Read To the Paris of our dreams Page 29

  Eric, who was not teaching classes, was spending most of his time in that headquarters or helping with the trainings and in the record studio that they were using, mostly for practices.

  They were running around looking for professionals to photograph and film the festival, and looking for places to make the t-shirts, cups, guitar picks and all kind of imaginable souvenirs to get sold and help with the revenue.

  Days were going by and there were several of them that were completely unproductive. Everyone was having headaches because of stress and lack of sleep, and because sometimes is just not that easy to spend day after day after day listening to loud music, especially when it was rock being played in the auditorium for that long. Sometimes they would just have to endure really bad music. They would have to listen to all of that, write their opinions so they could vote, and talk while the next band was getting ready to play.

  Jan, who was being an angel by working there, brought four friends to help them and they were working as much as they could as assistants, secretaries, salesman, drivers, with customer service, technicians on the stage, carrying things around, recording and taking pictures, moving boxes full of their products, or when they had to help to sell the tickets to the music instruments stores, bookstores, clothes stores, and also to bring back the money and taking the money of those transactions.

  But no one could ignore the fact that Mike and Marie were working like crazy, because they were doing all of that, and still giving classes, taking decisions, making sure everything was going as planned, and still had the school to administrate, making meetings, talking to students, journalists, parents... They barely had time to eat sometimes. They were getting more and more tired by the day.

  One day, Eric and Marie were devouring a subway sandwich when one assistant found them and said that there was a problem with something, somewhere. Their stomach just seemed to close and they had to run to see what they could do, without finishing half of their lunch. And that would happen more than just once in the months that followed.

  They had thirteen weeks now and they were already completely destroyed.


  Several weeks after coming back from Montreal, when everyone had already forgot the matter (they were so busy that they had just moved on with their plans) Tom reached out to Eric on his phone:

  - Hey Eric

  - Tom! How are you? - Eric was furiously writing things on papers and documents he had in front of him.

  - I'm good, I'm good... Listen, you guys could still use some help over there?

  Eric smiled, sat back, and almost felt relaxed for a second.

  - You have no idea, brother. You have no idea...

  - Great, because I'm arriving in Paris in four days.

  - Fuck man! Are you serious?

  - Yeah

  - Awesome man…. Awesome... I cannot believe it, honestly...How are things over there?

  - They are ok. Everything's gonna be fine, man. I just need to deal with some unfinished business tomorrow at my work, and then I'm done.

  - Bonne courage, my friend

  - Thanks... Hey, tell your dad we need to talk as soon as possible about that investment, ok?

  Eric smiled

  - Alright, I will... We'll see each other this weekend then. Just send me your flight information and we’ll go pick you up at the airport.

  - Sure, Yeah, that'd be cool

  - Alright, take care, man

  - Bye

  “Fuck Yeah. Finally the miracle we needed”

  - Eric, the people from the drama school gave the idea to make an improvisation competition. Theaters games, right, those kind of things...

  - What did Mike say about it?

  - He told me to talk to you, he's too busy

  - And Marie?

  - Busy...

  - Jan?

  - Also busy

  - Well, it’s not like I’m chilling around here, you know?

  - Yeah, I know, man...

  - Arr... Ok – Eric took a minute to breath and think - Well, we need to know how much that would cost... well, if anything at all right, and if we have time to fit this on the schedule for the auditorium. Then I'll talk to Mike when I see him.

  - Ok.

  - God's speed, ok?

  - Ok, ok...

  - Hey, Is the studio still full?

  - Yeah, they are still asking for you there...

  - Fuck, who's helping there now?

  - Benoit... I think Jan is coming and going too, and I guess Jules is there, I'm not sure...

  - K, I need a little more time here and as soon as I’m finished here I'll go check it out

  - Good

  - What about the auditorium?

  - Oh, people are getting into fights trying to use it, dude...

  - Ah, shit...ok, but who's there now?

  - Jan and a couple of his friends... But Jan is all over the place, so... I think Marie was there until … like... ten minutes ago...

  - Hmm, ok

  - Alright, I have to run

  - No problem

  - Good luck man

  - You too...

  - Hey man, two large cappuccinos... please

  - You got it, Eric

  - Thanks

  - One second


  - Voila...Here it goes

  - Thanks. Put it on my tab, please.

  - Got it

  - Latersss

  Eric eventually found where Marie was giving her class, knocked at the door and as she saw him and the cappuccinos, she gave a really honest and tired smile. She said something very quickly to the student she was teaching to, who just answered something back and then she left the room.

  - Heey... - She smiled at him and kissed him, outside from the student's view.

  - Hi, cappuccino?

  - Yeaah, I'll have it.

  She took a zip and tried to relax her shoulders: She stretched her neck and fingers.

  - How's it going in there?

  - Ah, teaching is the easiest part for me...

  - ...Hmmm

  - What about you? Running around a lot?

  - Nah... Come on. I’m actually hiding here for a while to be honest

  - Harsh...

  - What about the girl? - Eric made a head movement to indicate Marie's student

  - Ah, she's really nice. She gave me five minutes to talk to you...

  - Cool... Is she going to perform?

  - She wants to... she has her audition in a couple of days

  - Well, most of them are going to try anyways, right?

  - Yeah, for sure. They are all pretty excited...

  - Yeah, I can see that...

  Silence. Those cappuccinos seemed to be God's gift to mankind at that moment.

  - Can you hear that? It seems like we can’t get silence anymore these days.

  - I knooow....My thoughts seemed like they
are being written in tabs now...

  - I knoow right. Or in excel files... - Eric

  - I guess we are a little bit short on people, aren’t we?

  - Well, ten or twelve … or twenty more people to help wouldn't hurt to be honest....I'll have to unload and load a couple of trucks that are arriving soon with more products to sell... But anyways, I guess we just don’t have any more money to spend

  - ...Yeah, well, at least we had a long night of sleep last night, right? - She smiled, being ironic

  - Sure, who needs more than five hours of sleep right?

  - Right... is not like I miss the times I could sleep in or anything like that...

  - Don’t even tell me. It seems I choose the worst time in history to start sleeping more again....

  She smiled, as he asked:

  - … Hey, do you wanna go out for dinner tonight?

  - ...Yeah... Sure, that'd be awesome...

  Of course one assistant finally found them and interrupted the conversation.

  - Hey guys, sorry to bother....But the truck just got here and they are trying to update something in the financial files, Jean Luc told me he is looking for something for the drama school?

  - Yeah... - Eric took a deep breath – Ok, call everyone you can for the trucks, we need to finish that as soon as possible, we pay it by the hour... Then I guess we have to find someone to help with the financial files....

  - And the studio?

  - Oh fuck... Never mind... I'll go there later. Tell that to Benoit.

  - Ok.

  He disappeared as fast as he had gotten there

  Eric finished his cup, gave Marie a quick kiss and shrugged his shoulder:

  - I guess I'll see you later

  - Ok.

  As he was walking away, and she was going back to the classroom, Eric turned around and asked:

  - Oh, yeah... I guess you heard about Tom?

  - YEAH! I did! Son of a bitch is coming! - She smiled

  He winked at her, she winked back and waved him goodbye.

  - Another meeting? Are you serious?

  - Yeah, I'm very serious, Eric – Mike looked exhausted

  - I had something planned with Marie...

  - Yeah, well, she'll have to stay too... And people still could use your help in the studio and in the auditorium...There's still three hours before the meeting, man.

  “Maaan, it's already seven, we've been here for almost eleven hours arms are destroyed...”

  But he never said anything.

  - You can ask Marie for help though.

  - Ok...


  Eric went to look for Marie and ended up finding her laying on a couch, in the room that the assistants for the ballroom dance school would use. She was fast asleep, probably hiding there, where they would take longer to find her.

  He felt the strongest compassion ever and actually felt happy that she was sleeping. He just gave her a kiss on her forehead and left to go to the studio, where he stayed for almost two hours training with some kids. When he was done, it was nine: He was feeling disgusting and starving, so he grabbed something to eat in a restaurant nearby and went for a shower. His whole body was trembling.

  Eric ended up going to see Marie again. Luckily, she was still sleeping. He laid down beside her and immediately fell asleep, but soon after they got awaken for the meeting.

  Mike's meeting would last more two hours. When they were finished, they were completely destroyed.



  Eric and Marie went to pick Tom up at the airport Sunday morning, and they took an empty car, because Tom warned them that he was bringing a lot of baggage. And he definitely wasn't lying.

  Three huge suitcases, two 'smaller ones’ and a backpack.

  - Wow, you weren't lying, Hun? - As they would all hug each other, smiling and happy for finally having Tom in Paris.

  - Ha! I told you, man...

  - Is that all?

  - Actually not, I have more three suitcases coming in a couple of days...

  - Ok, good good...

  When they were already in the car, heading to the hotel, Marie asked:

  - …..So Tom, tell us what happened for you to change your mind so quickly?

  - Hmm... I ended up changing my mind, that's all. Luckily some opportunities came up and this moving got ...easier. - He smiled, making a bit of suspense.

  - Oh yeah?

  - Yeah... long story, Marie. Loong story. But I'll tell you all about it at dinner, ok? Too serious for now.

  - Sure – Marie smiled

  - The important thing is that you guys know that I came to Paris, and that I'm gonna stay here for a while, I promise.

  - Greaat… We really missed you, man

  - Ahh, me too. I can't even believe I'm here with you guys. We're finally together in the same city... That's a bit weird, actually

  - I know, I thought I would never hang out with you both together – Marie smiled at them

  They kept making small talk for a good fifteen minutes, but at some point, Marie just had to ask:

  - And what about Katherine, Tom?

  - Ohh, the big question, eh? - Tom smiled at her – ...Truth is: I don't know, Marie...

  - What do you mean?

  - I don't know I guess. But as I told you, I'll tell you everything at dinner, so just hold your horses a bit, will ya? - Again, Tom smiled to Marie, and she laughed – Can you do that, reddie?

  - Ha, ok I'll try!

  - How long have you been waiting to ask me that?

  Marie just kept the smile on her face and eventually looked outside of the window.

  - So...Tom, what do you have in mind? I mean, you're not staying long in that hotel, right?

  - Well, I don't actually have a problem with that. It's a nice hotel, man

  - Nice? That's an amazing hotel, Ha!

  - Ha... But, yeah, I get your point though. Truth is I really don't mind. I want to find an awesome place to live here, I don't mind staying in a hotel until then...

  - Ok, then!

  - But apparently your place is pretty cool, hun?

  - It's amazing, and everyone is there, or living around, at least.

  - Cool

  - Yeah-p

  - And the school is nearby too?

  - By car, yeah. By bus or metro, I think Gustavo told me it takes a little while.

  - Ok, cool... Uau, I really missed this city... - Tom was looking through the windows, as Paris was passing by him.


  Eric and Marie wanted to catch up with Tom, especially with all the things he said “he would tell them at dinner”. What happened though is that they wouldn't be the only ones at dinner: Mike ended up going too, to talk about business and whatnot, and naturally Isa ended up going along. Gustavo went attached to his sister, and even Jan went without even being invited - Not that anyone minded their presence at all. Add to that perhaps more five or six of their friends...

  That's how things were happening in the last months: Wh
ere you'd see a small group of them gathering around, all of the others would get around in a flash... So what was supposed to be a simple dinner with three people, turned into a big dinner (almost a problem to fit them all in the restaurant, in the same table)

  They were all completely euphoric with Tom's arrival. The dinner was great and lasted a really long time: Happy, exciting. The group ended their night in a mansion, where there was this huge party going on, hosted by these friends Isadora and Marie just happened to have in common.

  Tom naturally met dozens of people that night, and even ran into people he knew. Everyone got impressed with his social skills, dance skills and his presence; the only exception was Eric that already had partied with him dozens of times.

  The guy even got the control of the music for almost half an hour and the music he decide to put was insane – The party went completely wild.

  By the end of the night, which was over pretty early because they all had things to do early in the morning on the next day, probably everyone in that party knew who Tom was.

  On his first Monday in Paris, Tom sat down to talk with Mike, Eric, and Marie about the school and the festival for a couple of hours, first thing in the morning. He had barely arrived and he was already working, helping wherever he could, doing whatever he could. And Tom really knows how to work hard.

  “Enjoying Paris was going to stay for the future” he said.

  After only two days, he was already completely immersed and fully aware of everything that was happening: he knew who was who and who was responsible for what, and it was decided that he would focus his time and efforts in the recording studios and helping at the auditorium. Even though his specialty was in the organization of events (he was one of the best of the best in that), everyone agreed that those were the most sensible parts at the moment (they were desperate about it, actually) and that would put Tom close to several bands, artists and students: That way he would also get something for him. Also, he had said he didn't actually want to work in the organization at that moment and Eric just figured he probably really just wanted a break from all of that.