Read Today and Everyday Page 4

  “And then now, I came…” Emmy said, “Wonder what Courtney will think…”

  He laughed, “Oh yeah, oh yeah…” He sighed, “I wish she’d understand…”

  “Does she know you were married once?”

  “Yeah, I told her… She doesn’t know it’s you, though…Or maybe, now she does…”

  She laughed, “It’s gonna be fine…” She smiled.

  He smiled too, “Thanks…” He said, “So, how about you? Anyone new?”

  “Oh, no, no. No one.” She said, “But as for a boy story…Well, I just saw my ex recently…accidentally…”

  “Oh. Benjamin?”

  “Yes, him.”

  “Ooh, hot stuff! What happened?”



  “Well…we just talked, he said sorry…you know, those stuff…”

  “And any plans of going out with him?”

  “No! Of course, not…”

  He laughed, “You’re blushing!”

  “Of course not!”

  He laughed, “But what if he plans to come back in your life, permanently?”

  “That would never happen.”

  “You’ll never know.”

  “Whatever, Nathan.” She said, “You should go back in, you still have the rehearsals, you know? I meanwhile, have got to go.”

  “To see Benjamin?”


  He laughed, “Goodluck with Benjamin…Or with whoever’s right for you.” He smiled.

  She smiled back, “Well…Goodluck with Courtney, too.” She said, “Bye, Nathan. See you around.”

  “You too, Emmy. See you.” And he smiled, knowing divorces could actually end well, and that there are some friends you could always keep.



  King of Anything

  Nathan arrived at the house that day and was surprised to find the lights closed, with candles only lighting the whole place. Food was on the table.

  “Hey,” Meredith greeted as she saw Nathan arrive, “I’m so glad you’re home, come in…” She then went up to him and led him inside.

  “Wow, Meredith, what’s this?”

  “I just thought of showing you how thankful I am for you taking care of me when…When I was wasted and all…”

  “Oh, but, Meredith…”

  “Come on, Nathan, don’t be shy…”

  He sighed, “Where’s Rodney?”

  “Oh, don’t worry about him, he’s okay...”

  Just then, someone opened the door, it was Rodney.

  “Hey, Rod…” Nathan greeted.

  Rodney just gave him a nod. Meredith gave Rodney a look that says Just get out of here, will you? Rodney mouthed the word “fine” and threw his hands up in the air and got out of the house, slamming the door a bit.


  “That’s okay, don’t worry…” Meredith told Nathan and she led him to the dining table so they could settle down and eat.


  Long after the wedding rehearsals and after Nathan and Emmy got home, Courtney decided to stay at the park bench and think for while. Nathan talked to her before he got home and told her that Emmy was his ex-wife, but that it’s all there is now. They’re no longer anything.

  She was sitting there, feeling the cold wind on her face when she heard someone park a car near the café, banging the car door loudly, and kicking a stone after. It was then that she recognized the guy. It was the guy who lent her a handkerchief that day after her boyfriend broke up with her. The guy sighed and sat down on the park bench, barely noticing her.

  “Hey,” Courtney greeted.

  Rodney looked at her, “Hey,” He said, calming down, “Sorry about that.”

  “It’s okay…” Courtney said, “Having a bad day?...Sorry if that’s too forward…I just…well…If you need someone to talk to, you could talk to me…We don’t really know each other but you were there for me when I was heartbroken so…”


  “So…what’s wrong?”

  He took a deep breath and then, “It’s my bestfriend…”

  “What about her?”

  “She likes someone else.”

  “Oh. And…Does that someone like her, too?”

  “I don’t think so.” He said, “I mean, it always seems like he’s thinking of someone else, if you know what I mean.”

  She nodded her head. “And…does she know that you like her?”


  “Why not?”

  “Because she’d hate me for it. And besides, she thinks I’m gay or something…She wouldn’t take it well if I tell her.”

  “Well, you haven’t tried…”

  “Yeah, well…I don’t know if I could.”

  “Of course, you could.” She said, “You seem like a good guy, you know…Again, I don’t know you well, but I have this good intuition about people…and I think, you really do love her, and it would be a waste of time if you wouldn’t tell her.”

  He smiled, “Thank you,” He said.

  “No, thank you…I mean, you were there for me first, you know?”

  He smiled, “I’m Rodney, by the way,” He said as he held out his hand for a handshake.

  “Courtney,” She said as she shook his hand. “Oh, well, I have to go now…It was nice seeing you again, though…”

  “You too,” He said, “I just hope the next time we see each other, we’d have good, happy stories to tell.”

  She laughed, “That I hope, Rodney, that I hope.”



  Can’t fight the moonlight


  Emmy’s phone was ringing as she went up the stairs to her room at the apartment she shared with her sister, Sybil. She opened her back as she got in her room, took her phone out and answered it.



  “Who’s this?”

  “It’s Benj.”

  Emmy was surprised, “Benj? Hey…What in the world?”

  “I just wanted to talk to you.”

  Emmy sat down on her bed, “Okay…What about?”

  “Em, I’m just really sorry about everything, I will make it up to you.”

  “Benj, what are you trying to say?”

  “Em, you don’t know this, but…our break-up, it’s been really hard for me. Really. And I was such a jerk for letting you go. I just wanna try again.”

  “Benj, you’re not making any sense.”

  “Emmy, I still love you.”

  “What?!” She almost screamed at the receiver, “Benj, you broke up with me years ago, you hated me…”

  “No, I don’t…It’s just…I was just crazy. I love you, I always have.”

  “Okay, so you expect me to say that back? Look, Benj, we’re not seventeen anymore. It’s not like you can tell me you love me and expect things to come back to normal, just like that.”

  “Emmy, let me make it up to you.”

  “You only want to make it up to me because you know that I am capable of being with someone else. Well, guess what, Benj, this conversation ain’t going anywhere.”

  “I love you.”

  “Benj, just…just go to bed.”

  “I will,” He said, “But I’ll make you see that I mean every word I said tonight.”

  “Goodnight.” She said sternly and turned off her phone.

  He is insane. Mental. She thought. He left me years back, broke my heart and drove me almost insane and now, this? He must be drunk. I cannot trust him anymore. No.


  On bended knee

  After Emmy’s early morning bath the next morning, she opened the door of her room, went out and was surprised to see loads of rose petals on the floor, and a couple of flower pots with roses on them near her room. She went down the stairs and was surprised even more to fine more rose pots, and that was also the same sig
ht she saw when she came to the living room and found her sister there.

  “Sybil, What in the world?”

  Sybil just laughed and pursed her lips, pointed them to the living room door where Benj was standing up.

  “Benjamin?!” Emmy almost shouted.

  “Goodmorning, Emmy…” He smiled, holding a pot of Roses.

  “What in the world?”

  “Didn’t you always want your own Rose garden?” He said.

  “Yes, but…”

  “Well, I’m willing to build it for you, and with you.” He told her and put the last pot of Rose down, “Oh, well, I just stopped by for these…I should be going now…” He said and then, “Could I just pick you up later then, for dinner? If that’s okay with you?”

  “Fine…” Emmy muttered, confused and surprised at the same time.

  “Okay then”, Benj smiled, “See you.” He then waved goodbye, leaving Emmy more confused than ever.



  Emmymarie: he. Is. Insane. Mental. I have no idea what he ate.

  Clare: hahaha. Emmy, I think he really just wants to make it up with u.

  Emmymarie: well, clare, just in case u forgot, he broke my heart.

  Clare: well…he was also heartbroken. I mean, he never wanted me to tell u, but he also got hurt. I always told him he was such a fool for letting u go, and he was really, and I mean, really devastated for quite some time, & I think finally, he has realized that he’s wrong & he wants to make it up again. He still loves u. do u still love him?

  Emmymarie: clare, that’s… that’s an insane question.

  Clare: I don’t think so.

  Emmymarie: whatever, clare…

  Clare: hahaha. So, are u going out with him tonight?

  Emmymarie: well…yeah.

  Clare: so that means u are actually giving him a chance.

  Emmymarie: I just want to see if he’s serious.

  Clare: hahaha. That you’ll see, clare, that you’ll see. Hey, hey, gtg, I can’t get any writing done with this. Hahaha. Text me later.

  Emmymarie: fine, clarebear!

  Clare turned off the yahoo messenger application on her office computer and checked her phone which has been beeping for a few seconds now. There was a message from Darcy.


  Here at the caf…Care for snacks? 

  Clare smiled and looked at her watch, Sure. Be there in five. She then stood up, got her bag and made her way to the cafeteria.


  Darcy and Clare have been talking for minutes already when Clare noticed that Darcy has been staring at her.

  “Why are you staring at me?” She asked.

  Darcy was astounded, “Oh, ugh, nothing…I was just…” He said, “You’re really lovely today…I mean, you always are, but something’s different today…”

  Clare laughed, “I think you’ve just been staring at me too much.” She smiled.

  Darcy smiled back, his Hugh Dancy features even more evident, “So, uhm, Clare, do you want to go out with me tomorrow?”

  Clare was surprised, “Go out with you tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, uhm, the writers ball? Are you already going with someone?”

  “Oh, no, but…What about Arabella?”

  “We’re not going together. I mean, I didn’t ask her.”

  “Oh.” Clare said, “But…are you sure?”

  “Of course, I wanna come with you. Would you wanna come with me?”

  Clare smiled, “Well…sure. Why not?”

  Darcy smiled, “Thank you,” He said, “So, I’ll pick you up at seven?”

  “Seven sounds good.”

  “Perfect.” He smiled.


  Falling Slowly

  Darcy picked up his phone when he got home later that evening. It was Arabella.


  “So what time are you gonna pick me up tomorrow?”

  “Pick you up for what?”

  “The writer’s ball, of course!”

  “Oh, uhm…” Darcy paused and then, “Arabella, I’m goin’ with someone.”

  “What? Who?”


  “Clare? Your unconventional romantic writer? How did that happen?”

  “Well, I asked her.”

  “But what about me?”

  “Arabella, come on, we didn’t day anything about going to the writers’ ball together…”

  “But we always go together!”

  “Look, it’s different this time, okay? And I’m sorry if you thought we were going together, but Arabella, come on. We have our own lives now.”

  Arabella just shut her phone down.



  What the hell is he thinking? Arabella thought. Who’s actually been with him all these years, trying to help him get over my sister who died years back? Who’s been there for him all these years, not minding all his bad moods and all? Me. And what does he think of me? Nothing. But guess what? I don’t care. Because I love him, and I’m gonna show him that I am meant for him.


  Darcy was waiting outside his car for Clare outside her home the following night. She came out around 7:05, looking really beautiful in a Turquoise tiered ball gown, and rhinestones in her hair. Darcy thought she looked really awesome, more awesome than ever.

  Clare smiled as she saw Darcy, “Does this look fine? I really had no idea what to wear…”

  “You’re gorgeous.” He said and held out his hand, “I am so glad to be bringing you to the ball tonight…”

  “And I am glad I’m going with you, too…” She smiled.


  Clare excused herself from Darcy to go to the powder room later that evening. She was looking at herself in the mirror when Arabella came inside the room and locked the door.

  “You,” Arabella said as she came up to her, “What do you think you’re doing, huh? You cannot steal Darcy from me.”

  “Excuse me? Did you just say steal Darcy away from you?”

  “You heard me, Clare. Darcy is mine.”

  Clare laughed, “As for what I know, He is single and you’re no longer together.”

  “He belongs to me. Stay away from him.”

  “And who are you to say that?”

  “Well, for your information, I have been with him all these years when no one else was, and I will still be there for him no matter what. We have a bond, you know? And tell you what, bitch, he will always come back to me. Always, so stay away.”

  “He doesn’t love you.”

  Arabella laughed, “He wouldn’t be able to tolerate me all these years if he didn’t love me.”

  Clare just looked at her, opened the door and walked out. She went back to the table and got her purse from her chair.

  “Hey,” Darcy said.

  “I need to go.”

  Darcy stood up, “What? Why?”

  Clare took a deep breath, Arabella was walking towards them. “I cannot stay with a man who has a baggage with him.” She then walked away.

  “Clare, wait!”

  Darcy caught up with Clare outside, while she was waking fast down the stairs. He grabbed her by the arm but she let go of his grip. Arabella was trailing behind them.

  “Clare, just listen, okay,” Darcy said, “I like you…I…I think I love you. Just give us a shot, will you?”

  “Look, I tried, but I’m sorry. I can’ be the third wheel.”


  “I have to go, Darcy…” And with that, she hurriedly hailed a cab. Darcy watched the cab go away and he kicked a stone at the stairs.

  “Let’s just go back in…” Arabella told him.

  “No, we’re not!” He shouted, “This has got to stop Arabella. This should’ve stopped long ago, but no, I tolerated it!”

  “You tolerated it because you love me.”

  “No, I tolerated it because I didn’t want you
to get hurt. That, and love are two very different things.”

  “But…Darcy, I love you.”

  “No, you don’t.” He said, “If you did, you wouldn’t try to put me on a leash. Look, I know it’s also my fault, giving you mixed signals, maybe making you feel like we still had it going on, that we still had a chance. And I’m sorry, okay? But Arabella, this has got to stop.”


  “I have to go. I have my own life that doesn’t include you. And I’m sorry.” He then walked away.



  You keep me hangin’ on

  Nathan came home one day and was surprised to see that his room was organized in a different manner, his books were all in the shelves, his bed had new sheets. He then came out and saw Meredith just outside his room.

  “You…Did you clean my room?”

  “Yes,” Meredith smiled, “Didn’t you like it?”

  “Oh, uhm, it was nice…but ugh…Meredith, why did you do it?”

  “I was just, you know, thinking, it’s gonna be what I’d do if…”

  “Look, look, wait, are you…” Nathan said, “Okay, Meredith, I’m sorry but…”

  “But what?”

  “Meredith,” He couldn’t tell her he was in love with someone else, “I’m sorry, okay? But I need my privacy. Look, I appreciate you cleaning my room and all, but it’s just a little too much. I’m heading out for a while.” He then went down the stairs and out of the house leaving Meredith bewildered.