Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 9

hands and bowed his head shaking it instead of moving another step. He felt the Keo pulled him into the room and forced him to sit in a chair. He sat with eyes closed as he felt hands on his cheeks followed by lips touching his lips. Tom jerked stiffening from the giddiness mood hitting him while he still felt anger hitting. He felt the kisser was Thura from the feel of his familiar giddiness feeling as the kiss was stopped. He opened his eyes to stare at Thura he saw willing himself to calm from the emotion of happiness hitting him. He frowned as the familiar deadness feeling inside him went away.

  He sighed as Thura finger spelled “You were right about Geelley. He confessed to doing the attack on me.”

  Tom opened his mouth exhaling air then closed it and forced himself to nose breathe. Thura he saw picked up one of his fisted hands with both hands and made a motion to unclench the hand by her picking on it. He unclenched the hand in response which she brought it to where their offspring was inside her rubbing the area with the hand. Tom didn’t protest as he felt her other hand pull him towards her and till he was leaning against her form. Tom put his free arm around her form as he hugged her. He sighed again feeling his familiar deadness went away to his relief. He kept hugging Thura seemingly lengthy only to hear groaning noises from her. He removed his arm and looked at Thura in the eyes with a frown on his face. Tom frowned as Thura removed her hand holds of his hand and on his form before darting into a doorway he figured led to the hygiene room. He got up in a fast move as he heard a familiar sound of sickness involved with expelling liquid through the mouth. Tom darted into the hygiene room to see Thura over the expeller for waste getting liquid out of her mouth and looking pale. He groaned softly as Thura quit her expelling to turn the expeller on washing away the contents inside it. Tom groaned as he figured to himself why Thura was sick. He gently hugged Thura in hug as gentle as he could. Tom frowned as she accepted the hug then broke it off to his annoyance.

  He frowned as she finger spelled "I need to lie down."

  Tom mouthed towards Thura looking at his mouth "I'm sorry. Your sickness is from carrying offspring."

  He felt his mood flatten as she without a comment darted out of the hygiene room he following her to see her get onto the double manoid bed. He halted his following as Thura appeared to be upset by her shaking form while having her face buried into the pillow in her arms around the area. He groaned and went to sit on the bed next to her. Tom eyed Thura who adjusted her position to turn her back towards him. He again felt the familiar deadness take control again taking away his happiness feeling. Tom got up and stormed to a chair to sit and resumed staring at the wall near the hygiene room's doorway. He kept the staring seemingly lengthy despite Thura seen repeatedly entering the hygiene room hearing her familiar sickness followed by coming out to walk out of his line of sight. Tom felt his familiar deadness take control as he saw Thura enter the hygiene room for another uncounted time this time she slammed the door with a bang sound. He grimaced from the noises as he felt a tap on his shoulder from a familiar stick weapon belonging to a guard. Tom got up and followed the guard out of the room taking a route to the courtyard where a carriage stood. He was gestured to go inside by a guard jabbing his stick weapon aimed at him and the carriage. Tom felt his mood flatten into anger and refused to budge from his standing spot as he gave up a roaring nonsense sound. The guard Tom saw stood staring at him with his familiar blank expression again gesturing him to go into the carriage ignoring his noise.

  Tom heard blaring in his mind "Tom, stop that noise now. The Queen has a mission for you. So get into the carriage as you call it and do the mission."

  He obeyed feeling himself still angry as ever.

  Tom sat in the flying machine staring out the window with anger still running through him.

  Sitting next to him he saw was a female Keo he recognized to be Rhinna who spoke “You’re angry with yourself, Tom.”

  Tom exhaled air through his nose as he felt one of her gloved hands touch his fisted right hand. He turned to look at her as she picked up his fisted hand forcing it open with another hand.

  He stared at Rhinna who spoke “Let us help you if you’ll let us.”

  Tom groaned inwardly as she gripped his hand rubbing it with both hands. He turned to continue staring out the window. The flying machine landed in a meadow with a soft thump he felt. He groaned softly from the landing which he got out with Rhinna following him. At the edge of the meadow standing were a group of Keos.

  One of them seeing Tom spoke “Tom, find the hidden Moorra.”

  Tom obeyed putting on his mask activating his mental abilities. He walked briskly into the forest tracking and sensed the Keos weren't following making him annoyed again. He realized that he was walking into a trap to make him look bad to Keos. It was judging by the Keos balking on following him he sensed them gathered in a clearing and refusing to budge from there. Tom groaned softly as he found a Moorra mind and tracked the mind to another clearing where he found the source tied to a tree struggling in the ropes. Tom frowned as he sensed a Keo behind him spun around giving of the shield command repeatedly. He grimaced as the Keo was seen trying to stab him with a knife but kept appearing to meet a wall each time he gave up the shield command.

  He mentally spoke "Down."

  He saw the Keo hit the ground in a dead faint as he went to the Moorra still struggling in the ropes.

  He mentally spoke "Mind reveal."

  Tom shook from a headache as he felt the mask yanked off his face abruptly cancelling his mind scans of the Moorra. He shook his head from the head pain unexpectedly. He wound up forming a glare to stare at the Keo who stood in front of him.

  The Keo angrily spoke “Don’t attack Keos!”

  Tom spoke as the Keo turned to his side “Then scan me.”

  He repeated echoing his words in a louder tone as the Keo shook his head. He saw the Keo turn his head to stare at Rhinna he glimpsed who was steps away with her back to them. He saw other Keos attending to a Moorra and a Keo both lying on the ground. Tom looked to see Rhinna turned around facing him and cocked her head. He looked at the Keo standing next to him who looked at him while taking off a glove revealing his bare clawed hand. Tom kept his eyes on the Keo’s black eyes as he felt him put a clawed hand on his cheek. He stiffened feeling the headache as his mind was scanned while keeping his eyes on the Keo scanning him. Tom watched as the Keo’s beady eyes narrowed and saw him cock his head before removing his hand. He exhaled air feeling the headache go away as the Keo put on his glove and walked away.

  He heard in response "Oh Tom, the Gihons can't scan your mind even if their touching you or not. Only the Queen can penetrate your mind's defenses. That's only when the Queen is touching you skin to skin is when she can fully access your mind. Pishons despite their link can't penetrate your mind."

  Tom felt his mood flatten hearing the voice's words. He shifted to glare at the ground feeling his anger running through him as he fisted his hands. He felt rage running through taking control as he continued to glare at the ground. Tom felt a bare hand of a Keo female touching his cheek he ignored the touch as he felt no pain from the mind scanning. He looked to see the hand's owner was Rhinna who had eyes narrowed before removing her hand and putting back on her black glove.

  Tom gave her a glare as she spoke "The Moorra a Gihon, caught has from mind scans indicated another Moorra companion a Pishon hiding somewhere. So go hunt for this Pishon now."

  Tom heard the firmness of her voice tone obeyed to put on his mask. He walked in the forest scanning with his mind finding again the Keos not following. He sensed a Moorra and walked towards the mind as if drawn. He found the Moorra a male tied to the tree shaking his head and sensed the male was drugged. Tom yanked off the mask groaning loudly from the mask off him. He looked around to see a Keo with anger on his face appear from behind a tree. Tom stood frowning as the Keo threw his knife which he flinched feeling the blade imbedded in his right shoulder as he fell to a kneeling position. He kneeled groani
ng loudly as the Keo pulled out his gun weapon walking towards him. Tom stared at the Keo who aimed his gun inches from his forehead speaking “Your death is payment for killing one of us.”

  He kept his eyes on the Keo who flinched dropping the gun putting gloved hands to his head and fell towards the ground on the side. Tom stared at the Keo then moved his eyes as the bushes rumbled showing Rhinna and other Keos with angry looks on their faces. He frowned as one of the Keos went to him waving a familiar device a medical scanner over his shoulder where the knife was imbedded in before slowly taking out the weapon. The Keo, Tom saw shook his head and turned to stare at Rhinna who folded her arms with an angry look on her face.

  Tom groaned from lying in bed feeling his back stinging. He felt Thura cuddle with him unexpectedly after repeatedly not doing anything like accepting him towards him.

  He recalled meeting the Queen in the throne room she spoke "For respects, Tom I ordered the attack on your parents."

  Tom recalled his mood become anger but again heard from the mysterious voice "Do not to let anger control you. The Banshees were controlled by anger from a group of Moorra attacked one of them killing one of them. It made them blind in anger towards Moorra. You