Read Today and Everyday Page 5


  Later that night, Meredith saw Rodney come inside the house. It was already 11 pm. Rodney just passed by her.

  She stood up from the couch, “Hey you, You haven’t been talking to me for weeks! What is wrong with you?!”

  Rodney stopped walking and looked at Meredith, “Why are you actually talking to me?”

  “Well, because we live in one house and it’s so stupid that you aren’t even talking to me.”

  “Really? Or are you just talking to me because Nathan’s not here and you cannot be lovey-dovey on him?”

  “That’s…that’s way out of line.”

  Rodney just threw his hands in the air and was heading down the stairs when he decided to turn back and face Meredith again, “Oh, for the record, I saw him at the coffee shop and he was with a girl. Just so you know.” He said and then proceeded downstairs to his room.


  Nathan left some money on the kitchen table the next morning. He was leaving the boarding house. He then heard Meredith coming down the stairs.

  “Nathan?” She said, “Hey…where are you going?”

  Nathan turned around, holding his bags, and looked at Meredith, “Uhm…I left the money on the kitchen table…I’m leaving.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Meredith, as much as I love being here, I cannot bear giving you mixed signals anymore, and I’m sorry if I did. It was...unintentional. Meredith, I’m in-love with someone else. And I’m sorry, I’m sorry if you thought the feeling was mutual… I didn’t mean to…”

  “But Nathan,”

  “Listen, Meredith, me, being here won’t do me or you any good. And…even Rodney. You deserve someone other than me. You’re a wonderful girl, Meredith, and you deserve to be loved. I’m just sorry that guy couldn’t be me.” He said, “Thank you for everything, though. I had fun here, and you were really nice. I wish one day I could repay you, but for now, I have to go…” He then tapped her on the shoulder, “Bye, Meredith…”

  Meredith couldn’t say anything.

  Nathan walked to the door and saw Rodney standing there. Rodney just bought some bagels outside.

  “Hey, see you around…” Nathan said as he saw Rodney and tapped him on the shoulder. “Take care of her.” He then went away.

  Rodney watched Meredith’s face fell to so much sadness and heartache. She sat down and cried on the couch and all Rodney could do was leave the bagels at the table, sit down beside her friend and wrap his arms around her.

  “It’s gonna be okay,” Rodney said, “You’ll be okay…” He said as he patted her on the back, trying to calm her down. He hugged her and allowed her to cry.

  Meredith cried for hours. She never felt this down before. Actually, she thinks that the tears she’s been crying now are not just for Nathan but also for all the guys who broke her heart before, and all the guys who may still break her heart. But she hopes not.

  “You are so nice to me,” She told Rodney, “I don’t deserve it…” She cried again.

  “Sssh…” He said, “It’s gonna be fine, Meredith, it’s gonna be fine…”

  “I’m sorry I’m such a bad bestfriend.”

  Rodney just smiled, stroking her hair her as she lay down on his shoulder, “Do you remember when you were fifteen and you fell for this guy on the soccer team…And he didn’t ask you to go to the prom…you were so devastated and you cried to me, saying he broke your heart so badly. Since then, I made a promise that I would never, ever let anyone break my bestfriend’s heart again, because I loved her,” He said, “And I still do.” He continued, “But you, Meredith, are such a handful, I cannot control you and I do not have the power to do that…But that doesn’t mean that I will not take care of you anymore, even if you are such a pain sometimes and that…That you can never really love me…”

  “That’s not true…” She said, “I’m sorry…For everything.”

  “Don’t be,” He said, “I’m your bestfriend.”

  She got herself up and wiped her tears, “Can we be really be the best of friends again? I mean, not just you being the best to me, but also me to you?”

  He smiled, “If you wanna do that, then…”

  “And I promise not to be a bitch anymore…”

  Rodney laughed, “Well, that last part is really you…”

  She laughed too, “Shut up.”

  “You owe me Pizza.”

  She pushed him, “Fine, Rodneykinns!”

  He laughed and knew it was just the start of many great things.


  No Air


  Alyssa was driving one Sunday afternoon when she saw Paul’s car on the road on the way to the café. Impossible, She thought, He shouldn’t be home from Singapore until after the weekend. She continued driving and found the car stopping in front of the café. Paul went out and Alyssa was surprised when Paul opened the passenger seat and a woman a bit older than her (probably Paul’s age) went out. Paul wrapped a protective arm around the woman and they went inside the café. Alyssa parked her car, got out of it and went inside the coffee shop. She found Paul and the woman sitting down, talking seriously. Paul called the woman “Honey” quite a few times. Alyssa was shocked.

  “Paul,” Alyssa said behind Paul.

  Paul and the woman were surprised. Paul turned back to see who spoke. He stood up.

  “Alyssa,” He said.

  “Who are you?” The woman asked.

  “Charlene…” Paul said and held the woman’s hand, “Wait…Let me handle this.” He then grabbed Alyssa by the arm and brought her to one corner of the coffee shop.

  “What are you doing here?” He asked her.

  “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be in Singapore.” She asked and went on, “And who is she?”

  Paul bit his lip, took a deep breath and answered, “Charlene’s my wife.”

  “What?” Alyssa said, tears welling up in her eyes, “That’s…that’s…”

  “Whatever Clare told you was true.” He said, “We were supposed to break up, we really were, but…we patched things up…I was gonna tell you but…well, you found out now…”

  She was crying now, “You lied to me… I…I got so mad at Clare and now I’m gonna find out you just lied to me…”

  “Well, she made a bad-ass out of herself…”

  “No, she didn’t…” Alyssa cried, “She was just being a good friend and I didn’t take it well because I was in love with you…”


  “You’re a jerk!” She said, slapped him hard on the face and stormed out of the café without saying another word.



  “Just a minute…” Clare said as she heard someone ring the doorbell at her house that Sunday afternoon. Benj and Emmy were also inside. Clare stood up and opened the door and was surprised to see Alyssa standing outside, crying.

  “Alyssa?” She said, surprised. “Hey, what happened?”

  Alyssa just kept on crying, “Sorry…” She said. “You…you were right…Paul is married…They’re getting back together…”

  “Oh my God, I’m sorry…” Clare said.

  “Do you want me to punch the guy?” Benj asked.

  “Benj!” Emmy said and nudged him.

  “I’m so sorry…” Alyssa cried, “I should’ve listened to you…I’m sorry for being such a bad friend…”

  “It’s okay…” Clare said and hugged her, “We’re still here…”


  Much later that day while Clare and the rest of the gang were having Chinese take-out for dinner, someone rang the doorbell again. Benj opened the door and saw Arabella. He came back in when Arabella said she was just an officemate and called Clare. Clare went out and saw Arabella.

  “Arabella?” She said, “What in the world?”

  “Hi Clare…” She said, looking apologetic which surprised Clare.

  “What are yo
u doing here? Darcy’s not here, you know.”

  “I know,” Arabella said, “I just came by to say I’m sorry…And that I’m leaving the next morning…”


  “Look, I know I was wrong, trying to create such a territory that only involves me and Darcy…I just…I love him, I do, I did…But now I know I was selfish…And that…” She paused, “That he deserves someone better…I’m sorry for being such a bitch.”

  Clare smiled, “I can’t fight for him as much as you do, you know?”

  “Don’t say that,” She said, “He loves you. I’ve never seen him like that before…I mean, after Isabella…”

  “That’s it…I can never be Isabella.”

  “But you are you, and he loves you for it. And I really hope I haven’t ruined things yet…” Arabella told her, “Look, I have to go. Just…Just tell him I’m sorry…” She then gave Clare a peck on the cheek, “And…Please take care of him…” She said, got back in her car and drove away.

  I wanna hold your hand

  Clare decided to go to the office early one morning to deliver her newest manuscript but not to see Darcy. She went to his office door and slid the manuscript inside Darcy’s office. She stood up and was on her way out when Darcy saw her.

  “Clare?” He said.

  “Hey…” She said. “I was just..uh…I left the manuscript in your office.”

  “My office is closed.”

  “I slid it under the door.” She said and was about to go out when Darcy grabbed her by the arm.

  “Can’t you stay?” Darcy asked her. “Don’t do this.”

  “Look, I have to go home.”

  “I love you. Just stop running away.”


  “I know what you’re doing. It’s your defense mechanism. But you can’t just do that the whole time…”

  “Why is this about me now?”

  “It’s not.”

  She took a deep breath, “Arabella went to my place last night.”

  “She did?”

  She nodded her head, “She said she was sorry…And that…And that you deserved someone better. I told her I am not Isabella…”

  “Yes, you’re not.” He said, “And I know that. But I love you. I do. And I know you love me too.”

  She laughed, “Now, how could you even say that?”

  “I can see it in your eyes.” He said, “But I know you’re scared. We all are. But we don’t have to run away.”

  She sighed, “I’m not sure if I’m right for you.”

  “Who knows?” He said, “But we can try…And try to make it work. I know we could.”

  “Do you really wanna do this?”

  Darcy nodded and kissed her hand, “I love you.”

  She smiled, “You know,” She said, “I really may have just found my Mr. Darcy…”

  He laughed, “That you have.” He winked.


  Someday we’ll know

  Benj and Emmy were eating out one night. Emmy was looking at Benj.

  “What?” He asked.

  “What what?”

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  She laughed lightly, “Why are you actually doing this?”

  “Doing what?”

  “This,” She said, “Going out with me every night, giving me flowers and chocolates…The works…”

  “Because, Emmy Marie,” He said, “I told you I was gonna prove a point. I told you I was still in love with you and I’m gonna work hard for it…And I am. And I’ll still be here, no matter how long it takes.”



  “Even if it takes 97 years?”

  He laughed, “I don’t think you can resist me that long…”

  “Dumb-ass!” She joked and they both laughed. “I’m glad you’re doing this, though.”

  He smiled and reached out for her hand across the table, “I’m glad you’re letting me do this…Just sad we can’t do it tomorrow night, though…”

  “Oh, it’s okay, I’m going somewhere too…The wedding, remember?...Where you goin? Date?”

  “No, crazy…” He laughed, “It’s for work. I’m gonna be a photographer in this wedding…”

  “Oh, goodluck, then. Don’t think of me too much.” She winked. They both laughed.


  The best one of the best ones

  Emmy was helping to fix the bridesmaids’ accessories during Chris and Amelia’s wedding the following day. She was standing outside the church door with the entourage when she saw the photographer walking up the church’s staircase.

  “Benj?” She said, “What are you doing here?”

  Benj looked at her and smiled, “I’m a photographer, remember?”

  She just gaped at him and smiled. He whispered in her ear as he passed by to go inside. “Must be a sign, huh?” He said. She laughed silently and saw him go inside the church.


  Courtney saw Nathan as she passed by him outside the church door.

  “Hey,” Nathan greeted.

  “Hey…” Courtney shot back and smiled, “You uh…You look really good right now.”

  “You too,” He said, “As always.”

  She smiled.

  “Can I dance with you later?”

  She smiled, “Why not?”

  He smiled back.



  Minutes later, the entourage started walking to their places. When it was the bride’s turn, Courtney was surprised at how beautiful she was, how all traces of pre-wedding day bridezilla gone, and in her place is just a very lovely woman, full of hope and glowing with happiness. She looked towards the altar and saw Chris, looking happy and full of pride. It’s one of those moments that are just totally perfect and that no matter how you don’t want to, it still makes you smile. At that moment, she thought they were perfect for each other. She looked around and saw the photographer, Benjamin, seemingly taking perfect shots, but she couldn’t help but notice that he’s been taking pictures of Emmy, intentionally and unintentionally, and it made her smile, as well. And at that moment, She wondered whether she’d also be smiling like that, for herself. And then she saw Nathan and she knew the answer.


  “I left the boarding house…” Nathan told Courtney as he was dancing with her at the reception dinner. An acoustic version of Dashboard Confessional’s “Stolen” was playing.

  “What? Why?”

  “It just…It’s just not good anymore, you know? For her, for me, for Rodney…For you.”

  “Oh.” She said, surprised. “So, where are you staying now?”

  “I’m renting a new apartment…Pay’s higher, but…It’s good, I mean, it’s better…For us.”


  He laughed, “Can I…uh…officially court you?”

  She laughed and gasped, “Wow, I uh, I’m impressed…Would you really wanna do that?”

  “Anything for the most beautiful girl in my eyes…”

  She laughed, “Do it if you want to…” She smiled, her eyes full of hope.



  “You didn’t tell me you’d be here…” Emmy told Benj as the two of them were dancing.

  “I told you I was photographing for a wedding.” He said, and added, “The stars are probably working for us then…” He smiled.

  She punched him lightly and they laughed.


  A million faces

  (2 years later…)

  Nathan and Courtney were walking to the coffee shop to meet up with Clare, Darcy, Emmy, Benj, Alyssa and her fiancé, Edmund who were prepping up for a triple wedding celebration. The two of them were about to enter the coffee shop when they came across Meredith and Rodney, walking hand in hand, about to go to the coffee shop as well.

  “Meredith,” Nathan said.

  Meredith smiled, “Hey,” She
said, without any trace of bitterness or remorse.

  “You,” Rodney smiled as he saw Courtney.

  “And you…” Courtney said.

  “Wow, fancy seeing you here…” Nathan told Courtney, “Are you guys…?”

  Meredith nodded her head and smiled, “We’re engaged.” She smiled.

  “Wow, that’s great…” Nathan smiled, “I’m happy for you…”

  “Thank you…” Meredith said, “And you guys…?”

  “We’re married…” Nathan beamed and squeezed Courtney’s hand.

  “And I’m pregnant with our first child…” Courtney added.

  “Looks like you got your own happy ending…” Rodney smiled as he told Courtney.

  “And you did, too.” She smiled back.

  “So, shall we all have coffee together?” Rodney asked.

  “Oh, that’d be good but we’re meeting clients…triple wedding.”

  “Wow, that sounds good…” Rodney said, “Anyway, we’ll also be inside…After the meeting, then?”

  “Perfect.” Nathan said and the four of them went inside the café. Benj waved as he saw Nathan and Courtney. Nathan and Courtney went to where Emmy, Benj, Clare and Darcy were.