Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 14

Queen’s hands rub his back while hearing her give out a groaning like sound which he heard and recognized was the Keos’ way of crying another Moorra like emotion. He frowned as the Queen gently rocked their forms back and forth in a small motion while feeling her hands touch his back gently rubbing. Tom felt confusion hitting him with no memory of why the Queen was upset came to his mind. He frowned as the Queen quit her rocking and noises to get up while pulling him to stand. He finding himself towering over her height wise despite feeling confusion hitting him. Tom frowned as the Queen led him out of the padded room into an all one colored hallway. He frown as she took his hand and pulled him to a doorway where a female figured a Moorra he figured the species from the word Moorra spoken in his mind. He saw the Moorra was lying on a bed appearing to have a big stick out stomach in a rounded shape with her eyes closed.

  He eyed the Queen with confusion running through him who spoke "Put on the mask and scan this Pishon's mind. See if you can wake this Pishon up."

  He stared at the Queen feeling himself confused to her wording. Tom frowned as she placed an object over his mouth and nose while seeing her eyes turn an odd golden color. Tom stiffened as he recalled fully what the thing covering his noses and mouth was. His mask turning on his mental powers as he looked at the Moorra he figuring was her species. He gave the mind reveal command to scan the Moorra's mind to discover the Moorra was a female Keos dub females, Pishons from feminine voice tones heard of garbled words spoken. He looked in the Moorra's mind to find a glass icy cube with the Moorra inside banging away and looking trapped. Tom mentally attacked the walls of the cube picking it apart.

  His hand he saw mentally burst thru to touch her on the shoulder while hearing wording repeated "Maeve".

  Cube shatters as he saw while hearing the Maeve wording in the Moorra's mind a hallway with doors at both sides some open and some closed. He mentally walked down hallway to end to see a prickly spiny plant at the end standing in front of a door. He saw appearing besides him off his side is a plant looking flowery in black. He stiffened as his memory called the plant Peter a male voiced Meritanian. He saw Peter who with fronds grabs the spiny plant that moves poking his fronds. He watched as Peter lifts up the spiny plant and throws behind him and disappeared. Tom walked to door and opened it yanking door off door frame. He saw the Moorra female appear walking out of the door with smoke around her. He saw on his left a door that appeared with markings on it. He compelled to help her open it. He guided the Moorra to the door which she opened sliding it open as smoke pours out. Then he discovered himself out of her mind standing besides her lying form. Tom yanks off mask as the Moorra opens her eyes open waking up to stare at him with a confused expression on her face. He felt himself pulled away from the Moorra by the Queen. He saw a male Keo burst into room towards the Moorra grabbing her in a hug.

  Tom frowned as the Queen got him out of the room despite drawn to watch. He frowned as the Queen gave him a golden eyed glare followed by feeling himself sleepy. He slid himself to the floor and shut his eyes.

  Tom woke up with a frown on his face with confusion running through him. It took him a bit to orient himself to his surroundings. He recognized the room as the same one he stayed in the palace with the Queen. He got up from the bed and stared at the open doorway to the room and walked out. He wandered walking in corridors and hallways seeing Keos the Queen's guardian force standing around who stared at him with blank looks on their faces. Frowning he went outside to the hedge maze and saw at the entrance the Queen sitting in a cross legged position with eyes closed and head up. Standing besides her was her two guards’ one who put a finger to his lips seeing him. He nodded his head and quietly walked passed her entering the maze. He walked aimlessly taking a path walking in it came upon a dead end around a corner. He stiffened seeing a Moorra female and a Keo in a lip lock not noticing his arrival. He back tracked his way taking another path and left the maze entering the forest bordering it.

  He heard a familiar male voice speaking in his mind “There’s a cave entrance in the ground that leads to a Moorra nest. You’ll find among them a female named Tula who has wanted a better life for her despite some unusual mental abilities. She has hated the primitive Moorras’ way of life while living with the Moorra. She's domesticated by Keos but doesn't remember the domestication. Hence she hating the life she living with the Moorra at the moment. Tula isn't aware of the Keos domesticating Moorra despite already receiving domestication. She needs a reason to join the Keos’ life and an excuse to help adjust to the Keo way of life. Tula needs your help to achieve this goal and fully accept the domestication. I should tell you that the Moorra, Tula is living. They have figured out that she has mental abilities. The Moorra have used her abilities as a successful weapon against Keos and Banshees who try to enter the nest. Tula, I sense is not happy with being used as a weapon. She is being forced to do the weapon status by the Moorra withholding special plant food. She needs the plant food to survive while living among them. Her diet is twin to yours. The plant food is a way of keeping herself alive which the Moorra are using to keep her as a weapon.”

  Tom heard the voice stop as he continued walking in the forest compelled to go into a direction he felt annoyance take hold.

  He spoke "Why should I help this Tula? The Queen has balked doing anything to help me get acceptance from Keos and Moorra themselves. She has refused to listen to my complaints or do anything for me to gain acceptance. I think Tula is better off living where she's living.

  He heard the voice speak “Tula will accept you for helping her."

  He groaned loudly to halt his walking before mentally speaking "The restless natives of the city will see this Tula's mind changed by their mental mind tricks to reject me. The Keos always pull this trick onto any Moorra found to give me acceptance. I saw this stunt from their minds when I traveled in the city wearing my mask. This happened while I was alone in a carriage pulled by Drudnose."

  Tom heard from the voice "The Moorra will accept you in their nest. You must use your mind walking abilities to convince Tula to join you in your world. Your abilities will help get her out of the nest.”

  He heard nothing else from the voice as he felt compelled to walk further into the forest. Tom felt his familiar deadness feeling in control of him making him grimace. He coughed loudly repeatedly as his eyes stared at a large circular appearing to be bare dirt spot in the ground in front of a tree. He saw the spot as if drawn footsteps away from him.

  He heard from the voice saying “That’s a cloth entrance to the cave.”

  He walked towards the spot while still coughing abruptly. Tom gasped for air while coughing as he squatted putting a hand on the spot. He felt the spot was like the voice said cloth. He coughed again as he with another hand pulled the cloth up to face a Moorra wearing raggedy animal skins with a wooden stick object in his hand. He stared at the Moorra who with a hand grabbed his arm pulling him into the cave entrance in a fast move. Tom found his coughing spasms remained while inside the cave. He blinked his eyes adjusting to the glowing glow balls in the wall to see steps in front of him going down. He felt a push from the Moorra male and saw him point to the steps. Tom coughed some more while going down the steps. He reached a cave entrance to see two Moorra males standing at both sides of it with glares on their faces when they saw him. He entered the cave unstopped and still coughing to see a large cave with a stream of water at his left. Tom saw multiple Moorra of male and female forms sitting around scattered around the cave. He saw Moorra looked at him with pitying looks on their faces as he kept coughing. He saw females sitting in a group in the middle of the cave. He spotted a female with domesticated Moorra like short hair he saw was tearing into a plant stem and chewing it in a fast motion. Tom frowned figuring out that the female was Tula herself as he kept coughing. He felt a hand grab his arm and didn’t protest as he was led to a cave wall. He was forced into a sitting position with his back to the wall facing a group of Moorra while still coughing. He saw a
male walk up to Tula who finished eating a plant stem and squat while waving another plant stem in front of her face. He saw the male make hand gestures towards him and the plant along with a finger running the throat area seen. He leaned his back against the wall with a frown watching Tula reach a hand towards the plant only to get backhanded by the male's free hand. Tom kept his eyes on Tula as if drawn while still coughing. He saw Tula get up walking towards him as he continued to cough. He kept a blank look on his face as she reached him to kneel besides him with him eying her while coughing.

  Tom felt warmth of sun shine came into his body unexpectedly. He stiffened as a memory came to his mind despite feeling the warmth. He frowned as the memory showed himself at a younger age almost fully grown lying in bed. He saw that he was screaming in pain with bandages wrapped around his arms with tubes of the mask jutting from them. He remembering saw the Queen walk in his view from lying in the bed screaming who grimaced fully. Tom saw the Queen pick up his left arm where the injector was to put a syringe full of white liquid into it. He saw himself stopped