Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 23

was echoing what he was thinking regarding his life with the Queen. Tom kept his mouth shut as Geelley he saw paused from talking to pull out a knife he stiffening from seeing.

  He got from Geelley "I'm taking matters in my own hands and doing what I see fit to get what I want and will do it."

  He kneeled as Geelley charged at him while holding the knife. Tom continued to kneel as Geelley reached him to swing the knife at his face digging it on the left side making a grooved mark from the feel. He grimaced feeling pain in the area and didn't flinch as Geelley put the knife back on his cut cheek and again cut his face with it. He eyed Geelley despite the pain to see the Keo dropping the knife backing up and kneeling along with giving off sounds while rocking his form. He recognized the sounds as Keo version of crying continued to stare at Geelley feeling himself pitying the Keo as the scene goes black. He woke up with a gasp to feel a hand patting his cheek where Geelley cut him he not feeling pain from the area. Tom opened his eyes looking around to see the hand's owner is Thurin who was up and awake looking upset to him. He sat up and held Thurin who gave off nonsense sounds sounding like he’s happy to him from the noises. Tom looked for Thura to find her on the bed next to him lying asleep from the looks of her. Tom held Thurin who stopped his nonsense babbling to fall asleep from being hugged. He sighed and lied his form down to still holding Thurin. Tom shut his eyes figuring that he’ll sleep only to open them as he sensed something was keeping him awake. He frowned and sat up while still holding Thurin to stare at the bedroom doorway as if drawn to spot a Queen’s guard standing there that pointed a gloved finger at him and made a come gesture. He put Thurin down on the bed who remained asleep and put one of Thura’s hands on offspring seeing both remain sleeping. Tom got up from the bed to stand staring at the guard which he blinked his eyes finding the scene changed to show a familiar hallway. Tom stiffened seeing the Queen standing in front of a window staring at the room’s contents ignoring him. He joined her to take a look to see a Keo a male inside wearing a cloth restraint from around the arms along with too short pants. He stiffened from sensed cued to the Keo that he's Geelley restrained inside the room.

  Tom heard the Queen speaking "I gave Geelley several opportunities to put aside his anger towards certain manoids. Geelley has refused to put down his anger instead has been targeting manoids in response. His targeting is mostly by hitting manoids with medical ailments such as hitting you with some kind of plant’s poisonous substance."

  Tom groaned softly hearing the Queen's words as she kept talking he heard "The poison made you sick from having your body expel it via mouth from his system. Geelley wound up sickening a Banshee to target Thura in his Banshee form. Maeve I'm sure of her expectant status provided a weapon against the Banshee's attack got a hold of this Banshee and put him off on the attack on Thura or doing any further attacks."

  Tom spoke as the Queen paused "Geelley communicated to me through some dream that he wanted Thura as his mate. He claimed that he stepped aside to allow me to have her but is furious that he’s regretting it. The regretting is from me killing his Father-"

  He cut himself off hearing a Keo disgust sound from the Queen and frowned as she spoke "I'm aware of what you are talking about from Geelley admitting his feelings to me in a private conversation with me. He did his admittance after I caught him in your room. I ordered him not to go near you or Thura or your offspring Thurin. I woke you up due to sensing something bad was going on with Geelley in you room."

  He stiffened from the Queen referring Thurin as his offspring to grimaced fully images spilled into his mind he saw himself mating with Thura. He continued to stiffen as memories he figured were the images continued spilling into him he realized with shock running through him that Thurin was his offspring Thura was pregnant with. He felt his mood plummet as he realized that the Queen must have mind wiped that knowledge fully from his mind and saying certain words triggered the memories to spill back into his mind. He formed a glare on his face eyeing Geelley contained in a room he recognized belonged to the Keo's Asylum.

  Tom heard from the Queen seemingly unaware of his memories restored "I got a confession from Geelley that he was planning on poisoning you. The poisoning he planned to do was injecting you with it via your feeding tube implant which I prevented that from happening."

  He kept his mouth shut feeling his anger arrive aimed at the Queen as he eyed Geelley in the room sitting on the floor that got up staring at the window with eyes narrowed and head cocked.

  He heard from the Queen as his rage ran through him "Geelley set off a Pishon Keo to challenger me for the Queen title. He tried to make sure that I lose the fight by trying to distract me from it. You, I sensed arrived and pulled Geelley off of me and screamed for us Pishons to make up our minds on who to have as their leader. The Pishons in response to your yelling blocked the challenger from winning the fight. Instead made it clear on who they wanted as their leader."

  Tom stiffened as a memory of the fight flashed into his mind. He catching Geelley in a bedroom hand on the Queen's forehead while she was kneeling with a grimace on her face. He continued to recall knocking Geelley down with the mask in control then went to the Queen.

  He recalled mentally broadcasting through the Queen "Choose who you want as Queen now!"

  He felt anger take hold to see clearly in his mind the Queen giving off a loud groaning sound before slumping over as if put down asleep. He saw as the memory spilled into his mind of the Queen waking up abruptly to give him a nasty glaring look of accusation on her face. Tom fumed in anger as the memory of the Queen mind wiping him most of his memories leaving his memory of living in the palace as a toy for her to play with fully in his mind.

  He heard from the Queen as he focused onto Geelley "Unfortunately none of the Pishons would take an oath that none of the Pishons will challenge me unless I'm medically unable to hold the leadership position."

  Tom saw Geelley was staring at him back in the eyes. He felt himself not sure if Geelley could see him or not due to the window’s blackness.

  He heard from the Queen again "Tom, go inside and talk to Geelley. I want him to talk on what’s he’s not really saying to me. I figured that he’ll say it to you in your presence."

  Tom obeyed going inside the room to see Geelley look at him with a glare before he went to sit down back leaning against the wall. He went to Geelley and squatted staring at him. He got from Geelley "Alesia the current Queen won’t order anything seriously harmful towards you. She favors you as her offspring from raising you. Alesia has balked on giving me justice for my Father’s death."

  Tom didn't comment kept his mouth shut as Geelley gives off a Keo laughing sound that sounded like hysterical happiness laughter to him.

  He again got Geelley speaking "Tom has everything he wants as granted by Alesia which is Thura, an offspring and a ruler’s sympathy. I have nothing but my own anger to keep me going along with no sympathy from Alesia. The Gihons have sympathized towards me and want justice done but haven't done anything as long as Alesia is in ruler's position. The Moorra have refused to get involved in this conflicted situation instead have balked doing anything on this leaving us Keos to handle it. That's why I'm locked up in here having no justice done and Alesia declaring me insane."

  Tom frowned hearing Geelley's words for he sounded like Peter had contacted him instead got up and heard the door open to see the Queen enter the room. He eyed the Queen with anger running through him who ignored his glare to stare at Geelley seemingly lengthy. He blinked his eyes to find himself back into the palace in his familiar bedroom Thura and Thurin his son both lying asleep on the bed. He went to the bed and laid his form on it putting an arm around Thura and Thurin. He stared at them one at a time with a scrutiny look seeing that Thura's hair was brown colored while Thurin's hair matched his hair color. He eyed Thurin's face seeing he had Thura's face. He recalled seeing his familiar black Moorra like eyes in Thurin's eyes instead of Thura's brown colored eyes. He exhaled a breath and
felt himself sleepy shut his eyes to dream

  of the Queen’s guards entering the room. They took his sleep form from the bed and hauled him out. He continued to dream watching as his body is hauled out of the palace by multiple guards to the whipping deck was held up while glimpsing Keos and Moorra are gathered around the area. He watched as the Queen arrived with disgust on her face see that turns into a glare to stares at him. He saw the scene of the Queen staring at him become black and came to finding himself held up by the guards as he dreamed. He straightened up his form and stared at the Queen who cocked her head toward him. Tom saw a male Keo come into view his senses blare of familiarity while holding a knife in his hand. Tom felt the guards’ hold on him become ironclad along with his urge to talk gone from him. He eyed the Keo he assumed was Geelley who walked forwards towards him as the guards got him to kneel with his neck bared. He eyed Geelley who reaching him grabs his hair holding his head with face still facing up. Tom grimaced inwardly as the knife was felt digging very hard into his left cheek starting at the part near his eyes while giving him pain. He continued to feel the digging make a thin grooved line down