Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 19

offspring one turning out to be Geelley."

  He noticed Thura's confused look made him frown while seeing that Maeve was not surprised by what he was talking about

  Tom added feeling a compulsion to talk words coming out shocking him "I later put down that Keo who put down my Mother. I had no contact with my Father all my life despite him being alive. The Queen admitted to me once I was grown that my Father was locked up. He has been in lock up in the asylum after I was born and was later freed from there. This happened before the Queen approved my relationship with Thura enough to allow us to mate that created our son Thurin in the process who’s named after my Father."

  Tom eyed Thura as he forced himself to pause from speaking seeing her look confused as he formed the expression on his face.

  He spoke again feeling the compulsion gone "Sorry this talk came out of me unexpectedly. I'm not even sure of what I'm talking about anyway."

  He eyed Thura to see Thurin thrust his arms up towards him which she got up from the bed and handed him the child he gripped in a gentle grip in his arms. Tom frowned as Maeve he saw slumps over as if put to sleep including Thura hitting the floor. He kept the frown as Thurin was felt falling asleep in his arms. He placed Thurin onto the bed and went to pick up Thura only to feel a clawed hand belonging to a Banshee from the feel touch his neck in a choke hold. Tom gasped for air from the Banshee's choke hold feeling himself going unconscious only to wake up feeling anger running through him. He opened his eyes finding the Banshees had gathered around him in a full circle. He threw himself up to stand in a trained combative acrobatic move. Tom looked around seeing a Banshee separate from the rest charging at him with hands in swiping movements. He placed a hand on his mask only to feel compelled to fight the Banshee’s charge using trained combat moves against the Banshee while it keeps its swiping aimed at him. He figured from the hands aimed at him that it's trying to grab his neck. He found himself compelled to do the same while blocked. The Banshee to his annoyance gets the upper hand to grab him by the neck gagging him hard while feeling zapping electricity hitting the area. Tom saw the Banshee change into a Gihon Keo whose hand on his neck becomes more ironclad gagging him.

  He spoke firmly while gasping for air "I yield."

  He heard from Peter "Scan Tom's mind using the Banshee form in control. There'll be no defenses blocking you."

  He saw the Keo obeyed and felt his mind scanned to see clearly in his mind his eyesight point of view and six other Keos sneak attack a Gihon Keo and a Pishon Moorra from behind. He saw in his mind the Keos using guns was whackers to get the two down onto the ground which he stiffens recognizing the female Moorra as his Mother Tomah. He continued to watch as the eyes sight point of view yanked the Keo made dress of Tomah. He kept on stiffening as the Keo used a knife to cut her swollen abdomen open and yank Tom himself out as a baby before standing up.

  The eyes sight focuses on Tomah’s face hearing her mental voice "For respects kill me. I mated with a Banshee and want to die."

  He saw a Keo come into view as a male voice sounding like Thurin his Father plead loudly words as he recalled "No don't it! Don't kill her!"

  He eyed the Keo he recognized to be Geellen shoots Tomah in the head killing her followed by a scream of anguish before becoming silent.

  He heard a voice sounding in his mind "You didn’t have to shoot the Moorra for it wasn’t ordered."

  Tom heard from Geellen sounding sarcastic "The Queen won’t find out anyway."

  The eyes sight watched Geellen walk towards Thurin on the ground appearing to look like sleeping with form shifting back and forth from Keo and Banshee.

  Followed by bushes rumbling sounds which the eyes sight looks away to see the Queen come into view looking annoyed and speaking "I didn’t expect you to kill the Moorra."

  The familiar male voice spoke "Geellen shot the Moorra. The Pishon was heard pleading to die using the excuse of mating with a Banshee as why."

  Tom heard Geellen's voice sounding in an odd tone "Betrayer!"

  He continued to watch as the Queen sounding angry "The job of killing the Moorra was by the Moorra’s own hand and not by Keo"

  He watched as the eyesight went to the Queen walking up to her and appeared to kneel while holding up baby version of Tom and speaking "The impossible has happened."

  Tom saw the Queen took baby Tom by the leg dangling him with a look of disgust on her face making him feel anger arriving.

  He heard the Queen add "Geellen, you're out of my guardian force. I’ll think of a suitable punishment later."

  He saw the memory he assumed the scene in his mind went away after he blinked his eyes abruptly as if compelled. Then he saw another memory of showing the familiar eyes sight in the throne room eyeing the Queen seated in a throne chair. He saw sitting in her lap was a young naked Gihon Moorra child he recognized as himself asleep leaning against her. He grimaced seeing the Queen had a glare on her face which the eyesight shifts towards the doorway to show two Keos of both genders enter the room. The female he saw was holding a young Moorra child appearing to be a female asleep in her arms. He figured the child is Thura as the couple reach the Queen and the male speaks "We have found this Moorra a Pishon in the forest as guided by Werra and Peter. We scanned the Moorra’s mind to figure out that this Pishon has lost her listening ability from being near the launch site of our orbiter. The noise of the launch destroyed her listening organ causing them to leak fluid from tests was essence. We have tested her already. Her listening organs have appeared to be completely destroyed. We suspect that her talking ability was also affected making her silent. That's due to that when the Moorra threw an apparent childish tantrum in front of us she wasn’t making any noises at all."

  He heard the familiar male voice sounding odd eyes shift towards the Queen speak "Geellen should raise her as punishment for shooting Tom’s Mother despite the death actually mercy killing. Your Majesty has yet to give out a suitable punishment towards Geellen despite having him thrown out of the guardian force. ".

  Tom watched as the Queen shift to glare at the eyes sight hearing "Silence with your talk, guard."

  He saw the eyesight the Queen shifted to glare at the couple then and appeared to cock her head with some glare on her face then spoke "Geellen will have the responsibility of raising Thura the Moorra child. Her name will be Thura and she will be raised as with his own offspring. I'll put aside the fact that Geellen disobeyed my orders if he does what I insists on being done without a single complaint."

  Tom saw the memory went black as he felt the mask that was on his face he confused to how it got there yanked off. He felt the Keo removed his tight ironclad hand grip from his neck he gasped for air loudly along with shutting his eyes feeling dizzy and felt himself passing out asleep.

  Tom came to finding himself lying on a bed wearing his regular clothes on his form he feeling confused to why he was lying there. He opened his eyes to see it was nighttime. He looked around the room with green eyes sight to spot Thura lying next to him on the bed. He stared at as she woke up abruptly with eyes looking disorient and appearing like she can’t see him. Tom watched her lurch up in a sitting position with hands out in front of her waving while acting panicky. He figured that she can’t see in the dark adjusts his position to turn on the lamp on the dresser next to the bed. He shifted to sit up staring at Thura who look at him with some expression of fear changing to relief. He didn't complain as she hugs him abruptly which he hugs back. He sighs from the feel of her hug hold around him. Tom groaned from Thura stopping her hugging him as she got up from the bed. He watched her go to the crib to pick up Thurin in it standing with arms up and carried him back to the bed to sit down and lie down putting Thurin between them.

  He frowned thinking to himself "Thura always slept with a light source on the whole time I was with her in Shadan."

  He felt himself confused to the wording of Shadan in his thoughts. He sighed and left the lamp on while lying down adjusting his position to stare
at Thura lying on her side looking at him back.

  He mouths seeing her looking at him "What do you remember happened to you after Geelley arrived in the room to see Maeve?"

  He frowned as she finger spelled "I recalled feeling compelled to sleep which I did that. I don't know what else happened after that till I woke up lying in bed blind in the dark and panicking on where I was till you turned on the lamp. I stopped being so panicky seeing you next to me in the room along with Thurin in his crib."

  He frowned to nod his head a short bob and saw a questioning look on her face which he mouthed "The Queen should have ordered a guard to leave a lamp on after you fell asleep when they put you in our bedroom. You from the looks of what I saw can’t see in the dark"

  .He didn't say anything else as Thura continued to stare at him with a frown followed by her finger spelling "What happened while you was out? I want the whole story. I'm not happy with you not honestly admitting things to me. I have to find out from Thurin blabbing the talk to me. Thurin is able to talk to the Queen I saw her mouth about you, Thurin overheard talking about insisting that gonoids are always friendly with you."

  Tom formed a glare as Thura continued ignoring his face's looks "The guards wound up not acting friendly towards me when I went to find the