Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 34

her head showing her naked form which she took off her shoes.

  He sighed and took off his pants baring himself then got Thura finger spelling to him “You took the top position each time so let me have my fun this time.”

  He didn’t comment a response went to the bed and laid his form down while staring at Thura. He wound up eyeing her as she straddled him grabbing his sensitive part making him roll his eyes from her touch. He exhaled a breath as she fondled him making him itching to mate some more. He felt Thura put hands on his shoulders followed by gasping as he found his sensitive part inside her. Tom felt her rocking him with no effort along with feeling himself fitting inside her as she moved over him in a thrusting motion. Tom gave off a moan as he spilled himself inside Thura. He wound up sensing her collapsed on top of him which he wrapped arms around her in a tight hold while still inside her. He felt Thura adjust her position to stare at him in the face. He opened his eyes to stare at her back. Tom brought his hands to Thura’s face gently rubbing her cheeks and running hands through her hair. He shivered as she pulled him out of her. Tom eyed Thura who adjusted her position to have her face level with his. He eyed her as she bent down and kissed him on the lips which he kissed her back in response. He shut his eyes feeling Thura’s touch making him more alive again from the feeling of her. He sighed as Thura broke off the kiss to lie on top of while sensing her form still. He brought a hand to her front to feel it grow. He opened his eyes with shock running through him seeing Thura was asleep with part of her growing swollen. This was followed by a crying sound of a baby as the swollen area became flat abruptly. Tom picked up the baby seeing it was a girl and held her close to him while holding Thura close to him with another arm around her. He hugged them both as he stared at the ceiling to see part of it slide open like a window followed by a gun device sticking out. The gun making a syringe firing sound and felt a stinging pain of a syringe injected into his shoulder. The pain made him feel sleepy and he shut his eyes only to came to discovering himself lying in a bed clad in his High Council’s clothes.

  Tom heard a voice speaking “About time you woke up Tom.”

  He opened his eyes in response to the Freeloader's voice. He discovered himself in a bedroom belonging to the High Council that didn’t have the familiar black ceiling. He sat up to face a male Freeloader standing with arms folded facing him.

  He frowned as the Freeloader spoke sounding familiar “Words out on Uzan that the exiled Keos got transported to this planet Shadan. The word is out that the Keos have been living there for awhile annoying the High Council for various things and without a Queen till Alesia was exiled to here.”

  He felt himself frowning hearing the Freeloader’s words as the male continued talking still sounding familiar “Oh that word got out due to one of those Keos followed you to Uzan. The Keo made contact with Uzan’s Queen along with her making a deal regarding Thura to the High Council.”

  He stiffened hearing Thura’s name as the Freeloader continued talking “Uzan’s Queen and the High Council jointly have agreed to let Thura go to Shadan through the gate whenever they think you need her. This agreement includes having her return to Uzan to help with raising her offspring that apparently need her as the Mother despite being raised by other people.”

  He frowned hearing the Keo’s words as the Freeloader continued talking “Ah Alana only agreed to the deal ordering that you were not to visit Uzan. The High Council can do whatever they wanted with you anyway.”

  Tom didn’t comment as the Freeloader held up a small black object in his hand with a red light on it and then heard “I have to record you telling me about how your feeling towards my species and living on Uzan so please talk.”

  He obeyed talking about what he remembered. Himself being out casted as a child and the outcast behavior continued once he was grown. He talked about hating living on Uzan with no purpose to live and wanted to be elsewhere as in wishing for that. He got to Shadan but suffered boredom and returned to his regret. Tom continued to add that the Queen back then gave him a job of finding First Ones using his mental abilities while wearing the oxygen mask something he did without complaint. The job gave him a purpose to do when it was only a hunting game by Freeloaders to hunt wild First Ones.

  He paused from talking to add “That’s it.”

  He looked away to stare at the floor as he heard nothing from the Freeloader. Tom looked up seeing the Freeloader had changed form into a Banshee that was walking towards an open doorway. He figured from memory that the Banshee was going to transport itself to elsewhere through the doorway. He watched as his hunch was correct seeing the Banshee disappear in a flash of light once passing through the doorway. He sighed and laid his form down on the bed shutting his eyes figuring that he’ll need some sleep. He woke up to feeling hands on his chest. He opened his eyes discovering the familiar black ceiling in view. Tom looked to see Thura lying on the bed next to him rubbing her hands on his stomach. He sighed and held Thura in response feeling her touch making him happy. She was felt to lay her head on top of his chest and sensed a rasping sound come from her. The rasping sound he heard was cut off with her form still of breathing as a headache arrived within him. He sat up holding Thura to sense no life from her and stiffened from that. He yanked on his oxygen mask and scanned her mind sensing nothing to scan. He heard a syringe gun go off hitting him in the neck making him sleepy. Tom saw his eyesight clouded up with blackness before lying his form down and shutting his eyes.

  Tom blinked his eyes to feeling himself kneeling with oxygen mask off his face. He opened his eyes seeing nothing but blackness. He frowned as hands small as a child touched his cheeks which he jerked as the blackness removed itself showing his eyesight clear. He saw himself was facing a First One child that had looks of a female with all white eyes that stepped back and disappeared in a flash of light. He looked around discovering himself in a bedroom and eyed the ceiling seeing it wasn’t black. He eyed the bed and went to lie his form on it shutting his eyes only to hear door opening sound and multiple arms grabbing him yanking him off the bed waking him up. He saw that the hands’ owners were the Listeners who sounded angry by their growling noises. He felt pain hitting him from his arms and was thrust into his hand his oxygen mask. Tom stiffened realizing that they yanked it off of him.

  He heard “Get out this is our nesting room and don’t return here. I don’t want to find you here again period.”

  Tom felt rage hitting him was forced out of the room and went to the barroom to find Barry there that did a double take look on his face. He went to sit on a stool throwing the oxygen mask onto the bar top. He folded his arms feeling pain in his arms along with an odd feeling hitting him which he dismissed. He heard Barry speaking in foreign language followed by feeling himself sleepy passed out unconscious while falling off the chair. Tom came to finding himself lying in bed in the familiar bedroom. He got up hearing a roaring sound and felt his knees hit from behind as he found himself among Listeners again. He gave them a glare as they restrained him and he again was thrust his oxygen mask into his hand while not feeling any pain in his arms. He figured that they cut off the oxygen mask part by cutting the tubes. He was forced out of the room which he went to the barroom to sit on a stool noticing Listeners weren’t in the room. Tom saw Barry was there that gave him a disgusted expression on his face who spoke foreign language. He again found himself sleepy and wound up hitting the floor unconscious. Tom came to feeling himself like he was floating that continued to persisted.He felt his body feeling fanged teeth and clawed hands along with giving out a ear shattering roaring noise that didn’t affect him. He heard sounds that suggested glass breaking to him above him while feeling the stuff fell onto him breaking apart once hit. He continued to feel the floating sensation along with his hands clawed and teeth fanged till he felt sleepiness shut his eyes and passed out unconscious. Tom came to as if compelled to find himself back in Uzan in the asylum from the looks of it all around him while wearing restraints on his
form. He eyed the door as if drawn to see the Queen enter the room with guards. She he saw was having a disgusted expression on her face. He stood up to see the guards thrust gun devices in front pointed besides the Queen aimed at him. Tom mentally ordered the restraints off finding it obeyed to hear dart guns go off. He recalled some of his combative art training regarding catching knives thrown at him caught the syringes with his hands and tossed them back towards the guards to hear them groan as they hit them. He saw the Queen turned to look at the guards as he put on his oxygen mask and mentally ordered the guards to sleep. He held up a hand and ordered paralysis to hit the Queen seeing his order obeyed by her dropping to the ground.

  Tom ordered mentally “Queen to me.”

  He saw her body fly up in the air which he caught her by the neck with a hand around the area and mentally spoke “Mind reveal.”

  He saw her link to the female Keos shut down abruptly.

  He scanned her mind to see her talking to a Keo identified as Egran by her mind and speaking “You're to inject Thura with the poison once she’s on Shadan and make sure it works so