Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 10

arrived full of anger into a Banshee's nest. You demonstrated your blindness while angry. Your blindness status got the Banshees to stop being angry at the Moorra. The Banshees are no longer controlled by anger towards the Moorra in question."

  Tom exhaled a breath through his mouth and forced himself to mouth breathe deeply while still grimacing from the sting of his back hurting. He felt Thura had fallen asleep having her head on his chest from still form with breathing sensed from her.

  Tom groaned softly as he recalled the Queen telling him "I'm aware of Keos trapping you with captured Moorra and attempting to kill you. The traps is for retaliation against you killing a Keo. You will have to be punished for the killing by whipping publicity in front of the city’s people. I have already signaled the punishment happening. Guards remove Tom's top and get him outside to the whipping platform."

  Tom forced himself to stare at the ceiling illuminated by a lamp left on. He recalled the Queen's guards removed his top baring his upper body and then brought him outside the palace. He wound up forced walked through a part of the city with Thura glimpsed behind him looking like she was still sick again. He heard her make sickness noises from behind as he was forced walked to a platform in a city's courtyard holding two posts with ropes jutting from it. Tom groaned again recalling the guards got him up the platform by the ramp to the post and tied his hands to the ropes while facing the majority of the city's natives. He saw Moorra looking disgusted by the expressions on their faces. He bowed his head as he felt his back whipped by whip zapping him with charges of pain. He figured one of the guards was doing the punishment. He kept his head bowed instead of trying to see who was doing the punishment. Tom kept his hands to himself as Thura was felt jerking her head while lying on him. He groaned from the pain on his back recalling screaming from the zapping pain getting too much for him which caused the whipping to stop. He recalled returned to his bedroom with Thura who lied on the bed next to him keeping her back to him. Tom sighed hearing faint groaning noises coming from Thura indicating on her seeing something terrible in her mind as she slept. He gently rubbed hands on Thura's side and kept up the rubbing as he heard her gasp followed by the jerking movements stopped.

  He sighed as Thura removed herself from him to finger spell "It was Geelley who did the whipping from what I've sensed from the Keo doing that punishment."

  Tom grimaced forming the expression on his face as he mouthed "You want me to ask Geelley for respects for fisting him?"

  He frowned as Thura finger spelled "Geelley told me some tall tale saying that the Keo killed by him was his Father my adoptive Father."

  He felt his mood flatten getting that talk from Thura who kept finger spelling "He didn't seem serious when he told me this tall tale. That's how I figured it was a tall tale actually. I think his telling was an excuse to get me not to do anything with you. Geelley after you left the house from him throwing you out made an insulting Keo gesture aimed at you once your back was turned."

  He exhaled a breath through his mouth to mouth towards Thura giving him a glare instead of finger spelling "I didn't mind scan the Keo I killed to figure out who I was killing in the process. I let anger take control when I targeted that Keo in some angry mood hitting me. The Keo in question was alone in his shop when I killed him. None of the other Keos came into the shop to his aid during the process of me killing him to death. I wound up doing this unstopped."

  He clamped his mouth shut to resume staring at Thura who finger spelled "Admit it Tom the actual reason why you killed a Keo. I get the sense that there's more to the story than your telling me."

  He opened his mouth in response to see Thura slump over in bed with eyes shut with breathing sensed from her. He groaned seeing the Queen come into his eyesight with a glare on her face who's eyes narrowed even further.

  He saw the expression on her face indicated she wanted him to talk as she spoke "Answer Thura's talk on what you're not really admitting."

  Tom recalled fully in his mind the Keo's killing by his mental abilities and the actual reason for it.

  He spoke "The Keo that died by me targeting him was identified as the one who killed my Mother shooting her to death."

  He clamped his mouth shut as the Queen's look became more glaring which he spoke again "I don't think you'll accept my explanation to why I killed that Keo. You'll say it's a tall tale anyway."

  He shifted onto his side towards a sleeping Thura to wrap his arms around her keeping her close to his body as he heard "Well try telling me with the explanation to why your killed the Keo you targeted."

  Tom groaned softly and eyed the Queen who still had the glare on her face.

  He spoke "Fine a Keo's mental voice a Gihon got through my defenses enough to tell me to kill this targeted Keo. The Keo's voice was spoken in some compelling voice tone making me want to do the killing despite unable to resists to the order. The voice sort of urged me on to do the killing that I did it just to shut up the voice's talk. The voice I heard mentioned talk about the targeted Keo being responsible for shooting my Mother to death as reason why I should kill."

  He eyed the Queen after clamping his mouth shut to see her jab a finger aimed at him. He stiffened to feel a needle injected into his neck bringing sleepiness he finding himself passing out asleep. He came to with confusion running through him like he forgotten something but the forgetting remained as he struggled to remember what he forgot. He sensed Thura lying asleep next to him.

  Tom adjusted his position to wrap arms around Thura as he mentally spoke "Mine, mine forever. I have the acceptance I want."

  He sighed feeling himself happy from the conclusion to shut his eyes only to feel a familiar tapping of a guard's stick weapon on his arm. Tom felt annoyance take hold opened his eyes to glare at the guard that indicated him to leave the room. He raised a hand fisted and wiggled it in a Keo insult gesture towards the guard in response as he remained lying in bed still holding Thura. He found the guard refused to quit gesturing him out of the room or repeatedly tapping his arm each time he shut his eyes after doing the Keos' insult gesture each time.

  Tom heard blared "Queen has a mission for you. She's not throwing you out as you think so get up."

  He groaned hearing the familiar voice in his mind got up from the bed to wordlessly follow the guard to the courtyard where a carriage was. He again groaned softly feeling himself annoyed with the Queen throwing him into missions as he entered the carriage. The carriage he peered out the window took him out of the city to the forest where a flying machine was sitting in a clearing. He got out of the carriage and entered the flying machine to see a Keo inside that gave him a glaring expression. He grimaced ignoring the Keo for recognizing the expression was accusation onto the male's face. Tom kept his eyes out the window of the flying machine as it flew a lengthy journey till it landed in a clearing with a hard jarring thump. The vibration caused him a headache from the feel. Tom heard from the Keo "Your hunting for the Keos and their meeting spot alone period. I'm not helping you with any guiding to where they are waiting for you to meet them so get out now."

  He obeyed to get out of the flying machine to sense it take off and out of sight leaving him alone in the clearing. He groaned softly before putting on his mask. Tom mentally scanned the forest searching with his mental abilities. He sensed Banshees in the vicinity by their familiar shields detected blocking him from scanning them. He grimaced as he sensed a Moorra mind a male. Tom walked towards the mind as if drawn to find a Moorra tied to a tree. He yanked off the mask off his face and looked around. He saw a bush rumbled in front of him showing a Keo with a hand gun in hand aimed at him.

  The Keo spoke “Good of you to take off your mask.”

  Tom stiffened recognizing the voice belonging to Geelley.

  He narrowed his eyes as Geelley continued “The Keo you killed was my Father, adoptive father of Thura. You shouldn’t have thought him as a murderer for the death of your Mother. For respects, I’ll tell you what you need to know. My Fat
her and others were scanning your Mother’s mind as they took you out. Your Mother in her pain looked over where your Father was and saw him as a Banshee instead of as a Keo. My Father shot your Mother because she was detected planning to kill herself for mating with a Banshee something the Moorra found humiliating heavily. Her killing wasn’t murder but mercy killing doing what she wanted. For killing a Keo who’s my Father, I’ll have to kill you and I’m going to enjoy it like I enjoyed whipping you with the whip.”

  Tom fisted his hands eyes boring at Geelley as he recalled something fully in his mind involving the Banshee species.

  He spoke while hearing a gun cocking sound come from the Geelley's gun “Keo and Banshee are the same species.”

  He paused as saw Geelley open his mouth baring his fanged teeth in a grimace.

  He continued from memory filling his mind “I came upon a Banshee nest after going through the gate while looking for Thura. I discovered this fact along with a lot of interesting information. Such as the reason for the Queen’s curfew of no one to travel during dark time is when you Keos are out traveling as Banshees.”

  He saw Geelley’s eyes changed to Banshee like in response to confirming the species being the same. He heard a Banshee like growling