Read Too Distracting Page 12

  I followed the sound of female voices past the lanes and into a back room that I hadn’t realized was there. It had a bar along one wall, with tables and chairs, and a juke box. I assumed it was usually set up like a restaurant, but Laurel had made some changes.

  She’d brought in tall tables and scattered them throughout, so people could stand and chat, but still have a place to put their refreshments. There were a few regular tables and chairs on the edges, as well as a couple tables pushed together on the far right and a large setup against the wall in the center of the space.

  It looked like a Wookie had thrown up all over the space.

  Large cardboard cutouts of Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Luke were in one corner, with C3PO, R2D2, and BB8 in another. And behind the bar, Darth Vader was watching over the room. The tablecloths were black and white, there was a BB8 cake, and a huge wall dedicated to Baby Jedi, which I assumed was where the presents would go.

  “Reardon is going to flip,” I said when I finally found my voice.

  Laurel turned from where she and one of her girls, Lisa, I believe, were putting up a Pin the Padawan on the Preggo game.

  “Hi,” she said, crossing to kiss me hello.

  “Hey, Dillon,” Lisa said.

  “Hi,” I replied to Lisa, then dropped my head to brush my lips across Laurel’s. “This place looks amazing.”

  “Thanks,” Laurel said, grinning happily. “Mary and Zoey should be back any minute with the food, then we’re just about ready.”

  “They’re going to love it,” I assured her.

  “I hope so, because when I was shopping for this stuff, I found a ton of beautiful classy items that would be perfect for their wedding.”

  “Didn’t Chloe already ask you to plan their reception?”

  “Yeah, but I’ve been thinking of this as a trial run, you know. I don’t want her to feel obligated to use me, if she isn’t satisfied with what I do with this party.”

  “Laurel, not only are you friends, Chloe works for you, of course she wants the party planning company she works for to plan her event.”

  Laurel shook her head.

  “I don’t want to presume anything. Yes, she works for me, but this is our first event. I want her to be able to make an informed decision, and not feel pressured to use me.”

  I chuckled and hugged her briefly, then let her go so she could finish what she’d been doing. “You’re almost too good to be true,” I told her.

  “So are you,” she replied happily, then pushed me lightly and said, “Now, go mix up the Vader-Ade in that dispenser over there, Shane is running late at the bar. Be sure to put plenty of vodka.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said, shooting a wink at her before I turned to go figure out what in the hell Vader-Ade was.



  I’d felt nervous earlier, but now that the party was in full swing, I was strangely calm. Everyone was having a great time, and, most importantly, Chloe and Reardon had been grinning and laughing the entire night.

  I could do this!

  That knowledge was enough to have me wishing I could grab a glass of champagne and sing from the top of my lungs. I wouldn’t do either of those of course, because first of all, I was working, and second, I couldn’t sing to save my life.

  “The taquitos and salsa are running low, so I’m going to run in the back to grab the backups,” Lisa said, and I turned to smile at her. She looked totally perfect in her T-shirt that said Best Friends, and had a picture of Han Solo and Chewie on the front. When she’d initially asked if she should wear it, I wasn’t sure if it would present the picture of professionalism I was hoping for, but then I realized having the employees dressed to go with the theme of the party was kind of fun, so I told her to go for it.

  The first thing Reardon had said when he walked in was, “Whoa, love the shirt. Do they make those for men, too?” and I knew it had been the right call.

  Still, I’d been more comfortable dressing in a smart pantsuit with my hair pulled back in a slick tail. I was thrilled to be officially launching my first part in my own business, and I wanted to look and feel like an independent business owner.

  “Great, thank you so much.” I looked at my watch and added, “It’s almost time to start the baby shower games, then Zoey wants to sing to the couple. Is the karaoke machine inside, or still in the van?”

  “Mary stowed it behind the bar,” Lisa replied, then hurried off to get the food.

  I looked over to where Mary was setting up the game table. I’d tried to keep the games all gender neutral, since it was a co-ed shower. We also only had a few games, since it was more than just a baby shower, so I didn’t want that to be all of the focus.

  Mostly, it was a party to celebrate all things Reardon and Chloe, and I couldn’t be happier for them.

  Watching them, talking and laughing with their guests, Reardon’s arm around Chloe’s waist, while her hand rested on her belly, protecting the child they’d made together, it made my heart sing and my eyes fill.

  I was so very happy for them, but I was also envious.

  I want that. The fiancé, the baby, all of it.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  I cleared my throat, hoped my eyes weren’t shining with obvious tears, and smiled at Dillon.

  “I was thinking about how awesome Reardon’s pin is,” I lied, even though I did think it was totally awesome.

  Dillon chuckled.

  When Reardon had arrived, Dillon had pinned it to his shirt. It said, I am the father, and had a picture of Darth Vader on it.

  “When I saw it, I knew it would be perfect for him,” Dillon said, watching his cousin with a smile “So, boss, what’s next?”

  “Dillon, seriously, you don’t have to keep helping us. This is a family event for you, you should be enjoying yourself.”

  Dillon had been helping me out all night. Each time he finished a task, he came and asked me what he could do next. It was really sweet, and helpful to have a man around to lift some of the things that it would take two of us women to lift.

  “I like helping you,” he replied. And, really, how could I say no when he put it like that?

  “Well, we have the Pin the Padawan on the Preggo game, Star Wars Quote Matching game, and the What’s in Your Phone game. You can pass around the What’s in Your Phone questionnaire, and remind guests to fill out the Words of Wisdom cards for Reardon and Chloe.”

  “Sounds good,” Dillon said, then stopped a few steps away. “And are there prizes for these games?”

  “Of course,” I answered with a smile.

  “And can boyfriends who help out their girlfriends, but don’t actually work for her company, play these games and win said prizes?”

  My heart stuttered at the word boyfriend and skidded to a halt when he called me his girlfriend.

  “Oh, yes, of course,” I managed, hoping my voice sounded collected and not as scattered as I felt.

  “Yes!” Dillon said, then winked and walked toward Mary.

  I pushed thoughts of Dillon and me into the corner of my mind, promising I’d spend time wrapping my head around the fact that my dreams were coming true and we were actually together later. Because right then, I needed to grab the mom-to-be and get started on the games.

  An hour later, after a fierce battle, Reardon had won the Luke Skywalker Funko Pop, Zoey had won the Limited Edition Star Wars Monopoly game, and Jed had won the complete Star Wars DVD collection.

  Jed was one of the guys’ friends, who they’d met when he began doing construction on Gabe’s house a few years ago. He seemed like a really nice guy, although I didn’t know much about him. But I’d learned tonight he was very competitive, when he and Serena had gone head to head during the What’s in Your Phone game.

  “Congratulations on your win,” I said to Zoey, who was laughing at something Gabe said. “Are you about ready for your song?”

  Zoey nodded and said, “Yeah, Shane is actually going to do it with me
, since none of these losers would man up. Maybe I should make this one sleep on the couch tonight.”

  “Ouch,” Gabe said when she hit him in the stomach with the back of her hand on the word loser. “You know I hate to embarrass myself, Zo, and you also know I can’t hold a tune. Please, don’t take my sweet, sweet lovin’ away from me.”

  Zoey laughed out loud at that and asked, “Cheese and crackers, how many shots did you and Shane have?” She turned and informed me, “Shane’s got a bit of stage fright.”

  “Ah,” I said, looking over their shoulder at Shane, who was tending bar and shooting nervous glances at the stage. “I’m sure you both will be great. I’ll go make sure everything is prepped and ready for you.”

  “Thanks, Laurel. Oh, and I wanted to tell you, this is a great party. Sooo perfect for them, great job.”

  I smiled happily at the compliment, then went to go set up the mic.



  “Thank you all so much for coming out tonight for Chloe and Reardon,” Laurel was saying into the mic. “Now, Chloe’s sister, Zoey, would like to give a special performance for the happy couple.”

  I watched Zoey make her way to the stage, saw Shane take a quick shot of something before following behind her, and then Chloe’s hand go to her mouth as her eyes filled.

  I breathed a sigh of relief that they hadn’t tried to make me go up on stage and sing with Zoey. I loved Reardon and Chloe, but the thought of singing in front of people made me physically ill. Hell, I had to do deep breathing exercises and a hundred pushups anytime I had to speak in public.

  I’ll make it up to them with my Best Man’s speech at the wedding, I thought, then grimaced when panic started to set in, even though it was still weeks away.

  I shook it off as Zoey and Shane sat on stools and adjusted their mics. Shane looked like he was about to puke, but Zoey was all smiles as she looked over at her sister and Reardon.

  “I’m so happy that you guys found each other, and although I know I’m supposed to wait until the wedding reception to celebrate the two of you, I couldn’t. I had to do a little something, to let you know, Reardon, how much I love you for finally giving Chloe the life she deserves. You support her, you worship her, and you don’t let her hide behind her defenses, and I’ll be forever grateful that you didn’t give up.” She stopped and cleared her throat, trying to regain her composure.

  Chloe, on the other hand, was snuggled into Reardon’s side, quietly crying.

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t struggling not to get choked up myself, as Zoey began to sing.

  Zoey and Shane gave a surprisingly beautiful rendition of Islands in the Stream. I’d had no idea that either of them could sing, but once they were done, you couldn’t hear a pin drop, that’s how enraptured they’d held their audience.

  After our shock passed, the room erupted with applause, and Zoey and Shane, who was back to his normal coloring, stood and bowed, then left the stage. Chloe and Reardon rushed to them, and I could hear Chloe gushing as she pulled them both into an awkward hug. Awkward, only because of the large roundness of her belly.

  “Wow,” Laurel said, sliding up next to me and placing her hand in mine. “That was amazing.”

  “I had no idea,” I managed, happy that my voice didn’t sound thick with emotion.

  “Me neither,” she said. “How do I top that?”

  “With presents and cake, of course,” I replied, dropping a kiss on her head and taking in her scent.

  Yeah, I sniffed her, so what. I was having a moment.

  Laurel chuckled. “Of course.”

  She gave my hand a squeeze, then walked off toward Chloe, her ass swaying in those nicely tailored slacks. She looked over her shoulder, then gave a sexy, knowing grin when she caught me watching her walk away.

  I don’t know if it was her lingering scent, that sexy look, or the confidence in her walk, but as I grinned back and shrugged, unrepentantly, it hit me… I’m falling in love with her.

  I stood there in shock as Chloe and Reardon took the stage and everyone gathered around to see them open their presents. They’d asked that no one give them anything for the bridal shower or bachelor party, but had agreed to presents for the baby shower. Laurel had said Chloe had tried to say no presents were needed at all, but finally conceded when she’d reminded her how much the family had loved giving presents for little Evie.

  I think most people had adhered to their wishes, except for Gabe, Serena, Jazzy, and me. We’d pooled our money together to give them a trip to Greece next year, after the baby was born. We booked it for eight months after the birth, figuring they wouldn’t want to leave the baby before then, but agreeing that they’d need to have a kid-free honeymoon to look forward to.

  We weren’t giving it to them tonight, though, not only because we didn’t want to make the other guests feel bad for not getting them anything, but because Jazzy wasn’t there to enjoy watching them open it.

  We’d do it once we were all together again.

  My mind was racing while they opened numerous packs of diapers, clothes, and gift packs for the baby.

  When the hell had it happened? Had Laurel been chipping away at my heart over the years, without my realizing it? Was it like Serena, Zoey and Reardon seemed to think, an inevitable fact that had been brewing since we were kids?

  I wasn’t sure, but I did know that who Laurel was today, was the perfect kind of woman for me. The kind I’d always been searching for, but had never realized was there waiting the whole time.

  Needing to tell her right then, not caring about the time, place, or who all was in attendance, I moved through the crowd, ignoring calls of Hey, Dillon, or Want a drink, Dillon, until I was behind her.

  She was talking to Lisa when I put my hand on her arm and turned her around until she was looking up at me, startled.

  “Dillon…” Laurel began, but I cut her off with a soul-searing kiss, filled with all of the emotion I could muster.

  I was about to pull back and declare my love for her, when I heard Jazzy’s voice say breathlessly, “I’m here, I made it…”

  Then the whole room went silent as Laurel put her hands on my chest and pushed, breaking us apart.

  “What the actual fuck?” Jasmine asked, and I turned my head to find my twin glaring at me.



  Oh God.

  Jasmine was still looking angrily at her brother and hadn’t spared me a glance yet. My heart was pounding, and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

  “Jasmine,” Dillon said softly, “let’s go outside, this is Chloe and Reardon’s…”

  “I know what this is,” she said, cutting him off, her coloring rising along with her temper. “This is bullshit.”


  Dillon reached out to touch her shoulder, but she pulled back.

  “I told you to treat her like a princess, not mess with her emotions,” Jasmine said, and my blood ran cold. “You know what that prick Travis did to her, so how could you even think of starting something with her? Jesus, Dillon.”

  She’d told him to treat me like a princess? That’s why he was such a gentleman in Chicago? Opening doors, taking me to dinner, acting like what I said mattered?

  He hadn’t actually changed his opinion of me, and Jasmine had already told him what happened in Houston. The way Travis had treated me. Dillon had let me bare my soul to him, acting as if it was all new information?

  It was all a lie.

  Emotion ran through me, wanting to explode out, but I shut it down, turned, and walked away.

  I passed through the stares and sympathetic looks to where Mary and Lisa were waiting.

  “Let’s get ready to cut the cake,” I told them, grateful that my voice sounded almost normal.

  “Laurel,” Chloe said, coming up next to me. “They went outside. Honey, we don’t have to do this. The party has been great. Why don’t you go talk to…”

  “No,” I said, a
little too sharply. So, I took a deep breath and looked at my friend. “No, this is your party, and I’m working. All we have left is to cut the cake and serve, then the party will be over and we’ll break down. That’s what I have to focus on right now.”

  “Okay, honey,” Chloe said softly, her hand coming to rest on my shoulder. “It’s going to be okay. You know Jasmine has a temper, but she and Dillon will work this out. You’ll see.”

  There was so much I wanted to say to that, to talk out with my friend, but I knew it wasn’t the time or place, and this wasn’t the way I wanted my first official job to end, so I nodded at her, then at Lisa and Mary.

  “Let’s cut the cake.”

  An hour later, the cake was eaten, the gifts were loaded in the car, and the guests were gone. Lisa, Mary, Shane and I were packing up and cleaning up, when Dillon came back into the room looking worn out and frustrated.

  “Sorry about that,” he began, going to the nearest table and starting to clear the plates. “I finally got her to calm down, then we ran into Chloe and Reardon and she felt terrible, so I was out there talking to them…”

  “We’ve got it, you can go ahead and go,” I said firmly as I folded table linens.

  “No, I can help…”

  “I said, we’ve got it. I’d like you to go,” I repeated more harshly.

  Dillon looked at my face for the first time since coming back and flinched.

  “Laurel,” he said, taking a step toward me.

  “I’m working right now, Dillon, I can’t do this…”

  “We’ll just give you guys a minute, yeah?” Shane said, motioning for the girls to follow him outside.

  Once they were gone and we were alone, Dillon took another step toward me and said, “Jasmine was taken by surprise, and yes, she got pissed, but that’s just because she didn’t understand how things are between us.”

  I ignored his words. Now that everyone was gone, I allowed the emotions in. All the hurt, the anger, the betrayal.