Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 39

usually Ramses who does most of the talking while his sisters Erra and Terra talk from time to time. There's a fourth Meritanian dubbed Tank for being a wall and refusing requests by people to talk into conversation attempts. Tank doesn't talk much according to Barry. He usually is known to cause havoc among the High Council whenever he's in a bad mood. Ramses has been told off to keep his brother from doing that behavior repeatedly over and over. Tank's manipulating I heard mostly involves transporting people to the air above the ocean and letting them fall into it. This stunt has happened over and over. The High Council isn't spared from that joke either. Ramses has been overheard seemed amused by that joke by giving off laughing sounds in some manner. His laughing sounds indicates that Tank did that stunt. He always laughs whenever his brother pulls this joke in question."

  Tom frowned as Thura stopped finger spelling to hug him unexpectedly. He sighed from her hug to placed hands on her back gently rubbing the area feeling himself satisfied having her arms around him.

  He frowned as he felt compelled to release Thura to hear from Ramses "Mindbender you're wanted in the High Council's meeting room so I have to transport you there."

  Tom sighed and found Thura released him. He stood away from her to find himself in the High Council's meeting room. Tom stiffened with shock running through him seeing a male figure wearing black clothing on his form and long black hair on the High Council's dais. He saw the male was swinging an axe weapon onto icy like forms that appeared to be High Council members to him. He stiffened as he edged backwards during the male's axe swinging till a wall was felt on his back keeping him from going anywhere. He kept himself still while still eyeing the scene. He watched as the male stopped his axe swinging to go down the steps revealing a black face with yellow orbs where the eyes were. He saw the male ignore him by heading towards the doorway to swing the axe at a First One who ducked. He saw the First One had short blonde hair wearing gonoid clothing on the form that appeared to get the male to quit the axe swinging by shouting in a feminine voice. He heard the First One's words but they didn't register within him. He watched as the male threw aside the axe and left the room with the First One going out of sight. He found his knees weak crumbled to the ground kneeling while feeling tears falling from his eyes. He figured that the High Council were dead destroyed by that black clothe male. He eyed the fallen High Council members to notice one as if drawn had something shiny around the neck area despite head destroyed. He eyed the necklace pendant as if drawn to see it lifted up from the neck area and then disappeared out of sight. He continued to kneel letting his eyes water lengthy while eyeing the High Council members' bodies. He saw Anubis come into sight on the steps going to each intact frozen body despite head shattered and stomping on each one of them to his shock before fading from view. He slid to the floor and curled into a ball and shut his eyes only to come to feeling a hand shaking his arm. Tom looked to see Barry next to him leaning over him that spoke "Get up now and get out of here. The servants have to clean up this mess on orders of the High Council who don't want you underfoot in their way so get out."

  Tom frowned hearing Barry's words referring to the High Council got up as the Builder removed his hand straightening up his form.

  He spoke "High Council still alive?" What's up with that?"

  Tom eyed Barry who gave up a sound of disgust before speaking "Hmph someone forgot to tell you this. Its take out a High Council group another forms in its place get it? The High Council doesn't end when a group is destroyed instead replace it. I do warn you that since you were in the room during this assassination stunt that the High Council the new group will be interrogating you heavily on this incident. They'll hope to figure out a way of preventing the incident from happening again. They always interrogate servants who witness a High Council group being destroyed quite heavily. The interrogation is always happening over and over till their satisfied with the answers and figured out a way of preventing this from happening again. So get out of here now while I handle the servants' clean up job. The assassination left a big mess. The High Council assigned me to oversee the servants cleaning up the crap left behind. That includes making sure the job is perfectly done to their standards so leave now before I order you out."

  Tom obeyed to walk out of the room to find himself compelled to go to a direction.

  He obeyed to the compulsion finding his feet leading him to a doorway showing nothing but blackness inside while hearing growling sounds coming from within. The noises made him nervous but forced himself inside to feel himself put to sleep by a familiar mask put on his face. Tom shut his eyes and came to feeling himself in a squat position while not wearing any clothes on his form. He felt his arms held above his head by chain manacles while sensing a hand patting his cheek. He forced open his eyes to see Anubis was the hand's owner that quit the face patting him. He eyed Anubis warily who walked out of sight. He felt the chains holding him forced him to raise himself to stand which he obeyed till his feet were on tiptoes. He saw that he was underneath a spotlight surrounded by inky darkness. He grimaced feeling a familiar whip hit his back repeatedly over and over bringing pain after each hit making him grit his teeth. He grinded his teeth as the whip hit him. His senses blared warning unexpectedly making him focus his eyes onto the darkness surrounding the spotlight above.

  He mentally spoke "Restraints off."

  Tom found the chain manacles released their holds around his wrists. He spun around baring his teeth to catch the whip aimed at him. He pulled with a yank to hear a crashing sound within the darkness along with gun cocking noises. He willed forwards the Banshee after releasing the whip to hear groaning sounds loudly while narrowing his eyes. Tom wound up walking in a direction sensing his senses insisting on him to go that way. He found night vision flaring in his eyesight to see Thura eyeing him with nervousness on her face. She he saw was standing with the Falcons having hands on her shoulders. The Falcons he glared at abruptly released their holds onto Thura to back away from her as he went to her. He willed aside the Banshee to reach out a hand towards Thura. He sensed Thura remained nervous sensed only to feel a stick object hit him on the back of the head repeatedly. The hitting was making him dizzy with sleepiness hitting him as the stick continued to hit him. He saw the ground rising to meet him felt it on his front. Tom adjusted his position to eye Thura while mouthing her name. The stick was felt continuing to hit him felt sleepiness got too much for him shut his eyes. Tom woke up feeling himself still naked lying on a bed with wrists chained and ankles having chains on them. He jerked open his eyes sensing someone staring at him. He found himself underneath a spotlight surrounded by inky darkness with a High Council member in view eyeing him from the staring sensed.

  He spoke out loud sounding annoyed "Cut it with this torture you're giving me now and talk!"

  He glared at the High Council member who was joined by other High Council members he counted all nine total that surrounded his bed in a semi circle.

  He kept his eyes onto the staring High Council member.

  He heard sounded in his mind in a female voice triggering his Banshee ability forwards "You didn't stop Hades from assassinating the High Council. This was seen in your mind after the Drainer froze them using some King Winter form as seen on recorders."

  He recalled what she was talking about spoke after willing aside the Banshee "Fine. I screwed up on that. It was from letting myself get too upset to bother doing anything to stop that assassination you're referring to from happening. The High Council group from the looks of them appeared to be already dead from their forms covered in ice. It's another form of cold reportedly killing Freeloaders hit with it on Uzan despite First Ones not affected from it as reported."

  He glared at a High Council member who he heard mentally spoke again triggering his Banshee ability "Actually the cold of ice you call it only freezes people's bodies to suspend it in some frozen sleep status. That's before the heat of warmth hits their bodies causing them wake up and resume normal body sta

  He spoke out loud after willing aside the Banshee feeling annoyed with having it in control to hear mental talk "Blast if I had known of that I would have done something. For respects, for being bad enough to not stop Hades as you call him hence you furious with me anyway."

  Tom kept his eyes narrowed at a High Council member he assumed was a female who he saw looked away towards the member off their right. He saw the member had a gloved hand on her shoulder. Tom saw the hand's owner shaking their head in some First One no gesture before resuming staring at him. He kept his eyes in a glare at the two High Council members to feel the chains released their holds on him. Tom wound up finding the bed gone from him along with air sensed all around him with night vision. He felt himself falling towards the ground. Tom took a look and saw something moving that seemed vast in his eyes sight and continuous in its moving. Tom frowned eyeing it as he plunged into the moving ground. He felt himself surrounded by something that made him think it was substance all around him. Tom found his breathing cut off while floating in the substance. He inhaled the substance to feel himself