Read To the Paris of our dreams Page 42

Almost five weeks later – He ended up staying a bit more than planned, although he had to stay in a hotel for a while - Eric was back to Paris, after making a quick stop in Montreal, healed from many torments. Knowing how his country had moved on without him had actually calmed his spirit in a way he could have not believe it was possible: He realized he had always questioned himself what would happen if he had tried to go back there, and now he knew. The world had not fell on his head.

  For more than a year at that point, his insomnia was completely in the past after he had finally visited Samuel's grave. Eric had talked to him, forgiving and asking for forgiveness. It was like the last step for some kind of self-forgiveness for all that story: Forgiveness to who he was when he was sixteen, forgiveness for who he had become for a moment in time, to his family, to his music, to himself, Marie and Alice. Forgiveness.

  Almost a month and a half after he was back in Paris, he sat down with everyone from his band: Mike, Marie, Jack, Liam, Jan, Isabella, Tom and even Richard. A couple of other people were also there during the meeting. Everyone was really excited.

  They talked for a long time, because there was some serious decisions to be made if they wanted to go back on tour. More people than places, first of all. Dates, details in the contracts to be discussed and so on.

  Tom and Richard had started negotiating and were working on several dates for a quick tour for the band in Europe and some parts of Asia. They would have almost fifty concerts, staring soon, for a bit more than four months.

  - So what do you think, guys? How are we going to make this work? Have you talked about this already? - Richard

  - When we would have to leave Paris exactly? - Jack asked

  - Only in like eight or nine weeks... We have to release the new material first, see how it goes. It might get easier to close some dates then. A lot of them are not one hundred percent confirmed yet - Richard

  - But for four months? Hmm...

  - Well, yeah, a bit more than that, and only if everything works out. But we tried to give you guys a few breaks to come back home a couple of times... - Tom said

  - Well, I can't guys... Not with the school, and Isa, and Gustavo.... - Mike

  Eric took a deep breath. Somehow, he still wanted Mike to go with them.

  - As appealing it may seem... I've already told Eric I just don't think I can. I'm really happy giving you guys a hand with the new material and everything, but I just can't. I rather stay here this time and work at the school... - Isabella – Besides, Jan has been working like crazy with the band, I don't wanna become an obstacle for him to go on tour with you guys...

  Two of them were out already, and that didn't look like it would be a problem.

  - So, Jan?

  - Oh, you know I'm in man if you guys need me... are you kidding? - He smiled

  - Awesome... - Eric smiled back at him

  Jack and Liam were definitely in. Marie too – She'd already talked to Mike about it.

  - I have a couple of things I'd like to ask though – Eric was talking to Tom and Richard – Some requests, let's put it this way...

  - Hmm... ? - They probably weren't expecting that: Eric had never been a guy to make demands for his tours.

  - I want to make sure I'll have a better time. Well, everyone... but I mean that I don't want things for me to get … bad... like it did before. So I'd appreciate a lot if you could help me with a couple of things in that sense... - Eric

  -... Ok, like what for example? - Tom

  - I need you guys to take some roadies out of the tour. Some staff, even some of the security personnel. I don't know their names, but … some, and I guess Jan could help me with that. I need to take the drug-sneakers-people out of the tour. I want to make sure that this will be a “drug free tour” … Because I don't know how hard it would be for me to have all of that around me again... - He sighed - I'm sorry I have to ask that... - He was also talking to his bandmates

  - ...Hmm, alright-y - Tom answered - Of course, Eric

  - Yeah, I think we can make that happen for you, Eric - Richard

  - Great – Eric could see some discrete smiles across their faces - Second: I need to ensure that I'll have more time to sleep. At least like eight or nine hours a day that I could use to chill in a good place. So, like, no more interviews or autographs sessions super freaking early like we used to do or waking up in the middle of the night to take a bus or a plane like it was before. You know, having to sleep in buses and planes all the time either...When it's really necessary, I really don't mind, but I would really appreciate if it didn't become the rule again...

  Richard looked at Tom. They ended up nodding.

  - Yeah, we'll do our best, Eric.

  - Thanks... Third, I just wanna say... and I'm sorry if I'm sounding so full of myself. I just want to ensure we'll have a better time, you know? Better hotels, maybe, better food, a nice bed, more time to chill and read and visit the cities we're at. More time in studios when we need it to record material... And really... To come back home more often. I know it sounds bad, but... out of personal experience, hun?

  - Hmm... Alright Eric. We'll do our best ok? We understand what you mean. It's just because we've already settle some things, that we probably won't be able to change just like that and … honestly, we are trying to make some good money, not spend it all in hotels and food, and first class tickets and whatnot, ok? - Richard gave him a quick smile - So trust me, we’ll do our best, but it might not still be perfect for this time because we planned all of this really really quickly... We're doing it as best as we can, as much as we can, so we can raise some money for you guys, and for the band, to maybe record some new music videos soon, and things like that.... You understand, right? - Richard

  - Sure. It's okay, I trust you guys... I trust your judgment.

  - You'll be back soon, and then we can plan a kick ass tour for next time, once your new material is out and strong, ok? - Tom

  - Sounds fair... - Eric smiled – Thanks guys....

  They talked a bit about the new material and how it would be released. They needed to discuss participations on the profits so they could close and sign some new contracts. Eric had to insist to Mike get onboard: “You helped us a lot, and hey, help us a bit more in this next couple of weeks, and you'll get a fair share of the money. I'm pretty sure you could use it, hun?” Mike eventually agreed.

  Once the whole meeting was over, a couple of hours later, Mike was leaving the room but Eric said he needed to talk to him. Apart from Eric, only three other people had stayed in that room.

  - What's going on, guys?

  Eric looked at Tom and Richard, as if he was looking for the right way to say it. Indeed he was.

  - I want you with us on this tour, Mike – Eric said, looking into Mike's eyes

  - What? ...- He looked at the others - No... I'm sorry, Eric... I told yo-...

  -Yeah, yeah. I heard it. But I want you to hear me out now, ok? – Eric stopped his friend

  Mike went silent. He then sat down across the table from Eric.

  - I know you have this school, and my siblings to take care... Believe me, I know. And it won't be easy for me to leave those pests behind, even for just a couple of months, believe me. But I sort of have to... I know all the reasons you told me, but I also know that deep down you miss it a lot. I know you do. I know touring it's probably not what you want to do forever, and that you l
ove your school and everything, and that's what you want to do now – He paused – Well, sorry. What I'm trying to say is, you should come on board with us this time. You could definitely use the money, we could definitely use you to keep creating more material... - He paused - And hey, you don't have to play in all of those concerts, just some of them. Play in half of them, play in ten of them. But you should come and get some money doing something you love to do. It will be in Europe, we can arrange it so you can be here half of the week, for example, hun? … Let's do it this time Mike, while it is in Europe, and everything's is kinda going ok at the school. Then you come back and start organizing the festival while we keep going for a bit more, and we come back to help you in the last couple of months or weeks before the next festival while these two are arranging our next tour and everything, hun? - Mike didn't saying anything – Dude... come on. We could use your help. I could your help, having you around. You could use the money, you could use the time off...My family will survive for a couple of months of having to stay a couple of days per week alone... You'll be able to pay a good junk of your debts, you'll enjoy they concerts, helping us keep our band alive... My mom can probably come and stay with my siblings for a while...Hun? What do you say?

  Mike stayed in silence for what it seemed to be five minutes.

  - What about the school? - Mike finally asked - It's already getting one teacher short without Marie... And you, I mean, you were helping a lot too.

  - Uhum... Well, I'm sure we can find a teacher to help... And they both here can take a look at it while you're away. My dad's protegee will already be working for us... - He sighed and finally smiled - Come on, it will be fine...

  - You guys wouldn't mind? - Mike finally asked them

  - No... Not at all – Then Tom smiled – I wouldn't mind at all. I'll have a good help.

  - Ah... ok – Mike smiled, then went silent for a bit – I guess I'll have to talk to Isadora to see what she thinks... - Then he smiled. - You guys are a bad, bad influence.

  Eric smiled

  - Yeah, we've been told that before, right? - Eric asked Tom

  - Yeah, unfortunately more than once... - Tom smiled


  - Hello Eric

  - Hi, Mr. Montini

  - Please, Eric, call me Frederic.

  Frederic showed the chair in front of him for Eric to sit.

  - Thank you...

  - So, how are you?

  - I’m great, sir. Really great, actually. How are you?

  - I’m great too... Are you hungry?

  - I am, actually

  - Perfect... - He called the waiter and advised Eric through the menu. He seemed to be a habitué in that restaurant, probably the fanciest Eric had ever put his feet on.

  - So... I can't say I wasn't a bit surprised... or afraid of your invitation, sir – Eric smiled

  Mr. Montini smiled too.

  - Oh, come on. We're just having lunch...

  - Well, I didn't bring my knife, hopefully is not today I'll have to fight your friend there – Eric looked at the bodyguard about who they joked the last time they had shared a meal together.

  The big boss just smiled again. Eric started talking again:

  - … So, sir, what's exactly the reason for the invitation, if you don't mind me asking?

  - No I don't mind you asking... I just thought we should have a conversation, Eric. Before Marie and you leave again... Which I suppose will happen soon, Am I correct?

  - Ok, fair enough... Yes, and I imagine you're not very excited about it?

  - ...At first, no, to be honest... I got this cold panic that I would have to see my daughter come home in... not her best shape again... - Eric felt very uncomfortable with that comment - But... we talked, and she explained to me why she wants to do it, and how things will be different this time, and I trust her. I trust that she can take care of herself and it might be surprising to you, but I trust you to take care of her... At this moment, I meant to say.

  - Oh... Ok. That is indeed surprising... - Eric probably raised his eyebrows

  - … But above all, I trust her. And a couple of years ago, I think that it would have never happen in this extension... - He finished his sentence.

  - I see... Well, she definitely changed, sir.

  - She did... She did indeed.

  - But why are you having lunch with me then and not with her?

  - Because... I felt like I should talk to you too.

  - Hmm... Why, sir?

  - I don't know... Maybe for the same reason you called me to the meeting where you told everyone what had happened to you back in Brazil...

  - Oh...

  - That was something, Eric. I... I appreciated that. I got shocked, I must say. But I appreciated that, after all was said and done.

  - Oh... ok

  - And the way everything happened for you guys here in Paris... I always kept a close look, if you must know. And the most amazing part, is that most of what I learned came from Marie. My youngest daughter, who would barely speak to me before all of this happened. I was actually always ready to help you guys if you ever needed a hand, or as a last resource. I know you won't believe that, but I was....

  Eric got really surprised learning that: He had spent months thinking Marie's father was trying to undermine their relationship, and trying to get Marie away from them all, to try to protect Marie and their family name from all the mess that had happened to Eric.

  - Oh, thank you...?

  Mr. Montini smiled

  - I can honestly say that everything that happened made me change my mind about...several things. About some people too, like you and my daughter, for example. And... - He cleared his throat- So it got me thinking, that maybe if I could give you an advice, Eric. For your future to come...? - Eric nodded, and Marie's father cleared his throat again - I know it might get hard again, but you should always fight to have your family close... - He paused - I have many flaws Eric, and I`m aware of that, but I'm extremely proud of my family and for having them around. I know I owe them everything I have, everything I am. Especially to my wife, who has been with me since we were two kids. She's a hero for sticking with me for that long – He smiled – …And Marie told me everything, about when you guys drifted apart and had problems finding your way back... It's not easy, I know. But you know what? It's so damn worth it, Eric... And I don't want to get in the middle of you guys and your future. I just wanted to advice you about how important in life it is to have your family around you and to fight for them when you need to. And I don't mean only blood family. I mean people who know you, who love you, who respect you, to whom you can trust your life. People that will be there for you when you need them, and people that you'll have the opportunity to help... Everything I've build in my life was because of that, Eric. Keeping people close: family, friends, partners, colleagues... I didn't build everything I have by myself, far from that...- He paused and smiled - It's funny: nowadays you can be an eighteen year old kid and start a company by yourself in your basement and work it out, get billions, but everything I've built was based solely on hard work and having the right people around me, you understand?

  - Yeah... I know... Trust me, Mr. Montini – Eric just couldn't call him Frederic, just like that - It took me a long time to realize that. But I do now. I really do, sir...

  - Good... Good. So, from my life experi
ence, that's the best advice I can give you, Eric.... Same advice I gave my daughter quite recently by the way....

  - No, it's ok sir. I appreciate your thought... And I just would like to tell you that we'll do the right thing this time. You know, it really won't be like it was before, and I'm really sorry for that by the way. I really am... It still weights on my shoulders everything I've done, especially when it comes to Marie...

  Mr. Montini looked very deep into Eric's eyes.

  - ...Alright then, great...So I guess I can only advice you now to leave the past in the past and look to the future, Eric. You deserve it. You all do.

  Two months later, they were having a party at the school, for getting back on the road and... Just because it felt like they deserved at party at that point.

  It was the end of an era and the beginning of another: They were happy and at the same time, they were all trying to hide this immense sadness of knowing they would hit the road soon and things would be a bit different after that.

  They decided to play some of their new songs and everyone seemed to have enjoyed it: It was the peak of Marie and Eric's voices and their creation and Jan and Mike were both destroying in the guitars. Even Tom played a bit.

  Once again, things seemed to be finally falling into their right place: Everything looked like it was going to be just fine. People were having fun together, talking a lot to each other and making new friends.

  New friends, old friends, even Lucy and a couple of her friends decided to show up. Tom was finally home, radiant, and they were just trying to enjoy themselves while they would be there, once again, together.

  At that point, Eric's situation with the journalist was completely in the past. Eric wasn`t even sure how it got handled, but Richard, Tom and his parents eventually made the media back down and Eric`s version of the story was finally proved and accepted, something to do with the translator coming forth to prove Eric's version. I don't know, I'll ask Tom for more details on the matter soon.

  Jessica`s career as a journalist, even though she kept working as a journalist, was over. Eric never even had to go to court against her.