Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 46

powers is from all the female Freeloaders connected mentally with a Queen taking charge of that connection. That along with having a strong mind to keep that connection from overwhelming her despite doing mental abilities onto others-"

  He was interrupted by Ramses' blaring "Darn it. I should have realized that due to finding something funny going on with the minds of the female Freeloaders I scanned. It was indicating that linking status due to finding the females seemingly very resistance to us Meritanians scanning them for anything despite having some success with the males when their scanned."

  Tom frowned to sense a Freeloader's presence in the vicinity abruptly willed forwards the Banshee to broadcast into Venus' mind "There's a Freeloader in the vicinity I can sense it."

  He eyed Venus to see her look away and to hear from the speaker "Says Freeloader show yourself now or else will be worse for you!"

  Tom felt the Falcons' hands off him as he stood up in a fast move turning his back to Venus looking towards the speaker.

  Tom wound up hear a male voice sounding in his mind in Freeloader tones "The Queen isn't going to be happy hearing of this betrayal by you telling the High Council various information about us Keos."

  Tom mentally spoke in response "Talking Freeloader hidden reveal now."

  He heard a whining squeal to see a Freeloader appear standing in front of the speaker who faded from view. He wound up sensing Falcons and Anubis gone from the dais and out of sight.

  He heard from the speaker "Says did the Freeloader indicate anything to you?"

  He willed aside the Banshee and spoke in some sneering voice tone not caring about it "The Freeloader was just trying to scare me by saying that their Queen isn't going to be happy hearing of this betrayal he calls it. It's of me telling you various information about his species. I don't give a care what the Freeloader says to me. I can tell anyone what I want about them and who cares if they like it or not. Harrumph."

  He folded his arms Thura styled while forming a sneering glare on his face.

  He heard from the speaker "Says Ramses transport Mindbender to Fingers now. His business here is done."

  He willed aside the sneering glaring look to find himself facing Thura on the bed while sensing a Freeloader in the observation room. He saw Thura look up to form nervousness on her face.

  Tom mentally spoke after willing forwards the Banshee "Hidden Freeloader revealed paralysis."

  Tom found his order obeyed by a whining squeal of a Freeloader appeared standing next to the bed that hit the floor with form still.

  He heard a mental voice from the Freeloader speaking "You won't get away with this betrayal Tom."

  Tom mentally snarled to the Freeloader sensing Thura up from the bed "Betrayal? What betrayal you're talking about? You and your kind never once accepted me instead out casted me all my life. I was never accepted by you and your kind despite being a hybrid not even once. I don't give a care about you and your kind anymore for as far as I’m concerned you’re my enemy period so die."

  He sensed the Freeloader give up to death as he felt himself pleasant from it. Tom willed aside the Banshee to stare at Thura with arms folded who formed a glare on her face making him gulp.

  Tom saw her unfolded her arms followed by her finger spelling "You want to tell me what was said between the two of you? That Keo told me some wild story about you telling the High Council various information about his species and calling it a betrayal despite you a hybrid."

  Tom exhaled a breath and inhaled to hear from Ramses unexpectedly "Mindbender just tell her what you said to that Freeloader period. She'll get it what's going on between you and the Freeloader species despite her not knowing your point of view in this conflict."

  He felt Ramses stop as he saw Thura's eyes narrow with look becoming more glaring followed by her folding her arms.

  He mouth "Thura, the Keo species never once since I was raised by their Queen accepted me as one of their own or as part of the Moorra or should I say First Ones as the High Council calls their species. I was out casted by the Keos not wanting anything to do with me despite their Queen raising me and trying to keep me alive. That wound up happening despite them thinking of having me put to death."

  He saw no reaction from Thura who remained glaring at him.

  He continued mouthing "As a result of this out casting status by the Keo species I call them by the High Council name of Freeloader, I have declared the species my enemy. I will do what it takes to retaliate against them for that out casting behavior they did to me. The Freeloader wasn't kidding on what he said to you about me telling the High Council various information about his species. It was seeing his species as an enemy that caused me to talk. I will tell anyone who wants to know various information about the Freeloader species. I don't give a care if the Freeloaders disagree with who I’m talking to period. I don't care about the Freeloaders anymore to care about them anyway."

  Tom stopped mouthing to put a hand on Thura's shoulder who kept on glaring at him.

  Tom continued to mouth "I had it with the Freeloaders' out casting behavior towards me. I no longer will tolerate the Freeloader species or see them as my allies. Their now my enemy period and I don't give a care about what people say to change that view. They'll forever be my enemy as long as I live period so get used to that view from me, Thura."

  He reached out his other hand placing it on Thura's shoulder to gently rub the area while staring at her with a frown.

  She he saw unfolded her arms again and finger spelled "You want to tell me what your views will be towards the Freeloader Queen who raised you? I'm told she is somewhere in Shadan in leadership position after being exiled from Uzan?"

  Tom sighed and exhaled a breath then inhaled then mouthed "I’m still undecided on what to do towards her. She's known by me to do what it takes to keep me alive while raising me on Uzan. I haven't figured her out or her actual purposes towards me related to raising me and the actual reason for that attitude of keeping me alive at the moment. I do warn you Thura that if it comes out that she was actually using me as some amusement toy like Freeloaders have been repeatedly accusing her to me in my presence that I will kill her once the opportunity arrives. I also will see that she dies if it's proven that she was responsible for causing me medical injuries in response to my enemy attitude towards her species."

  He stopped mouthing to stare at Thura who finger spelled "What about your father reportedly mentioned by that Freeloader you killed being here in Shadan? What are you planning on doing towards him if he proves to cause you medical injuries as a father punishing his son as a reason for that?"

  Tom removed his hands from Thura's shoulders to look up eyes onto the ceiling as if drawn willing forwards the Banshee to hear mentally sounding in his mind "The Freeloader you killed in question was bait to prove to Thura what was warned to her. You confirmed by your own words. Frankly I’m disappointed in you Tom. I expect better from you than that as you my son and I your father."

  Tom mentally spoke "Then die, Freeloader."

  He again heard from the Freeloader his father he assumed to his disgust "You forget that objects such as windows can block your mental orders. Tom, so I'm safe where I am from you."

  Tom mentally spoke sounding annoyed "Then face me Freeloader!"

  He heard in response "Will that state away Mindbender. Your scaring Fingers who's indicating it by her behavior."

  He stiffened from the Highlander's voice obeyed. Tom shifted to look at Thura he saw had her hands covering her eyes and shaking visibly. He gently reached out his hands taking her close to him and gave her a hug she not resisting to that. He hugged her fully sensing her shaking stop which he felt her slump over in his arms. He lifted Thura up and carried her to the bed gently putting her down on it on a lying position and kissed her cheek she not stirring from it. He stood straightening up his form while eyeing her to find the scene changed to find himself in the High Council's meeting room.

  Tom eyed the High Council a
s the speaker was heard "Says you, Mindbender will serve us period as payment for the insult of not stopping an assassination of a group as your punishment. We will lift that punishment once it's obvious you have proven you worthy to us."

  He sighed softly from the speaker's words to frown as the speaker added "Says Ramses tell the servants to give us the visual file of the recorded sun and Luna elements now."

  He heard Ramses speaking in response "High Council orders the visual file of the recorded sun and Luna elements submitted to them now."

  Tom frowned as the lights dimmed followed by seeing the familiar rectangle appear showing a sun and heard from the speaker "Says tell us what do you know of this object your seeing on the recorder now."

  Tom spoke while gesturing with a finger in an arch "It’s the sun too bright to stare at. It rises in one direction from the horizon and travels in the sky in some slow maneuver then sets in another horizon opposite from the horizon it roses."

  He frowned as the image changed to show a night sky with a round ball with clouds on it.

  He folded his arms Thura styled to hear "Says tell us what are you seeing."

  He spoke "It’s the night sky with what Humanians call cold ball. They claim come in different appearances but the shape is always the same. The Humanians say that cold ball is always seen with the sky looking like that to manoids."

  He frowned as the