Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 16

the palace to the entrance to the city. He found his way blocked by a guard acting combative by repeatedly blocking his way and thrusting his stick weapon aimed at him. Tom felt anger as the guard continued his blockade.

  He yanked on mask and mentally spoke "Down."

  Tom saw the guard hit the floor ran out of the palace while yanking off mask. He reached the edge of the city to look around with eyes searching all over the place. He saw Keos make threatening gestures towards him whenever he looked in their direction. Tom recalled the guard talking about books went to find the shop. He found Thura come out of a shop carrying Thurin she didn't seem to notice him despite yelling for her repeatedly. He found Thura ignored his yelling to his annoyance by walking away from him not noticing him screaming her name. He saw a Keo behind Thura holding a knife looking weapon and appearing to try to get her throat cut from behind despite she moving all over the place. He activated his mental abilities to get objects from booth thrown at the Keo. He walked near Thura to see her turn around with a confused expression on her face. He frowned as the Keo dropped the knife falling to the ground in some mock pain way by the behavior.

  He yanked off the mask to yell loudly "You Keos are to leave Thura and her son alone! Spare them of the conflict and pick on me instead!"

  Tom got a Keo male in response throwing fists aimed at him as he used combative moves to block the male's fisting.

  He grabbed the Keo’s wrists with both hands only to get the Keo freeing himself to resume punching.

  Tom glared at the Keo to speak "Your fisting aimed at me in response to the Queen accepting me is not going to solve anything."

  He saw the Keo shift into a manoid his mind screamed at him the word "Banshee!"

  Tom felt himself confused to seeing that as he heard loud gasps sounds all around him in Moorra toned voices. He felt a stinging pain in his neck along with sleepiness to see the Banshee collapse onto the ground as if still. He felt himself too sleepy hit the ground going unconscious. He dreamed of himself standing in darkness with see through windows forming a box all around him. Tom frowned as the windows kept being shattered by a plant that looks familiar to him. He felt confusion to why a plant would keep breaking the windows surrounding him as darkness replaced the scene.

  Tom came to finding himself in a familiar room having pads he felt from his back leaning against the room's walls. He felt himself wearing instead of his blue top but some kind of thick cloth on his upper body that had his arms restrained in a folded position. He looked around while leaning back against the wall in a sitting position. He got up hearing a familiar door opening sound to see the Queen come in with guards. Tom grimaced inwardly as he saw that the Queen has an angry look on her face. He sensed that she seems furious with him about something from his senses blaring about it.

  He stood staring at the Queen who speaks "I'm furious with the latest stunt you pulled onto the Keos. The stunt is getting a Keo to reveal a Banshee form that have Moorra refusing to do anything with the Keos at the moment. The Moorra have some bad attitude towards Banshees enough to do avoid the Banshee species hence they avoiding Keos like their sick with a contagious sickness. I had to fix the damage you caused. I had to fix the damage by trying to get the Moorra to believe that Banshees can shift forms into manoids as they wish. The Moorra witnessing the stunt you pulled are for some unexplained reason aren’t believing my explanation. They are thinking from mind scans that my explanation is nothing but a tall tale. The Moorra have refused to drop that thought or keep their mouths shut about the incident. That despite the witnessing Moorra who saw your stunt have refused to be quiet. Those Moorra in response has been blabbing the incident to other Moorra they meet who didn’t witness the scene. The Moorra have been overheard saying that Keo and Banshee are the same species which is a tall tale. The Moorra who were told of this Keo and Banshee connection by mind scans have believed their words at face value without questioning for evidence. What do you have to say for your defense Tom?"

  He spoke seeing the Queen's glare become glaring "One of the guards just prior to I leaving the palace warned me that Keos give Moorra accepted by you a bad medical ailment. I saw a Keo behind Thura acting threatening towards her as in attempting to cut her throat via knife weapon. I put the Keo attempting to attack Thura to sleep. I told the Keos to leave her and her son Thurin alone and pick the conflict with me. I'm not sure what's going on with the Banshee revealing his form anyway."

  Tom frowned as the Queen gave off a Keo sound of disgust very loudly.

  She spoke "The Keo behind Thura never acted threatening towards her. He only had a stick weapon in his hand. He wasn’t really doing anything threatening towards Thura. This is according to witnesses and mind scans of Moorra seeing them. The Keo in question was attacked by you as in objects thrown at him knocking him out. You provoked that hidden Banshee to reveal himself by fighting him. You were heard talking about me accepting you which got the Banshee from mind scans provoked. The Banshee changed form from being furious with you which resulted in that stunt happening."

  Tom opened his mouth to protest only to get the Queen holding up a hand and adding "You better have a good reason to keep you alive. I'm considering doing what the Keo have been demanding for since the stunt which is put you down permanently. The Moorra have been protesting to those demands very violently whenever they hear of such talk from a Keo. The Moorra have mostly reacted as in getting into fights with the Keos after their told of the put down demand towards you. They from mind scanned don’t want you put down permanently instead kept alive. They are seeing you as some kind of leader for Moorra to revolt against me and my rule. What do you have to say about this?"

  Tom saw the Queen fold her arms in a Keo way as she gave him a glare. He recalled a memory of how Thura's son Thurin treated him including raised by the Queen.

  Tom spoke "Thurin, Thura's son has appeared to accept me as a Father figure from him needing his parents in his life to raise him including giving him acceptance. I was denied that opportunity by you raising me. I never once felt that you truly accepted me. I felt like my parents never had any say in my life while growing up raised by you-"

  He was interrupted from the Queen "That's not a good enough reason for keeping you alive. You have defied me when you let your own body control you in having some mating interests in Thura. You were raised to refrain from letting the body's urges control you as you grew up. I'm getting fed up with you letting your own body control you instead of letting your mind do the controlling. I figured that the stunt was resulted of your body senses cued towards Thura that caused you to create this big mess in the first place."

  He blurt "For respects, don’t do the put down onto me!" Don't have my son be raised without his own father in his life-"

  He got interrupted by the Queen "Too bad. My mind is made up. Tom has outlived his usefulness anyway. I'm proceeding with the put down as planned."

  He pleads "Don’t do this."

  Tom kept on repeating his comments as he saw the Queen’s eyes turn golden making him think of Banshees. This was followed by feeling of dizziness hitting him cutting his talking. He felt a terrible headache along with black spots forming in his eyes sight becoming numerous blinding him. Tom felt himself hitting the padded floor as if compelled and remained still. He felt his body protest in pain sore all over while still restrained by the cloth. He felt a shoed foot connect with his head repeatedly.

  He ignored the footing only to hear "You're not really put down, Tom so wake up."

  Tom shook his head and felt another foot connect with his stomach as feet are kicking at him all over. He woke up shaking his head to see himself surrounded by Keo all males who he sensed were angry at him and are kicking him in their anger. He saw one hold up a hand and found the kicking stop. Tom eyed the Keo warily as two pick up him forcing him onto his feet and yank him out of the room. He felt them hauling him to a grey room he recognized as an elevator while followed by two other Keos. Tom frowned wondering wha
t was going on and why he’s still alive. The elevator was felt by Tom going down lengthy. Tom frowned as the elevator stopped followed by doors opening to show a hallway with red lines shining in it. He exhaled a breath seeing the red lines get turned off followed by lights above turning on illuminating the hallway. He saw that there weren't any doors or windows in the wall on both sides of him. Tom felt himself yanked down the hallway towards a set of doors at the end. The doors he saw slid open showing a tan brown room. Tom stiffened as he saw a familiar round metal arch in the middle having cloudiness in the middle he figured is a way to put him down permanently. He wound up struggling in the Keos’ hand holds figuring out that their going to throw him through the gated arch. He wound up hit on the back of the head by an object that felt like weapon giving him jolts of pain repeatedly making him shut his eyes from the pain. Tom blinked his eyes as he came to falling out of a cylinder tube landing on the ground that felt like echoes onto it from banging onto it. The light he saw was dim. He felt the cloth restraint gone from him. He felt the oxygen mask and tubes are still attached to him to his relief. He got up looking around finding himself standing in a hallway