Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 32

by yanking his hand off the manoid’s neck. The Freeloader wound up ordering him to go to the palace. Tom felt himself angry remembering he balked till the Freeloader looked beyond him and then did a bow. He sensed the Queen and heard her order him to the palace with some tone that suggested disgust to him. He recalling obeyed and went to the palace to his room where he proceeded to use his fists onto anything he could get. Tom recalled keeping up the fisting till he felt his anger left him leaving him sad crying his tears while kneeling and rocking his form. Tom stiffened from the memories as he recalled thinking of hating the Freeloaders and not want anything to do with them along with similar view aimed at the First Ones. He finding himself not having a purpose to live with either species as a hybrid till the Queen gave him a job of finding the hidden First Ones using his oxygen mask.

  He unfolded his arms and rubbed his forehead to hear a shout and a male voice speaking in an angry tone “This is our nesting room so get out now!”

  Tom removed his hands opening his eyes finding himself surrounded by Listeners in a bedroom.

  He felt rage take control yanked on the oxygen mask and mentally spoke “Fly.”

  He saw his order obeyed by the Listeners flying all around him in a circle which he mentally spoke “Throw back choke.”

  He saw the Listeners flying back hitting the walls along with hearing multiple choking sounds from them. He stiffened getting the mask yanked from his face and a hand feeling Keo like on his forehead. Tom felt urged to sleep which he obeyed to come to lying in bed feeling sore all over. The soreness felt like he was fisted from the familiar feeling of First Ones doing it to him after knocked onto the ground by a Keo and them fisting him after he found himself flat onto there. Tom felt rage cooling from within him as he burst into tears feeling himself unbearably sad. He brought hands to his face rubbing his eyes as they spilled water. He recalling to himself that he thought of this thought of having no place on Uzan and wanting to leave to live elsewhere. He continued to recall he wished for that and got his wish by living on Shadan with Thura. He felt boredom due to not having any nourishment while living there. Tom recalled that he didn’t feel anything was worth living there so he returned to Uzan to his annoyance. Tom shut his eyes lowering his hands as he recalled that he never felt sorry for killing that Keo. He never felt regret for doing the killing for he felt himself a little happy for doing it. He continued to recall himself taking control of a Banshee nest by threatening their Queen as in putting her in some can’t be waken sleep. He threatening the Banshees to do his orders which they did without question along with dumping Thura onto him. The dumping of Thura stopped his threatening behavior and freed their Queen as asked by them. He rolled onto his side feeling his tears stop along with sleepiness not coming to him.

  He opened his eyes feeling himself depressed and thought “I have no life among Keos and Humans. I’m here on Shadan serving the High Council as some assassin as ordered. I find my hybrid status keeps me from being accepted by either species like I wanted in the first place.”

  He continued to think sensing his mind wasn’t scanned since he woke up “I hate the Keo for what they did to me. I hate them killing my Mother denying her a chance of raising me. I never felt the love of a mother I saw happened to a First One child when I was staring at him in the city following that Highlander target. I have no place among the First Ones either judging by my size and height. I’m not acceptable as one anyway.”

  He continued to feel himself further depressed as he heard from Ramses abruptly “Mindbender, the High Council have ordered me to say to you that your to get nourishment once awake then get transported to their meeting room. So get up and get some nourishment now.”

  He obeyed finding himself having no choice but to do it as if compelled. Tom went to the barroom to sit on a stool and got handed three syringes. He maneuvered the syringes into his injector without any effort then once done left the room to stand in the hallway. He blinked his eyes finding himself in the High Council’s throne room seeing that they still had a Highlander as their speaker.

  Tom frowned feeling himself dead inside as a projection image of a First One male appeared followed by the Highlander speaking “Says this is your target. You’re to kill him by having his beater organ stop period. Ramses will transport you to a hallway location where you’ll find a door blocking your way from target. Use your mental abilities to get into the target’s location and kill him. Make sure the death can be ruled body function killing him period.”

  Tom didn’t speak a word as the Highlander added “Transport him now.”

  He found himself facing a door which he put on his oxygen mask and mentally ordered the door to open. He wound up seeing the door swung open in response. He walked inside seeing a small room where a First One male was lying asleep on a mattress. He mentally ordered the male’s heart to stop and found his order obeyed then sensed a presence behind him mentally ordered sleep to hit the person. Tom spun around finding a Highlander wearing clothes of a High Council servant behind him asleep on the floor with the door to the room shut.

  He mentally felt rage hitting him yelled mentally “Die!”

  Tom saw blood appearing to look red spurt from the Highlander’s eyes and ears as he again found himself in the High Council’s throne room. He feeling anger still in control as he felt his mind scanned abruptly. He found his efforts to keep out the mind scanner met failure. He yanked off his oxygen mask and felt the familiar disorient hitting him along with the events of himself killing a High Council servant flashing in his mind

  He spoke loudly “You never trusted me.”

  He glared at the High Council as the headache of his mind scanning persisted. He saw this was followed by a whip seeing with a background flashing light and felt the mind scanner withdrew by the headache stopping. He gave the High Council a glare while fisting his hands and growling loudly as he felt rage take control. He felt hands on his arms restraining him from bending them or touching his oxygen mask he sensed were from the Falcons from the claw tips felt poking his arms.

  Tom snarled out in an angry tone recalling his first mission for the Queen to find hidden First Ones “You’re like those stinking Freeloaders, when I first did a job for them. They never trusted me like your not doing either.”

  He heard from Ramses “High Council, I suggest you order Mindbender to his quarters now. He’s gone beyond to listening people calmly.”

  Tom ignored Ramses to snarl out loud “You never trusted me! Why can’t you trust me?! Those stinking Freeloaders never trust me either!”

  He felt the hands holds off his arms. He felt himself alone in a bedroom and blinked his eyes as the bedroom changed to show another one in its place in a round room while sensing himself watched. He kneeled and gave up a loud roaring sound and continued to roar feeling his rage continue to take control within him. Tom kept on roaring till his throat began to complain from the noises. He halted his roaring and shut his mouth to rock his form. He felt water he assumed were tears flow from his eyes with his rage stopping changing to sadness. He felt himself still dead inside within him as he cried silently with tears flowing from his eyes while still rocking his form. Tom slid to the floor and curled into a ball shutting his eyes while putting hands on his head feeling like not doing anything except cry. He heard a whining squeal sound felt his deadness continue to take control. He felt hands Freeloader like stroke his head in a gentle gesture sensing that the Keo had taken pity on him. Tom opened his eyes and forced himself to sit up while seeing a Keo kneeling next to him that looked at him with some look that suggested pity.

  He spoke sounding depressed to him “I don’t want your pity so go away and leave me alone.”

  He ignored the Freeloader as he spotted the bed. Tom got up going to the bed to lay his form sideways on it back to the Freeloader while shutting his eyes and felt someone sitting on the bed hand Freeloader like on his arm.

  He opened his eyes and spoke sounding annoyed “I said leave me alo
ne so go away.”

  Tom felt annoyance take hold as the Freeloader refused to budge from the bed instead just spoke “Your Keo Mother cared about you.”

  He stiffened from the words.

  The Freeloader he sensed wasn’t his Father but someone else that continued to speak “She knew what you were suffering from, tried to give you some purpose to do while living underneath her rule.”

  He eyed the Freeloader who removed his hand from his arm and then added “She’s sorry that this no place among people feeling had to happen to you and tried to help you with it.”

  He continued to stiffen hearing the Freeloader’s words as the Freeloader continued talking “Ah she now knows what your feeling when she lost the ruler ship title and out casted by her own people. Alesia was even forced out of her home to elsewhere which she agrees it's terrible to suffer from and gets it your complaints to her.”

  Tom frowned feeling his annoyance stop as he continued to eye the Freeloader that became silent. He eyed the Freeloader getting up and fading from view which he shut his eyes feeling like needing to sleep only to come to feeling a stick poking him in the stomach. Tom opened his eyes with a start finding himself in the High Council’s throne room. He