Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 22

up to see the Queen there holding a blanketed bundle in her arms.

  He heard from the Queen as she showed him what she had in her arms "It's called a baby a Moorra a Pishon. What are you going to name her?"

  Tom blurted out "Aliya."

  He felt himself shocked with his blurting eyed the Queen who spoke "Aliya. Well go to sleep and get some rest now."

  He shut his eyes lying down and opened them while hearing silence and nothing of a cell door opening or closed status. He found the Queen gone from the room and looked around feeling himself confused as to what happened to him.

  Tom mentally spoke from memory of a Meritanian named Werra flashing in his mind "Werra! Werra!"

  He heard in response a male voice speaking "For respects quit your yelling now."

  He spoke mentally "Peter, what's going on with me and my mind? I keep feeling like I'm forgetting something over and over. Its gotten me annoyed."

  He heard in response from Peter "Ears are listening and shouldn't be aware of this situation. I'll get an explanation once possible."

  Tom mentally recalled Peter complaining about Jacin hearing him and Werra like some mental power ability tuned to the Meritanians abruptly coming to his mind. He frowned as images of who Jacin was flashed in his mind he stiffening from the memories flowing within him mentally. Tom felt himself sick again and threw up from his mouth into the expeller repeatedly over and over till his body stopped the heaving. He curled into a ball onto the floor feeling himself confused on what happened to him. He felt anger hitting him as he thought "I'm not getting an explanation to say why I keep forgetting things. I'm not getting an explanation to say why I'm sick. I'm not getting an explanation to being contained in this room for my medical sickness."

  Tom continued to feel sick kept on throwing up substances that look brown looking along with some awful taste in his mouth. He felt himself sick in his stomach despite throwing up repeatedly. He didn't feel like sleeping due to the sick feeling in his stomach was bothering him too much. He continued to feel sick expelling into the expeller till he felt too weak to rise from the floor. He felt his heaving continued threw up onto the floor while lying on it on his side and adjusting his face to face the rugged floor. He curled into a ball once his heaving was stopped to his relief.

  Tom continued to feel sick in his stomach while too weak to move heard from Peter abruptly "How are you feeling?"

  He spoke out loud as if compelled "I'm sick in my stomach and too weak to move despite throwing up onto the floor."

  He heard his voice sounded cracked like his throat was thirsty and dry to him.

  He felt sleepiness hitting him to hear "Go to sleep you need your rest."

  Tom stiffened hearing the voice sounded Keo like as he shut his eyes to came to feeling himself lying on a bed with pressure of a small body on top of his chest. He felt his left hand was on the small body’s back he sensed is sleeping. He opened his eyes looking around with confusion seeing he was back in the Queen's palace in one of her bedrooms set aside for him. He stiffened to feel a hand rubbing his forehead which he shot his head towards the hand’s owner seeing it belonged to Thura who was appearing to frown frowning while staring at him. Tom shifted down to look seeing the small body on his chest was Thurin asleep on him he recalled was Thura's offspring despite another familiar feeling of forgetfulness hitting him making him annoyed. He sensed from lying in the bed he was wearing his familiar clothes and shoes on his form. He recalled himself sick in a room with the sickness in his stomach that was felt gone from him. Tom felt much better along with stronger from the feeling of strength within him. He shifted to look at Thura and opened his mouth only to get her hand covering the area. She he saw shaking her head in some nay gesture in Moorra way. He felt confused as she pointed a finger towards Thurin then with the same hand puts the finger to her lips.

  He saw from Thura fingers spelling "You have to be quiet and not talk. Thurin hasn't been sleeping for awhile. He keeps on complaining of his Father whoever he is, is being hurt. It's gotten to the point that he's balking my attempts to get him to sleep. Thurin keeps on chattering that his Father is hurt over and over. I've caught him staying awake instead of sleeping. I recently managed to get him to sleep after you were brought into the room. Thurin keeps on seeing you as his actual Father when your not."

  He stiffened as his senses blared warning abruptly along with a feeling of forgetfulness hitting him as Thura kept her finger spelling "I figured that Thurin wouldn't sleep if he felt you moving or talking. He threw a tantrum while sitting on top of you whining on wanting to hear his Father’s voice or sense him talking and wanted that. I managed to get Thurin asleep. I'm not taking any chances in having him waking up to give another tantrum instead of sleeping like he should be doing."

  Tom formed a frown on his face from Thura’s words adjusted his head to stare at the ceiling seemingly lengthy He felt Thura’s hand rubbing his forehead followed by feeling the hand forced his eyes shut. He didn't protest to that figured he’ll sleep for it’ll help him get some rest along with helping Thurin sleep. He felt himself passing out to come to waking up abruptly without warning and sensed a hand take his free hand. He felt the hand was gloved feeling like a male Keo looked off his left.

  He eyed the Keo warily as he heard blaring in his mind "Its Geelley."

  He verbalized his words ignoring Thurin lying on his front to speak "For respects for killing your Father. I shouldn’t have done the murder."

  He stared at Geelley who formed a glare on his face before yanking his hand from his hand turning around before halting his walk to bow. He saw the Queen standing in the doorway with a glare on her face while escorted by her familiar guards. Tom frowned as the Queen and Geelley he figured to himself get into a mental talk from seeing them staring at each other seemingly lengthy. He frowned as Geelley wave a hand fisted aimed at the Queen followed by hitting the floor asleep. He stiffened from that watching as the guards went to Geelley picking him up and haul him out of the room following the Queen out. He exhaled a breath as Thura came into view to sit on the bed next to him. He eyed her who shifted to look at Thurin by her eyes and he did the same to see her son was still asleep. He figured that Thurin had passed out from being awake too long. He felt sleepiness shuts his eyes to see himself standing on some large wooden deck while seeing people Moorra and Keo gathered around down below.

  He heard a voice speaking "'You stinking Freak!"

  He looked to see the speaker is Geelley who's standing on the deck that looked angry. Tom doesn’t comment figured that Geelley was angry about something and needed to release the anger kept his mouth shut.

  Geelley he stared at continued to speak "I wanted Thura as my mate but nay she had to pick you to Father her offspring Thurin as he's called."

  Tom stiffened from Geelley's words to recall Thura's wording regarding Thurin whining about his Father and seemingly seeing him as the Father figure.

  He stiffened with shock running through him as Geelley continued to rant "You stinking freak dubbing himself Tom has made me regret allowing you to have Thura. The regret is from you killing my Father. I'm furious at the Queen for letting you get away with the murder by soft punishment. Such as whipping instead of a hard punishment which is a knife cut on the face to form a scar marking to mark the person as a murderer."

  He refrained from talking as Geelley continued to talk "The miserable excuse of a Queen caught me injecting poison in your feeding tube. She put me asleep which you withdrawn from the poison judging by your surviving it. The medicine for creating the withdrawal status within you I hear was blood from an offspring of yours. Turns out Maeve was implanted with something to create her offspring a Pishon I knew from the looks wasn't mine I fathered but yours actually. The Queen may she die allowed you to have responsibility of naming Maeve's offspring which you picked this odd wording of Aliya. It means 'Mine' in our original spoken language. I'm disgusted with you."

  He recalled that Geelley wasn't telling
a tall tale from his bout of being sick and the Queen showing him a baby Moorra Pishon he gave the name of Aliya.

  Geelley he heard continued to talk "The miserable excuse of a Queen who should be removed dumped some expectant female Moorra onto me to have a relationship with. Alesia used the tall tale of Maeve carrying my offspring via implantation method as her excuse to get me to have a relationship with her. Alesia dumped Maeve onto me in response to you killing my Father. She has balked on having me give you the traditional punishment of knife cutting your face to form a marking, marking you as a murderer."

  Tom kept his silence as Geelley kept talking "Maeve figured out from mind scans of her that I didn't Father her Pishon offspring but you did when she held her offspring for the first time. She kept up the relationship with me from hopes I would be a Father figure to her offspring despite you being the Father. I found out about the implantation after you disappeared from Uzan."

  Tom stiffened hearing Geelley's words as he sensed the Keo wasn’t joking with his words making him frown visibly with his lips.

  He heard "Alesia isn't taking me seriously with my complaints about my life and about manoids who do bad things to me."

  He groaned recognizing the words as his own thoughts felt confused to why Geelley