciously smiled, as she couldn't quite believe they were doing that. She got really excited about the idea.

  - Well, you guys can think for a bit, I'll call my friends, and get everything ready to go to London... Jeez, guys, its London, not far at all...

  - Don't you have any more commitments here?

  Eric smiled and shrugged his shoulders. Richard, his manager, would be furious, he knew that. But he knew his schedule was pretty chill, because he had specifically said he wanted some time in Paris, months ago. It was the good thing of having that band, they could easily go to London and meet him somewhere else in a couple of days.

  - No – He finally answered – I need to use your phone though. You guys have like three minutes to decide.

  Marie showed Eric where the phone was. He then got the small card from his wallet that had the hotel's phone number.

  - Room 809, please... Ok

  It rang a couple of times.

  - Ahn... hello?

  - Mike?

  - Eric? - Mike seemed to be dead

  - Dude, I'll be back at the hotel at midday. Don't be late, grab your stuffs for a couple of days, ok?

  - Hmm...What? ...wait what? I thought we were staying in Paris until Monday... Where are we going, Eric?

  - Well, Lucy has been pretty convincing about going to her party, and I figured out we could just go today and have some fun, you know.... Don't you think?

  - Hmm, sure sure... - He snoozed – Have you talked to Richard already?

  - Hmm.... You know how it goes. I told him that we might do that last week, but I don't think he's gonna be very happy anyways...

  They smiled.

  - Ok, well, can you do me a favor and call Lucy? - Eric