Read Too Tempting Page 11

  Gingerly, I opened the bag and peeked inside, then reached my hand in and pulled out a turkey sandwich, barbecue chips, and a banana.

  “He seems to really like you,” Jenny said, her face taking on a dreamy expression.

  I’m sure mine matched when I answered, “Yeah … He’s so thoughtful.”

  As if on cue, my stomach growled, causing us both to laugh.

  “Well, I’ll let you get back to it, and I’ll report back to Gabe that you’re fueling up.”

  “Thanks, Jenny.”

  “No problem.”

  When she left, I unwrapped the sandwich and began eating. It suddenly hit me, that during my time here Gabe had planned and executed many thoughtful moments for me, and I’d never once surprised him with anything.

  I saved what I was working on, closed the windows I had open, and powered down my laptop, then I stood and began pacing as I finished my lunch.

  Once I had an idea formed, I rushed out to put my plan into action.

  First, I stopped by and had a talk with the cook, gushing about how wonderful her pizza was before I begged her for a favor.

  Next, I went to the General Store and bought some candles, eye black, and one of Gabe’s jerseys. The candles were more for camping than romance, but I had to make do with the tools I had available to me.

  I went back, showered, did my makeup, and styled my hair in big loose curls.

  I looked at the clock and figured I had just enough time to go back to the kitchen, then hightail it to Gabe’s cabin in time to get everything set up before he got home from dinner. He’d mentioned that he’d be eating with the kids after the ropes course. It was their last dinner, and he liked to answer questions from the campers, and get their feedback about their week.

  As I was walking to his cabin, inspiration struck when I passed a bush full of blooming flowers. Looking around to make sure no one was watching, and hoping I wasn’t breaking some rule about messing with the landscaping, I picked as many buds as I could hold.

  I let myself in and started setting up.

  After I made his bed, I scattered the flowers around, putting some on the bed and some around the room. Then I found a smooth jazz station on Pandora and hooked it up to his Bluetooth speaker. I ran to his bathroom, took off the clothes I was wearing, and put on his jersey so that I was wearing only that with a pair of boy shorts underneath. I fluffed out my hair and put the eye black on under my eyes, then lit the candles. After I’d turned off all the lights, I placed the cherry pie in the middle of the bed and situated myself around it, lying on my side with my head propped up on my hand, and my hair fanned out around me. Then I locked my eyes on the door and waited.

  I’m not sure how long I waited, but I was stuck with the thought that I probably should have gone to the bathroom before draping myself across the bed, so I scooted over and off and ran to the bathroom.

  I was washing my hands when I heard the sound of footsteps on the stairs, so I rushed out of the bathroom and launched myself onto the bed, getting in position and trying to look sexy, when the door opened.

  Gabe’s eyes came straight to me. They widened a bit, and his lips tilted up, then his face changed, causing me to worry that somehow I’d made a mistake trying to surprise him.

  Then Reardon stepped around him, eyes on me, and muttered, “You always were a lucky son of a bitch.”

  Gabe turned, put his hands on Reardon’s chest and pushed.


  Reardon shot me a big smile, winked, and said, “Later, Zoey.”

  “Later,” I replied, at a loss for what to do.

  Once he’d shoved Reardon out the door, Gabe shut and locked it, then turned to me with dark eyes.

  Stunned by the turn of events, I was still on the bed, but I’d drawn up my knees in an attempt to hide my underwear. I watched as Gabe stalked toward me, reaching behind his head, pulling his T-shirt up and over his head.

  When he reached the side of the bed he said, “I love seeing you in my jersey.”

  Slowly, I lowered my legs and positioned myself back the way I’d intended, then I reached out, ran my finger through the whipped cream on top of the pie, and sucked it off, as I watched his reaction.

  When I knew I had his rapt attention, I deliberately eased my finger out of my mouth, running it along my plump lower lip.

  “Want to play two-hand touch?” I asked in my sexiest voice.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Gabe

  The end of week banquet was always bittersweet … saying goodbye to the campers we’d gotten to know during the week, only to do a quick turnaround after they left, to get ready for the campers due in the next day. This one was even more so, because I knew once the banquet was over, Reardon would be leaving for Cherry Springs, and Zoey and Chris would be headed back to North Carolina.

  I loved my camp. Truly, with all my heart and soul, but I had to admit that I wished I was leaving with Zoey and Chris.

  I wanted to meet her sister, Chris’s mom, Chloe. I wanted to see where Zoey lived and worked, to get a glimpse into her normal life. And I was eager to take her back to Cherry Springs, show her off to my parents, and let her see the charm of the small town I’d grown up in.

  I knew all these things would happen eventually. I just needed to be patient. But that didn’t stop me from wishing I could have it all now.

  The pizza was a huge hit, as usual, even though Reardon had given me the stank eye as he grabbed a slice. He was still bitter over the fact that I’d had one made for me and Zoey, and hadn’t thought to grab one for him.

  Oh well, it didn’t hurt for him to wait. It looked like that’s what we had to do for the good things in life … wait.

  Now the campers were milling around, exchanging phone numbers and sharing memories. I made the rounds and talked to the departing campers, then stopped to talk to some of the counselors about the meeting after departure and the fact that we all had a long night ahead of us. I knew they didn’t mind. They enjoyed the in-between nights, when they didn’t have any kids to take care of and could kick back and relax after we got everything prepped for the new arrivals.

  Usually I joined them for a bonfire or late-night card game, but I had the feeling I wouldn’t be in the mood once Zoey drove away.

  I found her standing with Reardon, a few feet away from Chris and Grace, who were having a tearful goodbye. At least on Grace’s end.

  “Everything all right?” I asked softly as I walked up to the adults.

  Zoey glanced at the young couple with a frown and said, “She’s taking this pretty hard.”

  “Nothing that a little time and distance won’t cure,” Reardon said, earning him an elbow jab from Zoey.

  I smiled at the pair of them, happy that my best friend slash cousin and the woman I didn’t want to let out of my sight had become so close. He treated her just like he would Jazzy or Rena, and she treated him the same.

  I put my arm around Zoey’s waist and stepped close enough to feel her warmth against my side.

  “We were just talking about Labor Day. I was telling Zoey how our dads like to drink beer and fight over who smokes the best ribs.”

  “It’s true,” I said with a chuckle. “They have a longstanding competition going, and no matter what anyone says, they’ll go to their graves fighting over those damn ribs.”

  “It sounds wonderful,” Zoey said, causing Reardon and I to look at each other and say fondly, “It is.”

  “Oh my gosh!” Zoey squealed suddenly, causing me to brace myself and look up.

  “What is it?” I asked, but she didn’t hear me. I looked up to see what had caused her excitement and saw a woman walking toward us.

  She wore a skirt and blouse with heels. Business attire. And had her long brown hair pulled back straight and tight, in what looked like a painful bun. Her eyes were on Zoey, big brown eyes, and I had a tingling of recognition.

  I heard Christopher say, “Mom, I thought you couldn’t make it.” And when I realized that he was
talking to the approaching woman, it all clicked in to place.

  This was Chloe, Zoey’s sister. I turned my attention to her once more, and could see a slight resemblance. The eyes, the hair, and maybe a little fraction of the face, but that’s where the similarity ended.

  She was buttoned up, while Zoey was free and unencumbered.

  I saw her eyes come to me and widen, then lower to my arm around Zoey’s waist, before coming back to me again, and I literally watched the blood drain out of her face.

  Then something else niggled in my brain, as she lifted a hand to her mouth and emitted a cry, before turning on her heel and running back out of the room.

  Zoey muttered, “What in the world?” before turning to me and saying, “Be right back,” and running after her sister.

  I stood still as a statue as my head swiveled to Christopher, who was staring after his mother and aunt, confusion apparent on his face. His handsome face, with a strong jaw, topped with thick dark hair, and a body that was taller than usual for a twelve-year-old boy.

  That niggling grew into a hot ball of fire in my chest, when Reardon leaned in and asked, “Isn’t that the woman from the after-party … Your first Super Bowl?”

  “Thirteen years ago,” I stated, my voice barely audible.

  “Yeah,” Reardon said, his eyes burning a hole in the side of my head. “Chloe, right?”

  “Right,” I replied, as my entire world crashed around me.

  Chapter Thirty ~ Zoey

  “Chloe,” I called as I ran out the door and swiveled my head, trying to see which direction she went.

  When I looked to the right, I saw her standing down at the end of the porch, her hands on the railing, bent over at the waist.

  “What is going on?” I asked when I reached her.

  Chloe’s head came up, and her face had a haunted look that scared the bejesus out of me.

  “Chloe,” I urged. “I don’t understand … You said you couldn’t come, then you do, and you run out like your skirt is on fire. Talk to me.”

  “You and Gabriel Lewis?” she asked, which struck me as weird. Why was that what she was focused on? She couldn’t be jealous…

  “Yes, but, why would that make you run out? Do you know him?” I asked, confusion swirling around in my head.

  “It’s … complicated.”

  “How?” I asked, my confusion turning to frustration at her vague answers. “Just spit it out, Chlo.”

  “I was going to come here … with Chris … but I chickened out,” Chloe started randomly. “I couldn’t do it … didn’t know how. I was afraid.”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and stared at my sister.

  “Afraid of what?”

  “I told you that I’d contacted Chris’s father and he didn’t want anything to do with Christopher, so I refused to tell anyone who he was or put him on the birth certificate.”

  “I know what you told me,” I answered warily.

  “I lied,” she said, and the frustration turned to anger.

  “You lied? For thirteen years?” I asked, throwing my hands up. “So, who’s the father?”

  Chloe stood, turned to me, and put her hands on my arms. This was her big sister “I’m about to break it to you” stance, so I braced.

  “It’s no accident that Chris developed a love for football, who his favorite team was, or his favorite player, because I encouraged it … When this camp started, I told him about it and kept it in the back of his mind for the past three years, so when he was old enough, he could come. I had it all planned out…”

  The anger turned to a cold stark fear and I ripped out of her grasp.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “How could I know?” Chloe asked, her eyes pleading with me to understand, which I absolutely could not do. “I chickened out and he asked you instead. I figured it would give him a chance to be in the same space, even though neither of them knew. I never imagined that you and he would develop feelings for each other … It was only supposed to be a week.”

  “But I got the dates mixed up and came early,” I mumbled, letting it all come together in my head. “And still, when I told you I was staying, and who was here, you didn’t say anything.”

  “I couldn’t,” she insisted. “I’d lied to you for all of those years. You’d given up everything for us and moved to help, and I’d repaid you with lies … I couldn’t tell you that over the phone.”

  “And you never told him?”

  Chloe shook her head.

  The weight of everything came crashing down on my shoulders.

  Gabe was a father to a twelve-year-old boy. A child he never knew existed. My nephew.

  It was all too much.

  I half fell to my knees, then slid the rest of the way to the floor, my hands coming to my head as pain overtook the fear.

  “Go away.”

  “Zoey … please.”


  I heard her heels clicking away from me, then Gabe’s voice. “Don’t go anywhere,” he said, his tone harsher than I’d ever heard it. “I need to talk to your sister. I’ll meet you in my office. Reardon will show you the way.”

  “This way,” I heard Reardon say, then the sound of Gabe’s footsteps getting closer.

  I felt movement behind me, then his arms enfolded me, my back hitting his chest as his chin rested on my shoulder.

  “It’s true,” he said, and I couldn’t tell if it was a statement or a question. “She never told you?”

  I shook my head, my heart aching.

  “I have so many questions,” he murmured.

  “Yeah,” I managed, leaning back into him.

  “There was nothing between us,” Gabe said, causing the first tear to escape down my cheek. “We shared a moment, nothing more.”

  “What happened?” I asked. Not wanting to know, but needing to.

  “I was twenty-two, twenty-three. It was my first year in the NFL and my team won the Super Bowl. I didn’t have much to do with it, but I was still a part of the team, and we did a lot of celebrating. Reardon was with me, and we were partying and going a little nuts with it all … We were at one of the parties and were quite a few drinks in. I hate to say it, but during that time, I had no trouble picking up women and I used that to my advantage. That night, it happened to be Chloe. It was meaningless … A mutually satisfying encounter that I didn’t think of again until I recognized her face ten minutes ago. It wasn’t even a night. No one went home with each other, we had sex right in the club we were in…”

  I made a strangled sound.

  “Sorry,” Gabe said, his arms contracting around me. “I know you don’t want the details, I just wanted you to know that it was only sex. One time. And I never saw, or heard, from her again.”

  I pushed out of his arms and stood, leaning on the rail for strength as I looked up into his beautiful face.

  “I don’t blame you, and I’m sorry, so sorry, that she kept Christopher from you,” I said as he came to his feet and covered my hand with his own. “But it’s too much. She lied to me too, for all of these years, and I’m so angry with her. I’m also so sad for you that you’ve missed out on so much, and I don’t know what you’re thinking or feeling, but I have to say, I’m over the moon that Christopher gets to find out that not only does he have a father, but that it’s you.”

  “Zoey,” Gabe started, his face full of the myriad of emotions he was feeling.

  I held up my hand to stop him, needing to get my words out and get out of here as fast as I could. I felt like my insides were boiling lava, and I was about to erupt any moment.

  “I need some time … to process, and to figure out what I want…”

  “What you want? Zoey…”

  “Please, Gabe, just give me time.”

  Gabe ran his hand over his face in frustration, and probably to give himself a moment to calm down.

  “You know I can’t come after you.”

  “I know,” I replied. “That’s the only thin
g that makes this easier.”

  “I’ll give you seven weeks, but, Zoey, after the camp is closed for the season, I’ll be in North Carolina.”

  I nodded then started to ease myself away from him.

  “I’ll call, text, email … whatever, every day.”

  “I can’t promise I’ll answer.”

  “I’ll do it anyway,” he said, and I took one last long look at him to get my fill, before turning and getting out of there as fast as I could without running.

  When I reached the tree line, I looked back and saw Gabe still standing on the porch, his forearms leaning on the railing, his head in his hands. The need to go back and comfort him was great. I knew his whole world had changed in a single second, but so had mine, and I just didn’t think my heart could take another second.

  I needed solace, and time to think. I needed my own space. My own things. I needed to figure out if I was strong enough to handle the fact that the man I’d fallen for was the father of my sister’s child.

  Chapter Thirty-One ~ Gabe

  I stayed there for a while after Zoey left, trying to cipher through all of the thoughts, feelings, and questions that were running through me.

  When I felt like I was in control enough to talk to Chloe civilly, I started on the path to my office.

  “Coach Lewis?” a now-familiar voice called from behind me, causing my chest to tighten as I turned.

  “Hey, Chris, what can I do for you?”

  My eyes roamed over him, as if seeing him for the first time, while simultaneously memorizing every inch of him. Heart pounding, a mixture of fear and dread filled my stomach as I wondered what the hell I was going to do about this unbelievable situation.