Read Tom the Berserker Book One Page 45

released his hold on her hand. Tom stood bending down to pick her up her not waking from it and adjusted his form till he was lying on the bed with Thura held in his arms in some hug hold. He eyed the ceiling feeling himself needing to sleep shut his eyes passing out unconscious to come to feeling a hand clawed patting his cheek. He forced open his eyes finding himself held up by the Falcons while in the High Council's meeting room. Tom wound up feeling an irritation hitting him that made him feel uncomfortable.

  He eyed the High Council as their speaker spoke "Says Ramses transport Mindbender to a private room for use of expelling waste now and transport him back once he's done."

  He found the Falcons' holds off of him as the scene changed to find himself in a bathroom. It wound up looking like it belonged to Barry by the looks of it. Tom with a sigh figured out what to do to get rid of the feeling.

  Tom found himself transported back to the High Council's meeting room after he washed and dried his hands from getting rid of the irritating feeling. He wound up along with noticing some oddness look with his sensitive part despite easily able to expel waste. He stood eyeing the High Council seeing that they were in discussion again. He sighed from seeing that.

  He eyed the High Council as their speaker was heard speaking "Says Mindbender come up the stairs. Go to Venus by her waving her hands to indicate which is who."

  He obeyed finding Anubis and Falcons escorting him to find the High Council member waving her hands at the end of the group's chairs on his left. Tom went to the member he assumed was a female and stared at her as he felt himself forced to kneel by the Falcons thrusting him into the position in front of her along with keeping their hands on his shoulders.

  He frowned eyeing Venus he assumed was the member's name who he heard from the speaker "Says allow Venus to examine your face for that scar marking you have on there just to confirm what was seen in your mind as its source."

  He didn't comment a response thrust his hands behind his back and felt the Falcons' clawed hands gripping his arms in some tight ironclad hold. Venus he saw reached her gloved hands and touched the scar on his face seemingly lengthy with the examination. Tom noticed her jerking her head off to the side of him repeatedly after resuming looking at him. He figured that she was mentally telling the other members what she was seeing regarding the scar on his face. He frowned forming it on his lips while eyeing her as she examined him seemingly lengthy then leaned back in her chair removing her hands.

  He heard from the speaker "Says talk on how you were able to detect that Freeloader hiding from you. The detection was either in hidden state and from being behind you which both detecting were seen on recorders."

  Tom exhaled a breath and inhaled to speak "My senses related to hidden Freeloaders alerted me of their presence. I always will detect them hiding within a certain boundary limit from my body. It doesn't matter if I have the Berserker side in control. They can't hide from me detecting them if their hiding is close enough for me to sense them doing it."

  He clamped his mouth shut as he saw Venus wave her hands while looking in the direction towards the other High Council members then she stopped her hand waving.

  He heard the speaker speak "Says explain why the hidden Freeloader appeared in front of you. The Freeloader was seen acting like he was shocked from being revealed. He wound up to indicate he had tech on his form that was responsible for hiding him hidden from eyes."

  Tom sighed softly and spoke "I used the Berserker side to give out a mental command of getting this hidden Freeloader to reveal his form. Some noise was heard just as he appeared. I saw him touch his arm at the upper arm area with a hand after it was apparent that I could see him."

  He frowned as the speaker was heard "Says explain why the Freeloader was seen throwing himself backwards. He appearing to be stuck to the wall then sliding down after you willed aside the Berserker side."

  Tom spoke "I gave out the mental order of having him thrown backwards pinned to the wall then in fit of anger gave out the death order. I'm not sure which organ the mind or beater got destroyed. It's due to that manoids regardless of what they are, after I give the order. Their always display this look of having eyes shattered with blood leaking from them along with leaking from their ears. The pinned status always lose effect after I will the Berserker aside. That along with not taking effect after the removal of the oxygen mask I was wearing yanked off. It appears that this is the same when I have the Berserker side willed away from me."

  He clamped his mouth shut while eyeing Venus who leaned forwards towards him and saw her shift her head off a direction.

  He heard speaker speaking "Says you care to explain the use of your mental powers with that Berserker side in control."

  He saw Venus resume looking at him. Tom spoke everything from memory of his mental powers' uses when he had the oxygen mask.

  Tom mentioned "The Freeloaders' Queen had me demonstrate them with the Berserker side in control onto a Freeloader male. This proved that I still had those mental abilities despite the removal of the oxygen mask taken off of me."

  Tom clamped his mouth shut as Venus looked away waving her hands then resumed looking at him.

  He heard the speaker again speaking "Says what do you know of the Freeloader species with their connection to the Screamer species your mind dubs them as Banshees? It appears that both species according to us have some kind of unshakable alliance. No matter what we do they refused to stop their allied status towards each other."

  Tom exhaled a breath recalling himself seeing the Freeloaders his enemy. Tom inhaled to look Venus in the eye he assumed was where her eyes.

  Tom spoke firmly "The Freeloaders and the Banshees are the same species."

  He heard nothing in response to that statement to see Venus leaning forwards towards him. She seen by him putting a fisted hand on her chin elbow on her thigh while making a hand gesture towards him.

  He frowned as the speaker was heard "Says were you telling the truth about the cold killing Freeloaders? That instead of this body suspended sleep status which normally hits manoids after hit with the cold?"

  He spoke from memory of a Banshee nest and scanning minds of Banshees "Yes the cold killing is true. Banshees can't tolerate it to survive in it. Freeloaders in their Freeloader forms can only tolerate the cold for a certain time period before their Banshee side gets thrown into control. This doesn't matter if they willed it forwards or not which wounds up killing them as a result. And their bodies once the cold ends their body functions falls apart into pieces shriveling up like dirt ground."

  He clamped his mouth shut while eyeing Venus who kept her arm position.

  The speaker was again heard "Says what do you know of the tech the Freeloader used to hide himself from you?"

  He spoke from memory "Nothing I know except he gave off an annoying squealing noise that seemed familiar to me. I recall while living in Uzan seeking for Fingers you call her with the oxygen mask still attached. I went through a travel gate off planet to come upon a humanoid species called Humanian who had some kind of machinery like tech attached to their upper arm. They dubbed the tech by this name of Keo which is the actual name of the Freeloader species as they call themselves. The Humanians claimed to me to have gotten this Keo device from the Rakcar species on their home world after flaunting it to me."

  He paused to clear his throat then continued talking "Anyway this Keo device they wound up demonstrated in front of me while I was in presence of their leader. The device showed that they can hide themselves from eyes along with giving their familiar noises when they appeared from hidden status. The Keo tech in question was also demonstrated to give them an ability to move very fast in blurring speeds too fast for me to register their movements. Their leader taunted me to fight him while wearing the oxygen mask. I did but he wound up using a fast speed fisting method onto my head to defeat me despite too fast for me to give out mental orders towards him."

  He sighed softly pausing from talking then added
"I'm not sure if the Freeloaders know of this or not. I have no memory of them questioning me about my time off Uzan. I suspect that they managed to use some kind of drink to get me and First Ones underneath the influence to talk anything they want. The First One or I after the drink wears off doesn't remember anything other than fallen asleep in bed passing out unconscious. I wound up waking up after that torture is done to assume that fell asleep in bed status. I think that's what they did to me after I arrived back from Uzan. It's due to not remembering much other than spending too much time in bed asleep for awhile."

  He clamped his mouth shut forming a frown while eyeing Venus who looked away from him moving her gloved hand nearest to the others in some waving gesture before resuming looking at him again.

  He frowned as he heard the speaker speaking "Says what do you know of the Freeloader species such as this Queen leadership as blared by Ramses to us from time to time?"

  He heard from Ramses unexpectedly "Don't bother Mindbender on answering that question I'll speak it. Anyway the Freeloaders are led by a female a Queen with strong mental abilities stronger than any of the Freeloaders themselves hence she put in the position and that's all I know."

  Tom spoke as Ramses became silent "Ramses didn't add that the Queen's mental