Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 2

he mentally scanned the Keo's mind to get “I’m sorry.”

  Thura he sensed shook Geelley's hand off and stomped towards a machine with his hands still on her shoulders he still feeling his urge to keep touching her and not let go. Tom once inside the flying machine manipulated Thura to sit sideways onto his lap. He mentally sighed of pleasure feeling her form sitting on him still making his giddiness feeling he figured was from her touching him. Geelley he saw followed him and Thura inside the flying machine with a Keo expression of a grimace on his face. Tom sat opposite across Geelley sensed staring at him and Thura. He felt his giddiness feeling rise as Thura lean her head against his body's shoulders sensing she wanting his touch. He responded by wrapping his arms around her in a hug gesture making him feel more happy from the touch.

  The sun Tom saw was rising further in the sky as the flying machine reached a triangle house and landed on the ground with a thump. Geelley he eyed gestured him and Thura both out.

  Tom heard him say mentally “Get out, Tom.”

  Tom let go of Thura who got out with him following her he taking up the rear with Geelley. He stared at Thura’s form as she led them inside the house and went to the stairs where Geelley ran forwards grabbing her form from behind. Tom narrowed his eyes feeling annoyance take hold as Geelley hauled Thura kicking with her legs towards a table with a bench. He watched as Geelley forced Thura to sit on the bench with her back to the table. Tom stood watching as Geelley grabbed Thura’s hands pining them to her lap she squirming from it with disgust sensed from her. He frowned as Geelley kneeled in front of Thura one hand holding her hands and with his other hand pointing to his lips.

  He sensed from Geelley's mind his words he wanted to say to Thura to read his lips “We made a mistake. Please accept this.”

  Tom frowned inwardly at Thura’s response to Geelley's mouth was to spit at him as Geelley shook his head disgust sensed from the Keo. He sensed the Queen with escorts entered the house.

  He saw Geelley get up to a standing position and did a little bow towards the Queen who waved a hand hearing her speaking mentally "Geelley dismissed with that."

  He stood listening mentally as she spoke mentally to Geelley “She’s angry.”

  Tom stood as the Queen added looking at Thura using her voice “You’ll accept us or I’ll have you committed to the asylum.”

  Tom groaned softly from the Queen's threat as he sensed Thura agree to cooperate towards the Keos by her mind giving off surrender feelings. He sensed the Queen scan his mind with her mind walking powers he ignored her to concentrate onto Thura she still giving him giddiness.

  He heard a Hmph sound within his mind via the Queen's voice as he continued to still looking at Thura.

  He heard from the Queen mentally blaring “Geelley, stand Tom down and have him watch her.”

  Tom kept his eyes onto Thura as Geelley was felt taking off the oxygen mask off his face. Tom groaned as he shook his head from the headache while rubbing a hand on his face with confusion then he stared at Thura feeling himself stiff. He sensed a Keo pull his sleeve of his left arm showing a cylinder implant imbedded in it. Tom didn’t resist to sigh softly as he felt the Keo put a familiar needle cylinder in the implant into his arm from the prick of pain felt. He sighed loudly as he felt pleasure as the needle syringe's cloud colored liquid went down into him via the implant. Tom sighed smiling a small smile as his familiar strength returned.

  He heard mentally blaring in his mind “She says you have taken an interest in Thura. She orders Geelley to spy onto you and Thura together.”

  Tom shook his head of the pleasure and groaned from hearing the familiar male voice blaring in his mind whenever he had the oxygen mask off.

  He walked towards Thura and held out a hand while mouthing she focused onto his lips “I know how you feel I lost my parents the same way.”

  He saw Thura’s angry face turn into a frown. He led her up the stairs and let her lead to a bedroom. Once in the room Tom pulled Thura in a hug wrapping his arms around her. Tom sighed of pleasure as she laid her hand on his chest next to the oxygen mask over the beating heart. He stiffened when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

  He looked to see Geelley who spoke “Tom, you need your rest. I expect to find you in the bed, resting and that’s an order.”

  Geelley he saw to his relief left the room closing the door. Tom felt Thura help him towards the bed. He lied down on it as he saw her pulled out a thick red covered cloth book from her boot.

  Tom pulled her towards him on the bed and she looked at he mouthing “Thura please.”

  Thura, he saw with pleasure obeyed and laid her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around her. He sighed as she stared at him with a frown while he played with her shoulder length hair. Tom watched as she pulled out a card with hand signs on it he glimpsed from the middle of the book and appeared to be studying it. He felt an urge and lowered his head towards the side of her forehead kissing it. Tom felt the urge get stronger as she looked at him.

  He mouthed “Can we touch mouth to mouth?”

  Tom saw her nod her head and he put a hand on her chin pulling her face closer to his. He stared at her face as she closed her eyes while stroking her hair. Tom closed his eyes and felt a jolt of currents of pleasure through out him as their lips touched. Then he felt Thura pulled away abruptly making him angry. Tom angrily looked to see Geelley standing there with his eyes were narrowed. He saw Geelley let go of her shoulder, to put his black gloved hand over his mouth.

  Tom growled hearing Geelley speak “Your not mating with her without the Queen’s order.”

  Tom clung to Thura who looked at him as he spoke “You can’t stop me.”

  He heard Geelley spoke “The Queen will order her taken away if you do this.”

  He snarled out with an angry tone “I like to see you try!”

  He glared at Geelley who spoke “You must obey the Queen, her orders stand.”

  Tom kept up the glaring expression aimed at Geelley as he spoke “Go jump in a lake, Geelley.”

  He saw Geelley pulled his hand away and pointed to his lips mouthing something he didn't catch. Tom with regret running through him let go of Thura who got up from the bed. He watched as Geelley grabbed her arm pulling her out of the room. He lied down in bed glaring at the ceiling seemingly lengthy letting anger take control.

  Tom snarled angrily "Oh jump in a lake Queen. I will get Thura mated with me. I want her and will do what it takes to have her."

  He got up from the bed and yanked on his mask putting it onto his face. He mentally scanned for Thura as he walked out of the room down the stairs and out of the house unstopped. He found himself unstopped on the way to the city. Once inside he glimpsed Moorra shrinking away from him in fear as multiple Keo voices mentally blared at him.

  He caught one voice mentally commented aimed at him "Take that thing off your face Moorra."

  He heard another voice chatter "You're scaring the Moorra with that thing on you."

  Tom ignored the voices' repeated blaring chatter to concentrate onto Thura.

  Tom arrived into Thura's location while yanking off his mask back on his chest. The shopkeeper a male Keo he saw went from behind his desk to stand at his side with his arms folded while staring at him. Tom jabbed a finger at Geelley he saw in vicinity.

  He spoke “I will have her with or without your rules.”

  He saw Geelley put a hand over his mouth and heard the Keo speak “The rules of breeding among Moorra stands.”

  Tom put a hand on his oxygen mask gripping it as he spoke ““So what! I still want her!”

  Thura he saw stood up from the chair, pushing it down on the ground and angrily stomped her foot. He and the others looked at her, at the noise commotion.Tom saw Thura make finger gestures with her hands he finding himself understanding her hand language.

  He read her finger gestures saying “What is going on?”

  Tom spoke glaring at Geelley “Either you tell her
or I will.”

  He heard the shopkeeper standing next to him spoke “The Queen, I hear insisted that she be told.”

  He saw Geelley lowered his hand and looked at Thura with a cocked head before the Keo pointed to his lips while using his voice for his words “There are rules on breeding children among the Moorra. It’s for controlling the Moorra population which is enforced. This is something Tom wants with you.”

  Tom saw Thura look at him with a narrowed eyed look as he folded his arms with a glaring stare at Geelley.

  He saw her look at Geelley who again spoke “The rules have requirements on who can breed children. Your deafness keeps you from matching the requirements despite Tom's insisting that you weren't born deaf.”

  Tom saw her turned her head to look at him as he angrily spoke “Tell her about how you’re responsible for her becoming deaf or I will.”

  He saw Geelley’s lips turned into a frown line and as Geelley he saw put his hand over his mouth as Thura looked at him.

  He heard Geelley speak “That’s none of your concern for that subject will be denied.”

  Tom snarled speaking loudly “I saw this ball of fire in her mind. I know it's one of your flying machines. Don’t hide this from her.”

  Tom put a hand on his mask as Geelley spoke repeating his words “That’s none of your concern for that subject will be denied.”

  The door to the shop he heard opened behind him. He looked to see the Queen stepped inside with