Read Today and Everyday Page 3


  He looked at her, “I’m sorry I wasn’t brave enough to stand up for you, for us. Sorry I wasn’t good enough…”

  She sighed, “We were just both young then, Benj… We just were young…” She went on, “Young, full of idealisms, hopes… It was different then, you know?”

  “I wish I could’ve done something…”

  “Well… we tried… You know, those six months were the most memorable months of my life… But well… we were young… We came too early.”

  “I’m sorry…”

  “I am too.” She said, and they just looked at each other for a little while, the regrets, the pain of the past consuming them. They don’t have the past anymore; they only have the now. And besides, Emmy doesn’t think she’s open for any reconciliation whatsoever. She’s been too hurt in the past to even think about that. She then took a deep breath, “Benj, I have to go.” She said.


  “It was nice seeing you again, Benj.” She said, with a little finality and firmness in her voice.

  Benj tried to hold her by the arm but she easily let go of his grip, “Emmy,” He said.

  “I have to go, Benj, see you around…” And with that, she left, leaving him all alone on the parkbench, thinking of the same day they were here years ago, back when they were splitting up. It was the exact scenario, except that back then, it was him who was walking away while she was left alone. And now he knows how hard it must’ve been. But it’s seems like it’s already too late.


  Been a long day


  My head is pounding.

  Clare put those lines as her status message on yahoo messenger as she came home that evening after that scene in the restaurant. She tried to call Alyssa up but she wouldn’t answer.


  Mrdarcy: you should take some meds.

  Clare: excuse me?

  Mrdarcy: you said your head was pounding…

  Clare: oh. Yes. That… I don’t think meds will work.

  Mrdarcy: anything wrong?

  Clare: it’s…my bestfriend’s mad at me.

  Mrdarcy: oh, anything to do with d boyfriend who was almost an ex of yours:

  Clare: yeah.

  Mrdarcy: what happened?

  Clare: well… I told her the truth…

  Mrdarcy: and she didn’t take it well?

  Clare: she thinks I’m lying… and that I’m just jealous because she got the guy and I didn’t.

  Mrdarcy: wow… that’s harsh.

  Clare: I know… she’s… she’s so mad at me.

  Mrdarcy: she’ll calm down, don’t worry.

  Clare: idk darcy. She loves paul a little too much, you know?

  Mrdarcy: well… that’s hard.

  Clare: sigh…

  Mrdarcy: give it time, clare, it’ll be okay.

  Clare: I just hope she knows I won’t lie to her.

  Mrdarcy: well, maybe she does. It’s just that her ego is eating her up. The truth will come out…

  Clare: I just don’t want her to find out d hard way… but then again, that’s just d only way she’ll believe me. My God, I wanna kill paul now!

  Mrdarcy: don’t clare, you’d be in prison. ;)

  Clare: haha. That is funny.

  Mrdarcy: just relax, okay? Things will work out.

  Clare: you’re the boss…

  Mrdarcy: tonight, u are.

  Clare: really then? So, u wouldn’t mind if I ask u something?

  Mrdarcy: ask away.

  Clare: well…

  (clare wasn’t able to type anything for a couple of seconds)

  mrdarcy: clare?

  Mrdarcy: still there?

  Clare: yep.

  Mrdarcy: so, what is it?

  Clare: okay…uhm… who’s that girl in the photo album in your office? The one who looks so classy…

  Clare: darcy?

  Clare: u don’t have to answer if it’s a little too personal….

  mrDarcy: it’s okay. It’s been too long, anyway…

  Clare: oh. So…who is it?

  mrDarcy: she’s Isabella. Arabella’s twin sister.

  Clare: oh. So that’s why they look so much alike!

  mrDarcy: yeah..but uhm…they’re really different.

  Clare: so…is she a former flame?

  mrDarcy:  more than that. She was my fiancée.

  Clare: oh. What happened?

  Mrdarcy: she…uhm. She died.

  Clare: oh my God, I’m sorry. I didn’t…

  Mrdarcy: it’s okay, clare, u didn’t know.’s been five years. Still hurts, though. I mean, not a lot, but I can still remember everything…

  Clare: u don’t have to tell me…

  Mrdarcy: nah, I’ve kept it inside for far too long… she was my fiancée. She died in a beach trip… and u know what hurts? I wasn’t there. That made her death even harder to comprehend.

  Clare: …so u and arabella?

  Mrdarcy: were also a couple. Once. It didn’t last long. I thought it could, considering she’s isabella’s twin, and that we shared so many memories of her, but no. they’re still very different people. They won’t ever be the same. But arabella….

  Clare: she couldn’t let you go?

  Mrdarcy: I know it was also my fault, giving it a go. She’s a girl, she’ll get hurt. I thought it would be better in time, but no.

  Clare: she’s still all over u. haha. No one can blame her.

  Mrdarcy: if I could turn back time, I wouldn’t have gotten together with her… I mean, it only made matters worse.

  Clare: so…u still love Isabella?

  Mrdarcy: she’d always have a special place in my heart. Always. And yeah, I still remember her. I know I always will. But I’ve moved on, you know? Or I am still. I know she won’t come back.

  Clare: I’m really sorry about that.

  Mrdarcy: it’s okay, clare, no worries. So, what about u? any boy stories?

  Clare: haha. Yeah, yeah… well…

  Mrdarcy: well, what?

  Clare: well… yeah, I’ve fallen in love. Once, twice…maybe even thrice. But that’s it. Didn’t work. I haven’t been in a relationship for a little while now…

  Mrdarcy: and how little is that little?

  Clare: around 2 years?

  Mrdarcy: oh. Why?

  Clare: idk. Some Guys aren’t just…well…they turn out to be the ones I can’t ever be with… and I basically lost d belief that I’ll still find the one, u know?

  Mrdarcy: and that’s because?

  Clare: 88 men for 100 women, my dear.

  Mrdarcy: and u seriously believe that?

  Clare: I seriously believe that those stats are realistic.

  Mrdarcy: haha. U amaze me sometimes, u know?

  Clare: hahaha.

  Mrdarcy: u know what I think, though?

  Clare: what?

  Mrdarcy: that he will find you.

  Clare: oh. And why is that?

  Mrdarcy: because u are a wonderful girl, clare. Ballbuster, sure. But well..there’s probably a story behind that.

  Clare: yeah, well… bad memories. And idk… I have no idea. He’s just so hard 2 find.

  Mrdarcy: he’ll come to u.

  Clare: u sound so sure.

  Mrdarcy: haha. I am.

  Clare: mr darcy, u are funny.  hey, I should try getting some sleep. My head is terrible. But thank u, I had fun chattin with u.

  Mrdarcy: same here, clare. Get some rest, ok? It will be fine.

  Clare: thank u. see u at d office?

  Mrdarcy: yes, ma’am.

  Clare: haha. Goodnight, darcy.


  Dinner on a Saturday night

  Sky Sailing’s Brielle was playing while Nathan and Courtney were having dinner one Saturday night.

  “I like that song…” Courtney said. “I think it’s romantic.”

Nathan smiled, “It is.” He said.

  “You know, when I was a little girl, I always wanted to have this simple, romantic wedding… You know, with white Roses and white Lilies, beautiful songs, a white, flowing, wedding dress… and just a few people, just the closest ones around to be there.”

  “Sounds like that’s gonna come true, Miss wedding planner…”

  “Except that I don’t have my groom anymore.”

  He smiled, “Forget the jerk. You deserve someone better.”

  She smiled.

  He took a deep breath, “I was once married.” He said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I was once married,” He repeated, “It’s over now, though.”

  “Oh, wow,…I don’t know what to say…” She said, “What happened?”

  “We just weren’t in love enough.” He said, “She was wonderful, though. Also a New Yorker, but we met in Ireland… We tried, but, well, five months is all we can get…”


  “Shocked, huh?” He smiled, “Sorry, I just wanted to be honest…”

  “It’s…okay.” She smiled, “Where is she?”

  “Last I’ve heard, she’s back here… Maybe I’ll see her sometime…Who knows?”

  She just smiled, not knowing what to say. They talked some more, and she couldn’t help but think about his ex-wife. What was she like? She thought. As they got out of the restaurant, they saw a couple of people their age getting out of the bar across the resto. A woman was drunk and tipsy, saying all sorts of things. Nathan thought she knew the woman, and he was right—it was Meredith.

  “Meredith!” He called out and ran to the crowd. Courtney didn’t know what to do, so she ran next to him.

  Some guys who looked rugged were holding Meredith. Nathan got worried.

  “Where are you bringing her?” Nathan asked.

  “Ugh, I don’t know…” A girl said. She was also roaring drunk.

  “Let me take her home,” Nathan sighed, “She’s my housemate.”


  “Really, okay?”

  “N..Nathan?” Meredith said, almost puking.

  “See?” Nathan said. The guys almost shoved Meredith at him. He caught her and held her.

  “Meredith?” He said, but she was already sleeping. He then sighed and brought her to the car. Courtney assisted him. Soon, they were inside the car, Meredith at the backseat, passed out.

  “I’m sorry.” He told Courtney, “I didn’t know this would happen, I’m really sorry, I just…I felt responsible for her, she’s my housemate.”

  “It’s okay…I mean, she is your housemate…” She said, almost sarcastically.

  “Hey, wait, she is really just a housemate. We’re not like, a couple or anything…She just offered me this place, pay’s cheap…”

  “It’s okay, Nathan, you don’t have to explain…”

  “But I want to.”

  She just smiled meekly.

  “I’ll bring you home.”

  “No, don’t…I can take a cab…”


  “Look, it’s okay…” She said, “Really. And besides, she’s dead drunk, you have to get her home. I’ll be okay.”

  “I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up to you.”

  “It’s okay, Nathan, just bring her home.”

  “Call me when you get home, okay?”

  She nodded her head.

  “I’m really sorry, Courtney, really.”

  “Don’t be, it’s okay.” She said and opened the door of the car.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to bring you home?”

  “Yeah..Besides, she needs you.”

  He just sighed. “I’ll see you.”

  She nodded her head and said goodbye.


  “Rodney! Rodney!” Nathan called out as he opened the door of the house, holding Meredith by his side. Rodney rushed to the scene when he saw them.

  “Meredith!” Rodney called out and took her away from him, “You were with her?” He asked Nathan.

  “Oh, no, no.” Nathan said, “I just saw her…the bar across the restaurant…She was really drunk…”

  Rodney sighed and carried Meredith. “Just open her room.” He said.

  Nathan nodded. “Does this always happen?”

  “There are days…” Rodney said as they went up the stairs. “But she’s not a drunkard, if you know what I mean…”

  Nathan nodded his head. Rodney laid Meredith down on her bed. She rolled.

  “Nathan…” She murmured.

  Rodney took a deep breath, “It’s you she wants, you know.” He said, “Just stay with her tonight.”


  “Nathan…” Meredith said again.

  “She needs you.” Rodney told Nathan and left the room.

  Nathan took a deep breath and sat beside Meredith on the bed. He then decided to call Courtney.


  “Hey,” Courtney answered back, “Sorry I didn’t call…I…”

  “It’s okay,” He said, “I’m the one who should be sorry…”

  “It’s okay, Nathan…” She said, “How is she?”

  “Sleeping. She’s passed out.”

  “Take care of her, okay?”

  “Yeah…” He said, “Courtney, I’m really sorry.”

  “It’s okay, Nathan, don’t worry.”

  “I’ll see you, okay?”

  “Yeah, rehearsals…”

  “Okay…” He said, “Goodnight, Courtney…”





  Rodney came to Meredith’s room the next morning bringing with him a bowl of soup. He found Nathan and Meredith asleep. He put down the bowl on the bedside table, and sat down on the bed. He stroked Meredith’s hair and kissed her on the forehead. He then went out of the room.

  A few minutes later, Meredith opened her eyes and saw the bowl of soup. She thought it was Nathan who made it. She then smiled and went to the bathroom to wash herself up. After a while, Nathan woke up and saw that Meredith wasn’t in bed.

  “Meredith?” He called out. He was then surprised when she came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe.

  “Hey,” She smiled, “I just thought about changing clothes…Thanks for the soup…”

  He then stood up, “Soup?”

  Meredith pointed her lips to the soup on the table.

  “Oh, I…”

  “Come on, Nathan, don’t be too humble…” She smiled, “Thanks…”


  “Uhm, you wanna have breakfast?”

  “Oh, no, uhm, it’s okay…I’d just be out, knock on my room if you need anything…I mean, are you okay now, Meredith?”


  “Okay… I need to head out, you take care okay?”


  And with that he got out of the room.

  Semi-charmed life

  It was another wedding rehearsal day for Chris and Amelia. Today, Courtney came with the accessory designer. The accessory designer was walking up to Chris and Amelia when Nathan recognized her.


  Emmy turned to look at who said her name and then saw that it was Nathan. Nathan, her ex-husband. Nathan, the guy she lived with for five months in Ireland. What was he doing here? She thought.

  “Nathan…” Was all she could say.



  During the rehearsal break, Emmy and Nathan found themselves on the park bench near the café’ across the Church. It was a windy day.

  “I was surprised to see you here…” Emmy told Nathan.

  “Yeah, me too…” Nathan answered, “I never thought you were the accessory designer…It’s good, though, I mean, it’s what you’ve always wanted to do…” He smiled. She smiled, too, while looking at the church.

  “So…” Nathan said, “How are you?”

  She looked at him, “I’m good, Nathan… This is home.” She smiled, “How are you?”

  “Doing good,” He answered, “Currently still bumming around…”

  She laughed, “Nah, you’re busy with the wedding…”

  He laughed, “Best man! Whod’ve thought, huh?”

  “Chris is your bestfriend…” She smiled, “Although, Amelia isn’t…”

  He laughed, “Yeah, yeah, she still hates me…”

  “You broke her sister’s heart, you know?”

  “Nah, I didn’t…” He said, “You know it was nothing…”

  She just smiled and looked at him, the wind blowing the leaves all around them, “It’s good to see you again, Nathan.” She said.

  “It’s better seeing you!” Nathan shot back, “Seriously, I missed you.”

  “You too.”

  “Since when have you been back?”

  “Just a month and couple of days…” She answered, “And it’s been good so far…”

  “Good to hear…” He said and took a deep breath, “Emmy, I’m really sorry…I wasn’t the perfect husband…”

  “Hey,” She said as she poked him, “What’s up with that? You know it’s okay…We both weren’t perfect…” She paused and then, “Well, at least not for each other…”

  “Yeah…yeah…we weren’t…” He said, “But if only things were different, I’m sure we would’ve worked out…”

  She smiled, “I know. I’m sure of that, too.” She said, “So…dating anybody?”

  He laughed, “Nah, of course not…”

  “Not yet?”

  He laughed, “You read me well, huh?”

  She smiled, “Courtney’s a wonderful girl…”

  He looked at her, “Wow, what do you know?”

  She laughed, “Nothing. She just looks like the type you’d really go for, I mean, seriously…”

  He smiled, “Well…yeah. I like her.”

  “See? I’m right…” She smiled, “So, you two dating?”

  “No,” He said, “Well, we went out once but things were…well, things went a bit wrong…”


  “My housemate got drunk, I had to bring her home…”

  “Your housemate’s a she?”

  “Well…yeah, actually, there are three of us in that house…But the girl, well, that night, she was at this bar near the restaurant where I brought Courtney, she got drunk, I had to bring her home coz I felt responsible…I mean, of all the days…”