Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 17

having lighted cylinders holding Moorra in them in his line of sight. He stiffened as he recalled scanning Thura's mind and seeing this scene in her memory. Tom figured to himself that he was somewhere else alien and not with the Keo. He saw on the ground a flat manoid shape of grey near him. He heard noises of a crowd to him followed it. He wound up walking passed cylinder tubes that were holding Moorra in them of various male and female forms. He continued to follow the noise till he saw a light become brighter. Tom found the light's source leads to a round arch with clouds between it and walks through. He found himself in a large vast circular room holding multiple too many to count manoids seated all in a circle. He wound up hearing some loud noise blaring along with a voice speaking in an alien language.

  He found himself understanding as the word Basic came to mind " Entry, Mediterranean galaxy."

  He got his arms grabbed by two towering overhead manoids and sees a third manoid having a gonoid head different from the twin manoids.

  Tom stiffened from the twin manoids' ironclad clawed grips onto his arms with one hand tight onto the area. He glared at the twin manoids seeing them look familiar as the word hybrid came to mind.

  He heard a male voice sounding alien speaking language he get the words "Anybus, bring the First One forwards to us."

  He found himself pushed by the twins he assumed were they towards one end of the vast room by crossing it. He saw where the twins were leading him and frowned visibly from Thura’s memory of her encountering them running in his mind. He saw two familiar alien manoids, one with a male form and the other with a female form both standing in front on steps. Behind the two he saw nine covered up in entirely white clothing hiding their species, manoids sitting in chairs. He stared at the manoids while feeling his mind scanned by headache coming to him. He saw the two manoids bow their heads followed by the covered up people waving gloved hands while wagging their heads making gestures. Their hand gestures he saw didn't make sense to him. He figured that the manoids were communicating with each other in a discussion. He continued to watch the manoids do their communicating that seemed lengthy. This was followed by the manoids in front raise their heads he seeing that. He felt the headache stop as if his mind was stopped scanned to his relief.

  The male manoid was heard speaking in Basic he figuring out was the name of the language "Anybus and guards force this First One through the gate. He’s flawed with some kind of medical condition hence he wearing a breathing device stuck to his arms on his chest."

  He found the twins pull him to a metal gated arch he figured was called a gate next to the manoids' seating are. He felt himself pushed through the gate as he got an image of the Keos’ gate room flash in his mind. Tom came through the gate to find himself in the Keos' gate room as the image in his mind flashed him to go through. He heard a faint siren like sound sounding which he walks towards the doors. He stiffened to find the doors open showing the familiar hallway. Tom continued to walk through the hallway recalling stairs somewhere. He found a door indicating on stairs but heard a humming sound coming from it. He sensed the humming sound is giving off something that would hurt him. He heard the elevator doors open followed by running footsteps heading towards him. Tom turned around finding three Keos armed with gun weapons that cock them while running towards him. He felt anger yanked on the oxygen mask and as the Keos stop and aim their guns at him. He blinked his eyes finding the scene changed to find himself in the throne room. The Queen he saw was there looking angry by the expression on her face.

  He gave her a glare as the Queen spoke "Werra, you shouldn’t have done what you did to Tom. I insists you let the guards handle putting him down permanently."

  He felt rage overtook him mentally ordered the guards in the room to hit the floor and finds his order obeyed.

  Tom aimed his angry eyes at the Queen and snarled mentally "You pulled your last stunt against me. My toleration to this attitude done onto me has now ended. I had an enough with the Keo and their attitude towards me. I figured that you have been the one responsible for their behavior and hasn’t been doing anything to stop it"

  He heard from the Queen mentally "It’s the Keo doing that attitude towards you themselves-"

  He interrupted "You haven't done enough to stop them. I figured that I’ll have to put down Keos permanently if they continue to display that attitude towards me. I had an enough."

  He heard from the Queen still using mental talk "Putting down Keos permanently isn't going to work. It’ll make the Keos more angry enough to reject you-"

  He interrupted "I don't care anymore. You have proved that you don't seem to care about me anymore. You have repeatedly allowed the Keos to pull their stunts on onto including trying to kill me. Perhaps I should punish them by making them suffer without having you to lead them. I’ll do what it takes to keep the Keos from getting a replacement to you once I succeeds in putting you down. I don't care if I pay for the put down with my life."

  He ignored the Queen's mental chatter he not paying attention to them. He scanned the Queen’s mind finding his scans getting blocked by very strong resistance. He found himself out of her mind abruptly by a clawed hand feeling Banshee like touching his cheek. Tom found himself scanning the Banshee’s mind abruptly as if drawn. He shut his eyes from the assault of the Banshee’s mind’s contents running through his mind. Tom wound up recognizing the Banshee is Geelley himself from seeing forgotten memories of himself seen through Geelley’s eyes. He sensed Werra's manipulating of Geelley’s mind for him to see something. He saw another eyes sight point of view of multiple Keos attacking a hugely pregnant Moorra female he saw with recognition was his own Mother. He saw the Keos' cut his Mother open where the baby was inside and yanking himself as a baby from a hole inside her. He continued to see the eyes sight staring at his Mother as the baby is yanked.

  He heard a female voice sounding pleading "For respects put me down permanently. I can’t live with that I mated with a Banshee."

  Tom heard her words repeated over and over as the eyes sight puts a gun at her head while hearing a male voice yell verbalizing "No don’t do it! I'll have my son kill you if you went through with the put down!

  He heard a male voice speaking "She wants to die. I'm granting her pleading."

  He saw the gun fire shooting his Mother in the head and saw her death followed by the memory stopping. He felt the mask yanked from his face along with the hand off his cheek making him dizzy. He shook his head of the dizziness to find himself in the Queen's throne room grabbed by guards. He saw the Queen jerk her head as the guards got a hold of his arms pulling him with resistance towards a doorway in the room.

  Tom yelled out loudly "You and your mind link to Pishons had the ability to stop me from my attacks on the natives including killing a Keo! You didn’t stop me from doing the killing!"

  He kept struggling against the guards' hand holds while yanking himself towards the Queen as he continued to yell "The Pishons should have stopped me in the first place!"

  He felts sleepiness felt his struggles stop as he continued to yell "It's not nice that I wasn’t stopped from killing a Keo! Now the Keo are angry at me for the death!

  Tom felt himself let go abruptly followed by seeing the floor rushing to meet him and he shut his eyes falling asleep to find himself floating above his sleeping body lying on the floor. He saw the Banshee in the vicinity shifted its form into a Keo to his confusion.

  He heard from the Keo sounding of Geelley to him unexpectedly sounding angry "What does Tom meant that Your Majesty and Pishons with your mind link could stop him from harming Keos? What's he babbling about Pishons didn’t do anything to prevent him from killing a Keo? I was scanning Tom’s mind. I could see clear in his mind the killing of my Father was urged by some male voice that sounded Meritanian to me. Tom’s Father despite claiming to have Tom kill my Father wasn't him doing it. It was judging by the sound of this voice I've been hearing in Tom's mind who has been communicating with him. This voice compelled ordered m
entally ordering Tom to kill my Father along with making him do it. It was for my Father killing his Mother and using that as an excuse to have my Father die by Tom’s hand along with seeing that someone else other than Thurin gave him memories of my Father killing Tom’s Mother."

  He watches Geelley glare at the Queen who walks in view to stand next to his sleeping body form.

  He heard from the Queen "I made a flaw on not knowing that my mind link with Pishons would be enough to stop Tom. He pointed it out when he scanned a Pishon’s mind and yelled that for me to know of it. I find it odd that Tom would listen to a Gihon's Keo’s mental voice orders whenever he has the mask on while in an angry mood. I've known Tom too well enough to know that he has the ability to keep Gihon Keos out. He's known for not listening to the Gihons talk to him whenever he’s in a bad mood while wearing the mask on. I find this behavior odd that this happened. I want to know what you meant by Tom seeing his Mother die and that it wasn’t Thurin’s point of view."

  He continued to watch as Geelley walks up to the Queen and pointed to his cheek with a gloved hand and spoke "See for yourself Your Majesty."

  He watched as the Queen put a hand on Geelley’s cheek. He kept watching as