Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 3

escorts. Tom gave her a glare as she stood with her arms folded staring at him

  He spoke “Your machine made her deaf. Stop hiding this from her.”

  He saw the Queen cock her head and looked at Thura who shook her head while putting her hands on her head with a pained expression on her face.

  Tom growled out recognizing the Queen's familiar trick of putting Moorra down asleep hitting Thura.

  He spoke firmly “She’ll know the truth of what you did to her. I’ll have her with or without your rules.”

  He walked away from the Queen leaving the bookstore slamming the door hard. Tom stomped angrily as he walked passing by booths of items with Keos and Moorra gathered around them again ignored by them both. He stomped out of the city into the forest and went to a tree to lean his back against it. He roared out an angry nonsense sound and kept up the roaring noises seemingly lengthy.

  Tom felt compelled to quit roaring unexpectedly by the feeling hitting him.

  He quit his noises as he heard blaring in his mind "Tom, what's going on?"

  He exhaled a breath recognizing the familiar male voice spoken in his mind that had yet to identify himself to him.

  Tom mentally grumbled sensing the voice was listening "The Queen is denying my chance of mating with Thura. The Keos' are using the excuse of her being deaf as reason why she shouldn't mate to bore off springs. They make it seem like she was born deaf when she wasn't actually. I saw clear in Thura's mind that a flying machine invented by Keos was responsible for destroying her listening ability and caused her to be deaf. The Keos is refusing to acknowledge this fact. I keep demanding it but they keep denying this."

  He angrily stopped leaning against the tree and brought a fist into the trunk seeing it remained intact from his punch. He brought his other hand to the tree's trunk and leaned against it hands onto the area while the rest of his body wasn't leaning on it.

  He heard from the voice "Tom, I insisted you drop the subject of this flying machine making Thura deaf on a permanent basis."

  Tom gave up a grunt in response to the voice's order.

  He continued to hear "I suspect that they'll be willing to let you mate with Thura if you do what the Keos say. It's just to get them to agree to the mating so try that."

  He stopped his leaning against the tree to straighten up his form and mentally spoke "Fine I'll do what you said. I don't agree to what you're ordering me but I'll do it anyway."

  Tom heard nothing from the voice in response to his words groaned and figured that he'll get himself to Thura's house. He put on the mask powerfully scanning minds in Keo dwellings. He found the desired house containing Thura from her mind detected in there. Tom reached the house where Thura was sensed inside. He took off the mask and opened the door to the house while slamming it closed with a bang sound. He saw a Keo he assumed to be Geelley standing at the kitchen unit who looked at him with a familiar grimace on his face. He saw Thura turned her head to look. He gave Geelley an angry glaring look and stomped up the stairs towards one of the doorways. He heard footfalls of running feet and looked to see Geelley had followed him up an angry look on the Keo's face. He saw Geelley waggling his finger in some Keo scolding manner.

  Tom spoke sounding firm “I want still want Thura.”

  Geelley he saw frowned and spoke “That’s against the rules according to the Queen.”

  Tom opened his mouth and closed it when he heard footfalls looked to see Thura come into view.

  He looked at Thura who frowned visibly.

  He then glared at Geelley as he spoke “I don’t care about your rules for I will have her with or without your say and you can tell your Queen that.”

  Tom slammed the door to the room hard with a loud bang sound. He stood in the room with a glare on his face. He stormed towards the room's chair and sat in it growling loudly. He sat stewing in anger as the day signaled night time from the window besides him with the sunlight gone. Tom got up and stormed towards the bed lying down in it while closing his eyes letting sleep take over.

  Tom came out of the bedroom and went down the stairs in the morning of a new day. He stood in the room watching Geelley come down the stairs. Tom went to the table to sit staring at the stairs. He frowned as morning left signaling the afternoon with no sign of Thura. Tom got up and went to Geelley sitting on a cushion next to the roaring fire. He frowned as he tapped Geelley on the shoulder then placed a hand on him shaking the Keo. Geelley he saw opened his eyes showing narrowed beady black eyes that looked him with angry look.

  Tom spoke “Where’s Thura? She hasn’t come down which proves that she’s not in the house.”

  Geelley he saw instead of answering him closed his eyes. He glared at Geelley and grabbed the Keo by the shoulders shaking him who opened his eyes.

  He yelled out “Where is Thura?! What have you done with her?!”

  Tom glared at Geelley who in response silently grabbed his hands and yanked them off his shoulders. He watched as Geelley closed his eyes not saying a word towards him. Tom snarled some sound as anger arrived. He fisted his hand and brought it against Geelley’s forehead who jerked his head up while opening his eyes.

  Tom growled out with hands fisted “Tell me what you did with her or I’ll cause harm starting with you.”

  He glared at Geelley who rubbed a gloved hand on his forehead and then the Keo closed his eyes lowering his hand. Tom snarled growling some sound folding his arms and began to pace. He stared at Geelley’s form as he paced with anger running through him.

  Tom spoke out loud “That does it! I wouldn’t do this but I want Thura back. This Keo isn’t talking so I’ll have to do it.”

  He placed a hand on the oxygen mask and put it on the lower half of his face.

  Tom stared at Geelley and mentally spoke “Mind reveal.”

  He scanned Geelley’s mind who opened his eyes putting hands on his shaking head.

  He hearing Geelley mentally screaming “Tom, no don’t do this!”

  Tom growled as scenes arrived from Geelley’s mind as he ignored the Keo's mental protesting chatter. He saw via Geelley's eyesight appearing to be his own eyesight waking Thura up from bed. He continued to watch as Geelley yanked Thura out of the house to the Queen’s carriage with vision changed to night vision.

  Thura he saw was repeatedly finger spelling asking the question “What’s going on?”

  The Queen he saw stood outside the carriage and grabbed Thura by the neck injecting her with a syringe then let go of her. Thura he watched placed a hand on her neck wobbling and fell towards the ground caught by Geelley appearing to look like she fell asleep.

  The Queen he heard spoke “Keep Tom occupied while we put Thura through the gate.”

  Geelley was seen in his mind nodded his head. The Queen's guard was seen taking an unconscious Thura from Geelley’s arms went into the carriage followed by the Queen. Tom roared of anger seeing the scenes in Geelley’s mind.

  He spoke “Down.”

  Geelley, he saw, made a grimace look on his face and slumped to his side closing his eyes. Tom closed his eyes and fisted his hands as rage arrived throughout him.

  He growled thinking “I don’t care how. I’ll find Thura and get her back if I have to kill anyone getting in my way.”

  He stormed towards the door to the house which opened with a wave of his hand. He walked out walking towards the city with rage running through him.

  Tom stood in Thura’s bedroom with her kissing him on the lips. He kissed Thura back as they each took off their clothes. His long sleeve shirt came apart unlatched around the tubes area which was easily taken off. He resumed kissing Thura on the lips after the shirt's removal. The rest of Tom's clothes soon came off. Tom stood naked in front of Thura still kissing her on the lips with his hands gripping her head gently. Thura, he sensed didn’t protest as he broke off the kiss to take off her clothes. He exhaled a breath seeing Thura wearing a leotard that highlighted her figure to his pleasure. He felt Thura
shake from his touch as his hands touched her bare skin. Tom felt pleasant jolts of electrical charges of pleasure from his hands touching Thura's bare skin. He wound up slowly taking off the leotard showing her nakedness making his mouth water. Tom picked Thura up carrying her to the bed and slowly laid her down before settling himself on top of her. He entered her with his sensitive part while moving his hands to her sides. Thura, he felt, gripped him with hands on his shoulders wrapping her legs around his legs. He start thrusting which she met moving to his rhythms. Tom put his hand on hers as he gripped the hand tightly. Tom gave off moan as he heard her gasp while feeling himself spill from inside her. He shook from the jolts of pleasure hitting him. His hands went to the sides of Thura's head to rub the area gently. He sighed and with regret pulled out of Thura she not protesting to it. Tom stared at Thura who closed her eyes with a peaceful look on her face held by his arms. He put on the oxygen mask as she opened her eyes to see his golden ones. He mentally pushed images into Thura’s mind.

  The image he focused first was of a humanoid species with tan skin a bony body clawed hands and a long antler from the head with twin golden eyes as his and fanged teeth seen. He recalled the species was dubbed by the Keo's name of Banshee. He showed a scene of a Banshee changing form to a Keo. He pushed an image of a Keo named Thurin in her mind changing into a Banshee and walking out of an all white room