Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 27

“You lie according to the lie detector. Confirm that you are Lance Richard.”

  He eyed Jinks to sense with distaste running through him that the male was getting angry from the whipping that hit him repeatedly. He heard Jinks growl some gonoid sound as the Highlander repeated his words. Tom watched Jinks pull at the chains holding his wrists. He heard silence from the Highlander sensing Jinks was furiously angry. Jinks he saw gave up a roaring like cry yanked his wrists free from the chains holding them to squat down on the ground. Tom saw Anubis walk into the spotlight holding his stick weapon with a long knife end, in front of him with a hand on it. He stiffened as Jinks’ eyes turn golden colored. Tom figured that Jinks had allowed rage to take control and continued to watch as Anubis was charged by the male. He grimaced as Anubis gave off a loud groaning sound dropping the stick and hitting the ground unconscious. Jinks was seen picking up the stick. He saw Jinks appeared to stop being too angry judging by the eyes stopped glowing golden. He watched as Jinks looked down at Anubis then roared out an angry cry. Tom frowned as Jinks spun around facing another direction and darted out of the spotlight. He saw hiding in the darkness were two masked Highlanders with male forms standing besides a boxy machine. The two Highlanders he saw were holding gun like weapons in their hands in front of them aimed at Jinks with lips seen curled in frowns. Jinks he saw charged at the two Highlanders roaring with fury at them. One of the Highlanders he saw dropped his weapon and turned around running away appearing to be out of fear. He grimaced as Jinks swung the stick as the male reached the other Highlander whose gun gave off a clicking noise. Tom sensed the Highlander’s gun was jammed from the sound. Jinks he continued to watch brought the stick against the Highlander hitting the male in the head. The Highlander he grimaced fully fell against the boxy machine and slid to the floor dropping the gun he figured was put asleep. He grimaced forming it on his face as Jinks angrily brought the stick against the Highlander’s body. He grimaced again as Jinks began whacking the Highlander with the weapon repeatedly over and over. Jinks he saw was appearing to be not caring where the stick landed by it all over the Highlander’s body. He saw a Highlander appear in a flash of light underneath the spotlight that had a gun weapon in his hand who pointed it at Jinks' back. Gun appearing to be aiming to Jinks' back he saw and saw the Highlander firing it with the gun giving off some noise that made him grimace. He saw a cylinder syringe like object come out of the gun hitting Jinks on the back. Jinks appeared to ignore the dart he assumed what it was to keep on hitting the Highlander. He continued to watch as Jinks stopped whacking the Highlander and dropped the stick falling towards the ground onto his knees then slid to the floor with form still. He sensed Jinks had fallen into a sleeping state. Tom frowned as the Highlander went to Jinks to stub the male with his foot appearing to be checking to make sure that the dart had put him to sleep. He watched as the Highlander stopped the stubbing with the foot and back away a few steps. He saw the twins appear in flashes of light that picked up Jinks by the arms that sagged in their grips while still asleep. He then saw the three of them disappear with another flash of light. Tom frowned as the scene changed to find himself standing in some hallway which Anubis appeared in front of him with a whining squeal sound.

  Anubis he stared at spoke in a loud whisper “Follow me now Mindbender.”

  He obeyed following Anubis in the hallway which ended with a door in the wall in front of him and a door in the wall off his right. Anubis he saw went to the door and saw the thing slid open. He was gestured to go inside by Anubis pointing fingers aimed at him and towards the open doorway. He obeyed finding the room was occupied by robed figures standing crowded facing a window which one looked in his direction and looked away. He heard the door slid shut behind him as he went up to the High Council he figured what they were. Tom peered through the window just in time to see the twins putting a naked male figure on a mattress bed and putting chain manacles on the male’s wrists and ankles then fading from view.

  Tom heard a male voice sounding in his mind speaking “What do you think of this Jinks aka Osiris from observing him being interrogated hmm?”

  He felt a hand on his shoulder looked off his right to see one of the High Council members had a gloved hand on him and was looking in his direction.

  He frowned as the male voice continued speaking “Just verbalize your words please. We like to know a First One perspective towards First Ones being interrogated.”

  Tom obeyed speaking out loud “I noticed that this Jinks seemed to get angry from being hit with what I call a whip. He took out his rage on the ones who caused the whip to hit him. It was like he was retaliating against those who caused him pain to me.”

  He clamped his mouth shut as `he heard nothing in response. Tom saw the High Council member looked away towards the window removing his hand. He copied to see the naked male he assumed was Jinks was underneath a thick half cylinder tube and a pipe was flashing some red light at the male’s feet. He continued to watch noticing masked Highlanders in the room about two of them at consoles. Both Highlanders were seen in front of a wall opposite from the cylinder and appearing to have their attention on the monitors. He eyed Jinks through the cylinder to see the male sit up with an angry expression on his face that snapped off the manacles. Tom grimaced seeing Jinks grabbed the light pipe tearing part of it off as the masked Highlanders he noticed darted towards the cylinder. He watched as Jinks got of the bed and darted underneath it into an acrobatic roll. He saw Jinks sprung up to charge towards the masked Highlanders seeing them pointing gun weapons aimed at him. He figured that Jinks was having what he dubbed rage episode again. The Highlanders appeared to have their guns jammed who quickly darted away towards the window. Jinks overtook them and hit them on the back of their heads knocking them to the floor. Tom grimaced as Jinks looked in his direction with a golden eyed Human like glare that charged towards the window and began pounding on it with his hands fisted as cracks formed on it. He eyed Jinks’ eyes which changed from golden to Human's blue that continued pounding. He saw Jinks then halted with eyes shutting and collapsing onto the floor. He saw as Jinks felt Anubis appeared behind the male holding a gun weapon he recognized belonged to one of the fallen Highlanders. He saw the familiar twins appear from hidden states to pick up Jinks and then disappeared in a flash of light. He frowned as the scene changed to find himself back facing Barry who stood with hands on his stick he figured from memory was a cane to help with walking.

  He frowned as Barry spoke “So what’s your point of view towards the situation regarding Jinks Montreal hmm?”

  Tom spoke “Just that this Jinks let anger take control to control him to do physical acts of harm towards people along with doing damage too.”

  Tom clamped his mouth shut as Barry spoke “Then what is the lesson I want you to learn?”

  He sighed loudly and saw Barry’s eyes narrow into a glare making him nervous unexpectedly.

  He spoke in a groaning tone “The lesson is I shouldn’t let anger take control of me to cause physical acts of harm towards people. I shouldn't let anger take control to do damage like I said regarding Jinks.”

  He sighed again as Barry nodded his head in a short bob with glare remaining on his face.

  Barry he heard spoke “Well appears you have gotten the lesson what the High Council want you to learn. Keep that lesson in mind and don’t forget it. It’ll keep you in the High Council’s good graces. It's for them to keep you active along with giving you something to do get it?”

  He bobbed his head in response in a First One yes gesture as Barry continued “Come along while I show you where you’re to get your nourishment for that feeding tube in your arm.”

  He sighed and wordlessly followed Barry using the cane out of the room to a hallway. He continued to follow that led to a set of double doors which inside he saw a somewhat low ceilinged large room with people in there. He saw two Highlanders male and female that looked in his direction. Tom saw what Barry meant by eye smallness due t
o that they weren’t masked. He saw them look at him before resuming staring at each other while cocking their heads. He saw a male he recognized as a Shadonian standing in front of windows. The windows flashed scenes while seeing the Shadonian a male was drinking from a golden cup that held it up towards him in some salute before resuming drinking slowly from the cup. He saw a group of six people gathered at one end of the bar that didn’t look in his direction as one appeared to be the bartender to him. Tom followed Barry passed the two Highlanders to the bar. He got ordered to sit on a stool and hold out his arm with the injector in it. He obeyed to do it along with rolling up his sleeve to frown as the bartender with a First One like face. He noticed was having jewels on the forehead of small jewels surrounding a big one and all black eyes. He saw the bartender had no First One ears seen while having stringy hair that reminded him of the Keos arrived to hold up a syringe holding familiar white liquid in it that sloshed. Tom didn’t comment as the bartender put the syringe in his hand unexpectedly. He found the bartender speaking in Basic he recognizing the language “You need to learn how to do