Read To the Paris of our dreams Page 31

  I guess I'm sorry about this letter, but it was the only thing I was able to put on a paper in the last two weeks...

  I swear to god I’m having nightmares about a blank page and a ticking clock by my side.

  Anyways, keep sending me news; it’s always good to hear from you.

  Alice Martins”


  Alice's arrival brought upon everyone almost the same feeling as Tom’s, weeks before – It started a new chapter in Paris for them.

  Every time someone would get there in the weeks that followed, the feelings would always be the same of receiving reinforcements in the middle of a war: Hope, relief, happiness.

  She was very happy to go back to Paris and to see Eric and everyone else, her aunt and uncle and their friends. As soon as she got there, she volunteered herself to work on the school with everything she could. She got the plane ticket from Eric, roof and food from her family in Paris, so she didn’t mind at all not getting a penny out of that trip. She was back in Paris, with all those guys and family, speaking French again and that was all that counted for her.

  Obviously, there was some moments that could have become very awkward with her arrival: The moment that she and Eric saw each other again at the school, and when she finally met Marie, for example. But it took only a couple of days for them to notice that her relationship with Eric had clearly changed with all the letters they had exchanged.

  So, surprisingly, things went well. Probably also something to do with the fact that Alice had promised herself to never get in the middle of a couple.

  That's how things were going to be, and in the same way Tom and Marie had their friendship; Alice and Eric also developed something similar: A true friendship.

  As the weeks went by, everything started to fall into place: Marie and Alice even became good friends (That was incredible weird and hard for Eric to accept at first) and she would even join the dinners at their places a couple of times.

  Alice soon enough got used to the madness that was going on, including the long days of work, the dinners together, the meetings, the parties ( that were getting rarer as the festival was approaching, but still) and all those people running around, sometimes to the verge of going insane in that school. She was trying to help with everything she could, but eventually she was focusing more with the media situation: Working on the cultural center and festival's websites, taking care of the social media presence, answering e-mails, calling people, trying to divulgate the festival, talking to journalists and so it went.

  It was undeniably so much fun though, and everyone knew something special was going on in their lives at that point.

  Time kept passing by and the festival was coming faster and faster in their direction.

  Less than two weeks after Eric and Gustavo's conversation, Liam and Jack (and two of their friends from San Francisco) were in Paris, helping them. Alice also had a friend from Paris that decided he could help a bit, and even Lucy (from London) said she would be able to give them a hand for a couple of days before the festival, and she would try to find a couple of friends to bring with her too.

  The friends from San Francisco just asked for food and full access to the festival. The pact with Alice was a bit different: She wanted to write about Eric's life. That would be her payment. It was a proposition from a long time before, which finally became official: He wanted to help her.

  It would have to be in Brazil, though.

  Eric had to think about it for a while, but ended up accepting it, knowing that it was probably time to go back there and see how things were. He was feeling that city calling him. The wind had finally started to change.

  Differently from Tom and Alice, it took some time to put the rest of them updated with everything that was happening, especially because the ones from San Francisco didn't know any French at all. Eventually the work started to get done, but it was just chaotic in the first days.

  On most of the time, actually.

  Now there was a lot of people to work, but also a lot of people to complain, talk and give “advices” on how things should be done. Tom knew how to handle his part, but after almost going crazy, (and a couple of other people too) Mike made a meeting where he let some things very, very clear to everyone, and after that, things started to get smoother.

  The second part of the artists’ selection was almost over, and everything was going fine. For real. Tom was making miracles on that side, and everyone was starting to get excited and even a bit more relaxed. The rest of the organization and the financial department though, was a becoming a complete mess as the pressure was getting stronger.

  One random day, Eric met this guy, an extremely talented lead singer actually, who was only twenty five years old, and that was auditioning for the festival. The guy had two kids, with two different women, in two different marriages that had failed. He worked like crazy as a therapist, after finally being able to graduate, to try to provide for their family, specially his daughter, who was sick.

  He said he would have loved to get on the road one day, but now his biggest dream was only to see his daughter grow up, and be able to afford a better treatment for her over the next few years. Eric got extremely shocked: so much talent and so many chains he had gotten for himself. He could have had it all, and now he was embarrassed to say he had never left France before. He was extremely melancholic on his advice:

  - Hey, just enjoy it for the people that can't...

  That guy loved his kids. He had drugs problems, problems with the police, with his family, with women… But never with his kids. He was singing for his kids.

  Twenty five years old.

  The first kid when he was eighteen and the second when he was twenty two. That was his life. His life.

  When he left, Eric actually went to talk to Marie about him. His story was echoing on Eric's mind for a long time, which actually left him paralyzed over the whole situation.

  Apart from that, everything looked fine, with everyone.

  … Until the day Mike told Tom, Eric and Marie that he had to make another loan to afford to keep paying his share of the festival. “That's it, guys, they told me that's it. I can't get a single more penny. I even owe money to my parents now.” Eric and Marie tried to cheer him up, saying things would work out. Tom didn't say much. .

  Mike tried to keep it cool for the rest of the day, but as they went home and sat down to have a nice dinner together, even though nobody else knew exactly what was going on, that dinner, with all those people, was dead quiet and heavy.

  They had a bit less than four weeks now.

  Isadora held Mike to sleep.

  Bills, Bills and Bills to pay

  Trainings, Trainings and Trainings

  Meetings, physical strength, tiredness, doubts.

  Classes, students, parents, friends, journalists, payments, snacks, lifts, stage practices and trainings.

  Phone calls, e-mails, letters, change of plans, unpredictable days, running around, more meetings, arguments, creation, covers, changes, illumination, technical problems, orders, help! Exhaustion, music, effort, ideas, unloading and loading trucks, quick kisses, exhausted looks, very early in the morning, very late at night, jokes, hugs, coffee, coffee... Coffee! Dark circles under their eyes, migraines, vestments, discounts, bruises, anxiousness, pride, cramps, injuries. Sweat. Stress. Stress.


  Not many days to come now.
  The big march of humanity was in course.



  - So, what I meant is that we are ready, guys. You guys are ready and the festival is ready to start. It's starting the day after tomorrow, and as you know, we won't give any classes tomorrow. Next week, the studio is gonna be close, and only some classes will occur, depending on the teachers. We won't be actually talking to each other that much in the next days and I'd like to wish you all good luck. - Mike finished his little speech and for the first time in months, he closed the school pretty early.

  Tom, Mike, Isadora, Eric, Marie, Jack, Liam, Gustavo and a couple of his friends, Alice and a couple of her friends, the friends from San Francisco (who were finally trying to speak a bit of French) Jan and his friend - five of them - four teachers and three assistants from the school, Lucy and a couple of her friends from London who were in Paris already, they all went to have dinner together in a quiet restaurant....They had to reserve the whole place for them.

  It was excellent: They were completely exhausted and starving. They took forever to eat, drink and eventually leave the restaurant almost three and a half hours later. It had been months they didn't have a meal without having to take track of time.

  Most of them started to wander around together until they reached the Seine, while it was getting dark.

  Everyone was really optimistic and shining, happy for just being together at that moment, making some history together.

  At some point Eric took Marie's hand and went with her to a place by the Seine. It was a particularly beautiful night.

  Eric saw this little boat with only one person, and he took Marie on its direction. They got on on it, sat down on the very pretty and comfortable white little couch and they then enjoyed the night ride on the Seine, with the Eiffel tower completely enlightened as their view.

  Marie was extremely anxious about the festival – So many things she would like to check, remake, be sure that would work, students she would like to talk to – but Eric just tried to calm her down. They talked for a long time and were almost hugging each other.

  When they finally got home, hours later, they basically passed out for thirteen hours.

  That next day would pass by very slowly.


  - Hi dad...

  - Hey you, how are you? - Then Mr. Montini acknowledged Eric's presence - Eric...

  - Sir...

  Only the three of them would be having dinner that night.

  - So, how are things going?

  - They...they are great actually

  - I can see you are a little bit tired...

  - Oh yeah, for sure...

  - Well... I know everything will work out fine

  - Thanks, dad

  - You're welcome. I just spoke to your aunt today, Marie. It seems like she has more news from you than the rest of us these days...

  - Yeah...I guess that can happen sometimes... - She gave him a quick and short smile - News from everyone?

  - Well... Not much, they seem to be good. I told them about your projects, they seemed pretty excited about it.

  - Yeaah I know...they showed up at the school one of these days, but I was so busy I barely gave them much attention, unfortunately. We did talk for ...hmm …. Ten minutes I guess...

  - ... Yeah, they told me that too, don’t worry, they understood... So hmm, I'm definitely going to be there to check all your concerts and presentations. Hope you don’t mind...

  - Of course, I saw your name as a reservation for one of the private booths... The big one, hun? - She smiled at him - Of course, I don't mind...

  - Yeah, with Eric's family. Mike's family and everyone else that decided to come – He smiled – It’s gonna be a nice party I guess.

  - … It seems like it. Even my uncle and my manager are coming from the states. - Eric

  - Oh nice

  - Yeah...well, I’m really happy that you're going, dad.

  - Well, I'm really proud on going

  Marie smiled to her father, as he asked:

  - So....all you guys are living together now, hun?

  - Yeah, yeah

  - And how's that experience going?

  - Hmm, most of the time, is pretty good

  - And you said it was a really nice apartment, right?

  - Yeah, it is. Very comfortable and… Big, actually. A lot of natural light and whatnot... It's really nice. Really cool view.


  - I understand you, Marie

  - Buut?

  - No ‘but’, I just wanted to say I get it

  - Hmm....great...? - She wasn't convinced

  Frederic's phone rang, he answered it with a few words and passed it to Marie

  - Aham, aham. Now? But I'm... no, I can't go now... - Marie

  - What's happening? - Frederic

  - Beatrice wants me to go pick her up at her place so she can join us. Apparently she needs help on what to wear...

  - Well...go then – Her father

  - But....what about you guys?

  - Well, I’m sure Eric can make me company for ten minutes. We're not far from her place.

  Eric got surprised. Marie, astonished.

  - Ahn, ok ok...In five minutes I’m there. Alright... See you guys in a minute then - And she left

  “Awesome I’m alone with him and two of his bodyguards”

  Absolute silence on the table

  Eric was uncomfortable, just wishing Marie could come back soon.

  But her dad looked deep into his eyes and eventually just said:

  - You know Eric, my daughter changed a lot after she met you.

  Eric agreed with his head.

  He had an idea of what was coming next

  - I can't say I'm proud and that I understand every single decision she took since... - He stayed quiet for a second, took a deep breath and said – And I'm not one hundred percent sure of the path her life's taking...

  Another moment of silence

  - … But I am very proud of the person she's become. And I guess if the price for that is that we are not always going to agree with each other... so be it, you understand? Because, after a long time, I can finally see my daughter through her eyes, you understand that? Share her happiness and discover how strong my daughter is... Eric, I was very worried about her, for a long time. But now I'm seeing that she knows how to take care of herself... She's still learning, slowly, but very intensely.

  ... And I know it’s your fault most of the bad things that happened to her in the last months. I know. But I also know that you care about her... And I really appreciate what you did for her, Eric, making her come home. I never thought I'd be saying this, but I guess time passed, and things are just falling into place. Now I have this daughter that suddenly amazes me with her strength... She's not living in a bubble anymore.

  - Mr. Montini I appreciate the effort you're doing on telling me this. I really do. But I'd like to say something too, before you can avoid my complete honesty. - Eric had no idea where that was coming from

  - … Sure

  - Well...You know that is practically impossible for Marie make
as much money as you. We get that. But that's not her dream, sir. It's not mine... You guys want us to manage things that are not ours, so...I don't know, you can die in peace knowing that financially we are always gonna be ok. But that's not all that there is out there, and you know that. This is based solely in fear, wanting to have security at any price, lack of trust on people... Honestly, I never saw your daughter, or any of the people around me, so happy and as strong as in the lasts months, where we were working like crazy, without any certainty if this whole thing is working out or not... But in our way, the way we like to do things. And I get it, our generation sucks big time, trust me, I get that part. But you do need to put a bit more of faith on us sometimes, you know. Marie definitely deserves it, sir. I know you've been trying, I just wanted to tell you what I think about this whole thing...

  They were in complete silence for a while

  Marie's father sat back on his chair. Eric was not sure if he was mad or not.

  - But don't worry, we also have our dreams and ambitious, Mr. Montini, as you had. And I can guarantee you that starve to death is not among them... Actually, I can say that we both enjoy having money...but you know, in our own....terms.

  Mr. Montini nodded to one of the bodyguards that was on a table nearby, the same gesture that mafia guys usually make in movies when they are about to execute someone. Jez, I swear to you, that Man could've given the perfect Mafia boss in a movie.

  The bodyguard gave Mr. Montini a small box that was in his pocket. He opened it. It was a knife.

  - You know what's this?

  - Hmm... A warning? - Eric smiled, trying to be funny.

  - ... No – He actually almost laughed - it’s a legitimate Laguiolle. One of the first. Family stuff. Today is probably worth a really good amount of money... Here, Eric... It's a gift. I feel like giving it to you for a while now... If one day we need it, it would be a fair fight, at least – It was his turn to smile now.

  - Me and you? - Eric smiled