Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 1


  Book One Seeking Acceptance

  Copyrighted Beth Hoyer 2013

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  Tom a Human male of the species called Moorra with short black curly hair wearing blue clothing. His clothes was a jumpsuit but detachable on his arms. He sat in a chair in a bedroom sitting. Tom was absent mildly staring at the wall letting his thoughts wander. He sat where the bed was next to it. On his chest was oxygen like mask with thick clear tubes that were attached to it. The tubes went into his arms imbedded in them. The sun had risen over the horizon showing a new day he glimpsed from the window. He heard a knock on the door which opened. Tom looked to see a female Keo with stringy long blond hair, all black eyes and pointed ears dubbing herself Rhinna enter the room.

  Rhinna spoke “Tom, the Queen has a mission for you.”

  Tom exhaled air at the familiar words and stood up following her out of the room. She led him down the stairs to the front door of the triangle shaped house. He saw outside a male Keo dubbing himself by the name of Ran, with shorter hair stood waiting. Tom saw Ran looking at the sky. He looked to spot the Keo species' invention a flying machine hovered down onto the ground several footsteps away in front of the house. Tom walked towards the flying machine and got inside to face a male Keo.

  He frowned seeing the Keo who spoke “The name is Geelley. I’m seeking a deaf Moorra female named Thura. She's missing since she walked off into the forests in the late sun the day before today.”

  Tom nodded his head and looked out the window as the machine flew over series of triangle houses then flew over the city fortress before landing in front of a triangle house. Several Keos he saw stood there waiting as Geelley and himself got out of the flying machine which stopped its whooping blades.

  Geelley pointed at the direction and spoke “That’s where I last saw Thura go.”

  Tom nodded his head and put the oxygen mask on his face. The oxygen mask covered his mouth and nose. His brown eyes turned golden colored as his mind walking ability activated turning on powerfully scanning the forest. He walked into the forest followed by Geelley and the other Keos sensed them doing mind searching with their mind walking abilities. They walked into the forest passing by large towering trees and plants around them. His mind found a mind of a Moorra identified as a male walking in the forest.

  Tom spoke mentally “Moorra found not Thura.”

  He heard one of Keo spoke mentally towards him “There are no known Moorra willing to walk in this forest. It must be one of the hidden Moorra.”

  Another Keo he heard mentally “The Queen had ordered any Moorra found be captured, so keep tracking, Tom.”

  Tom led the way through the forests tracking the Moorra mind till it disappeared when the group reached a large cliff wall with rocks in it.

  Tom mentally spoke “Moorra gone.”

  He heard one of the Keo he identified from mind scans as Geelley speaking mentally towards him “There must be a cave somewhere. I’ll go look, wait here. Tom. For respects, track me.”

  Tom followed Geelley’s mind as the Keo walked feeling the cave walls with his hands and went around a bend in the wall disappearing from sight. Tom concentrated on Geelley’s mind and stiffened sensing the Keo’s mind display pain as new minds arrived.

  He mentally spoke “Geelley in pain, Moorra found.”

  Tom sensed other minds belonging to Keos including one more powerful he identified as the Keos' leader the Queen walking towards the group.

  He mentally added “Queen arriving.”

  He heard the voice of the Queen in his mind speak “Tom go ahead and take out the Moorra, free Geelley.”

  Tom walked forwards scanning with his mind searching the walls. He walked around the bend to sense a mind of a Moorra in the walls. He tracked the mind to a part of the cliff wall. He put a hand on the cliff wall yanking away cloth designed like part of the cliff revealing a cave entrance. Tom saw a Moorra male holding an object in his hands wearing raggedly fur like clothing standing there. The Moorra’s eyes he saw appeared to widen seeing him.

  Tom mentally spoke the word “Down.”

  The Moorra in response dropped the object in his hands grabbing his head while falling towards the dirt ground appearing to be knocked out unconscious. He walked into the cave wall mentally repeating the word down aimed at Moorra. He saw multiple Moorra fell towards the ground grabbing their heads with their hands. He walked down steps passed a doorway and entered a large room with globe balls in the walls. Tom mentally scanned the Moorra with his mind. He saw Moorra lay scattered lying on the ground as he sensed a mind a female different from the others by silence within her mind. That despite noises detected from minds of the other Moorra. Tom felt drawn to the silent mind as he saw had images of the Moorra as a child being in the cave hole with branches over it. The branches were thrust apart as a Keo with black beady eyes and the clawed hands grabbed her. The Keo proceeded to toss her to another Keo who did the same to the other Keos. The mind he scanned showed her looking to see two adult Moorra lying on the ground which he heard from her identified as her parents. She he saw as she was tossed her parents lying having blood leaking from large open holes in their throats. One of the Keo was tearing at their skin around their open throat wounds and eating it. The scene changed to her being thrown off a cliff's edge and landed on soft springy thick moss like plant that kept her alive. The mind he continued to scan showed her walking while hearing the sounds of the forest. The wind was blowing and there were birds chirping in the trees. Then there was an ear shattering boom and clouds of smoke filled up the forest. He saw a view through the fog surrounding her to see a ball of fire leading up through the sky. The smoke made her cough and there was pain felt in her ears Tom felt her pain as she fell to the ground. There was pain felt as she felt something leaking from her ears making Tom stiffen from shock. The mind's child like hand reached up and touched the leaking liquid and then she looked at her hand. It was according to the mind blood which made her deaf to hearing sounds due to no longer hearing anything from the scenery around her. Tom stiffened realizing that the female was Thura he was scanning the deaf Moorra female Geelley told him about. He scanned the mind for identification to confirm who he was scanning.

  Tom heard blaring in his mind “It's Thura.”

  He mentally spoke in response to the mental voice “Thura up.”

  Tom saw a Moorra female get up from the ground with brown shoulder length smooth hair wearing Keo wear black clothing with a thick red cloth belt around her waist. He saw her expression on her face as she was looking at him with confusion. Tom stared at her with his golden eyes as he felt an odd feeling of his deadness stopped within inside him. He felt giddy with happiness while staring at Thura. He walked to stand behind her form as if compelled to protect her. He spotted Geelley on the floor by the clothes wearing a cloth covering his head and figured that the Keo was knocked unconscious.

  He mentally spoke "Geelley up."

  He kept his eyes onto Geelley to see the Keo shot to a standing position in a fast move including yanking off the head's cover with hands up in fists looking combative to him.

  He mentally broadcasted to Geelley "Found Thura. All Moorra within vicinity are down asleep except for her."

  Tom watched as Geelley shook his head and registered him in the vicinity before speaking verbalizing his words “Thura, are you okay?”

  He sensed Thura’s anger as she was sensed looking at Geelley. He saw Geelley
take a step forward staring at her with his black eyes.

  He frowned as Geelley spoke again verbalizing his words “Thura, what’s going on?”

  Tom placed his hands on her shoulders feeling currents of pleasure through his hands. He felt his giddiness rise within him from touching Thura's shoulders. Geelley he saw took a step forward and touched Thura's arm with a black gloved hand. Tom felt Thura's anger as she abruptly yanked Geelley's hand off. He gripped her shoulders and pulled her out of the cave to see the other Keos there along with the Queen. He sensed the Queen scanning Thura’s mind that made a grimace gesture with her lips.

  He eyed the Queen who spoke verbalizing her words “Thura remembers her parents found dead. She blames their dead status as in killed by Keos. Hence she's in her bad mood at the moment and being rude towards Keos talking to her."

  Tom sensed Thura disagree to the Queen's words.

  He heard from the Queen mentally "Tom get Thura to the flying machine for transport to her home now. I'll handle her attitude if she doesn't withdraw from her blaming accusation."

  He pulled her towards a meadow where two flying machines sat with blades moving. Geelley he mentally sensed followed them with the Keo grabbing Thura’s left arm. He sensed her anger from the touch.

  Geelley he shifted to eye mouthed words