Read Too Tempting Page 1

  Too Tempting

  The Lewis Cousins, Book 1

  Bethany Lopez


  Chapter One ~ Gabe

  Chapter Two ~ Zoey

  Chapter Three ~ Gabe

  Chapter Four ~ Zoey

  Chapter Five ~ Gabe

  Chapter Six ~ Zoey

  Chapter Seven ~ Gabe

  Chapter Eight ~ Zoey

  Chapter Nine ~ Gabe

  Chapter Ten ~ Zoey

  Chapter Eleven ~ Gabe

  Chapter Twelve ~ Zoey

  Chapter Thirteen ~ Gabe

  Chapter Fourteen ~ Zoey

  Chapter Fifteen ~ Gabe

  Chapter Sixteen ~ Zoey

  Chapter Seventeen ~ Gabe

  Chapter Eighteen ~ Zoey

  Chapter Nineteen ~ Gabe

  Chapter Twenty ~ Zoey

  Chapter Twenty-One ~ Gabe

  Chapter Twenty-Two ~ Zoey

  Chapter Twenty-Three ~ Gabe

  Chapter Twenty-Four ~ Zoey

  Chapter Twenty-Five ~ Gabe

  Chapter Twenty-Six ~ Zoey

  Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Gabe

  1. Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Zoey

  Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Gabe

  Chapter Thirty ~ Zoey

  Chapter Thirty-One ~ Gabe

  Seven Weeks Later

  Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Zoey

  Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Gabe

  Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Zoey

  Chapter Thirty-Five ~ Gabe

  Chapter Thirty-Six ~ Zoey

  Chapter Thirty-Seven ~ Gabe

  Chapter Thirty-Eight ~ Zoey

  Chapter Thirty-Nine ~ Gabe

  Chapter Forty ~ Zoey

  Chapter Forty-One ~ Gabe


  Sneak Peek of Too Complicated, book 2 in The Lewis Cousins Series

  Chapter One of Imperfect Harmony (House of Archer, #1) by Raine Thomas


  About the Author

  Also by Bethany Lopez

  Too Tempting

  Copyright 2017 Bethany Lopez

  Published January 2017

  ISBN - 978-1540493200

  Cover Design by Makeready Designs

  Cover Photo by Wander Aguiar Photography

  Cover Model: David Wills

  Editing by Red Road Editing / Kristina Circelli

  Proofreading by KMS Freelance Editing

  ebook Formatting by Bethany Lopez

  Paperback Formatting by Type A Formatting

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  To the Writing Community,

  Thanks for the guidance and support over the last five years.

  I couldn’t have persevered without you all!

  Chapter One ~ Gabe

  I took a deep breath as I walked out of my cabin and onto the wooden deck overlooking the lake and forty wooded acres of my camp.

  I’d built Camp Gabriel Lewis over three years ago, after I’d retired from the NFL and decided to make my dream of working with teens a reality. My camp was not just a football camp, and not just your traditional sleepaway camp; it was a combination of both. It was the culmination of a vision I had when I was a young kid, and the only things I gave a damn about in life were football and my annual camping trip with my cousins.

  “Son of a bitch, it’s good to be back here!” I grinned over my ceramic coffee mug at my cousin, Reardon, who’d just pulled in.

  Crazy tall, blond, and charismatic, he was the person I’d been closest to growing up. My best friend. Now he was a lawyer in the small town he grew up in.

  “Happy to get away from the hustle and bustle of Cherry Springs?” I asked with a chuckle.

  “No, man, things there are quiet as usual,” Reardon responded as he pulled his duffle bag from the trunk of his Mercedes. “I’m just looking forward to kicking your ass at family sports day this year.”

  “You wish, cupcake,” I responded wryly, feeling ridiculously happy to see him again.

  “Hey, I’ve been working out,” he countered with a grin.

  When he reached the top we came together in a quick hug, each giving the other a sharp clap on the back before pulling apart.

  “C’mon, I’ll walk you down to your cabin so you can get settled in. Jasmine and Dillon are en route. They’ll probably get in tonight. Serena had to work today, but said she should be in first thing in the morning.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I followed him back down the steps and onto the trail, which led to the row of cabins. The counselors stay in the cabins when camp is in session, but my family always lived in them when we came down for our annual trip the week before opening.

  “This is you, as usual,” I said, jogging up the steps to open the door, since his hands were full. “So, what have you been doing since Easter?” I asked as he tossed the bag effortlessly onto the bed.

  “Had a couple cases, nothing really exciting,” he replied, opening the drawers to the dresser so he could unpack.

  “Things still good with Brenda … or was it Bonnie?” I asked, honestly unable to remember the name of the girl he’d brought for Easter dinner.

  “It’s Becca, and no, we broke up.”

  When I looked at him pointedly, asking him what happened without saying the words, he shrugged.

  “She liked the idea of being with a lawyer, but not living in a small town. She kept trying to convince me to move to the city … kept leaving brochures around and shit. I finally told her that leaving was not an option for me, and she bailed.”

  “That sucks, Rear, I’m sorry things didn’t work out,” I said sincerely. Neither of us had ever been married. In our twenties, we’d enjoyed playing the field, but we’d recently agreed that we were ready to stop all the bullshit and settle down.

  Unfortunately, the kind of women we seemed to attract weren’t the kind that we wanted to marry. Now we were older, and set in our ways, we were finding that women our age were set in theirs too, so it was difficult to find someone who wanted the same things we did.

  “It’s for the best,” he replied, rolling his bag up and shoving it in the closet. “It’s better to find out now, than when I proposed, right?”

  “Was it that serious?”

  “I don’t know … It could have been.”

  I looked my cousin over, determined he didn’t look heartbroken or anything, and figured he was better off. He’d find the right woman soon enough, but for now, it was time to enjoy a week with our favorite people.

  “I was just abou
t to take a look around, see if anything needs to be fixed,” I said, tilting my head toward the door. “You wanna head out?”

  “Yeah, sounds good. Let me just hit the head real quick and we can take off on foot.”

  I went back out onto the porch to let him take a piss in peace. These cabins had their own bathrooms, and were usually shared by two counselors of the same sex. Once you got to the part of camp where the campers stayed, there were communal bathrooms and showers. Each of those cabins had five bunk beds, and a twin bed for the junior counselors.

  “All right, let’s do this,” Reardon said as he rushed outside, the screen door slapping as it closed.

  We took off at a brisk pace as we walked. I was probably three inches shorter than Reardon, but even though I was retired, I still kept myself in pretty good shape. My cousin was no slouch by any means, but he did spend a lot of time behind a desk. Even though he knew I was faster than him, and almost always came out on top in any competition, Reardon was still the most competitive person I knew. That was why, after less than a half mile of him trying to walk faster than me, he took off at a sprint, his laughter floating behind him.

  “Really?” I shouted. “You’re starting this shit already?”

  Then I was off, running at full speed and gaining on him within moments. Right before we reached the break in the trees to the center of main camp, I gave it an extra push and passed him with a whoop.

  I stopped at the flagpole, hands on my knees as I looked up at him, laughing at his red-faced scowl.

  “When you gonna give it up?” I asked good-naturedly. A big part of our relationship included giving each other a hard time.

  “Never,” he vowed, like he always did, then held his side. “I think I caught a cramp.”

  “Serves you right, cupcake.”

  Reardon shook his head as he looked around.

  “The place looks great.”

  “I had a team come in about a month ago. Did general landscaping and maintenance. Made sure everything was on point for opening day. I’ve used them before, so I knew they’d do the job I hired ‘em to do, but a lot can go wrong in a month. I want to make sure that at some point this week we put eyes on every facility. Make sure nothing broke, fell, or got eaten by a wild animal since they left.”

  “Sounds easy enough,” he replied, then asked, “I know it’s kind of early, but I’m starving. What are your plans for dinner tonight?”

  “I was thinking we could either do brats or steaks. I picked up a tri tip too, but figured we could save that for the last night.”

  “That sounds good, and for tonight, steaks sound perfect.”

  “We can head back and get the grill fired up. I can always hop on the four wheeler and take a quick turn around the camp before dinner.”


  We were headed back toward our cabins when the sound of leaves crunching had me bracing and looking to my left.

  The last thing I expected to see was a leggy brunette in cut-offs and a tank top come walking out of the woods. Being an hour away from the closest town meant we didn’t often get unexpected visitors, but I was more curious than worried when she spotted us and relief flooded her face.

  “Hey,” she said, her low, throaty voice open and friendly. “I’m so happy to see you guys. I parked back in the welcome lot, which is empty by the way, and have been growing more and more worried. This is Camp Gabriel Lewis, right? I’m supposed to be filling in for my sister as chaperone for the week while my nephew’s here at camp.”

  I took in her big brown eyes and long dark hair, which was currently going wild and trying to escape its ponytail, then shot Reardon a look before turning back to her and replying, “I hate to say it, darlin’, but camp doesn’t start until next week.”

  Chapter Two ~ Zoey

  “Shit, shit, shitty, shit!” I didn’t realize I’d chanted that out loud until I heard the two gorgeous male specimens in front of me start chuckling.

  I mean seriously, what outer dimension did I just walk into? Were these guys genetically modified or something? One was tall, dark, and looked deliciously like Superman, and the other was an insanely tall Viking with blond hair and ice-blue eyes.

  Maybe this was a male Stepford camp or something.

  “Excuse my language,” I muttered, because my mother would be horrified to know I’d sworn in “public.” I guess that’s what I get for hibernating in my cave and not double checking the details with Chloe before I left. I paced back and forth as I rambled on, “I’m just usually so great at annotating my calendar correctly.”

  One of them cleared their throat, causing me to stop pacing and extract the thumb I’d been chewing on as I tried to figure out how to resolve my current predicament.

  “I’m sorry you came all this way, but like I said, camp doesn’t start until next week…”

  “Do you guys work here or something?” I asked, unable to contain my curiosity.

  “Yeah,” the blond one answered. “There’s a group of us here making sure the camp is ready for opening and hanging out for the week. If you’d like, you’re welcome to join us.”

  Superman turned to his buddy, a look of surprise showing on his face before he masked it and turned back to me.

  “Um, of course, you probably have to clear things with your job, since you got the weeks mixed up,” he said, not quite offering to let me stay like his friend had.

  “Oh, I’m a writer and editor, so I make my own schedule. I was planning to write at night, after the kids went to bed … I guess I can go to the nearest town and rent a room for the week.”

  I started pacing again as I thought of all the work I could get done in a week away. I might even get the first draft done….

  A throat cleared again, putting a halt to my musings.

  “The nearest town’s an hour away, and the only nice place they have would cost a mint. Reardon’s right,” Superman said, and I assumed he was referring to the Viking. “Since you’re already here, there’s no reason you can’t stay on. That’ll save you some money, and you can still get some work done.”

  “That’s very generous, but…” I tried to think of a good reason why I couldn’t stay here with two random dudes that wouldn’t sound rude.

  I don’t want to be a burden…

  What would we eat?

  Are you the only two here, or are there more Adonises wandering around?

  Is ravaging a possibility…

  “Don’t worry,” Superman said, reading the questions on my face. “Two of our cousins are women, so you wouldn’t be alone with us. It’s just the five of us, and we have plenty of food. One more mouth won’t hurt. Although, we don’t have Internet, so if you need it for your work, that may cause a problem.”

  “A week of writing with no internet to distract me?” I was talking to myself again, and began to worry that they’d think I was mental and take back their offer. I couldn’t let that happen; I needed to lock this down right now. “Thank you so much, that would be great. I can help out however you need … with cooking, or getting the camp ready. I don’t want to take advantage, but a week away with no internet would actually help me out a tremendous amount.”

  Reardon grinned, stepped forward, and held out his hand.

  “Glad to help. Now, can we know the name of the beauty who’ll be joining us for the next week?”

  “Oh, sorry,” I said with a frown as I shook his massive hand. “I can’t believe I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Zoey.”

  If they realized I left off my last name, they were too gentlemanly to pry. It was a last-minute decision that would help give me the break from reality that I needed.

  “Nice to meet you Zoey,” Superman said, stepping forward when Reardon stepped back, and offering me his hand. I looked up, and noticed for the first time how deep brown his eyes were. Like melted chocolate. Suddenly hungry, I reached out and took his hand, then gasped when a white-hot flash ran through me on contact. “Like I said, this is Reardon, my cousin
, and I’m Gabe. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you too,” I replied, my voice whisper soft. I’d obviously been in the cave too long if one touch from Superman’s … er, I mean, Gabe’s … hand left me feeling like the Kraken was about to be released after being dormant for too long.

  “If you’ll take us back to your car, we can take you around to staff parking and get you set up in a cabin.”

  At Gabe’s words, I was suddenly struck with a terrifying thought. What if they weren’t actually associated with the camp? What if they were going to lure me away and chop me to bits, or worse? Make me watch The Matrix movies. Don’t get me wrong, I love Keanu Reeves, but The Matrix just didn’t do it for me…

  My writer’s brain was at work, thinking up a million different reasons why I was crazy to even be considering getting into a car with these two, when we all turned at the sound of running feet and saw a gorgeous redhead rush down the path and launch herself in Reardon’s arms.

  “What’s up, Ass?” she squealed, giving him a bear hug, then pulling back to slap him playfully on the cheek. “I’ve missed your ugly mug.”

  “Do you know what it’s like driving eight hours with that much exuberance in the car? God, I thought we’d never get here.”

  I turned to see a handsome man, who looked a whole lot like the woman, except his hair was more of a deep auburn, whereas hers was fire-red, walking casually down the same path she’d just burst through.

  “You should’ve known better than to try to contain Jazzy for that long,” Reardon said as she jumped from his arms to crash into Gabe’s.

  The new arrival noticed me standing off to the side and walked over quietly.

  “And who do we have here?” he asked with a kind smile. “I’m Dillon, cousin to those two and twin to the girl with the disposition of a Jack Russell Terrier.”

  I laughed at his wit and shook his offered hand.

  “Zoey, vagabond and interloper.”