Read Too Tempting Page 12

  “Have you seen my mom, or Aunt Z?” he asked as he walked closer, his head coming up to my shoulder.

  “Zoey had to go,” I began, not quite sure what to say, but not wanting to upset him. “Ah, your mom is waiting to talk to me in my office. She’ll be taking you home.”

  “Oh, okay,” he replied with the easy acceptance that only a child could have. “Can you tell her I’ll be down by the lake with Grace and her folks?”

  “Sure thing,” I replied, turning to go. Needing to put a little distance between us.

  “Oh, and, Coach?”


  “It really was so great to meet you. I had the best time, and can’t wait ‘til you come to Aunt Zoey’s. Maybe we can hang out, throw the ball or something.”

  Christopher looked up at me, his face so eager and full of innocence, and I wondered how much of that innocence would be lost after all of this.

  “Yeah, sure, kid.”

  “Cool, see ya later, Coach.”

  I watched him walk away, my nerves on edge as I thought about him, his mother, and what this may do to my relationship with Zoey. She was obviously, understandably, freaked, and I worried that the great thing we’d been building was about to be shattered.

  When I got to my office, Reardon was waiting for me outside.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Not really, but it will be.”

  Reardon nodded and was about to say something when I asked, “How did you remember her? Chloe? From that night at the bar? It actually didn’t click for me right away, but it did for you…”

  Reardon rubbed his hand behind his neck, then looked up at me sheepishly.

  “I actually saw her first, that night, but I chickened out. If you’ll remember, I didn’t have much game back then, and at those parties, the women were usually there hoping to land a football player.”

  “I remember you did all right…”

  He chuckled and said, “Yeah, I did, but she intimidated me. When I finally worked up the courage, I saw her making her way over, then beeline right to you. I figured, there wasn’t much point after that, so I went along with it, and never saw her again.”

  I put my hand on his shoulder and said, “I wish you’d have said something. You know I never would have made a play if I’d known.”

  “Water under the bridge, man,” Reardon said, his face serious as he switched from cousin mode to lawyer mode.

  “All right, when you go in there, I don’t want any mention of compensation, parental rights, or anything of that nature. The first thing we’ll do is order a paternity test.”

  “I think he’s mine, Rear. I mean, just look at him,” I began, but he held up his hand to cut me off.

  “Thinking isn’t good enough, we need proof.” Reardon’s face softened. “Look, Chris is a good kid, he is, and if the DNA tests come back positive, we’ll welcome him into the family with open arms, but we have to be smart about this. You’re a very wealthy, high-profile person, and my job is to make sure that you’re being taken care of. Let me do my job.”

  “Got it,” I replied, agreeing with everything he said.

  “Let’s do this then,” he said and opened the door.

  I walked around to my desk, sitting and getting comfortable, before bringing my gaze to the woman sitting before me. I could tell she’d been crying, which had my demeanor softening, then Reardon cleared his throat and gave me a sharp nod to begin.

  I sat tall in the chair and tried to think rationally, but what popped out of my mouth was, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  Reardon sighed, but didn’t object, his eyes looking to Chloe for her answer.

  Chloe took a deep breath and brought her large dark eyes, which were so much like Zoey’s, to mine.

  “I tried, at first,” she said, her voice rough from crying. “I tried to reach you through the team, your agent, even a PR firm, but they all thought I was some groupie trying to get close to you.”

  “Did you say you were pregnant?”

  Her face flushed and she shook her head.

  “No, I didn’t want you to find out that way.”

  “So you just gave up?”

  “After a while … yes. I saw stuff about you in the media, and you were always going out and traveling … I didn’t think you’d have room in your life…”

  “Don’t do that,” I cut her off, my anger rising. “Don’t presume you know me based off what you’ve read or seen on TV. That isn’t me, and it isn’t fair. I had a right to know, and you took that choice away from me.”

  “Allegedly,” Reardon put in, causing Chloe to turn to him in confusion and ask, “What?”

  “We’ll need a paternity test ran before Mr. Lewis claims any responsibility, or parental rights, for the child.”

  I saw Chloe start to bluster, then think better of it, instead saying sadly, “I understand.”

  Not satisfied with her answers so far, I asked, “What about later? When he started asking about his dad … Zoey said you told them that his father didn’t want anything to do with him.”

  “Well, I worded it quite differently to Christopher. I told him that his father loved him, but wasn’t in a place in his life where he could be a father, so it was just the two of us.”

  “And that worked?”

  “For a while … I introduced you to him at an early age, and he’s always known who you are, as a football player. We watched all of your games, and he’s followed your career.”

  “It’s not the same, Chloe.”

  “I know that,” she insisted, her tone pleading. “If I could go back and change things, I would … I planned to bring him to camp as soon as he was old enough, knowing that you’d be here, and I could talk to you about it in person. He’s almost a teenager, and he’s becoming a man, I knew that having you in his life would help him in that transition.”

  “What about me? What about all of the things I missed out on?” I stood, both Chloe and Reardon standing with me.

  “Okay,” Reardon said, stepping in between Chloe and my desk. “I think we’ve done all we can here today. I’ll be in contact about the tests, and once we get the results, Gabe and I will be in touch to talk about what happens next.”

  “Okay,” Chloe said, her voice small.

  “Chloe,” I said, walking around my desk to stand next to Reardon. “I have obligations to be at this camp for the next seven weeks, there’s nothing I can do about that, but once the campers leave, I’ll be coming to North Carolina. Whether the results are positive or negative, I’ll be going to see Zoey, I just wanted to make sure you understood that. Your sister and I began a relationship here, and I plan to fight to keep it.”

  “I understand.”

  “Can you please wait to say anything to Christopher about this, until we know for sure, and I can be there for him.”

  Chloe gave me a small smile then and answered, “Yes, I can do that.”

  “Thanks,” I said as kindly as I could manage, needing to get out of there. “I have to get to work, but Reardon will get your information, and we’ll be in touch soon.”

  That said, I walked out without a backwards glance. I headed straight for my cabin, threw on my running shorts, a T-shirt, and some Nikes, and took off to clear my head.

  Seven Weeks Later…

  Chapter Thirty-Two ~ Zoey

  “I’m thinking a pen name would be best. This book is so different from your others, that I don’t think the readers will cross with you, and it’s probably best not to try and market it to your young fans. Don’t you agree? … Zoey?”

  I looked up from the doodle I’d been drawing on my napkin and flushed, embarrassed to be caught not paying attention by my agent.

  “Sorry, Jen,” I replied, sitting up taller in my seat and moving my napkin under the table to hide it. I was sure she’d already seen it, but I still felt the need to act like a child caught in the act. “Um, yeah, a pen name would probably be best.”

  Jen sighed and took a sip of
her dry martini. She was used to my quirks and the way I succumbed easily to distractions, but the look on her face told me that she knew this wasn’t just me being me.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s been bothering you?” she asked, her voice holding compassion she usually kept hidden.

  “What? Nothing, I’m good,” I lied through my teeth.

  “Maybe something to do with the Adonis in your new books?” she asked carefully. “You’ve certainly never written a man like that before, and even I have to admit, as jaded as I am, that those sex scenes are off-the-charts hot.”

  I blushed at her words, worrying, not for the first time, that I’d put too much of Gabe, of our relationship, in my latest book.

  “Let’s just say, things are complicated right now.”

  “I can accept that.” When her phone buzzed, Jen looked down and said, “I need to take this, just give me a moment,” then stood and walked to the far side of the patio dining area where we had just finished our working lunch.

  I was in New York.

  When Jen had called and said she wanted to discuss my latest manuscript, I’d jumped on the chance to go to her, rather than have a meeting over the phone, or via videoconference. I’d needed to get out of town for a while. Away from my sister’s attempts at reconciliations, and my nephew’s concern over the breech in his mother’s and my relationship.

  Plus, I needed something to take my mind off Gabe … as if that were even possible.

  Hell, he wouldn’t allow it.

  In the almost seven weeks since I’d left him at camp, he’d texted me daily, left numerous voicemails, and sent me a gift every Friday.

  The first week it had been a bucket of Red Vines, which made me smile. Then came the sunflowers, the Bluetooth ear buds, a Blu-ray copy of Man of Steel, a delivery from Papa John’s pizza, and a floatation device, which had me fall to the floor laughing when I opened it.

  I was trying hard to work through my thoughts and feelings about him, and everything that had happened. I had hoped distance would cool my attraction to him and make the possibility of walking away easier, but he was doing his damndest to make it impossible.

  I hadn’t spoken to him since I left, and I’d barely spoken to my sister, but I’d spent time with Christopher, as usual, his questions getting harder and harder to deflect.

  I knew the paternity test came back positive. Gabe had left a voicemail and sent a text when he’d heard, and I’d gotten a call from Chloe confirming that Gabe was Chris’s father. Chris didn’t know yet; Gabe and Chloe had decided to wait until Gabe was there in person, which I could understand, but I felt awful keeping such a thing from my nephew.

  I didn’t want to be a part of my sister’s lie.

  “Sorry about that,” Jen said as she sat back down at the table.

  We finished up our meeting, discussing the upcoming tour for the last book in my paranormal series, and we left it with her promise that she’d begin shopping my new manuscript right away.

  The driver took me back to the airport. The flight home was quick and painless, but all of my attempts at reading were dashed by thoughts of Gabe’s impending visit.

  The seven weeks were almost up, and with the news he had to share with Christopher, I knew he wouldn’t waste any time in flying out.

  I wasn’t ready to see him.

  I knew that any walls I’d put up, and claims I made to myself about pushing him away, would all crumble at the first sight of him. And I was afraid. Afraid that I wouldn’t be able to handle the emotional upheaval that was about to commence. That I wouldn’t be strong enough to stand by him when he needed me the most. Especially since my initial reaction was to run and hide in my writing cave for the next year.

  Pulling up the long drive of my over two-acre home, I looked around at the large expanse of space and wondered if I should get a pet. Maybe a dog, pot-bellied pig, or even a pony. I’d always wanted one as a little girl, and I definitely had the space.

  Then I drove passed the basketball hoop I’d had put up for Chris, and into my garage, and talked myself out of it.

  When I was home, I was usually locked away. I barely even came outside and used the rocking chairs I had sitting on my wraparound porch. Any animal I got would probably die of starvation and loneliness, if it didn’t run away first.

  With that depressing thought lingering in my head, I walked to my mailbox and found my weekly package from Gabe waiting.

  I was ripping through the paper, even as I told myself I shouldn’t open it, then stopped in the middle of my driveway, a gasp escaping my lips as I pulled out a long bronze chain with charms of a parchment and quill on it.

  It was so thoughtful, and perfect for me, and without another thought I clasped it around my neck. My hand was on the necklace as I took out the note folded inside.

  See you Sunday. Love, Gabe

  Shit, I thought, guess I can’t hide forever.

  It looked like I’d be facing the music the next day when Gabe came to town. If only I knew what I was going to do.

  Chapter Thirty-Three ~ Gabe

  I’d only meant to give her a kiss hello…

  As soon as the last camper left for the season, I’d given my cousin Dillon, who’d come down to take over the task of closing the camp for the season, a hug of thanks and a promise to call him as soon as I landed in North Carolina.

  Deciding to hold off on checking into my hotel until later, I drove my rental car straight to Zoey’s house.

  I needed to see her, desperately.

  When she’d opened the door of her rambling ranch-style home, her hair piled on top of her head, wearing yoga pants and an oversized tank, I’d gathered her surprised form to me.

  God, how I’d missed her face.

  I grabbed her by the waist with one hand, bringing her in close, while my other hand wrapped around her neck, and I brought my lips crashing down on hers. I’d taken her off-guard, her lips parted with unspoken words, so I took advantage and swooped inside.

  If she’d kissed me sweetly, then stepped aside, I would have waited to be welcomed in like the gentleman I had every intention of being, but when she kissed me back with a fervor that spoke volumes, I took the kiss deeper.

  I backed her up against the doorframe, and the next thing I knew, we were engulfed in each other.

  Her hands were everywhere, up my shirt, in my hair, clasping on to my hips, as our mouths relayed how much we’d missed each other over the last few weeks. When a breeze hit my bare back, I realized she was trying to lift my shirt off, which brought a few of my senses back.

  Bending slightly, I lifted her at the back of her thighs, and she gave a little hop, wrapping her legs around my waist as I moved us off of the front porch and into the house, kicking the door shut with my foot.

  The yoga pants fit her like a second skin, so that felt like there was no barrier between her supple ass and my hands. I roamed freely as I navigated toward her large plush sofa in the center of the room. She bucked against me, her breath a moan on my lips when I moved my hand lower to satisfy my barely contained hunger.

  By the time I was lowering her to the couch, I was tearing at her clothes. First the tank top, then her yoga pants. When I saw she was wearing a sports bra, I dipped my hand underneath it to caress her already pebbled nipple and ordered, “Off.”

  While she was relieving herself of her sports bra, I undressed, then stopped to look down at her beautiful body.

  Her eyes were taking in the expanse of my naked chest, then went lower, my cock jumping under her hot gaze, happy to be on display.

  Zoey licked her plump lips and sat up, moving forward to the edge of the couch so she was seated before me. She looked up at me with those big brown eyes as her fingers wrapped around my cock and stroked the length slowly. She licked her lips again, leaning close enough so the tip of her tongue lightly grazed the head of my cock, causing me to groan.

  “Fuck me with your mouth,” I demanded, reaching behind her to pull her hair out of
its rubber band, then sinking my hand into the thick mass of her hair, tugging it tightly at the root.

  She kept her eyes locked on mine as she eased her mouth around my cock, one hand coming behind me to grab my ass and pull me closer. I nearly lost it then, the need to thrust into her mouth great, but I kept a tight rein on my control and let her keep the lead.

  Zoey’s tongue was whirling around my head as she simultaneously sucked and hummed, her head rocking back and forth as she slid my length in and out. When she closed her eyes and moaned, I knew I could take no more, and I wanted to get off inside of her, not come down her throat, so I tugged on the hair in my hand to hold her steady as I moved my hips back. She released me with a pop and looked up at me with a heavy-lidded gaze.

  Needing to feel her, I reached low and ran my fingers over her pussy.

  “You’re so fucking wet for me,” I nearly growled. “You liked sucking my cock, didn’t you?”

  She barely had time to emit a groan at my words, because my mouth was on hers again. I sat back against the cushions and grabbed her waist, lifting and flipping her until she sat astride me. When she was poised above me, I sucked the fingers that were still wet with her in between my lips, and reached my other hand between us and thrust my fingers inside. Her head flew back and she began to move, my thumb flicking her clit with each rock of her hips.

  “Gabe,” Zoey moaned. It was the first thing she’d said since I arrived, and it was music to my ears.

  “I want you inside,” she pleaded, and I was more than happy to oblige.

  I moved my hands to her hips and let her tease me for a moment, her wet lips moving back and forth over my dick, then lowering slightly, and lifting back off. Once I was through with her tease, I held her hips stead and thrust quickly up and inside.

  Her hands came to my shoulder and her eyes closed, so I lowered my hips and let Zoey take a ride. With every thrust, her clit hit my flesh, and I knew by the little breaths that were coming out of her parted lips and the rosy flush on her cheeks, that she was close. I met her movements, grinding up as she pushed down, then lowered my head, eager to get a taste of her supple tits.