Read Too Tempting Page 13

  She made a little squeak in the back of her throat when I sucked her into my mouth, then rode harder when I scraped my teeth over her hard nipple and bit down lightly.

  “Oh … My God … Gabe…” she moaned loudly, as I watched the beauty of her. Head thrown back, long hair cascading down her back, face alight with pleasure, I felt my own release begin to build and flipped her over onto her back.

  Her legs still wrapped around my waist, I thrust into her, harder and harder, as her inner walls clenched around me, still feeling the effects of her orgasm. I pounded my way to my own release, then lowered my forehead to hers and we both struggled to catch our breath.

  I lifted my head to gaze down at her, and when she opened her velvety-brown eyes, I said, “I missed you.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four ~ Zoey

  Well, that didn’t go as I had planned…

  My body lax and satisfied, I laid there in Gabe’s arm, looking up at the face I’d been dreaming about for seven weeks, my mind going a million miles a second.

  I was supposed to put the brakes on things when I saw him, not practically strip him down on my front porch. But when I’d opened the door and seen him standing there, all real and gorgeous, and so damn tempting, all thoughts of voicing my concerns flew the coop.

  I’d gone much, much longer than seven weeks without having sex with another person before.

  Hell, I’d gone longer without having a self-induced orgasm. But after going seven weeks without Gabe’s touch, and then finally having him just a few feet away, and very touchable, I’d been like an addict faced with my addiction.

  Not jumping him would have been like not drinking from a puddle after being stuck in the desert with no water for weeks.

  I was helpless to the needs of my body.

  That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

  I realized the problem with allowing my baser instincts to dictate my actions, when Gabe said he missed me in that sweet, tender tone, and all I wanted to do was curl into him and hold on for the rest of my life.

  Needing to put some distance between us and allow my brain to begin functioning again, I excused myself to go to the bathroom and crawled out from under him.

  I gave his naked back one last look before I ran through my bedroom, into my en suite, and closed the bathroom door behind me.

  I leaned back against it, sighed, and hit my head against the door.






  “Is everything all right in there?” Gabe asked from the other side of the door, startling me since I didn’t expect him to be in my room.

  “Everything’s just peachy, Mr. Sexy Lips,” I mumbled in response.

  “What?” he asked, and I swear it sounded like he was fighting back laughter.

  “I said, yes, everything’s fine. Be right out,” I replied, a little nastier than necessary.

  I went to the bathroom, then realized I hadn’t brought any clothes or anything in with me to cover my body.

  I was going to have to walk back out there naked.


  Taking a deep breath, I tried to hold on to any anger, frustration, and annoyance that I could muster, and walked out into the room.

  I stopped, losing that breath at the sight of Gabe in my bed, my minty green sheets pulled up to his waist as he leaned against my padded headboard, his eyes on me with a sexy smile on his face.


  I walked over and grabbed the robe that was flung over the back of the chair at my vanity, hoping I appeared confident in my skin, and not like I was anxious to be covered and wrapped up in the safety of silk.

  I turned back to him, tying my robe tightly around me, and noticed his hair was mussed … probably from that time a few minutes ago, when I’d been tugging and pulling at it like a woman possessed.

  Possessed by the need for an orgasm…

  “Zoey,” Gabe said, pulling me out of my memories, and patted the spot next to him on the bed. “C’mere.”

  “Um,” I began, resisting the urge to crawl into that bed with everything I had. “I think we should go back to the living room … and talk.”

  Rather than allow him to bewitch me with his sexy eyes, or wait for a response, I hurried out of my room and over to the coffee machine. I put a cup underneath, then hit the button to brew a single serving and busied myself with getting creamer and a spoon out.

  “Would you like coffee?” I asked without turning when I heard the rustle of him getting dressed.

  “No thanks,” he said, his flat tone causing my stomach to dip painfully.

  I turned with a frown, my eyes taking on a life of their own as I greedily watched his well-defined torso disappear as he pulled on his shirt.

  “Um…” I began again, wondering where my words had run off to.

  “Look, Zoey, you’re obviously still having some issues with everything that’s going on with your sister and I, and on one hand … I can totally understand that.” He sat and began pulling on his shoes, then brought his eyes to mine. “On the other, you’ve had seven weeks to sort it out. To talk it over with me, and with Chloe, but you haven’t. I’d hoped your greeting at the door meant that you were ready to move forward. For us to figure out what our next steps were, but from what just happened in there, I’m guessing you don’t want to talk about moving forward.”

  I wanted to say something, but the words were stuck in my throat. Instead I kept opening and closing my mouth silently, like a carp or something.

  “I came here straight away from the airport, because I wanted to see you. I didn’t mean for that to happen,” he said, gesturing toward the door. “But I’m certainly not sorry that it did. I wish you looked like you felt the same.” He ran a hand through his hair, then patted it down in an attempt to fix it. “Look, I have to go. I told Chloe I’d meet her so we could talk to Chris, and I’m already running late. I’d planned to ask you to go with me, but I think it would be better if I came back later, when I have more time, so we can discuss the things you want to discuss. All right?”

  My heart fell at his admission that he wanted me to be there when he and Chloe told Christopher that Gabe was his father, even though I didn’t think it was my place to be there.

  “Tomorrow,” I croaked, thinking I needed more time to process what just happened, and figure out what I wanted to say to him.

  “Seriously?” he asked, anger flashing across his features.

  “Please,” I begged, not wanting to hurt him, but needing the extra time.

  Gabe walked passed my desk, pausing to pick up the tablet that always had my to do list, prioritized with things crossed off when I finished them.

  “Edits, contact publisher, cover design approval, schedule events, update blog,” he read, then looked at me, eyes blazing, and asked, “Am I on your list of priorities? Maybe you can schedule me in for tomorrow.”

  I felt the jab, and knew he was lashing out because I’d hurt him. After all, he’d been in such a rush to get to me, that he’d made me his first stop after landing, proving that I was his first priority, even above going to speak with his son.

  The door shut firmly behind him and I sagged against the counter, wishing I knew what the right answer was, and that I didn’t feel so betrayed by the fact that he and my sister had not only had sex, but produced a beautiful son together.

  My coffee forgotten, I went to my room and crawled into bed, the scent of Gabe swirling around me as I laid down and cried.

  Chapter Thirty-Five ~ Gabe

  I was torn between wanting to go back and shake some sense in Zoey, and heave her over my shoulders, take her to bed, and make love to her all day.

  I’d been so caught up in being happy, that I didn’t see her pulling away until she came out of the bathroom after I’d heard her hitting the door. I’d hoped I could persuade her into getting in bed with me to cuddle, and then leave her there with the promise of what I’d do to her wh
en I returned, but she’d definitely doused that flame.

  Now I needed to turn my focus on what I was about to do. I’d had a little while to get used to the fact that I had a son, who although practically grown, would still, hopefully, want me in his life. Christopher, however, had no idea that his life was about to change.

  So I’d give Zoey the time she requested, and focus on meeting Chris again … This time, as his dad.

  It was about fifteen miles from Zoey’s property to her sister’s. I crossed over into city limits, and pulled up to a nice town house in a well-established neighborhood. I’d been let into the gated community, passed a pool, tennis courts, and playground, and was pleased to see that Chris had grown up in a kid-friendly environment, and probably had lots of friends and neighbors within walking distance.

  Before I had a chance to knock, Chloe answered the door, once again professional from top to toe in a business suit, makeup freshly done, and hair pulled back off her face.

  “Sorry I’m late,” I said, hoping to lay the groundwork for a positive meeting.

  “No problem,” she said, stepping aside to let me in. “I told Chris to be home in about fifteen minutes, just in case you wanted to discuss things before he arrived.”

  “Great,” I replied, and followed her into what I assumed was her home office.

  We’d talked since Reardon had given us the results of the DNA test, so I knew that she’d started off waitressing, moved up to restaurant manager, and now managed a catering business. Her friend was the chef, and she was in charge of marketing, working with clients, and everything that would fall under Human Resources in a company.

  Chloe sat down behind her desk and I took the chair closest to the door upon entering.

  “Have you thought any more about your plans?” she asked, not wasting time with small talk, which I actually appreciated.

  I leaned forward, elbows to my thighs and said, “Yes, actually, I have something I want to run past you … I figured today I’d talk to him, then ask if he wants to spend some time alone, maybe go back to my hotel. I’ll be here for a few days, and any time he has free, I’d like the chance to spend with him.”

  “As long as he’s comfortable with that,” she replied, something I didn’t understand crossing her face.

  “Of course … In a couple days I’ll be heading to Cherry Springs. My family always gets together for Labor Day weekend, and I’d like to bring Christopher with me, so he can meet everyone.”

  When she straightened in her chair and looked like she was going to oppose, I held up my hand and said quickly, “I’d like you to come too.”

  I could tell I’d shocked her when her mouth closed and she stared at me suspiciously.

  “I’m not trying to swoop in here and take our son away from you. I know how close you are, and I appreciate everything you’ve done to give him a happy life. He’s a great kid, Chloe, and that’s mostly due to you. I’m not trying to change that. But now that I know about him, I want a chance to get to know him and be there for him too, and I’d really like for him to get to know my family. I know it’s soon, and you probably wouldn’t be comfortable sending him off, so I’m asking if you’ll come along. I’m sure it would put him at ease to have you there, and you’d feel better being able to watch over him.”

  “Don’t you think that would be a little strange?”

  “No, it’ll be fine. My family knows what happened. They know about Chris and they’re eager to meet him. You guys can stay at my house, or if you’d rather, I can put you up in the local B & B.”

  “Can I think about it?”

  “Of course,” I said, then added, “I plan to ask your sister to come along as well. I’m not sure if she will or not, but if so, at least that’s one more friendly face.”

  I knew they hadn’t mended fences yet, but Chloe just nodded.

  “Then, once the trip home is done, I’m going to look into getting a house here, so I can be closer to Chris. We can work on a visitation schedule and everything then, if that works for you.”

  “You’d do that?” she asked, her eyes filling and her face softening. For the first time, she reminded me of the girl I’d met all those years ago. “You’d move here for him?”

  “Absolutely,” I stated. “And I want our relationship to be a good one, Chloe. Open lines of communication. If there are rules, I want to know them. If you have an issue with something I do, please, tell me right away. I think it’s important, for Christopher, that we have a positive and healthy relationship.”

  Chloe let out a deep breath and said, “I’d like that,” then her body went tight at the sound of a door slamming in the distance.

  “Mom, I’m back!” Christopher shouted. “Whose car’s out front?”

  “Let’s move to the living room,” she said, rising quickly and going out to head off our son.

  My nerves were suddenly alive and dancing furiously within me as I worried what Chris’s reaction may be.

  Chris looked up as soon as I stepped out of Chloe’s office, confusion, then excitement lighting his face.

  “Couch Lewis?” he asked, practically sprinting over to me. He stopped before crashing into me, then tilted his head and asked, “Are you here to see Aunt Z, ‘cause she hasn’t been over in a while?”

  “Please, come sit,” Chloe said, herding us into the family room.

  I waited until we were all seated to say, “Actually, Chris, I’m here to see you.”

  “Really? Awesome!” he exclaimed, then turned to his mom. “Did you know he was coming?”

  “Yeah, buddy, I did,” Chloe looked nervously at me, then cleared her throat and reached over to take her son’s hand. “We have something we need to tell you.”

  His face cleared of excitement, and when the fear took its place, I realized he thought we were about to lay some terrible news at his feet … probably about Zoey.

  “I’m your father,” I blurted. Just like that, causing Chloe to shoot me a look. “Sorry,” I told her, then looked at Chris, who was staring at me as if I’d just grown another head. “I didn’t know until a few weeks ago, or I swear, I would have been there for you. I’d like to be here for you now.”

  Christopher was silent and I could almost see the thoughts tumbling around in his head as he tried to compute what I’d just said.

  “You didn’t know?” he asked. “When I was at camp … you didn’t know then?”

  “No, Chris, I didn’t. Your mom told me that last day. I had to finish out the weeks I had scheduled at camp. You know, all of those kids signed up and paid to be there … but as soon as I finished everything up, I flew out to be with you. We, your mom and I, agreed that we wanted to tell you in person. I’m sorry that I had to wait all of those weeks.”

  “But you knew,” Chris said accusingly to his mother. “You knew all of this time …You lied to me.”

  “Christopher,” Chloe pleaded, but Chris didn’t want to hear it.

  “All of these years, every time I asked who my dad was … you lied. You knew it was him all the time. We watched his games and you bought me his posters,” Chris’s voice was thick with emotion, and he wiped angrily at the tears on his cheek. “You lied to everyone. Aunt Z. Grandma. Grandpa. Coach … I mean Mr. … Gabriel Lewis … all of us. Why?”

  “At first it was because I couldn’t get a hold of him to let him know I was pregnant, then after that, after I lied the first time … it just became easier to stick with the lie. I didn’t want you to get hurt,” Chloe said, speaking through her own tears.

  “We know you’re confused and upset, Chris, but we’re here for you. I’ll answer any questions you have, I’d just like the chance to get to know you,” I cut in, trying to give Chloe a chance to compose herself. “Why don’t we give you both some time to cool down. I’ll take you back to my hotel. We can check in, grab some dinner, maybe a swim … What do you say?”

  “I’ll go grab my stuff,” he said, not looking at his mom, who was sitting on the couch, watching him
with devastated eyes.

  When he left the room I asked, “Are you okay?”

  Chloe wiped at her cheeks and took a deep breath.

  “He just needs time,” I said, hoping to reassure her. “He’ll realize you only had his best interests at heart.”

  “You think so?” she asked, and I felt the pain on her face deep in my gut.

  “That’s the kind of kid you raised,” I replied softly, pleased when she gave me a small smile.

  “Call me and let me know how he’s doing?” Chloe asked.

  “You got it,” I said, then rose, eager to get some time alone with my son.

  Chapter Thirty-Six ~ Zoey

  The pounding on the door echoed the pounding in my head as I struggled to sit up and come fully awake. Pulling the slash tightly around my waist, I rose from my bed and hobbled to the door, wondering nervously if Gabe had ignored my wishes and came back.

  I could see the silhouette of my sister through the pane of glass in my front door. There was a moment where I thought of easing back from the door and pretending I was gone, even though my car was sitting right in the driveway, but I told myself I wasn’t a coward and opened the door.

  Chloe’s face was ravaged with tears and her hair was coming out of her ponytail, looking as if she’d rubbed a balloon on her head to make static electricity.

  I’d never seen my sister look so disheveled.

  My concern outweighed my anger, so I took her hand and drew her inside.

  “Are you okay?” I asked as I shut the door behind her and ushered her to the couch.

  “He hh–hh – hhates me,” she sobbed, falling into my arms.

  “Shhhh,” I murmured, caressing her back as she trembled in my arms. “Just give him time. He’ll come around.”

  I held her until her breathing evened out and she pulled back, embarrassment flooding her face as she wiped at her cheeks with the heel of her palms.