Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 31

him to do. I believe fighting Mindbender will be a good punishment. Mindbender himself will demonstrate his physical combative moves including his mental abilities while wearing the oxygen mask, on opponents when they attempt to fight him in battles.”

  He heard from the Highlander “Says fine put this in action now Barry, Ramses.”

  Tom blinked his eyes to find himself underneath a large spotlight while it was surrounded by darkness.

  He saw various devices nearby that he figured were recorders as he heard a loud voice speaking “Put on your oxygen mask Mindbender now!”

  He obeyed as there was a light flash in front of him showing a Highlander wearing some blue outfit and black boots than charged towards him with hands fisted.

  Tom mentally spoke “Throw back.”

  He saw his order obeyed by the Highlander flew backwards in a flying move out of the spotlight and watching him hit the ground sliding onto it.

  Tom heard from the voice loudly “Mindbender physically attempt to defeat your opponent without the oxygen mask on now!”

  He obeyed yanking the oxygen mask off and felt the familiar dizziness. He focused on the Highlander fighter that awkwardly got up from the floor and charged towards him. Tom waited till the Highlander reached him and recalling his combative training physically knocked the fighter off his feet onto his front onto the ground. He in a fast speed move grabbed the Highlander’s arm as the fighter sat up and twisting it behind the male’s back in a tight grip arching it up. He wound up sensing the arm twisting was painful to the Highlander who gave up a loud groaning noise. He continued to hold the Highlander’s arm in the grip as the Highlander he sensed struggled in vain to get out of his grips while still sitting on the floor.

  The Highlander was heard yelled “Alright I surrender so release me now!”

  He heard from the voice “Mindbender! Physically fight your opponent without knocking him down to the ground.”

  He released his hold on the Highlander who got up awkwardly and charged towards him. He proceeded to do combative art training onto the male finding himself fighting offensively and defensively at various times.

  He felt the familiar weakness feeling knocked the Highlander off his feet onto his stomach and placed a foot on the male’s back.

  Tom spoke out loud “I need nourishment.”

  Tom heard “Mindbender can you hold out?”

  He spoke loudly still holding the Highlander down “With oxygen mask on it’ll put me down asleep for two suns straight. Without wearing it I can hold on but I would need about this number of injections to avoid sleeping.”

  He held up three fingers and gestured with a hand while speaking “The number of fingers up is the number of the injections I need.”

  Tom heard from the voice “Hold on while you get transported.”

  He found himself in a familiar hallway leading to the barroom which he went inside to find Barry there seated drinking slowly from a cup. Tom went to sit down ignoring the Highlanders watching him and was handed three syringes. He with effort managed to get their contents into his injector while sighing loudly from the feel of his strength returning.

  Tom frowned noticing Barry had a look on his face aimed at him that made him think it was disgust which the male looked away as Ramses’ voice was heard “Mindbender the High Council wants you in their meeting room so get out of the barroom and get transported. Being transported from the barroom is frowned upon anyway.”

  He obeyed once done with the syringes and stood in the hallway to find himself in the High Council’s throne room facing them and their familiar Highlander speaker.

  He frowned as the Highlander spoke “Says put on the coat Anubis has for you.”

  He found Anubis holding a long brown coat which he put on his form. Tom got his head covered partially by the hood and saw an image of a male Highlander wearing odd clothing from some floor projector screen.

  He heard from the Highlander speaker “Says you’ll be sent to a location where your to track him. Anubis, instruct him on what he needs to do.”

  He eyed Anubis who spoke “In your sleeves near the hand is buttons for one side for being followed and the other side is for tracking victim sensing you following him. Do not at any time use the oxygen mask. You’ll be notice quite badly and taken down.”

  He eyed his sleeves to see buttons in them and got Anubis repeating his instructions while pointing a hand at which button it was.

  He didn’t comment a response as the Highlander spoke “Says you’ll be transported to a discreet location where target will come onto your path for tracking so transport him now Ramses.”

  He found himself standing on a set of steps which he sat down and waited as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Tom looked to see the Highlander male he saw was his target to track that paused from walking to stare at him with a frown. He held up one of his hands feeling his coat was raggedy and making him look like a beggar. The Highlander he saw shook his head in a no gesture and continued walking down the steps. Tom got up and followed the Highlander down being quiet as he could then reached a doorway. He wound up watching the Highlander walk through the doorway. He followed to find himself in some rectangular buildings' city with various too many First Ones walking and few Highlanders among them. He recalled his teaching of tracking by the Keo using both his oxygen mask and without it easily in his mind. Tom proceeded to track the Highlander into the city. He suddenly sensed himself followed pressed the button sensing nothing seriously happening with that. He continued to follow the Highlander till the male entered a doorway which he saw housed people inside eating food and drinking drinks which he sat outside back to the glass wall waiting.

  Tom waited seemingly lengthy till Ramses sounded in his mind “Game’s over Mindbender, target set off signal saying he was followed and lost you by going through the restaurant. New orders, can you find your location where you were first transported to? The High Council insists on keeping my transportation abilities hidden from people.”

  He obeyed to get up and recalled the locations of where he went following the Highlander. Tom followed the route till he reached the familiar stairwell to stand with arms folded. He found himself into the High Council’s throne room with two other Highlanders wearing identical odd clothing and noticed that one was twin to the target he followed.

  He heard the Highlander speaker speak “Says talk Excuser on following Mindbender.”

  Tom heard from the Highlander not twin to the target “He was pretty obvious sticking out by his size among Firsts Ones. He was noticed by various people Firsts Ones and Highlanders both looking in his direction. The First Ones finding him odd by various mind scans of them.”

  He felt annoyance take hold continued to listen as the Highlander speaker spoke “Says talk Seeker on being followed by Mindbender.”

  He heard from the targeted male “Like Excuser said he was seen by people looking in his direction which warned me of his presence behind me. His size warned me that he was the one following.”

  Tom heard from the Highlander speaker “Says talk Mindbender on being followed and following target.”

  He spoke loudly “I sensed myself followed by my senses warning me of it. Also target noticed me at first when I sat on the stairwell waiting for him to stop by for me to follow him. Target wound up ignoring me after I made some First One gesture of begging for something. Target didn’t appear to acknowledge that I was the one following him despite looking back in my direction. I tried to hide myself behind people and various locations.”

  He stopped talking as the speaker spoke “Says transport Seeker and Excuser to the army barrack now.”

  He saw the two Highlanders disappear in flashes of light as he heard a loud whisper “Can I have the coat back now?”

  Tom obeyed handing it to Anubis then folded his arms. Tom twisted his form towards one of the twins having a hand on his chest indicated his height.

  He snarled feeling angry knowing tha
t the gesture was related to his size “Find something gonoid head?”

  He heard from Anubis “Their called Falcons. Refer them as that from now on.”

  He continued talking ignoring Anubis “What are you implying so talk it now?!”

  He narrowed his eyes at the Falcon that gave up a growling sound.

  He heard Anubis speaking in a loud whisper “The Falcons are indicating that Mindbender’s height and size is unusual for a First One to have. The First Ones in their presence aren’t that tall or that big in size.”

  He felt himself angry hearing that as he felt a headache of his mind scanned. Tom continued to glare at the Falcon as memories came to his mind. He recalled as a youngster out casted by offspring of First Ones and Freeloaders whenever he tried to join them for playing. He growled loudly getting the memory of both species yelling at him to leave which happened over and over. He continued to remember himself ignored by both species when he was fully grown walking in the city. Tom recalled the ignorance continued whenever he tried to strike up a conversation with either species. Tom shut his eyes as he continued to remember himself getting angry at being ignored. He in response to the ignorance grabbed a First One by the neck and lifted the male up dangling his feet.

  He in the memory yelled at the First One “I’m talking to you!”

  He remembering saw fear in the First One’s eyes as a Freeloader forced him to free the male