Read To the Paris of our dreams Page 43

  Eric's family, Marie's family (including her lovely aunt and her aunt's boyfriend – yes, they were still together), Alice's aunt and uncle and even Mike's family. They were all there.

  There was so much (amazing) food and drinks and everybody seemed to be having a great time.

  A while into that party, Eric grabbed Marie's hand to take her for one last tour in that school. Months before, they had hung several pictures of all of them in the whole place: A huge one with everyone from the school team, everyone all wet out of sweat in the stage after their concert at the festival. Another one, smaller, with Mike, Marie and Eric. Another one with their band. Then with Tom and with them all. With some students and them. With students and Tom. Some pictures of the very beginning. It was really intense to look at their lives sort of hanging on those walls, in that school. In Paris.

  That time, too, had passed.

  They both ended up in the studio, by themselves. It was Marie who eventually broke the silence:

  - We really had happy moments here, didn't we?

  - Yeah, we did...we definitely did... - Eric smiled at her

  - Jeez...I'll miss it here... I'll never forget how many times I felt like running away right before the festival... - They ended up laughing, even though she was almost crying.

  - ...I know. But we'll be back soon... It won't be like before, I promise you...

  She gave him a quick smile, kissed him and then gave him another kind-of-a-sad-smile, but very honest.

  She touched his face, looking deep into his eyes, as if their lives were depending on that. Eric felt his stomach turning inside out to be living that moment with that girl. He was just too lucky.

  He was just too happy: He was feeling exactly how he had felt in that special dream, months before: He wanted to stay in that moment forever.

  Once I heard that, when you really love someone, that love is not created or appears out of thin air. When you love someone, you share the love you already had inside of you with that person.

  Maybe it could grow then, but that's just a silly supposition of mine...

  They started to play the guitar for a while, and kind of tried to improvise some sort of singing. Funny, then sad. Then funny and hopeful. Marie, as a joke, tried to rap and for that they started to laugh, because it had been just too funny.

  As that moment touched their souls, they knew that that was exactly what they wanted forever: They were absorbed into this magical ecstasy where only the music mattered. Only love mattered.

  An eternity later, when they had finally stopped playing and were already sitting outside the studio, looking at each other, holding hands and kissing once in a while, they decided to put some music to play in the room.

  She caressed his hair, and they talked about silly things, trying not to think about what was happening. What that night meant.

  When Eric finally found the courage to be a bit romantic (and silly) he grabbed an envelope and gave it to her.

  - Remember these rings we bought in London? - He showed her the ring, still in his finger.

  - Sure, look mine here … - She had her on a necklace, kept inside her shirt.

  They smiled at each other.

  - You know... I think it has always been my feelings for you, Marie.

  She surely wasn't expecting that. She smiled.

  - … Yeah, I guess I always thought the same...

  He smiled while grabbing some things inside the envelope. She pointed at a folded paper he was holding on his hand.

  - What is this?

  - It's a dream that I had... that somehow showed me some stuff... about my feelings I guess... It showed me somethings about my life.

  She grabbed it, but as she was going to start to read it, Eric said:

  -You can read it later … - He smirked

  She just nodded and smiled, putting it on her pocket.

  - I just wanted to talk to you... I know we actually haven't spoken about everything that happened to us. It has been a rough couple of years... but, I'm glad. I mean, for having met you. I'm pretty sure you were one of the best things that ever happened to me, Marie... And I might not be saying all of this in the right way... maybe you're expecting something cuter...- He smiled - But I just wanted to tell you again that I’m sorry that I kept so much... agony inside of me that made me, and you, question my feelings for you, and kept pushing me away, well... from everyone actually. I just wanted to let you know that I'm aware of all of that, that I really appreciate everything you ever did to me, you see? - He was feeling hot, he was a bit embarrassed – I'll try to make this new chapter a better one. Make this tour a better one. And I know I never said that enough, but I just wanted to tell you that I love you, Marie. Very very much. And I don't want to have to hide it anymore. I mean, everybody knows that right? - He smiled, she smiled back – I just want you to know that. I want you to be sure of that... And I kept thinking this for a long time, and questioning myself like, what am I doing wrong? - He smiled again – And I realized that the most important thing is that I want you by my side, and that I should let you know that. Let you know that I care, that you are amazing, that I'm so happy with you... and that I feel so blessed for having you around. For real... I mean it. - Eric exhaled, as saying “alright, I did it!” And smiled at her

  Marie smiled at him and they just hugged each other in that studio. They kissed, exchange more declarations as they shared some tears and mixed their story.

  When they finally went back to the party, they were holding hands. In public. Probably for the first time since they've met each other.

  Obviously all their closest friends noticed, and they all seemed to have gotten really happy for them. Except Gustavo, who was telling them all a story and didn't give it much attention:

  -So, yeah, anyways guys... - He cleared his throat and made them all keep listening to him – You asked me something, can you please listen, now? Alright... Thanks... As I said, yes, technically I'm single, so please stop with the judgmental eyes, ok? Yes, I still hang out with my ex sometimes, Isa, but we are in way better terms now, ok?

  - Oh yeah? Please, explain to me how exactly you guys are in better terms, young brother … - Isadora

  Gustavo cleared his throat.

  - Well, if you insist, sister... She happened to find out that I didn't quite take the whole fidelity part very seriously... I mean, c'mon, really? I'm not even eighteen, what was she expecting? - Isadora started smirking at that – Yes, very funny, sister

  - So she just accepts to make out with you sometimes? - Isadora asked

  - Well, not really. After she learned that, she decided, as a very mature girl she is, to get back at me, right? So, how do I put that...? Hmm… She decided to sleep around, pretty much, and she is now dating our literature teacher... That's so French it's not even funny – Gustavo paused for a second, but Isadora was waiting for more – Alright... And yeah, sometimes we sleep together behind his back, which is not that bad, considering that I and this teacher…Hmm we have already shared maybe like two or three girls this past year...

  - Ahh, maaan.... - Isadora was not very pleased with that story

  Some of the others, actually laughed about his story.

  Don`t laugh guys, it’s not funny … You guys are encouraging this bad behavior …

  There was still music going on and it would be insane for hours. Eventually E
ric went on the mini stage to perform by himself with only his voice and his guitar. He actually dedicated a song to Marie as he said a couple of really romantic words for her in front of everyone. He then proceed to play some songs to his family, for what he lived, for the school and all I can say about the rest of that night is that the music just kept going.

  At some point at that party, Tom and his partner would even show off a little bit of Argentinian tango to everyone and it was just amazing how incredible it was to watch them dance so beautifully in front of everyone.

  It was incredible.

  Some people of the dance school would later on follow the example.

  They were just so happy. Everyone was just so happy and emotional. Everything was ok, and no matter what happened next, everything would be just fine.

  Those were some of the days in the Paris of our dreams.


  “I’d like to add that it has been a while since the last time I saw Eric. But we've been speaking to each other and we are pretty much in touch. We all are.

  He is doing well. He is happy. He visits his family whenever he can, as this friend who's speaking to you. Sometimes, we try to go and have vacations together, going to very weird destinations, or just getting together in Paris (or wherever they are) and it has always been amazingly fun.

  For the people interested, all I can say is that so far, Marie and Eric are really happy together, focused in their dreams and in their passions, and they are all just radiant in this new phase of their band and their lives.

  It very much warms my heart to be able to say that everyone is doing well. At least the ones that I had the pleasure to follow their quest for their dreams. Some other people, I'm afraid I'll have to say I don't have all the details about them to share at this moment.

  … To be honest, I don't think I'll ever get used to the idea that the majority of people that cross my life's story is going to move on with their lives and I'll have no idea of what will happen to them. I think that for a writer, that is the worst possible curse and at the same, blessing, because from there, there's an infinity of possibilities for this so fragile and subtle life that we live, if we start thinking about it.

  I also think that from there comes one of the biggest challenges in life: to have around you and fight to keep them around you, the people that really matter. Because time, after all, is your most precious gift and spending it with people that doesn't deserve our attention never made sense to me. It's just wonderful to know that I have so many special people around me, and I'm so proud to consider myself their friends: I actually believe that they are my most precious achievement in this life.

  Speaking about me, I can also say I'm doing pretty well. Finally living off my dream, feeling better than I could have ever imagined - Still sharing my time between Paris, Florianopolis and sometimes New York now, and it's been great, I'm not gonna lie.

  Eric, Tom and all of the others were right in a lot of things they told me: It's a very long way, and in the end, is the path that counts. So damn worth it, though... I feel really privileged for having been a witness for such nice moments and incredible stories, and having them sharing it with me is just... Surreal.

  During one of our many conversations back in Paris (between me, Eric and Tom, when we had to face some dark times) someone said that he would advise everyone to fight for their dreams, because when you know what you truly want, well...Its already half of the way to your happiness and own success, and a big step further away from the abysm that is the mediocrity and self-indulgence in this life. An abysm that our society is always pushing us into.

  Even in the middle of all of that, we always tried to help each other to remember who we are, and what we stand for. That was unique, and really touching, and eventually made the whole difference. We just can't forget who we are.

  Dreams save our lives. Love save our lives. Friendship. To fight for all of them, too.

  “Whoever doesn't fight for the things they want, just can't expect that life will bring them a golden plate with options and opportunities. You lose the right to choose as it goes. That's the essence of the whole thing.”

  Eric was sort of praying, by the end, a quote from “Into the wild”: “If you want something in life, reach out and grab it”. I guess that was the essence of what we tried to do. What we had to eventually remind ourselves, over and over again: If you want something in life, reach out (as many times as need be) and grab it.

  To accomplish things in life give us perspective, give us hope, freedom, opportunities, power and joy. It shows to everyone around us the example that they need to fight with their best for their dreams too. And it doesn't really matter who you are, your age, or anything else: you can always fight for an incredibly better life. Maybe it won't happen tomorrow, or next week, or even in the next year. But I assure you that it is worth it. Kiss the floor if you have too: it's worth it. Stop complaining, stop being afraid and for god sakes stop accusing the economy, immigrants, taxes, the government, politicians and/or your parents. Just go for it: Be the best possible version of yourself.

  By my own experience or by witnessing legends like Marie, Eric, Tom, Mike, Jan and all of the others that fought (and keep fighting) for their dreams: Without backing down, always helping other people to fight for their dreams too as they go.

  That reminds me how once, a long time ago, when I was going to one of my first parties by myself, my dad made me sit down and told me “Just be careful so your actions today don't compromise the person you want to be in the future” Even though it sounds a bit silly – And at that time I did think it was a bit silly too - I never needed any other advice. The part about the person you want to become took me a while to fully understand, but I guess today I'm on the right track, and I do understand what my dad meant.

  It's not easy. Truth is, life is just not that easy sometimes. And that hurts so bad to be fully assimilated, I know. But it can be so good if we fight for it. It can be so much more, and that's all I wish you could take out of this story. Because that's what I took from it, and it is also one of the reasons why we decided to share this story with you.

  It comes down to what you need to start to do today, to be the person you want to be in five years. I assure you: you can reach a fantastic life if you put your heart into it.

  “Learn from my mistakes: Thanks to my friends and family, I’ve never lost it all, but it was close: I actually almost lost the things that really mattered. I thank whatever god it may be for having survived all what I've survived, and if I could help someone else by sharing my story, that's amazing”- Eric.

  “We are all masters of our own lives with the right to fight to make it better. We can walk in the direction of the abysm or we can fight to walk in the direction of our dreams: it's only up to the consciousness that we accept to have and the fights that we accept to face. It depends. You can have an easy, very comfortable and accommodated life, or you can, from the bottom of your soul, fight for you and for your dreams. And I think that’s all I still had to say about our story”

  Everything vanishes over the earth, and what would it be of us if it wasn't the possibility of making the world a better place and enjoy it in the best way we can?

  … Almost everything vanishes over the earth.

  I love you all, and I wish you good luck with your aspirations in life.

  “You need music to change the world. You need music, and you need dance, and you need words and you need dreams. Have faith.”

  Without anything else to declare, I say my farewell.



  With all my heart,



  Alice Martins”.

  “We will always have Paris...”


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