Read To the Paris of our dreams Page 30

  In past times, Eric knew Tom would have been the head of the organization, probably even investing his own money on it and making a lot of profit out of it.

  But those were different times, and Eric hadn't realized that yet.

  Here's a couple of things that you need to know about Tom: As you already know, Tom and Eric come from way back. It was Tom who really started Eric's career, when no one else was putting that much faith on his band. Tom saw potential, he gave a little guidance and Eric's band soon enough was touring around North America, and then basically around the world. Especially because of that, Eric ended up creating a fierce loyalty to Tom, as it worked on both ways, because having found Eric's band was also one of the “first break-through” of Tom's career.

  It was thanks to Tom that Eric really became fluent in French, a language that Eric had always enjoyed and loved: Eric eventually spent some time in Montreal with Tom, years and years before, and that was the last thing he needed to get comfortable with his French. Only because of Tom that Eric have met Marie. As if it wasn't enough, it was Tom who made possible the creation of the Company which, he, Eric and Eric's parents owned.

  Tom also has a very interesting story that certainly deserves to be told more deeply one day, and he also has a very interesting perspective of everything that happened to Eric and all those people. As you know, perspective is a powerful weapon when it comes to telling a story.

  Since Eric could remember, Tom would inspire an absurd confidence wherever he went, and on top of that he had a really strong personal image that would make people get jealous of: Tom was extremely (insanely) fit. Besides being a workaholic, Tom had been training and working out practically every single day for years: Gym, jogging, parkour, boxing, circus techniques, acrobatics, yoga, self-defense techniques, you name it. He even tried cross fit for a while, but he didn't enjoy getting so bulked up, because he always were a lean-fit kind of guy, and he said that that would interfere with his dancing. Oh, yeah, Tom was also an incredible dancer. So there's that.

  Successful at his career, charismatic, incredibly smart and knowledgeable, rich by his own merits, having travelled a bunch, multilingual, knowing so many people that it was insane... Even Marie's father had him in great respect.

  He was one of the best in what he did, which (you may be wondering) was basically everything about the music business, and with all his talent, hard work and contacts, he had made a reputation and a small fortune for himself during the last years. He was a bit older than all of them, being almost twenty-nine years old at that time, and everyone knew that he was the definition of a workaholic. He was just insane.

  He was one of those people that are just achievers, champions: With so much energy, talent, charm and strength you wouldn't doubt a word he would tell you, and you'd bet he could do anything he would put his mind into. That was him.

  … Now he was in Paris with them, and that’s what came next: Madness. Tom's presence changed the pace completely. It became insane. No one else could have say things could've gotten more intense, but they did. Especially because now things were finally getting done.

  He was in direct contact with everyone: a couple of groups have been created among some students for the festival, he was helping with the trainings, both on the auditorium and on the studio, and all students created a huge respect for Tom in a matter of days.

  He was looking carefully into the selection process: he was even helping some bands that people thought were not good enough: After spending a little bit of time with them in the studio (giving them some tips, advices and actually changing some things a bit when necessary) some bands presented an incredible improvement: They just needed a little bit of training with someone that knew how to get the best out of them.

  As everyone wanted to be at that festival, the candidates list was getting longer and longer, and because the time they had was pretty much limited, they really had to select who would be able to perform. Not at all an easy task: They started to reduce the time for each band, so more bands could play. All of that so they could include the maximum of bands and artists as possible. But a selection is a selection, and unfortunately eventually they had to start cutting names from the list like crazy.

  As he was working like that, Tom had several things he had to do, and was trying to fit it all on his routine. One of the things is that he was looking for a place to live, and even with all the details and requirements that he had already given to the people who were looking for places for him, he still had to waste his time by going to visit some places that he would've never accepted: In less than two minutes he was out of several options.

  He eventually found an old lady that looked extremely professional, discrete and efficient: They talked for a good time, she showed him pictures to have an idea what he was looking for and then she was gone for almost ten days. During all that time, Marie nevertheless became his faithful companion in that task and whenever she could, she would go with him to visit the places. The two of them had always had fun together and they didn’t need much to have several pleasant moments together: It has been, after all, ages that they didn’t see each other, and anything that they were doing those days, like visiting apartments, having a coffee, grabbing a snack together; was easily turned into a small fun moment for them.

  Tom and Marie, by the way, also knew each other for several years now and they always had a very open and comfortable relationship: no problem in talking, laughing, or just being stupid around each other. They might be the only people in the world with whom they would behave like that: Marie and Eric loved each other very much, but they definitely didn't have this kind of relationship, as either had Tom and Kat-.... well, it has been years already, anyways.

  After all those wasteful visits, the old lady finally got in contact again and as soon as Marie and Tom had put their feet in that loft and saw the view of the city, they knew it was the perfect loft for Tom: Near the music school, very high ceiling, and the building had everything he could've wished for: gym, swimming pool, sauna, cinema room, a game room, a party room (on a terrace with a living room ,a kitchen and a dining room). The apartment was completely furnished (including a huge tv screen in the living room) which was perfect for him, and with Marie's clear approval he decided to get it right away: he paid all the old lady super expensive fees for her impeccable work (I mean, she got it right in the first visit and Tom had always respected hard work and talent like that), six months of rent in advance, with all the caution fees and the other sort of administrative fees paid for the apartment.

  Also, as soon as Eric and Tom sat down to discuss business with Eric's father, his assistant and a couple of directors from their company, they decided to make that huge investment that Eric's dad had been putting pressure on them to happen. Eric didn't know how, but apparently Tom had put his hands on all the money they needed since the last time they've talked. Just like that, the deal was done.

  Yeah, that was Tom.

  - Hey! Where are you going, Eric?

  - To have lunch with my brother...

  - But man....

  - I know, I know... sorry! I'll be back soon....


  - I’m serious man, the situation there is kind of fucked up right now...

  - Hmm

  - I’m not teaching any classes, so I'm like all the time just having to deal with problems and problems, and they look like they are appearing from the ground these days…

  - Uau...

  - And yeah, I now that they are pretty tired from teaching classes too. Luckily we have Tom to help now... But anyways, I thought I could skip a cou
ple of hours to come and have some lunch with my bro-zie

  - Cool...

  Gustavo was still listening, but it's been a while he was not paying attention anymore.

  - So, what do you wanna do?

  - Ahn? I don’t mind...

  - … Hey, what’s up dude?

  - Ahn… Not much... Girl problems, school problems...

  - Hmmm... Shit. They really know how to mess with us, Hun?

  - Yeah, no shit... But sorry, dude, you were talking about the school. It’s getting too close, is that it?

  - Yeah... and we could definitely use some more help

  - Hmm... Why don't you call Jack and Liam, maybe Alice to help? Maybe some of your former roadies... I can only help after school's done. Mike's order...

  - Yeah, it’s an idea. But we don’t have much money left...

  - Hmm... Mike is kind screwed right?

  - Yeah...since the beginning he's trying too hard without much prepare I guess. Dad said that, but I thought he was just being dad, you know.... I guess we're indeed playing with fire. And to think it was my idea...

  - Yeah, I see.... Well, I’m pretty sure Mike has the heart on it...I guess he's trying to prove a point you know.

  - Hmm? That he can do it?

  - Hmmm... that he's something without you, without the band....He's not a guy that need to be on the spot light, but I guess he does wants to prove himself to everyone around him a bit....

  - Hmmmm – Eric didn’t say anything, but it made sense to him - ...So, enjoyed your food?

  - Yeah, yeah... So you want to do something?

  - Sure, what do you have in mind?

  - Hmm I guess we could go meet some of my friends

  - Yeah...sure, for a bit, I have to go back to the school soon.

  - Hmm working guy, who would've thought hun...

  - Yeah....I don’t know, I guess it makes me feel badly being here without doing much knowing they are dying over there...

  - I guess...but they have your number, right?

  - Yeah, but it’s off. I had to turn it off, it was driving me crazy man.

  - Hmm I see.... But hey, tell me, you can get me and my girl in the backstage, the VIP rooms, and whatnot, right?

  Eric laughed

  - Yeah I can...

  - Awesome...With the amount of awesome bands you guys got, I’m gonna get infinite points with my girl – Gustavo smiled

  - Ah, cuz being my brother is not good enough right?

  - I know right, what a sucker

  - Me?

  - Pff, yeah...


  Fifteen minutes later, Gustavo called someone and set a place to meet his friends.

  - Shaall we?

  - Yeap

  Eric took Gustavo with Mike's car until a place near the quartier Latin. There were four girls and two guys waiting for him. Eric soon noticed that Gustavo was some kind of light in that group: Girls couldn’t stop looking at him and the guys were trying to make conversation with him, as if that would help them to get a bit of the attention he received from the girls. No one even seemed to notice Eric.

  Eric quickly understood he was completely out of that group and just decided to go back to the school.

  As soon as he got there, he went to tried to talk to Marie, but she was too busy. That day, they would only be able to talk to each other on the ride home.

  They invited Tom to have dinner with them and he agreed, but he said he needed a couple of hours to work out before joining them.

  They all had dinner together pretty late and it was pretty fun and chill, but once again, everyone seemed to be destroyed, Tom as one of the exceptions.

  Marie was now officially living with them, Jan was also there basically every night on their couch and Eric wouldn’t skip one more minute of work after that.


  `Hey Eric`

  `Alice! `

  `What's up dude? How you doing??`

  `Not much, but I’m great, thanks. You? `

  `Cool! I’m good! `

  `How are things going down there? `

  `Everything's great, what about up there? :) `

  `Madness :P `

  `Ah, great... `

  Five minutes without any replies.

  `You're not gonna accept coming here, for sure? Gustavo just asked me yesterday about you`

  Ten minutes without any replies.

  `Ahh, what the hell, right? :) `

  Eric felt his stomach turned inside out with a really good feeling. He read her message once again to be sure that that was real.

  `Right?! … Are you fucking serious? `

  `Yeah-p, if you're still willing to help me... `

  `Yeey! For sure! When could you be here? `

  `Well, maybe in a week...

  `When could you be here? ` - Eric repeated the question

  `I just finished my last exam...that's why I'm kinda... you know, soo happy... So, technically, I could be leaving after tomorrow :)

  `Ok, hold there, I'll send you your flight ticket in a sec :) Just send me your complete info`

  `Flight ticket? Are you serious? I thought you would send me your personal plane, you know... I expected more from you, dude :P Here you go though (...) `

  `AAAdorable. Give me five minutes. `

  `First class at least? `

  ` …. Aaai ai, still funny

  ` Ok, ok... I'll take business class`

  Ten minutes later

  `Cool, just sent you your confirmation and everything to your e-mail... You're coming with the suitcases... `

  ` Ahhh not again :( Its cold down there, Eric.... `

  ` Haha :P `

  ` :( `

  Two minutes later


  ` haha :) Hope you can pack your bags fast enough :P `

  ` SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT.... Fuuuck man. My parents are gonna freak out. I'm gonna freak out... I'm freaking out already... `

  ` … Have a safe flight Alice ; ) `

  ` OMG OMG OMG.... Fuck..... :D see you soon! …. Thanks, for real, Eric!

  ` You're welcome. Do you want me to pick you up at the airport? `

  ` Ah, you're super busy already`

  ` I don't mind :) `

  ` Well, let me talk to my aunt first, she might insist to go pick me up, otherwise I'll let you now in a couple of hours... :) `

  `OK! :) `

  “Hey man, before we see each other again, let me just say I miss you... like, a lot. I miss our time together, as I already told you, more than once.

  Honestly, meeting you was one of the coolest things ever in my life... You're a fucking great person and you should know it: You should realize that, and stop being ashamed of having a big heart.

  The time we spent together was amazing and I do miss it. I miss St Jean de Luz, I miss Biarritz, I m
iss your family, I miss Mike, I miss Paris, my family there, and I do miss you...

  Please don't get me wrong: I'm really really happy that you're happy, healthy, sleeping better and able to start and express yourself, like in the letters you're wrote to me these last months.

  Aand I'm even really happy that you have Marie around again. I really am, for my own surprise.

  I just wish I could be there. I wish I could be doing something with my life, with you guys, something worth my time. Instead I'm stuck with blank pages everywhere, or incomplete pieces of work that are just not that good: Incomplete stories. Some of them that are about to celebrate their fifth birthday.

  I just wish I could be as awesome as you guys are. I think that is what was pretty much affecting me.

  I know I'm pretty young and I know how stupid this will sound, but time is indeed passing. And life doesn't give you anything just because time is passing... Actually, it just takes things away from you.

  I know It sounds dramatic, but when you're twenty-two and you've known since you're twelve what you wanna do with your life, you can't avoid wondering: `Where is the time going?` and `Am I closer to reach my dreams or what ?` You see what I'm saying?

  I also know we are always conditioned to blame our parents, our friends, the economy, our teachers, our country... But it comes to a point where you just have to face it: Your dreams aren't reality yet mostly because of you.

  And that's terrifying, isn't it?

  ...You told me a couple of times that you pretty much don't have dreams, don't have plans. Is that completely true? Or do you dream about being a magician in Vegas and you think no one would understand? I just would like to know. My dreams seemed to be suffocating me lately...

  I don't know what to do, man. I've been meditating like a monk and I can't seem to fight my anxiety these days. Can you imagine, me, anxious? Sad, isn't it?