Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 38

shifted to eye the door feeling like needing to do it as he heard a familiar sound of a gunshot and glimpsed Excuser yanking the gun away from the edge and crawling towards the door.

  He followed only to hear from Ramses unexpectedly "Mindbender, the High Council orders you to execute Excuser by having mind organ destroyed. You're to do it now period."

  Tom obeyed to give the death order towards Excuser whose form flopped further onto the ground and remained still. He found himself feeling a familiar feeling of pleasure hitting him. He frowned as the ground stopped feeling rough became smooth. He found himself in the High Council's meeting room he assumed he'll call it for now. Tom swung himself up with an acrobatic move to stand facing the High Council seeing their familiar speaker had his head down. He eyed the group seemingly lengthy while sensing his mind scanned seemingly lengthy.

  He heard the speaker speaking "Says will that Berserker side away now. Its not needed at the moment."

  He obeyed to stand with arms folded seeing the speaker make a grimace with his lips. Tom frowned at that facial expression as the Highlander spoke while feeling his mind no longer scanned "Says Ramses alert the General that Excuser is no longer a problem for him and has been removed on a permanent basis."

  He heard Ramses speaking "Hey General word from the High Council is Excuser has been removed on a permanent basis. Excuser will no longer be a problem as you complained to them about."

  He frowned as he heard nothing more from Ramses eyed the High Council seemingly lengthy. Tom saw them in a discussion among each other as the speaker had his head bowed.

  He frowned as the speaker raised his head and spoke "Says Ramses transport Mindbender to quarters for rest now."

  He found himself in a bedroom to hear a voice speaking "This is Listener nesting room get out."

  Tom obeyed finding himself not keen on arguing with the Listener. He went to the barroom to find only the Shadonian inside alone. Tom felt compelled to walk out which he obeyed to find himself going to a quarters' door. He went inside to find Barry seated on a bed that opened his eyes giving him a scrutiny look.

  He frowned as Barry spoke "Walk further in and it'll shut the door for I want to tell you something without ears eavesdropping."

  Tom obeyed to walk into the room while noticing a bed on the floor near Barry's bed.

  He stood and eyed Barry who spoke "A word of warning never be alone with that Shadonian whose name is Nameless. He's a hybrid assassin despite looking like a Shadonian hired by the High Council to do various jobs. Nameless does the job as long as they pay him his price which I'm not sure what it is. I warn you that Nameless habitually targets people alone in the barroom with various medical injuries. He has ignored the High Council telling him off on doing it repeatedly. I also must warn you that Nameless has this picky habit of changing quarters with people living here. He has pulled this stunt over and over with some successful results on that. The High Council has refused to hear complaints about the quarters' changeover instead told the complainer to shut up as a result after hearing their talk. So hit the bed and get some sleep. I suspect that Nameless is up to his quarters' changeover stunt again judging by him seen in the barroom acting up."

  Tom spoke as Barry pause "Seen in the barroom? You were in there?"

  He got a golden eyed glare from Barry who spoke firmly "I can see things of various scenarios appearing in my mind. The scenarios are seen flashing all over the place repeatedly over and over in my mind. That along with a great deal of concentration can focus on what I need to see. That's why the High Council roped me into service. It's due to seeing this junk they call it in my mind. They have used me to tell them scenes of various scenarios that interests them. The scenes they have asked me have been mostly involving First One reactions towards their people causing stunts among them. Some of those stunts sometimes involves assassinations with the group not taking responsibility for the death in question despite ordering it. So sleep now and leave me to concentrate for I figured out that the High Council will be calling me to service and don't ask how I know."

  He saw Barry shut his eyes forming some look on his face that suggest concentration. He sighed and went to the bed on the floor and laid his form down. He wound up shutting his eyes passing out unconscious.

  Tom came to feeling a butt of a stick end poking him on his stomach. He jerked open his eyes finding Anubis standing over him that removed his stick and pointed a clawed golden handed finger in a direction.

  Tom heard Anubis whispering loudly "The High Council want to talk to you so get up now."

  He obeyed getting up acrobatic like then stood with arms folded while eyeing the High Council to see their speaker had his head up who again formed a grimace on his face. Tom frowned as he felt drawn to a High Council member to notice something shiny seen around the member's neck which he stared as if compelled. He heard the speaker speaking something didn't registered the words. He felt a hand whack him on the back of his head shaking him of his staring. Tom eyed the familiar High Council member that appeared to adjust the necklace's pendant he was staring at out of sight. He concentrated onto the speaker as the hand stopped its whacking onto him.

  The speaker spoke "Says transport Mindbender to his female we dub by the name of Fingers."

  He found himself in an observation room by the ceiling glanced. Tom felt himself hugged by a familiar feminine form. Her head was felt reaching the beginning area of his neck. He sighed feeling pleasure from the form's touch onto him while sensing clothes on her form. He hugged the female he figured was Thura and saw that he was right. She he saw looked up at him to rub a hand on his cheek making him smile not baring his teeth while eyeing her in the eyes. He rubbed Thura's back in a soothing manner who broke out of his hug to his annoyance and stopped touching him.

  She wound up finger spelling he getting her words "The High Council when they contacted me. They claimed that I saw too much of what's going on around here. They claimed I was in some projection form when I saw too much. The High Council have said that I can't return to Uzan."

  He spoke moving his mouth for her to lip read him "That's what they told me regarding you. Besides I would rather have you here on Shadan then away from me living on Uzan with those Freeloaders. Ugh."

  He saw Thura's eyes narrow with suspicion in them as she finger spelled "Freeloaders? Whose that supposed to be? The High Council indicated them as the Keo species but refused to explain to me fully when I asked them."

  He mouth "The Freeloader name is for the Keo species living on Shadan. They are descendants of Keos that got transported to Shadan after being exiled from Uzan."

  He clamped his mouth shut as Thura's eyed look became more glaring followed by her finger spelling "Oh that's interesting but you want to explain that weird look I've seen from you while in projection form? It involved your hands and mouth changing looks along with your eyes changing color."

  Tom sighed softly and willed the Banshee through to eye Thura who looked nervous to him. He eyed Thura who hesitantly reached out a hand and took his clawed hand appearing to be examining it in a quick touch move. He watched as Thura released his hand then stood away from him sideways while rubbing a hand over her eyes. Tom willed aside the Banshee to tap Thura on the shoulder who looked at him with a frown.

  He mouthed "Admit it Thura. The High Council is correct on what they said that you saw too much while in projection form. Hence they saying you can't return to Uzan. You confirmed that by saying you saw me in my Berserker form."

  He narrowed his eyes while eyeing her as she turned her form to face him and finger spelled "Oh fine I saw way too much according to the High Council when I was in their presence. Except the focus of what I saw seemed to be entirely focused onto you appearing to develop this Berserker form you call it and nothing else. I only saw was you period. I didn't see anything else at all despite Freeloaders you call them sensed in my presence mind scanning my mind from a familiar headache felt."

  Tom frowned s
eeing that from Thura who continued to finger spell "The High Council claimed that I can detect my mind scanned. They said that they were responsible for putting that ability in place. They claimed that the Freeloaders all of them were mind walkers spying onto them to cause sabotage to their work around here. They told me that the mind scanning ability would only involve head pain along with telling me that I can receive talk via mind walkers talking to me mentally. I figured what the High Council was talking about by feeling what they told me hit. I also wound up sensing hidden Freeloaders in the vicinity doing that mind scanning. Ramses was overheard broadcasting some remark to the High Council about Freeloaders scanning manoids' minds on secrets after he said to overhearing them tell that to a manoid."

  Tom frowned forming it on his lips as Thura paused from finger spelling to give a head shake then continued her hand's talk "Someone named Barry got a hold of me. He told me of the Meritanians who are overheard by too many people on the High Council's home base. The overhearing is because people are mind walkers. He did add that there's exceptions of people who aren't mind walkers that can hear the Meritanians' broadcast. The High Council according to Barry don't want to hear of that from people saying it to them. He told me that it's