Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 20

Queen to figure out what Thurin was babbling about. I found the Queen and found Thurin talking to her by lip reading the Queen’s talk. She confessed that you were put down in some sleepiness in breeding grounds of gonoids said to target manoids as nourishment. So talk on what's going on."

  He exhaled a breath through his mouth as Thura’s expression became a glare as she stopped her finger spelling to put her hand on Thurin’s front that remained sleeping.

  He mouthed "It was a trap by the Keos to dump me into breeding grounds belonging to a manoid eating gonoid dubbed Stripy. They put me in a sleepiness status before taking off. A Stripy wound up finding me and wound up waking me up by licking my face and acting really friendly like a domesticated gonoid. The Stripy even accepted me petting it and followed me domestically to a road before running off."

  Tom paused from talking to see Thura shut her eyes in response and sensed that she had fallen asleep. He shut his eyes to wake up finding himself cold while lying on a low grass field that is vast in all directions with something that makes him think of mountains on the horizon. He spotted a black cloud in a cylinder like shape rising up on the horizon in the fading sun light. He felt draw to the cloud started walking towards it. He heard Keos on Drudnoses' back by their Drudnose's armor on their form clanking loudly coming from behind him.

  Tom eyed the Keos warily as they halted their riding to hear blared in his mind making him feel anger unexpectedly "The Queen sent us and who Moorra willing to help to capture a Moorra that has been eluding us for awhile. We could use all the help we could get so get onto one of our rider gonoids now."

  Tom obeyed to get onto Drudnose back behind a Keo and held on tightly as the gonoids ran near the funnel cloud. He saw the source was an eater light winking as he and the Keos got nearer and nearer. He saw a figure covered up in odd gonoid skin like clothing is sitting next to the fire as the sunlight goes away. This was followed by the figure appearing to be Gihon darting up in a standing position holding some long knife blade like weapon that appears shiny to him.

  He heard from one of the Keos "Get off the Drudnose now. The Queen said to take this Moorra alive at all costs."

  Tom obeyed swinging himself down and once standing on the ground put on his mask walking towards the figure that remains near the eater holding up the weapon.

  He mentally ordered toward the figure "Down."

  He felt his mood plummet finding his order not obeyed kept walking towards figure and mentally ordered "Mind reveal."

  He stiffened as he found a familiar wall in the figure's mind blocking his scans. He kept walking to see the Keos on Drudnose back charge ahead of him with their weapons swinging at the figure. He cut the mind scanning to see the figure easily cut the Keos' stick weapons with his long knife weapon easily going through them. Tom halted his walk as the Keos on Drudnose back fell off their rides with forms becoming more and more flatter. He groaned softly to realize the cold he was feeling was actually the cold of the land that easily killed of the Keos. He reached the eater’s vicinity light and the figure charged towards him with long knife in hand waving. He found his mental orders not working. He saw the figure swing the long knife appearing to be aiming at his neck from the looks of it. Tom yanked off his mask to feel the knife touching his neck that felt like metal from the feel as the figure halted his swinging to move the weapon away from him.

  He frowned feeling himself warmed by the eater light giving off heat unexpectedly as he eyed the figure warily. He felt his mood stop being bad followed by calmness hitting him as he glimpsed sky blue Moorra eyes peeking out of gonoid skin covering the head area. Tom frowned eyeing the figure he figured was as Moorra who yanked off the head cover showing his hunch correct. He stared at the Moorra that had a male form but had long black hair of a female with a face that seemed familiar like he had seen before making him confused to that feeling.

  Tom frowned as the male spoke wording sounding odd to him in a male like voice tone that sounded like "I'm Jacin. I surrender. Who are you?"

  He found himself understanding the male's talk to his shock to blurt "I'm Tom."

  Tom saw Jacin he assumed was his name disappear in a lightening show as he blinked his eyes finding himself back in the bedroom with Thura lying on the bed asleep. He sighed and felt sleepy went to the bed lying his form down on it and placed a hand onto Thurin's front shutting his eyes only to open them with a gasp. He felt a feeling of forgetfulness hit him as he frowned wondering why he was awake from a bad dream instead of sleeping along with some coldness feeling. He felt himself terribly cold got up from the bed and went into the hygiene room finding the rain water stall inside.

  He glimpsed himself in the mirror and groaned loudly "Water and my implants don't go together. My implants will be destroyed if I use rain water to clean myself. I guess I'll use Thura's body heat for warmth."

  He left the hygiene room going to the bed to lie down wrapping arms around Thura and Thurin together he feeling warmth coming from them as they didn't stir from his touch. Tom sighed to eye the face of Thura who appeared to have a blank expression on her face. He figured to himself that she was put asleep due to the look on her face. Tom frowned wondering what bad dream woke him up to hear the door open. He sat up removing his holds on Thura and her son to see a guard come into the room pointing a finger at him and making a come gesture. He sighed and got up from the bed while giving the bed's inhabitants a look of pleading to see them both remain asleep. He then followed the guard out of the room who led him through various hallways till they stop at a wall of shininess that seemed familiar to him. The guard he watched put a hand on the wall and hears a beep sound as the wall opened with a loud annoying screeching creak sound. He saw behind the door he assumed it was, was stairs going down.

  Tom frowned as the guard finger spelled "I'm ordered to tell you to go down the stairs alone."

  Tom obeyed using night vision to see his way as he went down in a lengthy circle till he reaches a familiar wall with some black dome above shining some red dot light. He stood in front of the wall waiting seemingly lengthy as the door slid open. He walked inside to find numerous Keos scattered in the room some seated with attention riveted to staring at thin rectangular glowing boxes while on tables. He looked around to find the Queen in the middle of the room facing standing next to a table showing some kind of airless scenes he seeing is in multiple flat boxes showing various scenes all over the place and winking. Tom walked up to the Queen to stand next to her and eyed the boxes staring at them and stiffened. He saw one box scene looked familiar making his senses blare warning unexpectedly. He saw the scene was showing an overhead view of a vast grass field with a figure covered up in gonoid skin clothing sitting next to an eater as the sun shined overhead which he focused on. He watched as the figure gets up and pulls out from the back some shiny long knife like weapon then stands staring at one direction. He frowned despite his senses blaring warning as Keos on Drudnose back arrived attacking the figure by swinging stick weapons aimed at the figure who swings the long knife easily cutting the sticks in pieces. He sees the Keo each time their near the figure get a waving gesture. He watched as the Keos on Drudnoses fall off the gonoids as if mentally knocked out with flat bodies followed by the figure putting away the weapon into his back. Tom continued to watch as the figure goes to each Drudnose that stands still and pulls them facing in a direction followed by slapping them on the back end that makes them take off running out of sight. Tom frowned as the boxes shift to become smaller followed by his focused box to become bigger than the other boxes as the other boxes fade from view. He heard the Queen speaking "The Keos have been aware of this Moorra an apparent Gihon traveling in what’s dubbed the Cold Kingdom. Recorders have caught this Moorra doing something not Moorra like which is appearing to survive off land by eating plants, drinking from water sources and hunting gonoids along with creating eaters."

  He frowned seeing the box's scene pause from moving focusing onto the covered up Moorra he feeling ann
oyed with its not continuing the scenario.

  He heard from the Queen continue talking "This Moorra has managed to avoid Keos hunting for him along with putting up a fight when they find him and attempt to capture him. The Moorra has appeared to have some kind of powerful mind block that keeps Keos from scanning his mind. The Banshees once asked have admitted that they can’t subdue him due to that the cold can kill a Banshee enough to shatter their bodies to pieces. The Keos don’t have the weaponry to counterattack his weapon or knock him out without touching him."

  He didn't comment a response as the Queen added "Peter and Werra have repeatedly balked my orders to transport the Moorra to lock up in prison or put him to sleep or do anything to him along with scanning his mind to identify him. The Meritanians have balked on orders to assist the Keos in capturing him. The Meritanians have claimed that if they did Keo's orders on him they would pay a high price tag and have refused to explain what the price tag is or say anything else to explain their balking. They didn’t say anything about the Keos using you, Tom to help capture that Moorra."

  He heard from Peter abruptly sounding in his mind appearing to be