Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 26

serving us once he’s cleared medically and mentally.”

  He felt the twins' grips off of him to find himself sleepy. Tom saw the metal floor rising up to meet him along with feeling it on his front and shut his eyes passing out unconscious.

  Tom came to, to scream as memories filled his mind. He saw himself living on Shadan as said by the High Council. He continued to scream finding that the boredom he suffered in Shadan was related to him being sick without nourishment. He kept screaming seeing in his mind Thura and himself transported to a Shadonian warship that was leaving the planet. He recalling the warship later identified as Shadonian that had a female Shadonian named Nichelle as the ship's medical officer. He kept on screaming recalling a Banshee appeared in the doorway of the warship's medical bay carrying a sleeping Thurin. Thurin he recalled was handed to Thura before walking back through the doorway disappearing in a light show. He continued to scream as a memory got into his mind of confronting a Keo for being both Banshee and Keo species. Tom saw the confrontation resulted in the Keo a male flaring Banshee eyes and giving off a growling sound in Banshee's tones. He saw the Queen in his mind as he felt rage arrive within him ordered him to oath to not to talk about the Keo Banshee connection. He felt rage as he recalled his mind wiped repeatedly by the Queen erasing various memories within his mind. He saw she mind wiped his knowledge of the Keo Banshee species connection. Hence he recalling the mind wiping as he recalled her mind wiping his knowledge of his son Thurin.

  Tom roared an angry nonsense sound before snarling out loud "The Keos and their Queen are dead to me! I will do what it takes to put them down permanently!"

  He cut himself off feeling a hand shaking his shoulder sensing himself lying on a bed clad in some kind of clothes that felt fine to him. He sighed from the memories stopped their assault within him. Tom opened his eyes feeling the clothes. He felt them a shorts, socks and shoes along with pants covering the shorts. He felt a loose on his arms jacket that was loosely opened entirely in front while covering his back completely. His eyes focused on a male leaning over him that removed his hand. He eyed the male who had short blonde hair with brown eyes that flashed golden making him nervous seeing that. He kept his eyes onto the male who straightened up his form as he sat up with a frown staring at him.

  The male spoke in an accent reminding him of Jacin from memories of him “The name is Barry. My species is called Builder despite the appearance of a First One which is another name for Human. First One is what the High Council have named the Human species. The name has stuck for now. You have been dubbed Mindbender by the High Council. It is a name the group have given you due to that you have been called into service of being an assassin which means person who ends another person’s life.”

  He exhaled a breath hearing that from Barry who continued talking “Serve the High Council well. They’ll make your life easier, serve them badly and they’ll make your life in Human terms a living hell.”

  Tom kept his mouth shut as he swung his legs off the bed. He wound up looking Barry up and down to see the male was dressed in black, pants, shoes with a closed jacket like top. He spotted the jacket was having a white triangle collar seen. Tom frowned seeing Barry holding a stick in his right hand before settling on the male’s face.

  He heard from Barry “Oh one thing you should know about my species the Builders. It is that we have the ability to manipulate people by a certain voice tone spoken in a certain language. There are people immune to that voice talent done onto them. Your not one of those people. I tried my voice talent out on you while you were asleep and you obeyed my orders.”

  Tom exhaled a breath through his mouth to inhale a breath and to speak as Barry became silent “Does Shadan have any Meritanians?”

  He frowned as Barry spoke “Yes so far there are four of them known by the names of Ramses and Tank two males and two females named Erra and Terra. There’s a manoid species called Highlander that are mind walkers. They currently dominate the High Council and the base your on. Highlanders when you see them have pointed ears and some smallness eye look that the First Ones dubbed Asian. That's due to having First Ones with similar facial appearance. Be warned that Highlanders will scan your mind at will with or without your permission or you liking it.”

  He exhaled a breath to hear a familiar male voice sounding in his mind “Barry, the High Council want Mindbender to the interrogation room now where he’s to get his orders.”

  He frowned as Barry spoke sounding like gibberish in some tone that made him compelled to stand up which he obeyed. Tom found himself facing a male in a squat position while held up by chains with arms above him appearing to be asleep and naked. He eyed the male’s face with a frown with recognition running through him to see it was twin Jacin. He heard an excuse me spoken off his right to look to see a manoid wearing shiny black clothing that was he sensed similar to his clothes. Tom spied ears pointed as a Keo while wearing a mask covering the upper level of the face around the eyes with brown eyes seen that didn’t look kind.

  Tom frowned as the Highlander he assumed spoke sounding in a monotone voice “This First One has dubbed himself Jinks Montreal. Others have identified him by two other names such as Osiris and Lance Richard. We are trying to find out how Osiris known as another species got changed into a First One which tests have prove inconclusive. We are also trying to find out more about this Lance Richard. He has managed to torture the Meritanians through use of earthquake powers.”

  He kept his mouth shut as the Highlander looked away appearing to look passed him before adding while looking at him “You’re here to just to observe this interrogation season done on this Jinks Montreal. That’s it as ordered by the High Council.”

  He got a head cock from the Highlander which he figured that the male wanted him to talk which he spoke “Fine anything else besides that?”

  He got a head shake in a Human no gesture from the Highlander who reached forwards towards him to grip his arm and pulled him away from Jinks he assumed he’ll call him. He found himself led further into the darkness and out of the spotlight’s glare. He felt himself halted and arm freed which he turned to face Jinks to hear a whining squeal sound. Tom saw Anubis appear from a hidden state ability that reached out a hand and slapped Jinks on the cheek repeatedly. Tom watched as Jinks woke up from the slapping shaking his head and straightening his form. Anubis stood facing Jinks before walking out of the spotlight towards him which he saw went to stand next to him. He watched Jinks and listened to the interrogation happening.

  He heard a Highlander voice sounding next to him speaking as if amplified by the loud tone “Who are you?”

  Tom watched as Jinks kept his mouth shut as the Highlander repeated his question. He saw the questioning was followed by Jinks arching himself repeatedly. He saw Jinks' arching was appearing to be his back and making a grimace of pain on his face .Tom stiffened hearing the familiar sound of an electrical whip hitting Jinks' back from the noises heard.

  He heard Jinks speak “I don’t get it your question-”

  He heard Jinks groan loudly as the male again arched his back while again hearing the familiar whip sound while cutting off his talk.

  Tom heard the Highlander speak “State your name now.”

  He heard Jinks blurted out “Osiris.”

  He again saw Jinks arch his back while grimacing of pain again as the whip was heard.

  He frowned as the Highlander spoke “No, not that name. I meant the First Ones’ name you were given.”

  Jinks he heard spoke “What’s a First One anyway?”

  He saw Jinks again arch himself while grimacing from the whip as the Highlander spoke “First One is the name of the species you’re posing as, idiot.”

  Tom frowned at the word idiot as Jinks spoke “Burke Richardson Junior-“

  He saw Jinks cut himself off by arching his back who groaned out “What’s with hitting me with pain when I just answered your question?”

  Tom frowned as Jinks again arc
hed his back as the Highlander spoke “Silence you idiot with your questions!”

  He continued to see Jinks arch his back as the Highlander spoke “Who’s Lance Richard?”

  Jinks he eyed spoke grimacing “A religious leader or God of some cult.”

  Tom saw Jinks appear to be breathing hard through his mouth and eyed him gritting his teeth for the pain of the whip which he didn’t hear. He heard silence from the Highlander and eyed Jinks who appeared to relax his form. He stiffened as Jinks gave out a loud groan as the whip was heard again along with some sound that he wasn’t sure what it was.

  He heard the Highlander speak again sounding annoyed “Don’t play me! Who’s Lance Richard? Answer that question now!”

  Jinks groaned out “I just told you!”

  He saw Jinks jerked arching his back as the whip hit him was heard along with the unfamiliar noise sounded again loudly appearing to be louder to him.

  He heard the Highlander speaking sounding angry “Confirm or deny, are you Lance Richard?”

  Jinks, Tom heard groaned loudly as the whip was heard along with the noise sounding loudly which he saw the male again arch his back.

  He heard Jinks speak “I deny.”

  He again saw Jinks arched his back as the whip hit him again.

  Tom heard the Highlander speaking sounding annoyed