Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 13

as she was lying on the ground. He saw Keos around her lower body appearing to be yanking something from within her as one held up her skirt that was blocking the view. He saw the female turn her head towards the eye’s sight point of view with a pained expression on her face. He gasped of recognition seeing her as his Mother who widen her eyes with shock in them while meeting the eyesight. A Banshee like hand he saw came into view then shifted to a Keo’s hand and shifted back switching back and forth as the eyes stared at his Mother. He saw his Mother form disgust in her eyes who turned her head away while closing her eyes. He saw one of the Keos lift up a moving thing from behind his Mother's skirt that was all red color who screamed a loud crying noise. Tom saw another Keo pull out a gun while walking towards his Mother with a disgusted expression seen on the male's face.

  He heard a voice scream out “No! Don’t kill her! For respects!”

  The Keo with the gun looked at the eyes sight with disgust obviously seen. He heard a male voice speak “She wants to die and I’m granting her wish.”

  He heard the voice again scream out a cry as the Keo kneeled putting the gun at his Mother’s forehead pulling the trigger who thrashed wildly before her body became still indicated her death status.

  He saw the Keo get up as he heard the voice spoke “I’ll see that my son will kill you once he’s grown if I have to manipulate him to do it.”

  Tom stiffened at the words as another memory of himself walking in the city while wearing the mask knocking aside Keos and Moorra with the down command. He saw them both fell to the ground unconscious as an image of a Keo shooting at his Mother repeated again in his mind.

  He remembering heard a male voice seemingly familiar speaking “Go to the bookstore. You’ll find the Keo who killed her, your Mother there. Kill him for me. See that he doesn’t live to see another day. Do it.”

  He recalled compelled on by the voice reached the bookstore entering it. He looked to see a Keo the shopkeeper standing at a table reading a book that looked at the door to see him walking in. The shopkeeper he saw put a hand on his head as if grimacing and then threw the book at him who raised a hand. The book was deflected like it hit a wall after he recalled giving of the shield command. Tom walked towards the Keo who shook grabbing his head jerking from the pain as blue liquid spurted from his eyes and ears.

  The Keo he saw opened his mouth as blue liquid came out and fell towards the floor laying on it jerking his form thrashing it wildly.

  Tom from memory snarled out “Die!”

  He saw in the memory the Keo thrashed again as spurts of blue liquid spurted from his eyes then went still. He recalled sensing no life from the Keo and left the shop. Tom felt a headache as his mind walking power went down as his mask was removed from his face. He felt the Keo hands release their hold on his face. He lowered his head blinking open his eyes to stare at the Queen inches away from him with the expression of a glare on her face.

  A Keo walked in his line of sight which he stared at with shock recognizing his Father. Thurin he stared at spoke while staring at the Queen “It was not entirely his fault that Geellen was killed. I sort of manipulated my son to do this. I didn’t want his Mother, Tomah as she's called to die. She was killed by Geellen claiming this tall tale of she wanting to die herself. He killed Tomah my beloved, despite my protests and pleading spoken. I swore to Geellen after he pulled the trigger that I would have my son kill him once grown. I even managed to manipulate Tom to do killing. I kept my oath to Geellen.”

  He stiffened at the words with shock as he stared at his Father with widen eyes.

  He frowned as the Queen spoke “I saw this in Geellen’s mind after the Keos there admitted that he killed this Tomah as you call her. The killing was against my orders. I strictly ordered them to have Tom taken out of Tomah and taken away with both of you left alive. As a result of that disobeyment by Geellen, I ordered him thrown out from my guarding force. I ordered Geellen to raise Thura after she was found with an injury to her listening organs in the forest.”

  Tom moved his eyes to Thura who was staring at Geelley standing sideway next to her who had a finger pointed at his mouth he figured had mouthed what he heard. He turned his attention to the Queen who formed a Banshee look with her eyes towards his Father who jerked taking a step back while shaking his head. He stiffened as his Father shut his eyes then opened them with confusion on his face and walked out of sight. Tom stiffened as the Queen looked at him with her Banshee look creeping him out. He felt the familiar dizziness arrive surrounded by dark spots coming to his eyes sight which he shut his eyes only to open them. He came to discovering himself restrained in a chair with metal restraints felt with a spot light over him. He could see the Queen standing nearby in front of him with arms folded. He stared at the Queen who gestured with her head and he saw an image appear in front of him with images on it.

  He heard the Queen speak “Identify species.”

  He saw on the image was a manoid with green scaly skin making him disgusted.

  Tom recalled the manoid's species name which he spoke “Rakcar.”

  The image changed to show a Keo with black hair and dark skin and all white eyes which he spoke “Shadonia.”

  Then the image changed to show a body of water moving which he saw a plant like flower rise from moving water spreading apart like an open flower.

  The Queen spoke “Identify.”

  He spoke as compelled by a compulsion hitting him unexpectedly the words coming out of his mouth shocking him “Werra, a Meritanian is a mind walking sentient plant life form that lives in the Ocean. She can communicate towards manoids by mind walking them and hearing her mental voice sounding in their minds. Werra has a companion Peter is what's he's called.”

  He heard the Queen growl some sound loudly while flaring Banshee eyes. He blinked his eyes and discovered himself lying on a bed with Thura. He felt Thura sit up in a fast move with a shocked expression on her face seen when seeing him. Tom sighed as Thura kissed him on the lips before getting up seeing her looking around the room with a confused expression on her face. He frowned having no memory of how he got from the hedge garden to the bedroom in the first place.

  Tom sat up as Thura formed a glare and finger spelled "I keep hearing this baby voice in a Gihon tone calling me Mother over and over. I can't seem to figure out where this voice is coming from and why I'm hearing it."

  Tom felt anger take hold as he put on the mask only to get Thura yanking it off his face.

  He got from Thura finger spelling "Don't you dare scan my mind to help me remember again. I recall having trouble sleeping from you doing that to me. I kept waking up scared of something terrible that I couldn't sleep as a result. So drop doing that mind scanning now."

  He saw her glare at him with anger in her eyes seen.

  Tom mouthed in response "For respects, I won't do what you ask me to do."

  He got from Thura "Oath me you won't do this mind scanning bit to me. I don't care to remember what's scaring me terribly. I don't want to remember for respects."

  He groaned softly and saw Thura's face become more glaring which he mouth "You have my oath Thura. I won't do this mind scanning for respects."

  He clamped his mouth shut to eye Thura who got onto the bed to kneel followed by her finger spelling "You should be sleeping now. You look like you haven't been getting much rest by the blackness underneath your eyes. So go to sleep."

  Tom obeyed to lie down shutting his eyes. He felt Thura's head on his chest not over his beater organ that was inside on his right side. He sighed feeling himself not inclined to sleep opened his eyes to eye the ceiling. He felt himself itching to wear the mask obeyed to mentally give the mind scan command towards Thura. He got Thura waking up yanking the mask off his face and slapping him repeatedly onto his cheeks repeatedly over and over in a fast move. Tom saw that she appeared to be angry followed by Thura getting up from the bed and standing to jab a finger aimed at him and towards the door to the bedroom. Tom groa
ned seeing her give him an angry glare on her face. He got up and walked out of the bedroom hearing Thura slamming the door behind him. He wandered around the palace seeing guards standing always having a blank expression on their faces seeing him. Tom groaned and went to the hedge garden's entrance. He saw the Queen sitting on a pillow crossed legged with her eyes shut. He grimaced fully as the guards noticing his arrival made gestures for him to leave by them jabbing fingers aimed at him and the palace doorway repeatedly. He saw the guards gave him angry glaring expressions as they repeated their finger gestures. Tom groaned softly and walked away hearing a snapping sound of twig being broken. He grimaced grabbing his head as he felt a vibration from behind giving him a terrible headache along with sleepiness hitting him.

  Tom continued to feel the vibration making his teeth chatter. He fell towards the ground shutting his eyes to come to feel hands rubbing his forehead. He discovered he was in a sitting position back leaning against a padded wall clad only in loose pants. Tom opened his eyes to stare at the hands' owner the Queen kneeling next to him who had an upset look on her face. He stared at the Queen as she rubbed his face with her hands all over. He didn’t resist as she pulled him forward towards her till his head was resting against her shoulder. He felt the