Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 35

she dies period.”

  He saw Egran nod his head Keo style as she added “Be sure to inject the Forbidden One with the poison as well. We’ll be better off without him living.”

  He again saw Egran again nod his head followed by two guards in the Queen’s eyesight handing the Keo two syringes which the male took and got dismissed by the Queen.

  Tom snarled mentally “It was you who was responsible for the death of Thura and the poisoning of me becoming blind!”

  He gagged the Queen with his hand becoming ironclad as a male voice sounded in his mind “Tom, don’t do this. Your not what the Keo have branded you as, a murderer so don’t do this.”

  He stiffened recognizing the voice as Peter the Meritanian which he mentally snarled to the Queen sensing she could hear him “You’re not worth this.”

  He dropped the Queen and mentally ordered the paralysis to go away. He saw his order obeyed by her hands going to her throat and she coughing loudly. He yanked off his oxygen mask and again felt the floating feeling hitting him which he kneeled. He sensed himself watched by the Queen and others in the room. Tom felt his hands became claws and his front teeth became fanged as his eyesight went blurry not registering anything in front of him.

  Tom heard a male voice sounding Keo like speaking “With due respect take a look at him and see why the High Council sent him to here. He obviously has a problem they couldn’t fix.”

  He heard the Queen’s voice speaking sounding angry but rasping “He threatened me-“

  He heard the familiar male voice interrupt “It was Peter overheard that got him to drop trying to kill you my dear Queen so drop that attitude now.”

  He heard from the Queen a raspy Hmph sound followed by her hands he sensed touching his cheeks. Tom felt his mind scanned in which he shut his eyes from the pain of the headache hitting him.

  He sensed the mind scanning seemingly lengthy followed by the Queen’s mental voice sounding in his mind “Argh the guard isn’t kidding about Peter talking you out of killing me.”

  He heard nothing more from the Queen to feel the floating sensation stop abruptly. His hands he felt stopped being clawed like and felt his front teeth resume back to normal. He felt the Queen released her holds from his cheeks and heard nothing more from her. He kept his eyes shut feeling his arms grabbed lifting him up and forced to walk. Tom obeyed opening his eyes finding the guards had his arms from the feel of their hands on the areas. He saw the guards were following the Queen out of the room. He didn’t comment a response figured it was best to keep his mouth shut. He still restrained followed the Queen taking a route that seemed familiar to him. He recalled from memory where the route led and figured that they were going to a travel gate. He found his hunch correct to find with his disgust within him a group of Listeners standing in the gate room.

  He narrowed his eyes as one Listener with facial hair spoke in Basic “Your payment as required now.”

  He felt the oxygen mask put onto his face and felt a hand on his cheek belonging to a Keo guard.

  He sensed and heard from the male “Toss the Listeners into the gate once I give the word.”

  He heard from the Queen speaking in Basic “No payment this time for this deal ends. Give my regards to the Rakcar, Listener.”

  He saw Listeners pull out gun objects from within them as the facial haired one spoke “Bad choice of words Queen.”

  He mentally heard the word “Now.”

  Tom obeyed and mentally ordered the Listeners all of them to be tossed backwards into the gate. He saw his order obeyed by them all flying backwards into it till there were none left sensed.

  He mentally spoke “All Listeners deposed as ordered.”

  He felt the oxygen mask yanked off his face and groaned from the dizziness feeling. Tom felt himself exchanged to a pair of hands holding him up. He didn’t resists as he was walked forwards with an image of the High Council’s travel gate room flashing in his mind. Tom discovered while shaking his head he was in the room his mind imaged as there were whining squeals heard. He saw Anubis and Falcons come into view in his line of sight.

  Anubis he heard gave up a loud whisper “You’re to go to the High Council’s meeting room. You're to explain to them the problem involving Mindbender we dub this being you dub Tom. He seen with some Banshee like look on his form while we’re ordered to get him to medical for examination.”

  He felt sleepiness shut his eyes to come to finding himself lying in bed while feeling a manoid form lying sideways on top of him. He reached a hand feeling the form’s head that felt had stringing hair that woke up with a loud shout. He stiffened recognizing the shouter as Listener as he was forced up into a sitting position by them. Tom felt himself kept in that position while on the bed as he eyed one with facial hair staring at him with arms folded.

  Tom kept his mouth shut as the one with facial hair spoke in Basic in a loud tone “Ramses, Mindbender is awake so give us orders on what to do next.”

  He didn’t comment as he heard Ramses’ voice sounding in his mind “High Council, the Listeners report Mindbender is awake and are awaiting further orders.”

  He felt the floating feeling shut his eyes along with pain in his arms.

  Tom felt his oxygen mask thrust into his left hand and heard from a Listener “Figure it out smarty on what we’re trying to tell you. The mask being cut off is not retaliation against you for attacking us.”

  Tom continued to feel the floating feeling hitting him. He felt the bed become hard as stone and forced to lie down by hands feeling Banshee like. He obeyed doing the lying down as the oxygen mask was yanked from his hand. He grimaced as he felt Banshee like clawed hands picking at his arms bringing more pain. He felt pain on his left arm where the injector was. He continued to grimace feeling multiple minds assaulting him by sensing them within his mind.

  Tom heard mentally a female voice sounding familiar speaking “Tom, remember what I taught you when you first wore the mask.”

  He stiffened as memories of that flashed in his mind as he arched his back and gritted his teeth from the minds' assault. He mentally ordered a shield to form over his floating form inside his mind. He sensed happened along with the multiple minds stopped their assault. He exhaled a breath and breathed deeply through his nose. Tom opened his eyes finding himself underneath a spotlight from the looks of it. He looked off his right to spot a Banshee there that had four pointed knobs on the top of its head. His senses blared telling him the Banshee with the knobs was the Queen.

  Tom again heard the voice speaking to him mentally “Tom, get up and come with me now.”

  He obeyed finding himself and the Queen surrounded by multiple Banshees gathered around in a semi circle. The Queen stopped, he stopped and watched her make a come gesture with her clawed hand. He saw a Banshee walk forwards to stand in front of him an arm length away.

  He heard the Queen speak “Use what you learned wearing the oxygen mask once I order you to do mental orders.”

  He didn’t comment only gave a head bob First One style and again heard “Throw him away from you now.”

  He obeyed to mentally speak while eyeing the Banshee a male he figured “Throw back.”

  Tom watched as the Banshee threw himself backwards in the air. The Banshee slid onto the floor he saw after landing near the edge of Banshees’ line standing that backed up as the male he assumed was a male Banshee that landed near them.

  He heard from the Queen he assumed was the speaker “Make him come forwards but refrain from touching him for my people will see the touch as a threat.”

  He obeyed mentally speaking “Banshee to me.”

  He watched as the fallen Banshee threw himself forwards in the air and landed on the frontal area head inches from his feet.

  He again heard from the Queen “Scan him now.”

  Tom mentally spoke while eyeing the Banshee on the floor that got onto his back “Mind reveal.”

  Tom saw clearly in the Banshee’s mind id
entifying him as Egran. He saw Egran ordered by a Freeloader Queen to poison Thura and do the same to Tom. He seeing clearly in Egran's mind he disagreeing with the order and didn’t want to do it. He continued to scan Egran he assumed seeing clearly the Freeloader compelled to inject Thura asleep on a bed in her Uzan quarters with the syringe full of poison and doing it waking her up in the process. He stiffened as Egran after the poisoning mentally yelled at Peter to transport the both of them to a travel gate finding the request obeyed. Then the Freeloader was seen carrying Thura through the gate to arrive at the High Council’s home base met by Anubis and Falcon guards. He continued to scan seeing Egran admitting the poisoning order by Uzan’s Queen he dubbed Alana. Egran confessing to being compelled to do the poisoning to Thura. Along with seeing Egran confessing to disagreed with the order. Tom saw Egran handed Anubis the syringe full of poison while saying that it held a sample of the poison he injected Thura in. He saw in the Banshee’s mind Egran and Thura transported to himself lying in bed. Thura was put on him who was seen waking him up and appearing to die in front of him along with him self’s eyes turning all black. He seeing himself not acknowledging the Freeloader's hand waving in front of his eyes. Tom kept scanning seeing that Egran was transported to the Banshees and met their Queen in a Banshee form who scanned his mind. The Queen then ordered the Freeloader to take his own knife and cut his